Halo 3 - General Discussion & Info

I to want to do some co-op I will be on at 9 Central and for about 4 or 7 hours after that, I can't stop playing this game.

I have already played it over 30 hours.
Well, since we have a co-op list forming, I'd be up for some Legendary co-op anytime tonight after 4 Central or so. Not to mention the chance to get some meta-game achievements while we're at it.

Just turn on the Grunt Birthday Party skull. It makes the game so much more entertaining. :D
Kuroi Kaze's : How to easily beat Halo 3's Alien Anus

Step 1: Log in a buddy's Live profile
Step 2: Play splitscreen local co-op.
Step 3: Leave him at the beginning in a safe area
Step 4: Kill aliens
Step 5: Move buddy forward when clear (think of him as mobile spawn point)
Step 6: Repeat until level is easily pwned

This works for any tough spot.

The alien anus is the only time I really felt the need to use it.

Also note: Bosses only fire upon master chief.
The other co-op player is pretty much free to use a heavy weapon and pwn unscathed.
[quote name='Kuroi Kaze']Also note: Bosses only fire upon master chief.[/QUOTE]
Did I read that right? Heh, how did something like that slip? It couldn't have been intentional...
For the meta game points did you have to play it on your own or could you get them and the achievements on co-op? Only way I can get near the amount for the points is on co-op with it set on team.

[quote name='zewone']Well, unless someone wants to prove me wrong, I think I'm the first CAG to get 1000/1000 achievements and unlock the Marathon helmet and Katana armor:

Higher difficulties and activating gold skulls also give you point bonuses in the meta-game. Maybe try a co-op heroic or legendary game with a bunch of skulls active?

[quote name='Kuroi Kaze']Kuroi Kaze's : How to easily beat Halo 3's Alien Anus[/QUOTE]

LOL, anus.
You can get the meta-game achievements solo or co-op, but it may be easier going solo. People usually seem to recommend going on it through Normal difficulty with three skulls turned on per level and just attempt to speed run through it to the best of your ability without letting yourself get killed.

Also, if you do end up going co-op it does not go by combined score. So you have to get at least 15,000 points yourself in that level.
[quote name='JohnnyFoxDarko']
I want the Ninja helmet (not Hayabusa), whats the real name for the helmet and how do you get it? Looked in the OP but didn't know which it was.[/QUOTE]
It's not unlockable, it's not even in the game. It's only for Bungie employees and it's called Recon.

As for the meta-game, I did most in co-op (individual scoring) and the last tougher ones I did solo.
So you might as well solo it. Man that is going to be a bitch for me. Also it only adds points for the gold skulls and I really don't want to make the game harder then it already is for me. Wonder if I run it on easy with most of them on if it will work. 15,000 seems like a lot and 50,000 for the other 2.
[quote name='zewone']Well, unless someone wants to prove me wrong, I think I'm the first CAG to get 1000/1000 achievements and unlock the Marathon helmet and Katana armor:


Dude that's fucking sweet.
I'm always up for a game of Legendary. That is as long as we have fun with it. I still need chapters 8 and 9.
[quote name='AshesofWake']im sad, my gold ran out and i can't renew it until the end of the month ;_;[/QUOTE]
for monetary reasons?
[quote name='mrelusive']Hurr durr: http://gonintendo.com/?p=26338[/quote]

:drool: That would have been awesome. I always thought he was telling the truth about Halo DS, and this is great.

Well anyways, in lone wolves ranked matches, I got the Mongoose Mowdown achievement because a guy asked if anyone wanted to get achievements, and I said yes, so it worked great. The only thing is, the whole thing took the whole match because the other two players(one dropped) just kept on killing everyone they saw, while we tried to run each other over.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Dude, thats sick! I'd so buy the LE version of that game...:lol: it would be funny to see an LE for the DS...in a metal case with a Cortana stylus...[/QUOTE]
Complete with scratched cartridge contacts? ;P
Ashes, just beg around here for a bunch of 48 hour cards, one of the guys on my friends list works at Hollywood video and he has never bought a live subscription.
[quote name='help1']Tropicana contest ---> codes ----> temporary gold![/QUOTE]
Yup, I think 1000 of them will last me for some time.
I'll be playing Stranglehold for the next 2 hours, but if someone wants to do some Legendary coop just send me an invite during that time.

