Grand Theft Auto IV - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='AshesofWake']hey, wait a second, you know what you guys could do instead of complaining about someone else's score? play the damn thing yourself and form your own opinion. i think it comes out tuesday...[/quote]

I can't speak for everyone else but I'm not complaining about the score in the sense you are talking about, I am questioning IGN's journalistic integrity.
[quote name='Razzuel']I have nothing against reading. I like reading, a lot.

But this IGN review is 7 damn pages long. I mean who the hell wants to read something that long on their monitor. If this review was in a magazine then I would have a different opinion. Reading large amounts of text on a monitor gets tiresome and it is easy to lose attention. I thought 4 page IGN reviews were too long, but holy shit 7 pages is overkill. Just because there isn't a real word limit on the internet, it doesn't mean that you should write 7 pages of stuff most people aren't going to read.

I bet you this post is already too long and most people aren't even going to read it.[/quote]

7 pages is perfect bathroom length.
It is not that I don't think the game I really just don't think a perfect score should be given to it. I think it is beautifully done, with all the detail and everything. Though a 10 is something I think is hard to give out.
[quote name='Bazz']It is not that I don't think the game I really just don't think a perfect score should be given to it. I think it is beautifully done, with all the detail and everything. Though a 10 is something I think is hard to give out.[/quote]

Yeah but it shouldn't be your first 10 in almost 10 years concerning IGN's case because then your review scale is just broken. On the other hand you shouldn't give out too many 10's because then it loses it's meaning. These reviewers need to use their complete scale.

Oh and by the way, a 10 in no way implies perfection.
[quote name='Bazz']It is not that I don't think the game I really just don't think a perfect score should be given to it. I think it is beautifully done, with all the detail and everything. Though a 10 is something I think is hard to give out.[/QUOTE]

Well they said it wasn't perfect. A 10 doesn't mean perfection.
A 10 does not mean it's perfect, a 10 means "overall the gaming experience is as good as any game that's ever been made". Basically, any game that comes to mind when you think "best games ever" deserves a 10.
[quote name='lasthearth']A 10 does not mean it's perfect, a 10 means "overall the gaming experience is as good as any game that's ever been made". Basically, any game that comes to mind when you think "best games ever" deserves a 10.[/quote]
Exactly. People think of 10 as perfect all the time, but that's just not how it's meant to be for many reviewers.
After reading IGN's review and learning a couple new things.....I can't wait for Tuesday. Luckily I will finish taking my last 2 finals of the year on Tuesday, and then I can go pick up the game and play it nonstop for the rest of the day.
I hate that this comes out right before i have to two finals. But at least on Wednesday I will get a good 8 or more hours to play, god i can't wait.
Glad to see IGN gave it a 10 with it's qualifiers that a 10 does not mean perfect. I think this game may be well-deserving, but I'll wait to see for myself.
Yeah, mass effect was not nearly perfect. Great game but a few flaws I found major.

Elevators is everyones, exploring planets=dumb, money meant nothing but thats expected in most games, and getting new weapons was not a big deal.
[quote name='Chris Dillon']Yeah, mass effect was not nearly perfect. Great game but a few flaws I found major.

Elevators is everyones, exploring planets=dumb, money meant nothing but thats expected in most games, and getting new weapons was not a big deal.[/quote]

I just got Mass Effect ad have been playing it alot. The elevators do get old, but it does make it feel a bit more real. I wish the autosaves were a bit mroe discreet. But my main complaint would be the graphics. I am ver impressed by the character models and the animations. But the texture popping happens all the time. But the main thing that annoys me is the shadows during the cutscenes. The shadows on the character's faces during dialog scenes and cut scenes look bad, very pixelated and blotchy. But the game is still very good and I'm very impressed. Except it took me a good 30 min of switching cords and changing tv settings before I realized there was an option to turn the graininess off, why did they even have that?

Also, Best Buy still has not fixed my issue. All I want to do is switch my pre-order of GTA from the ps3 version to the 360 version. Thats it, but I went crazy and used a rewards coupon and now I fucked up the whole system. They better fix it by the GTA release or I will be very sad indeed...

No Spoilers, just a trailer.


