Halo 3 - General Discussion & Info

What's the difference between being a man or woman in matchmaking? It says that it will be adjusted depending on your sex.
[quote name='pop311']What's the difference between being a man or woman in matchmaking? It says that it will be adjusted depending on your sex.[/QUOTE]
When you die, they grunt a male or female voice depending on what you choose.
[quote name='pop311']What's the difference between being a man or woman in matchmaking? It says that it will be adjusted depending on your sex.[/QUOTE]
Instead of the Forge, women spawn in the Kitchen.
Finished the 7th level for the meta-game achievement, man that was close! Ended up at around 51,000 after the 1.5x time bonus and 3 skulls on normal, I finished at 46 minutes and I bet the 1.0x time bonus was getting close. Would have been pissed if I had to do that all over again haha. Luckily I had a stealth equipment on me so that helped out a bit dodging the enemies at the end.
Anyone else with a legendary set notice that in the Halo 3 case it is made for 2 discs? Wonder if they just went with that type of case or if at one time they did plan on puting another disc in with the game. This is with the game not the other case with the 2 discs in it.
They probably used the same cases for the game case and the extras. I notice that the Wii games from Nintendo are made for an extra disc holder dealie.
This is the multiplayer review by Lono at http://www.SarcasticGamer.com. I have to say I agree with what he says.

Infact I think I hate this game more now. I just played the first level with gameplay with the points on. I did this on normal and 3 skulls on. I was only able to get 1x the points due to the time. I only ended up with just over 7000. I died but not enough to lose 8000 points. I don't see how some of you can get them but congrats to you for doing so. For me I will never again play the campaign again unless someone wants me to. Even then I have to have 3 or 4 gold skulls on and points on.

The style of multiplayer was great when Quake 3 was out. Infact I think some games it can still work but not for Halo. Bungie could atleast put more into the ranked games. I join a ranked game and I have what 5 or 6 maps and 3 game types in Lone Wolves. Out of the few game types people usually vote to goto another map and style if it is anything but slayer.

by Lono

When you start a match in Halo 3, it's always boils down to a foot race to the good weapons. Run, run, run to the good weapons... What? You don't know where they're at? Too bad for you, because SuPeRhAlOgUy does and he just sniped your a$$.

I declare that this style of antiquated multiplayer gaming is dead.

The style of multiplayer gaming, where there's a race to the "good" weapons and vehicles, is over. That train has passed. After playing multiplayer games for the 360 including, Battlestations Midway, Rainbow Six Vegas, Perfect Dark Zero, GRAW and GRAW 2, the Halo Multiplayer feels anitquated.

There's nothing more frustrating than trying to fight and survive on a map where there's one guy with the only sniper rifle, or rocket launcher and you can't counter it because there's no more on the map. That sucks and that isn't fun.

New school?

There's a new style of multiplayer taking over videogames. The type of multiplayer that rewards your online play with weapon upgrades and performance tweaks. I don't know when it started, perhaps in Battlefield 2, but this style is taking over. These games offer players a balanced field, allowing skill to take over. If everybody is able to choose their weapons and begin with their favored gun, there isn't this track and field mini game to begin a map, where you have to race, race, race to the rocket launcher, or hurry, hurry, hurry to the tank/vehicle of choice.

Track and Field mini games, for the record, are not fun.

This new style is best evidenced in the Call of Duty 4 Multiplayer Beta. For instance, in the CoD 4 Beta, you pick your weapon and style upgrades and go on your way. You're rewarded for using the same weapon, with weapon specific upgrades and camoflage. This style rewards players that become proficient with that weapon. On the other hand, in Halo, you begin with one weapon that, for the most part, sucks and are tasked with having to go on a proverbial Easter egg hunt to find a better weapon. Usually, while looking said weapon, you get killed by the guy that already got it.


The Halo style of multiplayer is for the dinosaurs. Halo 2 came out over three years ago. Gaming has changed. Gamers have moved on from capture the flag. Too bad Halo didn't evolve with it.
For those trying to get the We're in for some Chop achievement...

Easy way to get it. Start at mission point Alpha in Tsavo Highway. Get past the first wraith, and make sure to pick up a Trap Mine from the building with the turret. Go to the next area where you'll get a couple Choppers.

