Groupees: [NEW] Build a Greenlight Bundle 33 + Oktoberfest + MiniBundle 7



Build A Greenlight Bundle 33

Buy it here:

Must spend at least $1/pick 2 games


Oktoberfest Bundle

Buy it here:

For the minimum of $2, you get the following:

Mini Bundle 7

Buy it here:

For a minimum of $2, you get the following:

Other Non-Gaming Bundles:

Icon Guide

= Steam Key
= Steam Greenlight
= Desura Key
= GoG Code (Click To Redeem/Enter Code)

= GamersGate Serial Key
= DRM Free Download

= Steam Trading Cards Available
= Playable On PC
= Playable on MAC
= Playable on Linux

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The sad thing is if you ask me to name the game I missed out on? I couldn't. But I know I wanted it. I think it had werewolves in it.
Well I just realized I missed out on London 2012. Someone said the sale lasted all weekend so I planned on doing some shopping tonight. The game seems to no longer even be on Getgamesgo.
Well I just realized I missed out on London 2012. Someone said the sale lasted all weekend so I planned on doing some shopping tonight. The game seems to no longer even be on Getgamesgo.
Oooh, that sucks. I definitely got that one. Which means you can buy it next week for $1 in the Humble Sega Bundle.

For those of you who payed the 5 dollar minimum during Be Mine X, Finding Teddy finally has its steam keys released on your account page.


Well, about 10 weeks since they nuked all the downloads and they're still missing the majority of the ones I care about.

I just tried to download the albums from one of their music bundles ("To Newtown With Love"), and of the 51 albums/EPs included:
- 4 don't have download links
- 3 have links that 404
- 42 lead to empty zip archives (only containing an empty folder)
- 2 are actually available to download


Yeah, I write off the no-key games because I know that the site'll probably be gone in a few years - I don't have enough space to back up all of those installers.

Music, on the other hand, goes into my docs drive and I usually don't have any issues storing it and keeping it backed up... at least until the site I bought it off dumps all their files without having complete backups of their own. :wall: (I usually bulk download new bundle music/OSTs every month or two, but for some reason I never actually did a complete download from Groupees. Probably their stupid click-to-reveal bundle/key design.)
Did you contact Groupees about it? I sent them a msg thru their site about a missing soundtrack from be mine 8 and less than two days later they got it back up.

Did you contact Groupees about it? I sent them a msg thru their site about a missing soundtrack from be mine 8 and less than two days later they got it back up.
I did comment in the support chat a few time about it, specifically mentioning that bundle. The response I received in the end (after I asked directly when I saw a staff member online) was that they're still working on restoring files.

I did comment in the support chat a few time about it, specifically mentioning that bundle. The response I received in the end (after I asked directly when I saw a staff member online) was that they're still working on restoring files.
Well shit dude, I've got all their music bundles downloaded (in flac whenever available). I should probably offer to upload them back up to Groupees for a small fee (like a free copy of their next bundle or two...) And I'm only half-joking.

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Have there been any updates on the next big bundle?
Actually yes, they just threw up the Holiday Helpings bundle page, where 1 dollar equates to 1 Meal For The Hungry and if certain goals are met, the Groupees team will fullfil promises they have made in the video.

The bundle will contain "some great games, music, a graphic novel" along with the goals they stated in the video.

My only gripe is Jonny seems to have VVS (Vertical Video Syndrome) going on :wall:

Still looking forward to this bundle, seems to be for a good cause.

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That's the most advanced phones they have in Eastern Europe.

Anyways, I spoke to some sucker who bought the $2 tier of the Air Control game.  You get a Desura key for the regular edition of the game.  The Groupees edition is just DRM free DL. This person also told me he hasn't played it yet, but the UI looks like shit.  

Last night I started going through and downloading the stuff that's still there and making a list of the stuff that isn't.

So far the only things I'm a bit miffed that weren't there were a Fantomenk EP and the La-Mulana OSTs.

