Groupees: [NEW] Build a Greenlight Bundle 33 + Oktoberfest + MiniBundle 7



Build A Greenlight Bundle 33

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Must spend at least $1/pick 2 games


Oktoberfest Bundle

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For the minimum of $2, you get the following:

Mini Bundle 7

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For a minimum of $2, you get the following:

Other Non-Gaming Bundles:

Icon Guide

= Steam Key
= Steam Greenlight
= Desura Key
= GoG Code (Click To Redeem/Enter Code)

= GamersGate Serial Key
= DRM Free Download

= Steam Trading Cards Available
= Playable On PC
= Playable on MAC
= Playable on Linux

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I mean if I was supposed to laugh at that picture, I would if I wasn't insulted by the implication.
I would be insulted by the implication I was oriental as well.

I shall scoff in your general direction when they both get Greenlit and drop 5+ animu cards each that sell for $0.50+ a pop.

Ironically I thought Fox was way more SRS BSNS this time, like he was trying to defend and excuse his purchase when deep down he knows and regrets supporting the evil mastermind behind HAY GUISE of da wulf. They're probably using his 5 cents to kill puppies and baby foxes right now.

Don't sweat it, I appreciated the info and, let's be fair, Fox started it. Nothing wrong with defending your point.
In my opinion, this was just a matter of Bobby taking me seriously when I feel most of the forum has learned not to. I just decided to keep up the act as long as he kept responding. I think it ended fairly amicably without name calling. Other than calling the dev a bitch. dumbass.

That might be hard to do since they're already on Steam.

I see this, and raise you:
I approve of this tit bounce. Does this show feature the tit bounce extensively? If so, link please.

Shit, that's hilarious. TB can bug the crap out of me, but he does give a lot of valid insight into things.

Shame I already bought the game. I would have skipped it just to spite that asshat of a dev, even if it was just 5 cents or so.

Don't sweat it, I appreciated the info and, let's be fair, Fox started it. Nothing wrong with defending your point.
It is pretty funny that they kept going "IF YOU TWEET THIS WE'LL SAY IT'S FAKE AND SUE YOU" and he just kept doing it.

It's okay, you didn't know any better, it happens. I bought Colonial Marines at launch... I did manage to end up using some magic to get $30 - $40 back, but I was still deeply saddened and had buckets full of buyer's remorse. I may have also bought the CE later on for $18 because POWERLOADER STATUE. ;_;

I'm glad some people appreciated the info at least. Thank you very much for the kind words.

In my opinion, this was just a matter of Bobby taking me seriously when I feel most of the forum has learned not to. I just decided to keep up the act as long as he kept responding. I think it ended fairly amicably without name calling. Other than calling the dev a bitch. dumbass.
You're right, you got me, you sonuvabitch. :p

It ended amicably.. for now. As I told you before, once IndieGala gets shut down for fraud and group buys are no longer a thing, your usefulness to me will end, and I can enact my vengeance. My internet-based passive-aggressive vengeance!

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That might be hard to do since they're already on Steam.
Well, true. Just the cards part, then.

I approve of this tit bounce. Does this show feature the tit bounce extensively? If so, link please.
I try not to be too picky about titties, but those are a wee bit too triangular for me.

It ended amicably.. for now. As I told you before, once IndieGala gets shut down for fraud and group buys are no longer a thing, your usefulness to me will end, and I can enact my vengeance. My internet-based passive-aggressive vengeance!
I once had Fox blocked on Steam, but time passed and I was like "Yeah, I need him for Gala bundles", and back into my friendslist he went!

I would be insulted by the implication I was oriental as well.

In my opinion, this was just a matter of Bobby taking me seriously when I feel most of the forum has learned not to. I just decided to keep up the act as long as he kept responding. I think it ended fairly amicably without name calling. Other than calling the dev a bitch. dumbass.

I approve of this tit bounce. Does this show feature the tit bounce extensively? If so, link please.
That show is 100% sex jokes all the time. Here's a link to watch it.

In case anyone cares, I ended up buying Whitewash, Aveyond, Skyborn and Power Up. I don't even like shootem ups that much, but it looks like a decent game.

If you already bought Guise of the Wolf, play the game to have a good laugh.

If you didn't buy Guise of the Wolf, watch this part for a minute to have a good laugh.


Pretty realistic. Whenever people attack me I stick my arms out to my sides and stare straight ahead too.
I know, right? Completely realistic.