To get the achievement, you have to blow up and destroy a manned enemy vehicle. One mine alone won't do this. Damage a chopper with 2 or 3 non-stick grenades, and then get it to go over a mine. If the chopper is manned and it actually explodes from the mine, you get the achievement.
Youtube has a video of this about 8 minutes long. To add to this make sure that the Marines do not kill the driver or blow up the choper. It only took one mine for me and thankfully the Marine softend it up for me. All I had to do was dodge and through out the mine. Anothe thing is that this only give the achievement for the person that through out the mine.

[quote name='Callandor']For those trying to get the We're in for some Chop achievement...

Easy way to get it. Start at mission point Alpha in Tsavo Highway. Get past the first wraith, and make sure to pick up a Trap Mine from the building with the turret. Go to the next area where you'll get a couple Choppers.

To get the achievement, you have to blow up and destroy a manned enemy vehicle. One mine alone won't do this. Damage a chopper with 2 or 3 non-stick grenades, and then get it to go over a mine. If the chopper is manned and it actually explodes from the mine, you get the achievement.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='sendme']This is the multiplayer review by Lono at http://www.SarcasticGamer.com. I have to say I agree with what he says.

Infact I think I hate this game more now. I just played the first level with gameplay with the points on. I did this on normal and 3 skulls on. I was only able to get 1x the points due to the time. I only ended up with just over 7000. I died but not enough to lose 8000 points. I don't see how some of you can get them but congrats to you for doing so. For me I will never again play the campaign again unless someone wants me to. Even then I have to have 3 or 4 gold skulls on and points on.

The style of multiplayer was great when Quake 3 was out. Infact I think some games it can still work but not for Halo. Bungie could atleast put more into the ranked games. I join a ranked game and I have what 5 or 6 maps and 3 game types in Lone Wolves. Out of the few game types people usually vote to goto another map and style if it is anything but slayer.[/QUOTE]

I disagree about this. I always found Gears to be a foot race to the sniper rifle and other better weapons. I have most of my kills in Halo from the Assault Rifle and Melee... so if you're reliant on the other weapons you need to learn how to fight with the default ones.

I do personally prefer a Counter-Strike or R6:Vegas approach where you can choose weapons, but this creates a lot of balancing issues, and eliminates a lot of the cool weapons Halo has.
[quote name='Callandor']Eh, just kill the marines if need be. Their exasperated cries of frustration as their savior guns them down is satisfying.[/quote]

You know, I was helping my friend get skulls and terminals the other day and we did this on the sand level. We killed everyone so he could get Headshot Honcho without any issue and then you remember the part where they drop the tanks? Well they were filled with spiteful NPCs who raped both of us and his splitscreener in the blink of an eye as there are absolutely no cover nearby that we could escape to. :p
[quote name='Draekon']You know, I was helping my friend get skulls and terminals the other day and we did this on the sand level. We killed everyone so he could get Headshot Honcho without any issue and then you remember the part where they drop the tanks? Well they were filled with spiteful NPCs who raped both of us and his splitscreener in the blink of an eye as there are absolutely no cover nearby that we could escape to. :p[/QUOTE]

ROFL! I have to try this. You have a video of it you could share? :D

Another easter egg I found: You know the part in Crow's Nest where they have the "password" argument with the Red vs Blue guys? I've found two different conversations, one with Simmons & Grif (my original normal playthrough), and one with Church & Caboose (Legendary w/ IWHBYD skull last night).
[quote name='Callandor']ROFL! I have to try this. You have a video of it you could share? :D

Another easter egg I found: You know the part in Crow's Nest where they have the "password" argument with the Red vs Blue guys? I've found two different conversations, one with Simmons & Grif (my original normal playthrough), and one with Church & Caboose (Legendary w/ IWHBYD skull last night).[/QUOTE]

where is the church & caboose one?
[quote name='tgk2044']where is the church & caboose one?[/QUOTE]

Same place as the Simmons/Grif. I think the IWHBYD skull unlocks the alternative conversation. *shrugs*
need a double team partner!!! Send me a friend request

Level 6 on double team ranked, but i mostly play player matches when my friend is over at my house.
[quote name='Callandor']ROFL! I have to try this. You have a video of it you could share? :D[/quote]

I'll see if it's still under theatre. Can we record video on campaign though? I can get several screenshots of it at least if not. It's amazing how accurate they are when they attack the players though.

