Grand Theft Auto IV - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='SynGamer']I completely agree. Buying used games still supports the developer because the game was originally bought by someone. Pirating means the game was bought by one person and given away free to who knows how many people, 1,000's at least.[/QUOTE]

Oh nos the pirates! I bet none of you pirate music or movies either....
[quote name='RiCeBo1']Help me out guys...360 or PS3 version? I've been reading that the PS3 looks better but only by a little, and that it loads faster. But the 360 has the exclusive downloads. Now to me that doesn't really matter much because they might cost more than 1600 points and if so, I won't even bother to buy it.

So help me out guys.[/QUOTE]

I think you just might want the DLC. The strong rumor is (that Rockstar is not denying) is that it will be an entirely new city, or two. So that's essentially getting a whole new game. (Like getting GTA San Andreas or Vice City with GTA3, but only on the 360.)

I have not heard anything conclusive about either platform looking better. There are small differences in how they look, that's true. That's because the devs had to go different routs on each console to achieve the same thing. But which one looks "better" will be relative.
God damn Best buy. I preordered the ps3 version a while ago before I got a 360 and I used a rewards certificate, $20. And I tried to cancel that order so I could order the 360 version, but they said that the rewards can only be used once. F*ckin A**holes... So now I gotta go in the morning to BB on release day and pick up my ps3 version and hope that there is a 360 version I can trade it for. Weaksauce galore...
[quote name='V4oLDbOY']God damn Best buy. I preordered the ps3 version a while ago before I got a 360 and I used a rewards certificate, $20. And I tried to cancel that order so I could order the 360 version, but they said that the rewards can only be used once. F*ckin A**holes... So now I gotta go in the morning to BB on release day and pick up my ps3 version and hope that there is a 360 version I can trade it for. Weaksauce galore...[/QUOTE]

Uhh...they probably won't realize what version you pre-ordered. BB's PO system is awful. They don't even take your name or number.
If i worked at a gamestore i would sell any game early i would not give a shit

Imean why the fuck would you want to work at a gamestore for the rest of your life

what happens,
you get fired
im sure if you got a job a a gamestore you could get a job at a mart store.

Any way it comes down to most people who work at a gamestore a dorks.

It takes players to make world move and change for the better
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Uhh...they probably won't realize what version you pre-ordered. BB's PO system is awful. They don't even take your name or number.[/quote]

Actually Ive had pretty good experiences with BB's PO and Pick-up service. They always have what I ordered and send me the confirm email very quickly. They were very good when I preordered MlB 08 from them. I just hope al the 360 versions aren't raided on release day.

Do you guys think they will have a copy left on release day?
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Oh nos the pirates! I bet none of you pirate music or movies either....[/QUOTE]
So that makes it right? As long as other people steal, it's ok if everyone does?
[quote name='PINKO']If i worked at a gamestore i would sell any game early i would not give a shit

Imean why the fuck would you want to work at a gamestore for the rest of your life

what happens,
you get fired
im sure if you got a job a a gamestore you could get a job at a mart store.

Any way it comes down to most people who work at a gamestore a dorks.

It takes players to make world move and change for the better[/QUOTE]
You do that.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']So that makes it right? As long as other people steal, it's ok if everyone does?

You do that.[/QUOTE]

He was actually pointing out that the people here talking about anti piracy of video games most likely pirate music or movies themselves. So basically he's calling them Hypocrites.
[quote name='pimpinc333']He was actually pointing out that the people here talking about anti piracy of video games most likely pirate music or movies themselves. So basically he's calling them Hypocrites.[/QUOTE]

I'm glad someone here can detect sarcasm...

I don't pirate games, but I don't cry about the people who do. You know why? I pirate music plenty, and that's not any more right or wrong than pirating a game.
[quote name='pimpinc333']He was actually pointing out that the people here talking about anti piracy of video games most likely pirate music or movies themselves. So basically he's calling them Hypocrites.[/quote]
Thats pretty funny, because I don't see a single post about anti-piracy.
[quote name='Littlefields']Thats pretty funny, because I don't see a single post about anti-piracy.[/QUOTE]

Ok well how about them whiney little bitches who keep mentioning shit like.....O No's Pirates are out. Time to avoids thread eye roll eye rolll......eye rollz Hide me eyes! Eye rollz.

