Halo 3 - General Discussion & Info

[quote name='BREVITY']OMG last night I went and got the last skull w/o having got the ones before it (I had the first three only) anyway after all my hard work I got NO achievements for it. I held it in my hand and nothing happened. I was so mad.

So I ask do I have to get these in order?[/QUOTE]
By last Skull do you mean IWHBYD, because that is a silver skull which you don't get anything for, you only get achievements for the Gold Skulls.
[quote name='Puffa469']So I guess all things that are popular are the greatest and have no flaws and could not possibly be made better? :roll:

I understand that both Halo 2 and 3 were/are very popular. That doesnt mean they couldnt be made better. All I want is the choice.

Imagine if when you used Google, instead of spitting out a list of results, you could only use the 'I'm feeling lucky' feature.

If Halo 3's multiplayer sucked, I would shut up and just not play it. But like Ive said, the game is great fun when I happen to get a mode I like. It just frustrates me that the matchmaking is soo fucking archaic and broken.[/quote]

Halo 2 and 3's matchmaking is designed to promote variety. For example, if you had the choice you might only do team slayer on Valhalla, but matchmaking encourages you to try other gametypes on different maps.

I played Halo 2, and this wasn't an issue for me (although I do hate playing some lame gametype), so I bought Halo 3.
[quote name='M1C13']By last Skull do you mean IWHBYD, because that is a silver skull which you don't get anything for, you only get achievements for the Gold Skulls.[/QUOTE]
Wow your the first person to know what I was talking about and offer good knowledge. Ok so I didnt know that. shew... in a way I am releaved. Can you tell me do you get anything for it? I mean does it unlock anything to get it? If not why in the hell is it there and why do people care? I hope the game keeps track of me getting it b/c I dont want to have to do that again.
They could remove skill and EXP from games created using a server browser for all I care. All I want is choice.

So some people here don't want to play the same levels over and over again, and I can understand that. But I do want to play KotH on Snowbound over and over, and I could care less about earning EXP or skill from such matches.

Puffa's Google analogy hit the mark. Some people are fine with random results. I prefer results of exactly what I'm looking for (ie: playing the maps and gametypes I want, with the amount of players I want)

[quote name='BREVITY']Wow your the first person to know what I was talking about and offer good knowledge. Ok so I didnt know that. shew... in a way I am releaved. Can you tell me do you get anything for it? I mean does it unlock anything to get it? If not why in the hell is it there and why do people care? I hope the game keeps track of me getting it b/c I dont want to have to do that again.[/QUOTE]
if you have that one and all the others you will have all the pieces of the Hyabusa armor, but only the gold skulls give you achievements.
[quote name='BREVITY']Wow your the first person to know what I was talking about and offer good knowledge. Ok so I didnt know that. shew... in a way I am releaved. Can you tell me do you get anything for it? I mean does it unlock anything to get it? If not why in the hell is it there and why do people care? I hope the game keeps track of me getting it b/c I dont want to have to do that again.[/quote]

It should have saved. Though always check to make sure by going to Campaign and before you start a game, hit X and it should pull up a menu to turn on scoring and enable skulls if I remember correctly.

Each skull does something different as well. The one in particular unlocks hidden dialogue in the campaign. Other silver ones will tend to make the game more 'fun' while the gold ones will make the game more difficult.

The gold skulls give achievements and also collecting X number of skulls gets you various parts of the Hyabusa Armor. All 13 (9 gold, 4 silver) are needed to complete that armor set too.
IWHBYD unlocks alternative dialogue in the campaign missions. You have to go into campaign options (Press X in the campaign lobby) and turn it on by highlighting it.

That's how I got Arbiter promoting the Zune, and how I got a Marine saying that if I was any closer to a Brute, I could kiss it. xD

EDIT: Er, Draekon, I'm playing on Heroic and I'm still getting the alternative dialogue.
Ok, any info would be great but if its already talked about can you post the link. Well I have been playing a few online matches but I dont see the option to save the film file. Is this option only availble in rank or what must one do to save the film?

Thanks on any info.
[quote name='kPod']EDIT: Er, Draekon, I'm playing on Heroic and I'm still getting the alternative dialogue.[/quote]

My fault, I guess I haven't updated myself but I remember early reports saying it was legendary only or something like that. Nice to know though, so thanks.

I'll go ahead and edit that bit of my reply.

[quote name='ryosnk']Ok, any info would be great but if its already talked about can you post the link. Well I have been playing a few online matches but I dont see the option to save the film file. Is this option only availble in rank or what must one do to save the film?

Thanks on any info.[/quote]

You last 20 or so games (I think that was the amount?) are automatically saved in your theatre. You just need to go to theatre mode and select the game you want to view. From there you can save clips, screenshots, and such.
[quote name='kPod']IWHBYD unlocks alternative dialogue in the campaign missions. You have to go into campaign options (Press X in the campaign lobby) and turn it on by highlighting it.

