Halo 3 - General Discussion & Info

[quote name='Draekon']I disagree but I digress.[/QUOTE]
Eh stop whining already you don't play coop and call it easy even bungie said coop is too easy without the skulls.
I thought the max points was around 1800. I'm never going to see them all. Maybe we can get a group of 8 to do some team games to get the achievments. Thats about the only way i will get them for the multiplayer games. Then the hardest ones to get will be the meta games points. I have yet to see anyone with them.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']1000pts is all of them. Sucks that I'll never get it unless Bungie patches the achievements. I want to graduate damn it![/QUOTE]
[quote name='sendme']I thought the max points was around 1800.[/QUOTE]
1000 points is the max Microsoft set for any game. Downloadable expansions can add up to 250 more. Arcade games are limited to 200. Most retail games have 1000pts, but some have fewer.
Just played my first few ranked matches. I got slaughetered on one round of slayer, but I did win a round of capture the flag! That was fun! :)

I'm confused on what the numbers by your insignia on ranked mode means. Can anyone clarify?
[quote name='daroga']Just played my first few ranked matches. I got slaughetered on one round of slayer, but I did win a round of capture the flag! That was fun! :)

I'm confused on what the numbers by your insignia on ranked mode means. Can anyone clarify?[/quote]

Your level. Its so that you can be matched against people of the same level or near your level.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Your level. Its so that you can be matched against people of the same level or near your level.[/quote]Ah, ok. At first I thought it was your ranking in a given match or something but that wasn't working out.

So higher = better?
I agree with Co-op being too easy, 4 of us plowed through the 1st level on Legendary in under 20 minutes with only 2-3 skulls on.

I expect a much harder challenge when we have all 9 gold skulls on. Gonna be fun :)

Oh, and Grunt Birthday Party is fucking hilarious on Legendary.

I have yet to play a game of capture the flag unless your talking about that one in the team games. you have to get the flag or protect it in defence and offence.
I propose (if there isn't one already), a Halo 3 night here at CAG. and I propose it be every Monday night, at a time that's good for everyone. This way, we can play big team battles and maybe even the Forge a bit. Who else is up for this?


[quote name='VanillaGorilla']I propose (if there isn't one already), a Halo 3 night here at CAG. and I propose it be every Monday night, at a time that's good for everyone. This way, we can play big team battles and maybe even the Forge a bit. Who else is up for this?[/QUOTE]

I propose not Monday or Friday. Both are bad for most college age students. I would say Tuesday or Wednesday. I think Tuesday would be the best, though.
hey guys im in the mood to beat the game on legendary, i never have anyone to play it with, and i want to get those achievement points! (plus the skulls would be nice too) lol
Quick question: What does the D-pad actually do for you in multiplayer? I manual says to talk in multiplayer, but can you even hear others in Lone Wolves mode? And is it just me, or are the noises that the are made when you press the D-pad from Jet Force Gemini, to anyone who has played it? I would not be surprised if it was just another Easter Egg seeing as how Rare is in the credits.
lol at people proposing for a different night to play Halo 3 when ALOT of us were playing on friday night. Maybe the partiers can start their own night?
[quote name='mrcheapo11']Quick question: What does the D-pad actually do for you in multiplayer? I manual says to talk in multiplayer, but can you even hear others in Lone Wolves mode? And is it just me, or are the noises that the are made when you press the D-pad from Jet Force Gemini, to anyone who has played it? I would not be surprised if it was just another Easter Egg seeing as how Rare is in the credits.[/quote]

Can't talk to people in Lone Wolves. In ranked matches that are team based, the pressing of the D-Pad is not necessary. However, in unranked matches, it is necessary.
[quote name='help1']Can't talk to people in Lone Wolves. In ranked matches that are team based, the pressing of the D-Pad is not necessary. However, in unranked matches, it is necessary.[/quote]

Oh, ok, that's what I thought about Lone Wolves. Thanks for the other info too! I should really start playing team based games.
[quote name='mrcheapo11']Oh, ok, that's what I thought about Lone Wolves. Thanks for the other info too! I should really start playing team based games.[/quote]

No problem! I think the whole lone wolves and no talking makes it rather dull to play, but its probably because of those achievement cheaters that they restrict it.
What are you talking about? I've heard people talk in Lone Wolves. Don't know how, but it happened.

ALSO, I am up for beating levels 1, 8 and 9 on Legendary tonight with 3 others.
[quote name='KingBroly']What are you talking about? I've heard people talk in Lone Wolves. Don't know how, but it happened.

ALSO, I am up for beating levels 1, 8 and 9 on Legendary tonight with 3 others.[/quote]In the lobbies, not during the games.
huh? I didn't have my headset plugged in, but I definitely heard "AWWW fuck BULLSHIT!!!!" through my TV speakers every time that one guy died. you know that guy-- the one who always thinks people are cheating when he dies. This was on lone wolves.
[quote name='Draekon']I have already planned to so don't worry. Though I don't understand why either of you can understand my comments were made from my perception from my first playthrough of campaign on Legendary. Then in the second reply I had even gone further in explaining why I didn't feel it's quite up to par based off of the previous Halo games in Legendary difficulty. I shouldn't even need to use any hidden stuff to make the game up to par difficulty wise with the previous two.

Complaining about something that you can easily fix if you feel like it is just wasting everyone's time. I'm not saying you can't make complaints, but I and several others feel that is an invalid complaint.