That shit is pretty annoying.
[quote name='pimpinc333']Ok well how about them whiney little bitches who keep mentioning shit like.....O No's Pirates are out. Time to avoids thread eye roll eye rolll......eye rollz Hide me eyes! Eye rollz.

That shit is pretty annoying.[/quote]

I'm pretty sure it pertains to them not wanting to see spoilers that the YARRS (lets call them that from now on), may or may not be talking about, shrug.
[quote name='drbutchevil']I'm pretty sure it pertains to them not wanting to see spoilers that the YARRS (lets call them that from now on), may or may not be talking about, shrug.[/quote]

Exactly. I've been avoiding anything to do with it (even though it's hard to do) because i've seen too much already. I don't want to spoil it for myself.
Just some comments I had about the game after playing it. I wrapped it in spoilers.
This game is just another GTA nothing special at all that grabbed my attention other then when you crash into a wall and you fly threw the window, cars drive kind of shitty, graphics are not that nice. I am a bit disappointed after playing it I am debating to cancel my pre-order. I am still working on the feel of it.
[quote name='Bazz']Just some comments I had about the game after playing it. I wrapped it in spoilers.
This game is just another GTA nothing special at all that grabbed my attention other then when you crash into a wall and you fly threw the window, cars drive kind of shitty, graphics are not that nice. I am a bit disappointed after playing it I am going to cancel my pre-order it looks like.

Wow that some serious shit right there. Did you like the other GTA games? I for one love the GTA games. I am just thinking maybe your were never too fond of the series. Let me know.
[quote name='pimpinc333']
Wow that some serious shit right there. Did you like the other GTA games? I for one love the GTA games. I am just thinking maybe your were never too fond of the series. Let me know.
[/quote]I really mainly like the original one on the PC just driving around and I thought gta3 was ground breaking,
but this one I am not so sure. I am only an hour and half into it so I haven't even touch the surface, but nothing ground breaking to me, missions kind of suck to me so far. Same run around bs. Though I did like walking on the pier with the date, as well as the amount of detail in his movement and the world around is amazing. At heart it is another San Andres to me right now with a new character.
In the live CAGcast, Jimmie Mac hyped it up pretty well and furthered my interest, and this is coming from someone who didn't like San Andreas.

Sidebar, I took the opportunity to create the CAG GTA4 group. The gamertag? CAG GTA4. ;)
I thought everybody knew this would just be another GTA with small improvements? Just like the Mario franchise the jump from 2d to 3d was the biggest and people are still expecting another revolutionary game that cannot ever happen.
[quote name='-BigC-']I thought everybody knew this would just be another GTA with small improvements? Just like the Mario franchise the jump from 2d to 3d was the biggest and people are still expecting another revolutionary game that cannot ever happen.[/quote]

What the hell are you talking about? To whom are you replying?
[quote name='Bazz']I really mainly like the original one on the PC just driving around and I thought gta3 was ground breaking,
but this one I am not so sure. I am only an hour and half into it so I haven't even touch the surface, but nothing ground breaking to me, missions kind of suck to me so far. Same run around bs. Though I did like walking on the pier with the date, as well as the amount of detail in his movement and the world around is amazing. At heart it is another San Andres to me right now with a new character.
Lol, you're an hour and a half in and already making these assumptions?
[quote name='lordwow']He's responding to the spoiler.[/quote]

Right on. Thanks.

Anyhow, as I love GTA games I can't see how this game will disappoint. It looks to be a vastly improved version. And considering how happy I was with the moderate improvements from III to San Andreas, this is just going to be incredible.