Games were announced for the Holiday Helping bundle

Build A Bundle
Games are:
Q.U.B.E. (Steam+DRM-Free, PC/MAC)
Blood of the Werewolf (Steam+DRM-Free, PC)
Driftmoon (Steam+DRM-Free, PC)
Gateways (Steam+DRM-Free, PC/MAC/Linux)
Gentlemen! (Steam+DRM-Free, PC/MAC/Linux)
Avernum: Escape from the Pit (Steam+DRM-Free, PC/MAC)
Ethan: Meteor Hunter (DRM-Free+Steam key if Greenlit, PC)
Doctor Who: The Adventure Games, Season 1 (DRM-Free+Steam key when released to Steam)
9.03m (Steam+DRM-Free, PC)
Draw a Stickman: EPIC (Steam+DRM-Free, PC).

This actually looks like it has some awesome games. I do have to say that Draw a Stickman: EPIC is pretty lame. You can kinda just scribble anything and feels like it's for very young kids. Anyone played Q.U.B.E., Gateways, or Doctor Who?

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Games were announced for the Holiday Helping bundle

Build A Bundle
Games are:
Q.U.B.E. (Steam+DRM-Free, PC/MAC)
Blood of the Werewolf (Steam+DRM-Free, PC)
Driftmoon (Steam+DRM-Free, PC)
Gateways (Steam+DRM-Free, PC/MAC/Linux)
Gentlemen! (Steam+DRM-Free, PC/MAC/Linux)
Avernum: Escape from the Pit (Steam+DRM-Free, PC/MAC)
Ethan: Meteor Hunter (DRM-Free+Steam key if Greenlit, PC)
Doctor Who: The Adventure Games, Season 1 (DRM-Free+Steam key when released to Steam)
9.03m (Steam+DRM-Free, PC)
Draw a Stickman: EPIC (Steam+DRM-Free, PC).

This actually looks like it has some awesome games. I do have to say that Draw a Stickman: EPIC is pretty lame. You can kinda just scribble anything and feels like it's for very young kids. Anyone played Q.U.B.E., Gateways, or Doctor Who?
Yes. I've played all of the Doctor Who games and they got progressively better as the series developed. They're basically stealth games with a few puzzles thrown in the mix. The last one that was released (The Gunpowder Plot) was the longest and most interesting. I'm hoping the BBC commissions more of these, but we'll see. I'm glad they're finally coming to Steam. I may replay them if cheevos or cardz are involved.

EDIT: I should add that the games are all fully voice-acted by Smith and Gillan (and Arthur Darvill in The Gunpowder Plot), so that's a nice touch. There are some collectibles to be found as well, but they don't really do much of anything (maybe they'll be linked to achievements in the Steam version?).

Q.U.B.E. and Gateways both look a bit like Portal clones. They've been bundled before but I haven't played either one.

This does seem to be a nice lineup. Did you actually play Stickman? I was kinda eyeballing that one.

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Games were announced for the Holiday Helping bundle

Build A Bundle
Games are:
Q.U.B.E. (Steam+DRM-Free, PC/MAC)
Blood of the Werewolf (Steam+DRM-Free, PC)
Driftmoon (Steam+DRM-Free, PC)
Gateways (Steam+DRM-Free, PC/MAC/Linux)
Gentlemen! (Steam+DRM-Free, PC/MAC/Linux)
Avernum: Escape from the Pit (Steam+DRM-Free, PC/MAC)
Ethan: Meteor Hunter (DRM-Free+Steam key if Greenlit, PC)
Doctor Who: The Adventure Games, Season 1 (DRM-Free+Steam key when released to Steam)
9.03m (Steam+DRM-Free, PC)
Draw a Stickman: EPIC (Steam+DRM-Free, PC).

This actually looks like it has some awesome games. I do have to say that Draw a Stickman: EPIC is pretty lame. You can kinda just scribble anything and feels like it's for very young kids. Anyone played Q.U.B.E., Gateways, or Doctor Who?
Well, there's Blood of the Werewolf again.

I didn't find Draw a Stickman to be all that lame. I was actually surprised by how little drawing there is to be done (at least in the first part that I've played) and that it is more of a simple open world adventure/puzzler. Beware though that it was originally a tablet game if that bothers anyone.