This is obviously a quality game. Fox is right that Total Biscuit is just trolling for hits and income on Youtube and we should all feel sorry for the poor developer for having their game so unfairly slandered.
Crud.  I bought my Build-a-Bundle as a single thing instead of splitting it up so I could get a second copy of Luxor 3.  Anyone need a single game that either wants me to grab it for them or wants to grab it with an extra Luxor 3 for me?

In case anyone cares, I ended up buying Whitewash, Aveyond, Skyborn and Power Up. I don't even like shootem ups that much, but it looks like a decent game.
Don't worry, I care what you got Fox. Tell us how the games are if you end up playing them any time soon.

TB has no idea what he's talking about. "Stacking sound"? Pshh, no, that's ROBOWEREWOLF!
That's pretty much exactly what I thought. Unintentionally hilarious, I hope there's a mod that turns those arms you see when you attack into machine guns.

Not bad for the first part of the video I actually watched.

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I know, right? Completely realistic.

This is obviously a quality game. Fox is right that Total Biscuit is just trolling for hits and income on Youtube and we should all feel sorry for the poor developer for having their game so unfairly slandered.
I actually never said anything even remotely close to the second part. I don't care about the dev or TB. Even if TB is right sometimes. that still doesn't change the fact he plays up these moments. He looks for things like these because these are the things that will get more people to watch and laugh and be entertained. That's my point. I can find similar stupid glitches in a ton of games if I go looking for the, and not just indie games or bad games either.

I actually never said anything even remotely close to the second part. I don't care about the dev or TB. Even if TB is right sometimes. that still doesn't change the fact he plays up these moments. He looks for things like these because these are the things that will get more people to watch and laugh and be entertained. That's my point. I can find similar stupid glitches in a ton of games if I go looking for the, and not just indie games or bad games either.
Agreed seen many of his videos and he does seem to always highlight the worst of everything there. Still doesn't look like a very good game TBH, but trying it for yourself is always the way to know for sure. The big thing is that it says it has cards, but it doesn't. That is blasphemy around these parts, cause us CAGs demand cards, and we want them now!!!!!!

The big thing is that it says it has cards, but it doesn't. That is blasphemy around these parts, cause us CAGs demand cards, and we want them now!!!!!!
Oh wow. That's boycott-worthy in itself. False advertising! Gabe better take it down from Steam already. :p

Edit: Devs say they made cards but Steam didn't activate 'em (it happens), but apparently it was because of some "miscommunication between Valve and FUN regarding art/design approval for these trading cards".

The fact that it took 2 months for anything to happen (and only because of this thread -> makes me skeptical, but at least it's getting fixed. I wonder what the card values will be once they drop.

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I actually never said anything even remotely close to the second part. I don't care about the dev or TB. Even if TB is right sometimes. that still doesn't change the fact he plays up these moments. He looks for things like these because these are the things that will get more people to watch and laugh and be entertained. That's my point. I can find similar stupid glitches in a ton of games if I go looking for the, and not just indie games or bad games either.
Hardly will you find glitches (if you can call them that; they're signs of a poorly developed game, not random glitches) that bad in any "good" games... unless you're counting Skyrim, which doesn't count so much since it's Crapthesda.

Granted the guy does play them up, but in many cases, they SHOULD be played up.

Hardly will you find glitches (if you can call them that; they're signs of a poorly developed game, not random glitches) that bad in any "good" games... unless you're counting Skyrim, which doesn't count so much since it's Crapthesda.

Granted the guy does play them up, but in many cases, they SHOULD be played up.
I'm not saying the game isn't bad, it look bad and the glitches he focused on do look horrible. But even if we're talking Skyrim, it wouldn't be fair to Skyrim to spend a ton of time focusing on some random glitch when the rest of the game is good. I found some glitches in Sleeping Dogs that made me laugh, but it was still a game I loved. I'm just saying, everyone loves to laugh at glitches, they are funny and that's why they get played up but glitches or silly animations aren't indicative of the quality of a game.