I mean .. multiplayer!
[quote name='SynGamer']Lol, you're an hour and a half in and already making these assumptions?[/quote]So I played a little more and after about another hour and a half some cool new features came into play. So I do retract some of my previous statements. I will say after finally getting more into it I will be buying the game. I obviously haven't tried online play/multiplayer yet though I am curious about, nor do I know even how to reach those menus yet.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Oh nos the pirates! I bet none of you pirate music or movies either....[/quote]

That's an appeal to tradition, thats a logical fallacy, my friend. ;)
[quote name='SynGamer']Lol, you're an hour and a half in and already making these assumptions?[/quote]

Well, he never did claim to beat the damn thing, he is just giving us what he has.
[quote name='help1']That's an appeal to tradition, thats a logical fallacy, my friend. ;)[/quote]

Sounds more like an appeal to hypocrisy.
My personal opinion on the videos is that I'll watch the "gameplay" ones like driving around and stuff, but I avoid the storyline spoilers.
[quote name='rajchakrabarti']must avoid urge to see video... tempted... im trying to avoid all the vids to get that oooolala feeling on tuesday.[/quote]

Well, lets just say it is probably something that most people wouldn't even think of trying to do.
I'm not going to be able to play this on Tuesday as I have to go to work and help my GF babysit her niece/dogs. I'll barely have time to pick the game up after work. Oh well, anticipation is half the fun.
[quote name='help1']Well, lets just say it is probably something that most people wouldn't even think of trying to do.[/quote]

Which is? Avoiding the videos?

I'm in the same boat as raj. I'm trying to keep myself pure for my first time ..
[quote name='zengonzo']Which is? Avoiding the videos?

I'm in the same boat as raj. I'm trying to keep myself pure for my first time ..[/quote]

It's difficult, no? I don't know why I read this thread. I'm so worried that I'll read something that will spoil the initial experience of the game on Day 1 (Day 2 actually, because I won't be able to play it after the midnight release - sleep is more important).
[quote name='zengonzo']Which is? Avoiding the videos?

I'm in the same boat as raj. I'm trying to keep myself pure for my first time ..[/quote]

No, I am talking about what was done in the video. I for one would have never tried that, but I am now!
[quote name='help1']No, I am talking about what was done in the video. I for one would have never tried that, but I am now![/quote]

Gotcha'. Actually on the GTAforums there were lots of threads of people soliciting novel ideas for emergent gaming.

After the game is out, I'd love to have a thread for that here (where the user base seems to be much less abusive and a bit more creative), but haven't been around long enough to get a grasp for board policy.


Yeah, not sure why I keep coming back. I suppose it's the anxiousness for the game and lack of an outlet.
I cannot be any more hyped for this game, regardless of new videos or posts emerging here.:D

Gotta remember to bookmark that Social Club site, too.
I wish GTA would take a page out of Bungie's book and have a film feature. So much crazy stuff if goign to happen in this game, and text descriptions won't do it justice.
[quote name='help1']I wish GTA would take a page out of Bungie's book and have a film feature. So much crazy stuff if goign to happen in this game, and text descriptions won't do it justice.[/quote]

Oh man. How effing cool would that be? To be able to send your friends crazy footage of a 5-star wanted level, chaos-filled street chase!!!
Good way for Rockstar to make more $$$

Ad from the social club.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Good way for Rockstar to make more $$$

Ad from the social club.[/quote]

Yea, I think that was mentioned somewhere on Yahoo a couple weeks back. I don't buy music, so it gets a big ole "meh" from me.
[quote name='dallow']I accidently called Linkin a fool for reading UKResistance.
Sorry linkin.[/quote]

This is the first I have ever heard of UKResistance, I was actually linked to the image itself, and then backtracked to that website. It is interesting if its true, though.
That article seems like pure speculation... I do think achievements and the DLC put the 360 version ahead of the PS3 version even if the PS3 version runs a little smoother and looks a little better but that's just my opinion.
I wish I could see some comparison shots...I'm sure they'll show up a couple days after release but it'd be nice to see the difference now.

Either way, I'm going with XBL/Achievements/DLC over PS3.
I'll agree with that javeryh.

for me though, acheivements don't mean a thing, and i have never finished a GTA game, an extra 10 hours of DLC I won't miss.

I will try my hardest to finish this one though, seems very worth it.
I dunno', that's pretty specious. If there's one significant reason to get the 360 over the PS3 it would be for the downloadable episodes.

In the absence of empirical data, I'd assume that they'd be ultimately the same while playing. Until anyone can compare side-by-side, it's just goofy speculation.
bread's done