EDIT: And dieing back to a checkpoint resets their hate-o-meter. In case you didn't already know. Thankfully or else it wouldof been a bitch to get those three tanks and warthot away from them so we could continue the level.
Finding ways to get spiteful NPCs to kill themselves when you tick them off has been one of the more funner moments I've had in coop :D
Seems I'm running into more possibilities of having the ending spoiled for me, so would anyone be willing to help me out in doing a Campaign Co-op on Legendary from Chapter 8 on? I did a co-op session through chapter 7, but my single player save is still at the start of chapter 7. I can probably log on and finish this starting around 1130pmEST (Friday night...not sure if I'll be on Saturday afternoon). (BTW, 'bout how many more hours have I got? 1 hour or so?) Thanks.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']Seems I'm running into more possibilities of having the ending spoiled for me, so would anyone be willing to help me out in doing a Campaign Co-op on Legendary from Chapter 8 on? I did a co-op session through chapter 7, but my single player save is still at the start of chapter 7. I can probably log on and finish this starting around 1130pmEST (Friday night...not sure if I'll be on Saturday afternoon). (BTW, 'bout how many more hours have I got? 1 hour or so?) Thanks.[/quote]

I'll try to be on at that time.
For an easy Used Car Salesman Achievement, see past the spoilers

Start up Crow's Next. Go to the area where Phantoms come in and drop enemies. Try to melee off one of the Turrets on it. There you go. This happened to me a couple of nights ago on Legendary and I was shocked.
Yeah the Gears of War multiplayer sucks. I have thought that from day one. Gears the single player is great but multiplayer sucks. Halo I'm to the point both suck or atleast lacking something, however the multiplayer beats the single player. The point the guy was makeing is the fact that a run and gun type of multiplayer like Halos is old. I think it died with Halo 2 and the only ones that can still do it is Quake and Unreal. I don't know why but they just seem as though they can still pull it off.

[quote name='lordwow']I disagree about this. I always found Gears to be a foot race to the sniper rifle and other better weapons. I have most of my kills in Halo from the Assault Rifle and Melee... so if you're reliant on the other weapons you need to learn how to fight with the default ones.

I do personally prefer a Counter-Strike or R6:Vegas approach where you can choose weapons, but this creates a lot of balancing issues, and eliminates a lot of the cool weapons Halo has.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Draekon']You know, I was helping my friend get skulls and terminals the other day and we did this on the sand level. We killed everyone so he could get Headshot Honcho without any issue and then you remember the part where they drop the tanks? Well they were filled with spiteful NPCs who raped both of us and his splitscreener in the blink of an eye as there are absolutely no cover nearby that we could escape to. :p[/quote]

What...!? You can get the headshot honcho by killing friendlies?
[quote name='LinkinPrime']What...!? You can get the headshot honcho by killing friendlies?[/quote]

No, no. We killed them off so they didn't shoot enemies at the beginning of the desert level. That way he could headshot enemies without any problems. I had found it easiest to do it there when I ran through the levels for skulls.

It's just it backfired later in the level while we were going through getting skulls for him since we killed everyone up to the point where you get three tanks and a warthog filled with ally NPCs.
[quote name='Ma12kez']Hey guys I got a quick question. In the metagame scenario, do you get penalized for every skull that is turned on?[/quote]

Each gold skull you turn on will give you a bonus that multiplies each kill as it happens. Then you have the time multiplier at the end of the level that will multiply your overall score I believe.

I don't know about silver skulls though.
Random question, in the Legendary edition are there just two DVD cases? One being the game and one being the bonus stuff? Is the "Essentials" case all the extra content?

Thinking about trying to nab it off of eBay sans helmet, etc.
Two achievements away from having it all done: Spartan Officer (cake) and Mongoose Mowdown (cake made entirely out of asphalt)
[quote name='daroga']Random question, in the Legendary edition are there just two DVD cases? One being the game and one being the bonus stuff? Is the "Essentials" case all the extra content?