Oh, and I think we need a seperate thread for setting up coop/MP games?
[quote name='zewone']It's not unlockable, it's not even in the game. It's only for Bungie employees and it's called Recon.[/quote]
Has this been confirmed? Why would they waste memory on something only for Bungie?
Anyone else get stuttering with the orchestral soundtrack? Particularly, it seems to happen at the start of the level (Chapter 7 right now). The game doesn't slow down at all. The music will cut out for a few seconds, then come on, stutter and go off and on. And no, the disc isn't scratched.
[quote name='JohnnyFoxDarko']Has this been confirmed? Why would they waste memory on something only for Bungie?[/quote]

Chances are we'll see it in the first DLC.
[quote name='JohnnyFoxDarko']Has this been confirmed? Why would they waste memory on something only for Bungie?[/QUOTE]
Not confirmed, it could be well hidden.
[quote name='zewone']Not confirmed, it could be well hidden.[/quote]

Nobody'd ever know if you had to get like 1 million kills for it.
Hey, my halo 3 copy works fine, and my internet does too, but for some reason i keep getting kicked out of halo 3 matchmaking games and get disconected from XBL, i had a guy from comcast come 3 times last month, and 1 this month. he watched me play for a bit and saw it go out. Weird huh? we both saw that the internet was still on. anybody else had this, any tips? moST games ive played on halo 3 in a row is 2 with out being cut out! im pissed!!!

all mo other games work fine but halo 3 fucks up.
This is what happens when games release 1-2 weeks after a game goes gold. BIG mistakes hurting gamers.

BTW, who the hell cares (besides developers/publishers) if a game goes gold or not? It's not that big of a deal. I don't see why Microsoft makes it seem like such a big when it's not.

I still need to finish the final level on legendary. Hopefully someone will be able to help me tonight around midnight EST.
[quote name='KingBroly']This is what happens when games release 1-2 weeks after a game goes gold. BIG mistakes hurting gamers.
What are you talking about?
Skull Questions:

1. What is a silver skull?
2. What doe sthe text in parenthesis in the OP mean...ie Sierra 117 (if you die, you must restart from the biginning of the level)
3. All you have to do is touch the skull for the full achievement?
[quote name='KingBroly']This is what happens when games release 1-2 weeks after a game goes gold. BIG mistakes hurting gamers.

BTW, who the hell cares (besides developers/publishers) if a game goes gold or not? It's not that big of a deal. I don't see why Microsoft makes it seem like such a big when it's not.

I still need to finish the final level on legendary. Hopefully someone will be able to help me tonight around midnight EST.[/QUOTE]

I just sent you a FR, I don't have any levels beat on Legendary. I will be on after 9 Central
[quote name='zewone']What are you talking about?[/quote]
Halo 3 has...issues. Just last night playing co-op we had to restart a level because while trying to respawn, the other guy got stuck. Needless to say that shouldn't happen.

Halo 3 doesn't feel complete. The campaign is lacking a lot, and a lot of people are getting bored with multiplayer. You can't search out specific match types which is a major problem. People don't want to be forced to play Ninjanaught or Oddball or VIP.

I like Halo 3, but beyond this week probably, I won't have much interest in it anymore.
[quote name='KingBroly']Halo 3 has...issues. Just last night playing co-op we had to restart a level because while trying to respawn, the other guy got stuck. Needless to say that shouldn't happen.

Halo 3 doesn't feel complete. The campaign is lacking a lot, and a lot of people are getting bored with multiplayer. You can't search out specific match types which is a major problem. People don't want to be forced to play Ninjanaught or Oddball or VIP.

I like Halo 3, but beyond this week probably, I won't have much interest in it anymore.[/QUOTE]
What does them releasing the game one to two weeks after it went gold have to do with any of your minor complaints?
[quote name='soccerstud652']Skull Questions:

1. What is a silver skull?
2. What doe sthe text in parenthesis in the OP mean...ie Sierra 117 (if you die, you must restart from the biginning of the level)
3. All you have to do is touch the skull for the full achievement?[/QUOTE]

1) The silver skulls are 4 more hidden skulls in addition to the 9 gold ones that you get achievements for. Also, the gold skulls add point multipliers to the meta-game; I don't believe the silvers do.

2) The effects that activating the skulls have on the campaign. Gold skulls tend to make the game harder, while the silver ones are generally "for fun". I LOVE grunt birthday party. :)

3) You need to pick the skull up using RB, and reach the next checkpoint without dying for it to register as collected. Or it might be automatic; there have been differing reports on this. I'd assume the gold ones are automatic due to the achievements, while the silvers might require a checkpoint save. Some people have complained about the IWHBYD skull not registering unless they finish chapter 7 after the ring hoopla, though I haven't noticed anyone mentioning problems with the other 3.
[quote name='KingBroly']Halo 3 has...issues. Just last night playing co-op we had to restart a level because while trying to respawn, the other guy got stuck. Needless to say that shouldn't happen.