[quote name='lasthearth']A 10 does not mean it's perfect, a 10 means "overall the gaming experience is as good as any game that's ever been made". Basically, any game that comes to mind when you think "best games ever" deserves a 10.[/quote] yep!
"A 10 doesn't mean a game is perfect -- it means a game is pushing boundaries, expanding a genre, and doing many things to a level so far above and beyond its competitors that they overshadows any flaws."
Just got an e-mail from Best Buy saying my game has shipped (on a Saturday? Likely won't go out until Monday)...i selected free shipping so if it was somehow put in the mail today, it could very well be here by Wednesday-ish depending on where it ships out.
I know a 10 doesn't mean it is perfect, but the guy who reviews the game is stating it is the best game he played in 10 years. Is that some kind of joke. I think GTA 3 is way before 10 years ago, now thats a 10 breaking into a whole new market of its own. And we know Gta3 is not perfect, but in my case I think a game like that deserves a 10 giving the time it came out. Gta 4 is a 10 on the scale of little detail I will give it that. Amongst sound all those little details are just amazing. I haven't beaten the game obviously, so I can't judge it as a whole. Though a game like this is amazing a 10 I believe should be given to new ideas that break into games. It deserves the 9.5 no doubt about it, but that extra .5 is for special instances in my case.
[quote name='Bazz']I know a 10 doesn't mean it is perfect, but the guy who reviews the game is stating it is the best game he played in 10 years. Is that some kind of joke. I think GTA 3 is way before 10 years ago, now thats a 10 breaking into a whole new market of its own. And we know Gta3 is not perfect, but in my case I think a game like that deserves a 10 giving the time it came out. Gta 4 is a 10 on the scale of little detail I will give it that. Amongst sound all those little details are just amazing. I haven't beaten the game obviously, so I can't judge it as a whole. Though a game like this is amazing a 10 I believe should be given to new ideas that break into games. It deserves the 9.5 no doubt about it, but that extra .5 is for special instances in my case.[/QUOTE]
It's the reviewer's opinion, man.
[quote name='V4oLDbOY']
Also, Best Buy still has not fixed my issue. All I want to do is switch my pre-order of GTA from the ps3 version to the 360 version. Thats it, but I went crazy and used a rewards coupon and now I fucked up the whole system. They better fix it by the GTA release or I will be very sad indeed...[/quote]

Just pay for the ps3 version. Next, get in the back of the line and return it. Then purchase the 360 version. There will most likely be plenty in stock, and they can't deny you a return if its unopened.
[quote name='Bazz']It deserves the 9.5 no doubt about it, but that extra .5 is for special instances in my case.[/quote]

I don't like easily handing out 10s either - but what has, in your opinion, in the past ten years, genuinely earned a 10?
[quote name='bornrunnin31']Just pay for the ps3 version. Next, get in the back of the line and return it. Then purchase the 360 version. There will most likely be plenty in stock, and they can't deny you a return if its unopened.[/QUOTE]

unfortunately because he used a reward cert they will credit his reward account back. its retarded but thats how they do it. Ive had issues with this.
[quote name='zengonzo']I don't like easily handing out 10s either - but what has, in your opinion, in the past ten years, genuinely earned a 10?[/quote]Gta 3 opening up a new way games are handled. Halo 1 finally a fps that felt right on the console. Gears of War the formula was just perfect something about it felt very fresh. FFX so beautiful, Zelda OOT. Things like that just re-invent what we never thought would happen.
[quote name='Bazz']Gta 3 opening up a new way games are handled. Halo 1 finally a fps that felt right on the console. Gears of War the formula was just perfect something about it felt very fresh. FFX so beautiful, Zelda OOT. Things like that just re-invent what we never thought would happen.[/quote]

I didn't find Gears of War to be anywhere close to revolutionary...the only thing it had going for it was the graphics and animations.
[quote name='SynGamer']I didn't find Gears of War to be anywhere close to revolutionary...the only thing it had going for it was the graphics and animations.[/quote]
I considered the cover system to be somewhat revolutionary.
Everyone will have different opinions on what games deserve 10s. To me, the game has to be fun 10 years after it's released to be a 10. GTAIII, Zelda OoT, FFVII, Mario 64, Halo, and Chrono Trigger deserve 10s to me. Mario was the most revolutionary game that I can remember becaused it was the transition to 3D. The camera sucked, BUT at the time, it was great. I played GTAIII for years. It was just fun to turn it on and drive around. Those are my 10s anyways. I am very excited about GTA IV. I am going to NYC next month so maybe it will mean more to me after playing the game. See you all online.
[quote name='Danil ACE']I considered the cover system to be somewhat revolutionary.[/quote]