I'm not saying the game isn't bad, it look bad and the glitches he focused on do look horrible. But even if we're talking Skyrim, it wouldn't be fair to Skyrim to spend a ton of time focusing on some random glitch when the rest of the game is good. I found some glitches in Sleeping Dogs that made me laugh, but it was still a game I loved. I'm just saying, everyone loves to laugh at glitches, they are funny and that's why they get played up but glitches or silly animations aren't indicative of the quality of a game.
But like I said, glitches are one thing. In the 2 minutes of TB's review of GotW that I watched, those were hardly "glitches". Stacking audio, making a vital NPC transparent so you can't kill him, and having an NPC go to the default pose when attacked (seems he either didn't connect the "getting hit" animation in properly on that character, or no such animation exists in his game), are all not glitches, they're poor development, overlooked mistakes, lazy design, etc.

I can't say much for the rest of the game, because I'm sure glitches abound, but those aren't really glitches, they're signs of a very badly made game, and should by all means have focus thrust upon them, whether it be for laughs or for serious criticism.

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Hardly will you find glitches (if you can call them that; they're signs of a poorly developed game, not random glitches) that bad in any "good" games... unless you're counting Skyrim, which doesn't count so much since it's Crapthesda.

Granted the guy does play them up, but in many cases, they SHOULD be played up.
You're wrong. Outside of some extremely simple and basic puzzle games, I don't think I've ever played a single glitch-free game in my life. Whatever "good" games you're thinking of, you might want to look up a fairly recent speedrun of them before you declare that they're perfect. Not every game's glitches help the speedrun, but if it's even a few hundredths of a second faster, they'll be using every glitch they can find.

But like I said, glitches are one thing. In the 2 minutes of TB's review of GotW that I watched, those were hardly "glitches". Stacking audio, making a vital NPC transparent so you can't kill him, and having an NPC go to the default pose when attacked (seems he either didn't connect the "getting hit" animation in properly on that character, or no such animation exists in his game), are all not glitches, they're poor development, overlooked mistakes, lazy design, etc.

I can't say much for the rest of the game, because I'm sure glitches abound, but those aren't really glitches, they're signs of a very badly made game, and should by all means have focus thrust upon them, whether it be for laughs or for serious criticism.
I'm not going to argue about terminology. I consider the sound thing a glitch, but I would have to play it to know. My main point is that neutral, professional reviews aren't supposed to include the critic yelling like a mad man about how fucking horrible a game is, how excusable it is, how shitty it is, etc. These are things you will find when you watch a TB or Angry Joe review and it is at this point that the review isn't really about the game, it becomes about the critic and their persona. That shouldn't be the case, but that's what these guys do because that gets them views.

My main point is that neutral, professional reviews aren't supposed to include the critic yelling like a mad man about how fucking horrible a game is, how excusable it is, how shitty it is, etc. These are things you will find when you watch a TB or Angry Joe review and it is at this point that the review isn't really about the game, it becomes about the critic and their persona. That shouldn't be the case, but that's what these guys do because that gets them views.
There's a time and place for that kind of thing, even from a professional reviewer. The problem you have is when they do it every single time they review something, at which point I agree completely. When something is bad enough to bring you to legitimate anger, a fair review should absolutely express that. But if your only mode is anger, what you're doing is ranting, not reviewing.

Roger Ebert said:
This movie doesn't scrape the bottom of the barrel. This movie isn't the bottom of the barrel. This movie isn't below the bottom of the barrel. This movie doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence with barrels.
There's a time and place for that kind of thing, even from a professional reviewer. The problem you have is when they do it every single time they review something, at which point I agree completely. When something is bad enough to bring you to legitimate anger, a fair review should absolutely express that. But if your only mode is anger, what you're doing is ranting, not reviewing.
Yep, this expresses it better for me. I mean I know TB has some games he likes and reviews positively, but most of the time I see his reviews posted it's for the OMG lulz factor.

You're wrong. Outside of some extremely simple and basic puzzle games, I don't think I've ever played a single glitch-free game in my life. Whatever "good" games you're thinking of, you might want to look up a fairly recent speedrun of them before you declare that they're perfect. Not every game's glitches help the speedrun, but if it's even a few hundredths of a second faster, they'll be using every glitch they can find.
And you clearly didn't read my post very well, since nowhere did I say that good games are mostly "glitch-free". I merely said that very few "good games" have "glitches" as bad as what I'm seeing in GotW, seeing as its glitches are just poor development and laziness.

I dare you to find me a AAA title with stacking sound and missing animations. Those are rookie mistakes from a new, unskilled developer. There's nothing wrong with making mistakes, but when you have the attitude that GotW's developer does... eh.