Thinking about trying to nab it off of eBay sans helmet, etc.[/quote]

Yes, there are 2 DVD cases(1 for the game and 1 for the Extra(essentials)) . The Essentials case has 2 DVDs of extra content
Anyone looking to get some Legendary Chapters done this Saturday? I only need to do Chapters II, III, VII, VIII, and IX. However, I’m cool with repeating chapters if anyone wants to play through the entire campaign.
[quote name='Kevlar281']Anyone looking to get some Legendary Chapters done this Saturday? I only need to do Chapters II, III, VII, VIII, and IX. However, I’m cool with repeating chapters if anyone wants to play through the entire campaign. [/QUOTE]
Need those too, so I'm up for some more games on the weekend.
pretty good game. campaign is more of the same, but tight and fun.
mp is better than h2 though im only able to lan currently.

can anybody link me or give me some settings for some good custom game variants?
im looking for slayer variants.

[quote name='Kevlar281']Anyone looking to get some Legendary Chapters done this Saturday? I only need to do Chapters II, III, VII, VIII, and IX. However, I’m cool with repeating chapters if anyone wants to play through the entire campaign. [/quote]I need to finish 8 and 9 so I don't have to work around spoilers anymore. Around what time Saturday were you planning to play?
If iI do a terminal run do I have to beat the game through as I access the terminals or can I just level hop get the terminals and quit? Some people have been having issues with this, although they may have also been missing the one on cortana. I would've check back but this thread is huge, thanks.
[quote name='SpikeSpiegel']If iI do a terminal run do I have to beat the game through as I access the terminals or can I just level hop get the terminals and quit? Some people have been having issues with this, although they may have also been missing the one on cortana. I would've check back but this thread is huge, thanks.[/quote]

When I ran thru to get Terminals, I would access one, then proceed forward a bit till I got a new checkpoint, then I would save and quit and load up the next level. That worked for me.

I thought I unlocked all the terminals. Is there a way to check which 1 you missed? Thanks

Theres one terminal that you probably wont come across on a normal play thru, On the level where you have to disable the three towers and lower the forcefield, theres a terminal and a skull at the second tower. But other than that, theres no gameplay reason to go there. You disable the first tower, then the arbiter disables the second one. Then your instructed to fly right to the third tower. If you head for the second one, the Arbiter even asks you what your doing and mentions that theres no reason to go there, dont you believe it! lol Also, the game does not keep track of ternimals that you've accessed in any way that you can check afaik.
Lol, I was playing that very level mentioned above, with the three towers. I was in a Warthog racing to the first tower when I hit a two ally's on a quad, and sent them over the edge of the waterfall. As the plunged down one of em screamed "Team Killeeeeer!" lol I had the IMHBYD skull on so Im not sure if it was reg or alternate dialogue, but It had me cracking up either way.
Anyone wanna play through the entire game with me? I already beat it on Legendary, but I wanna go back and get all those other achievements. Send me a PM/friend request. :)
[quote name='Callandor']ROFL! I have to try this. You have a video of it you could share? :D[/quote]

Well, when I got home from work I checked and no dice unfortunetly. Seemed I played about 2-3 too many matches/missions after that. Though I do have a decent shot from a single Legendary run through the first level with all skulls turned on except Iron, Black Eye, and Blind. Unfortunetly my friend (the host) quit at the end because he died far too much and lost interest so the game didn't save to bungie.net. Though myself and my friends splitscreener did do a suicide jump and I must say that those little grunts throw nades damn accurate, fast, and constant with the catch skull. These two pictures don't do it justice in some parts:

[quote name='SteveMcQ']I need to finish 8 and 9 so I don't have to work around spoilers anymore. Around what time Saturday were you planning to play?[/quote]
Anytime after 12PM CST.
Anyone up for running through the 8th and 9th levels on Legendary collecting all skulls and terminals remaining? Tonight maybe? We will need 3 people plus me!
I will be on later tonight (late EST, perhaps 10) and definately up for some playing tomorrow for the campaign on Legendary. Please add me as a friend, those who want to do that.
I need everything on Legendary and all the skulls but 2 and the terminals. I will be on after 9 Central I would like to play Co-op with some Cags

Okay, so 10 PM EST I'll be hosting a 4 player CO-OP game on Legendary for levels 8 and 9. We will go for every skull and terminal in these two maps!

MY GT is f00l Killa, leave your GT and I'll send you a FR.
bread's done