This is a really good bundle - the only one I already have is the Avernum game which I'm playing through right now (which, though it's a fun old-school turn-based RPG, is taking FOREVER, esp. since I'm playing it in hard difficulty), so I think I'll be getting all of the rest.

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Glad it's a BaB since I have a few here and there.  Probably one or two I will get and hopefully good bonuses though they'll likely be music related. 

Glad it's a BaB since I have a few here and there. Probably one or two I will get and hopefully good bonuses though they'll likely be music related.
Me too, but I'm really tempted to double-dip on Driftmoon, even though it's on my huge list of stuff-I-own-but-haven't-played-on-GOG. It just looks really good. :shock:

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Games were announced for the Holiday Helping bundle

Build A Bundle
Games are:
Q.U.B.E. (Steam+DRM-Free, PC/MAC)

Puzzle game

Blood of the Werewolf (Steam+DRM-Free, PC)

A relatively-new platformer with a "classic monsters" theme.

Driftmoon (Steam+DRM-Free, PC)

Indie RPG from Finnish husband-and-wife team

Gateways (Steam+DRM-Free, PC/MAC/Linux)

Portalesque game that's probably hasn't been bundled previously and but likely will be again

Gentlemen! (Steam+DRM-Free, PC/MAC/Linux)

Indie adventure game --see Gateways, above

Avernum: Escape from the Pit (Steam+DRM-Free, PC/MAC)

Great indie RPG from Spiderweb--has been bundled before

Ethan: Meteor Hunter (DRM-Free+Steam key if Greenlit, PC)

I know nothing about this one.

Doctor Who: The Adventure Games, Season 1 (DRM-Free+Steam key when released to Steam)

Great if you like steatlh/puzzle games (puzzles aren't terribly hard) or Doctor Who

9.03m (Steam+DRM-Free, PC)

Not really a game but a tribute to tsunami victims so a Dear Esther (I guess) type of deal

Draw a Stickman: EPIC (Steam+DRM-Free, PC).

What it sounds like--you draw a stick guy and solve puzzles.
Anything in here people consider a can't-miss? I haven't heard of most of these.
Depends on what you like.

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Thanks, warren.  The only one that sounds interesting to me is Dr. Who, but considering I've never even seen the show I think I can wait for Steam and the complete series.

This bundle had me at "Doctor."

The only one that sounds interesting to me is Dr. Who, but considering I've never even seen the show I think I can wait for Steam and the complete series.
Someone take this guy and put him in that cupboard over there.

Thanks, warren. The only one that sounds interesting to me is Dr. Who, but considering I've never even seen the show I think I can wait for Steam and the complete series.
I call us people who never seen Dr. Who the "normals."

This bundle had me at "Doctor."

Someone take this guy and put him in that cupboard over there.
Is the cupboard a Dr. Who joke? Is that how they time travel? Inside cupboards while drinking tea?

Thanks, warren. The only one that sounds interesting to me is Dr. Who, but considering I've never even seen the show I think I can wait for Steam and the complete series.
Actually this is the complete series for now (five games) and it'll probably be cheaper on Groupees than it will be when it gets on Steam, so if you are interested you should grab it.

Is the cupboard a Dr. Who joke? Is that how they time travel? Inside cupboards while drinking tea?
Yes. No. No.

Once again you're blowing smoke out your rear with that description of Gentlemen!. For the record this is not the Time Gentlemen, Please! and Ben There, Dan That! Special Edition Double Pack, which is an indie point-and-click adventure game that was previously bundled, but Gentlemen! a multiplayer Smash Bros.-ish platformer which has not been bundled.

Just thought you should know.
Hm. I stand corrected. However, having seen what you're referencing, I wish it were Ben There, Dan That!

Driftmoon was a "Giant Beta Demo" in the Build a Greenlight bundle offered last year around this time.  I was hoping they magically turned this into a Steam key but no such luck.

Driftmoon was a "Giant Beta Demo" in the Build a Greenlight bundle offered last year around this time. I was hoping they magically turned this into a Steam key but no such luck.
No, this isn't going to happen. You will get a Steam key if you bought the game from the dev directly or another vendor. This is the explanation the dev provided on the Steam forum:


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bread's done