Halo 3 - General Discussion & Info

There's only one skull on each of those maps and only one terminal, and that's on level nine. Also, the skull and terminal on nine is at the very beginning of the level, before you see any enemies.
I had the catch skull on just normal and they throw alot. I think them were what killed me the most. Only good thing is you never run out of them if you need them.

[quote name='Draekon']Well, when I got home from work I checked and no dice unfortunetly. Seemed I played about 2-3 too many matches/missions after that. Though I do have a decent shot from a single Legendary run through the first level with all skulls turned on except Iron, Black Eye, and Blind. Unfortunetly my friend (the host) quit at the end because he died far too much and lost interest so the game didn't save to bungie.net. Though myself and my friends splitscreener did do a suicide jump and I must say that those little grunts throw nades damn accurate, fast, and constant with the catch skull. These two pictures don't do it justice in some parts:

[quote name='Callandor']GT: Relbomb[/QUOTE]

Now the only remaining obstacle to relieve my precious HDTV of my roommate's ardent desire to waste it on petty SD television and Star Wars movies in 85 minutes...
CAllandor and Kendro, if you guys want to play earlier, we can do it right now. The other guys have not responded to my friend requsts, and getting one more guy won't be too difficult.
[quote name='help1']CAllandor and Kendro, if you guys want to play earlier, we can do it right now. The other guys have not responded to my friend requsts, and getting one more guy won't be too difficult.[/quote]I might be able to jump on around 10pm EST so I'll send you a friend invite in case you still need another person. I'll message you on Live to see if I can join in if I get on later. I also just need to go through VIII and IX to see how the game ends.
[quote name='nikelecious91']Any suggestions on getting the triple kill with the sword?[/quote]

Pit or Construct KotH (or ball...but the ball holder is a bitch to sword). Just lay low right next to the hill and wait for them to show up
[quote name='Mattte']Pit or Construct KotH (or ball...but the ball holder is a bitch to sword). Just lay low right next to the hill and wait for them to show up[/quote]
Good advice. I pulled mine off on Construct playing ball. I waited up at the top of the lift/teleporter until the ball carrier came up. Killed him and got lucky that two people were right behind him coming up the lift.
[quote name='Mattte']Pit or Construct KotH (or ball...but the ball holder is a bitch to sword). Just lay low right next to the hill and wait for them to show up[/quote]

What game type would KotH show up in? I'm guessing BtB? I don't remember it the achievement said ranked free for all or not.
[quote name='help1']Ugh, I might not be able to make it tonight guys. Im starting to feel drowsy! Too much work this week![/QUOTE]

Then I shall wait for others in your stead. If you wish to partake in the sweet, sweet deliciousness of co-op, send a friend invite to Relbomb, and the massacre shall begin.
[quote name='nikelecious91']What game type would KotH show up in? I'm guessing BtB? I don't remember it the achievement said ranked free for all or not.[/quote]King of the Hill shows up in ranked Free for all (Lone Wolves) often. And every online achievement has to be done in ranked FFA, except for MVP, which has to be done in a team game.

And now, a suggestion for those trying to get the Two For One achievement, which is two kills with one Spartan laser shot. Construct. Oddball. Chase the Oddball carrier to the bottom of the map. When he's in that plus-shaped room (the one directly in the middle with the Spartan laser on the side), stay back by the ramp. He will likely run straight to the grav lift. As he does this, he will be followed. Line them up, take the shot. Achievement unlocked.

Still two achievements left. Any suggestions for Mongoose Mowdown? I can't seem to kill anyone with the darn thing, though I've managed to hit quite a few.
[quote name='Z-Saber']Still two achievements left. Any suggestions for Mongoose Mowdown? I can't seem to kill anyone with the darn thing, though I've managed to hit quite a few.[/quote]

I got mine on Isolation after a 1 on 1 duel between two people...I just cleaned up the survivor, he'll most likely have no sheilds.
I hate oddball soo much that tonight when I got it for the third fucking time in a row I just put my controller down and went and made a sandwhich.

god I love Halos 'revolutionary' ahead of its time matchmaking. :roll:
[quote name='Puffa469']god I love Halos 'revolutionary' ahead of its time matchmaking. :roll:[/quote]
Who said this?

Anyway Oddball last like 3 minutes usually and most of the time its an easy win.
[quote name='DT778']What's the official name of that regulator helmet?[/quote]My 'box is actually not here right now, otherwise I'd check to be sure, but I believe it's E.O.D.
[quote name='Z-Saber']King of the Hill shows up in ranked Free for all (Lone Wolves) often. And every online achievement has to be done in ranked FFA, except for MVP, which has to be done in a team game.