I agree. Gears certainly wasn't the first game to use a cover system (remember Kill.Switch?) but they absolutely did it better than anyone else up to that point.
[quote name='Danil ACE']I considered the cover system to be somewhat revolutionary.[/quote]
I found it annoying sadly, and that lead to my distaste for the game.
[quote name='SynGamer']I didn't find Gears of War to be anywhere close to revolutionary...the only thing it had going for it was the graphics and animations.[/quote]

What about the chainsaw mêlée attack? Man, that broke new tribal burial ground.

And one cannot forget the great combination of vapid story and massive hype. Ah, memories.
14 hours in the game now and I still haven't unlocked all of the islands. I'm at 22% for game progress and I've been playing it not focusing solely on missions.

For those who have played the game already: (story line related)
Does it seem like Michelle's character is too easily identified as a cop? Granted I don't know for sure, but it seems like she's going to be revealed later on as a cop and it just feels to easy to identify this early in the game because of how she wants you to talk about work and knows these bad people and doesn't seem to have a backstory herself. Its getting to the point where I don't even want to hang out with her anymore.
I'm only a few hours in so far. But imo it definitely deserves the 10 rating it got. It doesnt mean its perfect (I still can't drive worth a shit!), and if you dont already like realistic world, sandbox crime games, then it might not change your mind. But if you do enjoy those types of games, this is without a doubt the best game ever made of that type.
Yeah, Wolve.

I smell a rat. She also had brand new furniture and all the tags were on her shit when you first drop her off at her apartment at the very start of the game.

I'm about 7 or 8 hours in and at 22%, focusing about 80% on just doing story missions.
Mojimbo and others who have played:
That and the fact that she knows all the bad people you get involved with and she's supposed to be new to the town. She always wants you to talk about those people, especially in the beginning with Roman. I just want to go to Happiness Island already without being shot at this time :D I also spent way too much time on the internet and the tv. I just want the other two main islands to open up, but now the Elizibeta missions are starting to get hard.

Driving definitely takes a little while to get used to. The tv is pretty good with Katt Williams stand up on it. Side missions are pretty fun as well. Your friends and girl(s) call you a lot wanting to hang out and it can get annoying I think at times.
[quote name='chasemurata']What about the chainsaw mêlée attack? Man, that broke new tribal burial ground.

And one cannot forget the great combination of vapid story and massive hype. Ah, memories.[/quote]

The Chainsaw was badass, i'll give them that. Perhaps my opinion of the game wasn't clear; it wasn't a revolutionary game, but i did enjoy parts of it.
I was trying to look at my own face, actually.

I wanted to see what I looked like when I had an impressed expression on my face.
[quote name='Puffa469']I'm only a few hours in so far. But imo it definitely deserves the 10 rating it got. It doesnt mean its perfect (I still can't drive worth a shit!), and if you dont already like realistic world, sandbox crime games, then it might not change your mind. But if you do enjoy those types of games, this is without a doubt the best game ever made of that type.[/quote]Thats cause every car I jumped into as well drives like shit.
I've just listened to IGN's GTA4 review on their podcasts and it sounds great. I'll be reading their review later on today and hope it'll tide me through the next couple of days.

In between now and Tuesday, I'll be learning to snipe in COD4, which won't go to too well.
not a spoiler to ask, but maybe the answer is a spoiler: Where's the best place to get a helicopter from? I still haven't flown any and I'm about 25% in the game so far.
[quote name='bmachine']I agree. Gears certainly wasn't the first game to use a cover system (remember Kill.Switch?) but they absolutely did it better than anyone else up to that point.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. And it did the whole third person shooter thing better than any game I've played. I actually prefer it to first person, easier to dodge and what not when you can see your character.
bread's done