I'm not going to argue about terminology. I consider the sound thing a glitch, but I would have to play it to know. My main point is that neutral, professional reviews aren't supposed to include the critic yelling like a mad man about how fucking horrible a game is, how excusable it is, how shitty it is, etc. These are things you will find when you watch a TB or Angry Joe review and it is at this point that the review isn't really about the game, it becomes about the critic and their persona. That shouldn't be the case, but that's what these guys do because that gets them views.
Well, of course, but when did I or anyone call TB a "professional reviewer"? He's a YouTube personality. Hell, he calls himself "The Cynical Brit", and his series is "WTF is ... ?" It's not some strict, serious thing, and I don't think he advertises it as such.

All I was talking about is the nature of the errors in GotW, and how they fully deserve the bashing he's giving the game because of them.

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[customspoiler=Best Skyrim glitch ever?]
This is what the Collection included right? Damn.

- Brink Complete
- Dishonored
- Doom 3 BFG Edition
- Fallout 3 GOTY
- Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition
- Hunted : The Demon´s Forge.
- Rogue Warrior
- Oblivion GOTY
- Morrowind GOTY
- Skyrim

This is what the Collection included right? Damn.

- Brink Complete
- Dishonored
- Doom 3 BFG Edition
- Fallout 3 GOTY
- Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition
- Hunted : The Demon´s Forge.
- Rogue Warrior
- Oblivion GOTY
- Morrowind GOTY
- Skyrim
worth it for brink alone.

Yep, this expresses it better for me. I mean I know TB has some games he likes and reviews positively, but most of the time I see his reviews posted it's for the OMG lulz factor.
One thing I thought I'd interject... I'm guessing that most here are talking about TB's WTF is... series. One note is that these are not reviews, they are first impressions as even TB notes in most of his vids.

Not singling you out fox, just quoting for convenience.
Well, of course, but when did I or anyone call TB a "professional reviewer"? He's a YouTube personality. Hell, he calls himself "The Cynical Brit", and his series is "WTF is ... ?" It's not some strict, serious thing, and I don't think he advertises it as such.

All I was talking about is the nature of the errors in GotW, and how they fully deserve the bashing he's giving the game because of them.
Well, here's where I should clarify my gripe. When people have been getting upset and up in arms about these shady devs sending these take down notices, they do it by citing the fair use doctrine. That these guys have fair use to reproduce copyrighted work in the video because they are the press/media. And to me that's just not the case. These guys aren't journalists reviewing these things neutrally, they are personas using these videos to get hits online and get money. The reason these devs cave is because of public pressure, but if taken to court I actually think the devs would prevail.

One thing I thought I'd interject... I'm guessing that most here are talking about TB's WTF is... series. One note is that these are not reviews, they are first impressions as even TB notes in most of his vids.

Not singling you out fox, just quoting for convenience.
Yeah, but that only furthers my disdain at people getting all mad about the take down notices. It's the dev's copyrighted work, no matter how shitty it is, so they have the right to dictate what gets done with it.

Well, here's where I should clarify my gripe. When people have been getting upset and up in arms about these shady devs sending these take down notices, they do it by citing the fair use doctrine. That these guys have fair use to reproduce copyrighted work in the video because they are the press/media. And to me that's just not the case. These guys aren't journalists reviewing these things neutrally, they are personas using these videos to get hits online and get money. The reason these devs cave is because of public pressure, but if taken to court I actually think the devs would prevail.
Yeah, but that only furthers my disdain at people getting all mad about the take down notices. It's the dev's copyrighted work, no matter how shitty it is, so they have the right to dictate what gets done with it.
Sorry, I think that's bullshit to be honest. You're creating a product that you want people to buy, play, and talk about. You HAVE to accept all forms of criticism, whether they be good, bad, or ugly and not constructive. If I decided to release my RPG Maker game to the public, and it got horrific reviews, video reviews, first impressions, whatever, I wouldn't be sitting here bitching about copyright violation and telling people to take down their negative content. That's total fucking nonsense.

You're suggesting that a dev should be able to sue, and win, against someone who says their game sucks in a YouTube video. Does that mean you're cool with devs who delete negative posts on Steam forums as well? Because that's an utter load of crap.

I'm genuinely surprised you feel that way.

Not to mention I could post a video of me playing a game, and say it sucks, and not even call what I'm doing a "review", and I would still be in the right under fair use laws. Fair use laws extend beyond just the press.