And now, a suggestion for those trying to get the Two For One achievement, which is two kills with one Spartan laser shot. Construct. Oddball. Chase the Oddball carrier to the bottom of the map. When he's in that plus-shaped room (the one directly in the middle with the Spartan laser on the side), stay back by the ramp. He will likely run straight to the grav lift. As he does this, he will be followed. Line them up, take the shot. Achievement unlocked.

Still two achievements left. Any suggestions for Mongoose Mowdown? I can't seem to kill anyone with the darn thing, though I've managed to hit quite a few.[/quote]

Wow I think I've only seen KotH once in ranked free for all...

Hehe I got my Two for One achievement pretty luckily. One guy was on a ghost and another trying to kill him. Thinking nothing of it, I just tried to shoot them and got the double kill. Then I realized I got it :bouncy:
[quote name='Liquid 2']How are you guys getting the "destroy a vehicle with equipment" achievement?[/QUOTE]

Tsavo Highway, i think you can even start in the middle of the level, but the "trip mine" is in one of the outposts, and its easy to get the achievement. Someone else can probably explain it better.
[quote name='Liquid 2']How are you guys getting the "destroy a vehicle with equipment" achievement?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Callandor']For those trying to get the We're in for some Chop achievement...

Easy way to get it. Start at mission point Alpha in Tsavo Highway. Get past the first wraith, and make sure to pick up a Trap Mine from the building with the turret. Go to the next area where you'll get a couple Choppers.

To get the achievement, you have to blow up and destroy a manned enemy vehicle. One mine alone won't do this. Damage a chopper with 2 or 3 non-stick grenades, and then get it to go over a mine. If the chopper is manned and it actually explodes from the mine, you get the achievement.[/QUOTE]

Also, don't let the marines destroy of kill the drivers of the choppers ahead of time.
I just got the triple kill with the sword. Before the match started, one guy asked if we wanted to play an achievement match. I said sure. One guy got his Killing Frenzy and just left. Luckily I still got my sword achievement hehe
I'm glad you can't. This is what I love about the Halo 3 achievements. Make them barely worth any points so most people don't obsess over them, and make them take some skill to get.
[quote name='DT778']What's the official name of that regulator helmet?[/quote]

Rogue. Get to level 10 and 70 EXP.
[quote name='Trakan']Rogue. Get to level 10 and 70 EXP.[/QUOTE]
He means the E.O.D.

You get that helmet from beating the game on Legendary.
You can if people want to. Just ask when you get in a room with people. Chances are they will say no but you might get some that will.

[quote name='Mindzeye82']Man, I wish I could play an achievement match[/QUOTE]
So hard to gain skill. What, do you have a 100000:1 kill death ratio or something?

Oh, and Bungie sucks at updating stats on their website.
It's not going to be instant with 1.2 million people online, and tens of thousands of games finishing all the time.

[quote name='Punk_Raven']So hard to gain skill. What, do you have a 100000:1 kill death ratio or something?

Oh, and Bungie sucks at updating stats on their website.[/quote]
So how do we know that all the skulls are discovered? I noticed theres two empty spots in skull grid/box/option menu. Maybe not gold skulls but silver perhaps?
[quote name='dastly75']So how do we know that all the skulls are discovered? I noticed theres two empty spots in skull grid/box/option menu. Maybe not gold skulls but silver perhaps?[/quote]

How many do you have? There's 9 gold and 4 silver.
[quote name='Punk_Raven']So it's behind like 3 days?[/quote]

There was a shit-ton of people playing yesterday (900,000 +), and the days before it...thats tons of data being submitted every second, the queue is probabaly gigantic.
[quote name='Callandor']Also, don't let the marines destroy of kill the drivers of the choppers ahead of time.[/QUOTE]

Can you get the in for some chop achievement on any difficulty?
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Can you get the in for some chop achievement on any difficulty?[/quote]

I'm pretty sure you can(well except for easy) and you can start from check point.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Can you get the in for some chop achievement on any difficulty?[/quote]

I don't see why not. I did it on normal and I suggest you do the same just to be safe.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Can you get the in for some chop achievement on any difficulty?[/QUOTE]

Yes, I got it on easy. The only time I even bothered with easy, actually.
Here's a little hint: easy. I know they want to put in difficulties for the "casuals," but the little I played was pathetic.

Liquid: How far are you on Legendary? I need to finish chapters 4-7, and could always use more co-op partners.
[quote name='Callandor']Liquid: How far are you on Legendary? I need to finish chapters 4-7, and could always use more co-op partners.[/QUOTE]
The level that I quit out of before the end that I need to redo now (GOD DAMMIT) is The Covenant, which is level 7, I believe. Shoot me a FR, I'll be on later tonight.
bread's done