And BTW, I thought Legendary was too hard to be fun in 1 & 2, but just right in part 3.
[quote name='kPod']Damian, there isn't GOING to be another Halo. That's it. It was meant to be a trilogy. Everything has been tied off. The only chance would be to have the Arbiter as the main character, fulfilling what he said in Sierra 117, but then it wouldn't be Halo.

And just to clarify, what can/can't I kill when I'm getting the skull that's up on the silo tower? Mine just isn't there. At all.[/quote]

I love when people say this. What your really saying is that Bungie doesnt want to make another $190 Million in ONE DAY. I find that hard to believe.

Anyone who doesnt think that an IP that successful wont be rehashed yet again for more money clearly doesnt understand economics or business.

Ripley died at the end of Alien 3, the story arc was concluded, yet we got 2 more Alien films after that. ;)
Question: What do I get for finding all the terminals? Is it only more backstory, or can I unlock something actually worthwhile?

Grenade jumping to get some of these skulls was pretty rough, Im not going after terminals unless I get something for it.
[quote name='help1']Can't talk to people in Lone Wolves. In ranked matches that are team based, the pressing of the D-Pad is not necessary. However, in unranked matches, it is necessary.[/quote]

I found that out yesterday...kinda funny though, I was in Isolation trying to get the achievement for killing somone with the Mongoose by running them over and I noticed another dude doing the same, we came to this point where I stopped got out and then the other guy stops we both stare at each other, I back up and give him room, he comes at me and runs my ass over...I respawn look for him, he gets out of the mongoose, I get in, he backs up I run him over and get the achievement...it was awesome how we communicated just by body language within the game.
[quote name='Puffa469']Question: What do I get for finding all the terminals? Is it only more backstory, or can I unlock something actually worthwhile?

Grenade jumping to get some of these skulls was pretty rough, Im not going after terminals unless I get something for it.[/QUOTE]
I've heard they have bits of backstory in them. I've never read any of them actually. If you have the IWH...whatevertheheck skull toggled on and you access the "last" terminal (I don't know if that's the last terminal in the game or last one you need to get the achievement), you get a hidden message of sorts.

To be fair, most of these terminals are along the way to some place, and half of them don't require any trick jumping.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']it was awesome how we communicated just by body language within the game.[/QUOTE]
I found that more creepy than awesome. Screw headsets when you get telepathy?
Maybe I can get lucky like that. I just tried to do that in a team game and it is a bitch to do.

[quote name='LinkinPrime']I found that out yesterday...kinda funny though, I was in Isolation trying to get the achievement for killing somone with the Mongoose by running them over and I noticed another dude doing the same, we came to this point where I stopped got out and then the other guy stops we both stare at each other, I back up and give him room, he comes at me and runs my ass over...I respawn look for him, he gets out of the mongoose, I get in, he backs up I run him over and get the achievement...it was awesome how we communicated just by body language within the game.[/QUOTE]
Is anyone out there, right now up for 4-player co-op on legendary through levels 8 and 9?

I also have to do Levels 1 & 2, but I figured I'd get levels 8 & 9 out of the way first.
[quote name='Puffa469']I love when people say this. What your really saying is that Bungie doesnt want to make another $190 Million in ONE DAY. I find that hard to believe.

Anyone who doesnt think that an IP that successful wont be rehashed yet again for more money clearly doesnt understand economics or business.

Ripley died at the end of Alien 3, the story arc was concluded, yet we got 2 more Alien films after that. ;)[/quote]

There won't be another Halo, but I can definately see a spinoff featuring Master Chief.
Wow me and my friend was playing a game of coops and after 15-20 mins, it dissconected us. We couldn't chat or invite each other to a game either. We've been able to invite and stuff for almost a year so this is kinda weird. It keeps saying we're running an OPEN NAT..
It seems to me this NAT issue is something on Bungie's end. I've never had any kind of trouble connecting to a game with anyone besides this game. I have an open nat which is what is suggested.
[quote name='KingBroly']It seems to me this NAT issue is something on Bungie's end. I've never had any kind of trouble connecting to a game with anyone besides this game. I have an open nat which is what is suggested.[/quote]

I dunno...now my computer internet is starting to be screwy. So is my friends...we're both using Verizon DSL :roll:
[quote name='KingBroly']It seems to me this NAT issue is something on Bungie's end. I've never had any kind of trouble connecting to a game with anyone besides this game. I have an open nat which is what is suggested.[/quote]

i have also had many friends who have moderate NAT and I can't play with them. I have open NAT but in other games I can play with them.
MGD I'm up for some co-op on Legendary right now. I can't believe this. Not more than 20 minutes ago I was playing with this guy online and now I'm having NAT problems.

[quote name='KingBroly']MGD I'm up for some co-op on Legendary right now. I can't believe this. Not more than 20 minutes ago I was playing with this guy online and now I'm having NAT problems.

Sounds like a personal problem, I haven't had any NAT errors.
[quote name='KingBroly']MGD I'm up for some co-op on Legendary right now. I can't believe this. Not more than 20 minutes ago I was playing with this guy online and now I'm having NAT problems.


Shits on your end, not Bungie. Check out that NAT thread I made and fix your shit.
Skull huntin' is fun. I gots 6 more to do. Would've finished up the gold skulls tonight but then I realized how fun it is doing part of a mission just to get to a skull Especially when that mission is Cortana :D. Can't wait until I have to play through just to get IWHBYD.

Why'd they name it that, anyway?

Oh, and Bungie leaving Microsoft...I'm suprised. I don't know what they can do after Halo. They're pretty much " that Halo developer" and that's not going to change no matter what they do.
bread's done