That's how I got Arbiter promoting the Zune, and how I got a Marine saying that if I was any closer to a Brute, I could kiss it. xD[/QUOTE]

I got a Brute to yell "That was my boyfriend!" when I killed a different Brute last night. I also recall a Marine yelling "I was about to get an achievement!" when I stole a kill.
I loved the "STOP CLEANING MY TRASH!" one. But when the arbiter promoted the Zune, I spun around and looked him up and down, before walking off and spouting my insult. xD
[quote name='sendme']I dont know if that shot is just luck or skill. I bet they were pissed when they saw it in theater mode.[/QUOTE]

vid maker's statement:

I BlackShadowMist pull off one of the luckiest sticks in Halo 3 history, which boils down to total insanity. A Cross-Map, off wall, air lift, sticky. With 99.999% of luck involved. Cannot reattempt and succeed.
Just finished the campain on legendary. The fucking cutscenes gave me a headache..amazingly, we never had to start back at a checkpoint from dying (three of us).
[quote name='nikelecious91']Just finished the campain on legendary. The fucking cutscenes gave me a headache..amazingly, we never had to start back at a checkpoint from dying (three of us).[/quote]
Wish I could say the same. Me and 2 others were getting prawned on just the first mission on Legendary by stickies and Brute Shots. (with 3 skulls turned on though, mind you)
[quote name='mrelusive']Wish I could say the same. Me and 2 others were getting prawned on just the first mission on Legendary by stickies and Brute Shots. (with 3 skulls turned on though, mind you)[/quote]

We had like 4-6 gold skulls turned on. I was wondering why we didn't all die...there were times that I was the last and was real close to dying though.
I'm having a hell of a time trying to find a match. Took about 5 minutes after I hit Start Matchmaking just for the screen to come up to find players. Then it took another minute to find players, and then 3 players disappeared, and I got taken back to the lobby.

Last night I played about 6 social slayer games, and I think 4 of them cut out in the middle and took me back to the lobby.

I thought it was my internet, but can someone confirm this may be a problem with Halo itself. I've had no problems before last night though.

EDIT: And I've been fucking losing EXP points, because you lose 2 points every time you quit a game.
Played through on Legendary by myself with the Thunderstorm skull turned on. The only level I had a problem playing though was the 8th Mission.

Now it's time to play though on Legendary with Thunderstorm, Tough Luck, Fog, Tilt and Mythic turned on.
So I finally got some decent time in with both MP and SP modes. SP mode is meh at best. I haven't quite figured out why I don't like it yet. I'll give it more time. MP was a bit more fun though. I was surprised to actually be able to play from Indonesia, albeit on the same map (Slayer I think it is called) with only 4 people. I think the Matchmaking service works well considering where I am. I prefer the old server based matchmaking method but that technique simply doesn't work here in Indonesia.

One thing I'm not too keen on is how shitty the default gun is. Good lord, how can I unload an entire clip on someone and NOT kill them? Switching weapons is gonna take some getting used to as well. Holding down RB seems cumbersome to me.
[quote name='daphatty']One thing I'm not too keen on is how shitty the default gun is. Good lord, how can I unload an entire clip on someone and NOT kill them? Switching weapons is gonna take some getting used to as well. Holding down RB seems cumbersome to me.[/QUOTE]
The AR takes some getting used to but with minimal headshots included does indeed kill in a single clip. As for the new weapon changing my only gripe is i some times switch weapons while reloading in a fire fight which needless to say is less then optimal.
[quote name='daphatty']One thing I'm not too keen on is how shitty the default gun is. Good lord, how can I unload an entire clip on someone and NOT kill them?[/QUOTE]

Burst fire.
[quote name='Arikado']Burst fire.[/QUOTE]

As in brief, intermittent pressing of the right trigger? Hmm... Must learn to control my, "HOLY fuck! GET HIM! GET HIM! GET HIM!" impulse. :lol:
[quote name='daphatty']As in brief, intermittent pressing of the right trigger? Hmm... Must learn to control my, "HOLY fuck! GET HIM! GET HIM! GET HIM!" impulse. :lol:[/QUOTE]

If you're complaining about the AR...perhaps we should revisit H2's SMG start? My goodness. WTF was Bungie thinking.

Also, that MLG video was DISGUSTING.
[quote name='daphatty']As in brief, intermittent pressing of the right trigger? Hmm... Must learn to control my, "HOLY fuck! GET HIM! GET HIM! GET HIM!" impulse. :lol:[/QUOTE]

At close range, holding the trigger down is usually fine as long as you're accurate. Either way, close range AR fights are usually decided by a melee attack. Anywhere from close-mid to middle-long range, your best bet is to burst fire. Fire a few rounds, ease off the trigger, and then fire again.
bread's done