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Sorry, I think that's bullshit to be honest. You're creating a product that you want people to buy, play, and talk about. You HAVE to accept all forms of criticism, whether they be good, bad, or ugly and not constructive. If I decided to release my RPG Maker game to the public, and it got horrific reviews, video reviews, first impressions, whatever, I wouldn't be sitting here bitching about copyright violation and telling people to take down their negative content. That's total fucking nonsense.

You're suggesting that a dev should be able to sue, and win, against someone who says their game sucks. Does that mean you're cool with devs who delete negative posts on Steam forums as well? Because that's an utter load of crap.

I'm genuinely surprised you feel that way.

Not to mention I could post a video of me playing a game, and say it sucks, and not even call what I'm doing a "review", and I would still be in the right under fair use laws. Fair use laws extend beyond just the press.
Actually you wouldn't though. That's my point. My point isn't about the opinion. I don't think they should try to censor opinion, but if they wanted to sue TB or you to take down a video that features video of their copyrighted work in it, they could. That's my issue. They could. You have no fair use to infringe on it just because you're stating your opinion of it. You could just as easily say the game sucks without posting images or video from the game.

This is what the Collection included right? Damn.

- Brink Complete
- Dishonored
- Doom 3 BFG Edition
- Fallout 3 GOTY
- Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition
- Hunted : The Demon´s Forge.
- Rogue Warrior
- Oblivion GOTY
- Morrowind GOTY
- Skyrim
That's all? Should have been $5. /mysterd impression

Yeah, but that only furthers my disdain at people getting all mad about the take down notices. It's the dev's copyrighted work, no matter how shitty it is, so they have the right to dictate what gets done with it.
And here is the heart of the argument, the position that explains why it started in the first place. A fundamental disagreement in the battle between copyright and free speech.

Take-down claims get submitted all the time, that is NOT why I mentioned the controversy. I mentioned it because of the e-mails, the threatening, bullying, dickish e-mails. I was not one of those people who had a hissy fit over the takedown (as there's an argument there), but the e-mails did piss me off. Lying about e-mails you sent, threatening lawsuits in attempts to bully, is NOT acceptable, I don't give a fuck WHO you are. TB said nothing in those e-mails that deserved that kind of response. It's plain arrogance by the devs.

Remember, they told him to take down his ENTIRE Twitter and YouTube channel. Not JUST the video (it was already gone). It was PERSONAL. And that is indefensible.

As for how you feel about "fair use", you're half-right. I don't believe that someone has the RIGHT to monetize someone else's work (though if the creator has 0 complaints, they can), but I believe they have the right to use it under the conditions of fair use. YouTube has recently addressed that by denying ad money to people like Angry Joe once their system's content checker flags it for copyrighted material. It doesn't take videos down, just denies money. But these devs went out of their way to remove the video altogether.

Fair use ALSO extends to include parody, Fox. It's why Abridged Series get away with it. And that's why TB is covered by it.

Actually you wouldn't though. That's my point. My point isn't about the opinion. I don't think they should try to censor opinion, but if they wanted to sue TB or you to take down a video that features video of their copyrighted work in it, they could. That's my issue. They could. You have no fair use to infringe on it just because you're stating your opinion of it. You could just as easily say the game sucks without posting images or video from the game.
Well, whatever. Definitely not agreed. In the end, you can say TB isn't a real reviewer, but he consistently gives valid and useful information in just about every video he posts, even the ones he bashes. Even "let's play", and first impression videos still fall under fair use. If you think a developer can or should be able to sue or remove said content, I think the opposite.

I should say that TB bugs the crap out of me too, and I rarely watch his videos, but his videos still fall completely under fair use, whether developers like it or not.

That's all? Should have been $5. /mysterd impression

And here is the heart of the argument, the position that explains why it started in the first place. A fundamental disagreement in the battle between copyright and free speech.

Take-down claims get submitted all the time, that is NOT why I mentioned the controversy. I mentioned it because of the e-mails, the threatening, bullying, dickish e-mails. I was not one of those people who had a hissy fit over the takedown (as there's an argument there), but the e-mails did piss me off. Lying about e-mails you sent, threatening lawsuits in attempts to bully, is NOT acceptable, I don't give a fuck WHO you are. TB said nothing in those e-mails that deserved that kind of response. It's plain arrogance by the devs.

Remember, they told him to take down his ENTIRE Twitter and YouTube channel. Not JUST the video (it was already gone). It was PERSONAL. And that is indefensible.