Halo 3 doesn't feel complete. The campaign is lacking a lot, and a lot of people are getting bored with multiplayer. You can't search out specific match types which is a major problem. People don't want to be forced to play Ninjanaught or Oddball or VIP.

I like Halo 3, but beyond this week probably, I won't have much interest in it anymore.[/QUOTE]

And what does this have to do with the game releasing shortly after going gold?

Issue #1 above.... software bug...they exist, not saying it shouldn't be fixed, but it happens.

Issue #2 above (matchmaking part).... design choice. It was a design choice with Halo 2, and a design choice with halo 3, it's not that they couldn't do it the other way, it's that they think the game is better the way it is (I'm not sure if I agree or disagree with their decision here).
I wonder if KingBroly knows what 'gone gold' means. Gone gold means they finished the game and a master copy was sent off to get reproduced.. They could release it a year or two after it goes gold and it'd be the same product we're playing right now.

I wonder if its available thru the *ahem* 'Homebrew' scene?

[quote name='Callandor']1) The silver skulls are 4 more hidden skulls in addition to the 9 gold ones that you get achievements for. Also, the gold skulls add point multipliers to the meta-game; I don't believe the silvers do.

2) The effects that activating the skulls have on the campaign. Gold skulls tend to make the game harder, while the silver ones are generally "for fun". I LOVE grunt birthday party. :)

3) You need to pick the skull up using RB, and reach the next checkpoint without dying for it to register as collected. Or it might be automatic; there have been differing reports on this. I'd assume the gold ones are automatic due to the achievements, while the silvers might require a checkpoint save. Some people have complained about the IWHBYD skull not registering unless they finish chapter 7 after the ring hoopla, though I haven't noticed anyone mentioning problems with the other 3.[/quote]

Thank you very much. What is the meta-game and multipliers?
[quote name='soccerstud652']Thank you very much. What is the meta-game and multipliers?[/QUOTE]

You can turn on a "scoring" system for the campaign, which is called the meta-game in the achievements. Open a campaign lobby and look under game options; it'll be above the skulls.

Multipliers are... point multipliers. The more gold skulls you activate, the higher a net multiplier you get (and the harder the campaign gets...)

You also get an final score multiplier for finishing the level as fast as you can, so don't activate too many skulls. You don't want to slow down by making the foes too powerful.
What I'm saying is that releasing a game to mass market 1-2 weeks after going gold seems, to me at least like the game was rushed. But also, I don't like them announcing that a game has gone gold. There's no point to it. And now it seems everyone has to do it, or else you suck in the eyes of hardcore gamers. And yes, I know what 'going gold' means.
And as far as design choice goes, the matchmaking one is pretty poor if you ask me. And even with vetoing game types, you seem to be in a situation that ends up worse than the original more often than not.
[quote name='KingBroly']What I'm saying is that releasing a game to mass market 1-2 weeks after going gold seems, to me at least like the game was rushed. But also, I don't like them announcing that a game has gone gold. There's no point to it. And now it seems everyone has to do it, or else you suck in the eyes of hardcore gamers. And yes, I know what 'going gold' means.
And as far as design choice goes, the matchmaking one is pretty poor if you ask me. And even with vetoing game types, you seem to be in a situation that ends up worse than the original more often than not.[/QUOTE]
I don't think you get it.

If they put the game one week or one year after it goes gold, it's still the same game.
[quote name='KingBroly']What I'm saying is that releasing a game to mass market 1-2 weeks after going gold seems, to me at least like the game was rushed. But also, I don't like them announcing that a game has gone gold. There's no point to it. And now it seems everyone has to do it, or else you suck in the eyes of hardcore gamers. And yes, I know what 'going gold' means.
And as far as design choice goes, the matchmaking one is pretty poor if you ask me. And even with vetoing game types, you seem to be in a situation that ends up worse than the original more often than not.[/QUOTE]

Going gold means the game went to be produced/copied at a factory. Your opinion seems to be that they rushed the game, it has nothing to do with it "going gold". Every game will go gold before it is released.
Is Halo 3's multiplayer really worth the cost of admission? I have no desire to play the single player, at least not anytime soon.

I ask because there's a fuckload of games coming out this month and the following month, and I'm already a bit low on cash. I need to choose my games wisely.
bread's done