As for how you feel about "fair use", you're half-right. I don't believe that someone has the RIGHT to monetize someone else's work (though if the creator has 0 complaints, they can), but I believe they have the right to use it under the conditions of fair use. YouTube has recently addressed that by denying ad money to people like Angry Joe once their system's content checker flags it for copyrighted material. It doesn't take videos down, just denies money. But these devs went out of their way to remove the video altogether.

Fair use ALSO extends to include parody, Fox. It's why Abridged Series get away with it. And that's why TB is covered by it.
You have no clue what a parody is. Talking shit about a game does not make it a parody and doesn't protect TB from anything.

That said, I don't disagree with anything you said about the devs dickish behavior, but from the jump I've made it pretty clear I could care less about TB or the dev. So the the dev talked a lot of shit, so what? TB is a big boy. We all know there's no way for the dev to take down TB's twitter or youtube channel over a video. I just don't see what the big deal is about it. I don't necessarily feel sympathy for either side. The dev is a sensitive prick you can't take criticism and TB is a business man who had to deal with a sensitive prick who might have kept him from making a few thousand dollars. Let them deal with it on their own.

What do you consider a long post about this whole thing imploring us not to buy the game?
.. I already said multiple times that I hadn't even watched the videos. I consider a long post imploring people not to support asshole devs.. a long post not to support asshole devs. Nothing more.

Edit: I believe you misunderstood why I brought this up. The only reason I mentioned TB was because he was the person who it happened to. I don't care if it happened to PissedPedro, Pewdiepie, MovieBob or any reviewers I dislike. Their personality/likeability doesn't change what happened aside from your levels of sympathy. But I didn't post out of sympathy, I posted out of disgust for a dev's behaviour. That's all.

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What do you consider a long post about this whole thing imploring us not to buy the game?
I consider it information about an asshole dev, at which point we can decide for ourselves whether or not to buy the game and support the dev (even if it's not a lot of monetary support). How the hell does not buying the game have anything to do with supporting TB? TB gains absolutely nothing whether or not someone buys the game. I wouldn't have bought the game myself if I had known, not out of some misconceived support of TB, but because that dev is a total fucktard who doesn't deserve a penny of my money.

You seem to have launched into some strange defense against why you bought the game, and it's just gone on and on. It really doesn't matter to any of us whether or not you bought it, and how you feel about it morally, because it's pointless either way.

I dare you to find me a AAA title with stacking sound and missing animations. Those are rookie mistakes from a new, unskilled developer. There's nothing wrong with making mistakes, but when you have the attitude that GotW's developer does... eh.
Well, for the sound stacking, there's always Crysis 2... And you can get that exact same arms out pose in this minor little release called Grand Theft Auto 5. Rookie mistakes indeed.

I consider it information about an asshole dev, at which point we can decide for ourselves whether or not to buy the game and support the dev (even if it's not a lot of monetary support). How the hell does not buying the game have anything to do with supporting TB? TB gains absolutely nothing whether or not someone buys the game. I wouldn't have bought the game myself if I had known, not out of some misconceived support of TB, but because that dev is a total fucktard who doesn't deserve a penny of my money.

You seem to have launched into some strange defense against why you bought the game, and it's just gone on and on. It really doesn't matter to any of us whether or not you bought it, and how you feel about it morally, because it's pointless either way.
I've not once mentioned morals. I bought the game, I don't care about justifying why I bought it. I've bought games from asshole devs before. If it doesn't matter to you then stop responding. This whole backlash is OMG look at this asshole dev who tried to use the law to cut into TB's income. If you want to frame it otherwise, you're free to do so, but this is about one over the top internet personality and his fans getting their panties in a bunch. If you want to say I have some sort of grudge against TB, then I'll totally own up to that, but don't make things up where there is nothing there.

Well, for the sound stacking, there's always Crysis 2... And you can get that exact same arms out pose in this minor little release called Grand Theft Auto 5. Rookie mistakes indeed.
I didn't know about the Crysis 2 one, so I'll give you that, but you do realize that the guy is specifically telling you a complicated method to MAKE that glitch happen in GTA V, don't you? He's specifically shooting his friend in the head as he does some character switch and meticulously causing the glitch to happen himself through a set method.

What are we even arguing about anyways? Unless there doesn't need to be a reason. Apparently Groupees is the new "Let's all argue!" thread.

bread's done