Halo 3 - General Discussion & Info

[quote name='daphatty']
One thing I'm not too keen on is how shitty the default gun is. Good lord, how can I unload an entire clip on someone and NOT kill them? Switching weapons is gonna take some getting used to as well. Holding down RB seems cumbersome to me.[/quote]

I can usually kill someone with one clip withthe default rifle. I aim for the chest, and if I connect, I try to bring my aim up to the head. If your aiming for the stomach or legs you can let off an entire clip and they will still live.

Im also a big fan of dual weilding. Dual weild > default rifle in a firefight.

So far Ive gotten all the skulls and terminals, and now Im trying to muster up the inspiration to play thru on Legendary. Im really not feeling it, but I want to unlock more armor permutations. I think theres some stuff you unlock at 750 ap.
[quote name='Puffa469']I can usually kill someone with one clip withthe default rifle. I aim for the chest, and if I connect, I try to bring my aim up to the head. If your aiming for the stomach or legs you can let off an entire clip and they will still live.

Im also a big fan of dual weilding. Dual weild > default rifle in a firefight.

So far Ive gotten all the skulls and terminals, and now Im trying to muster up the inspiration to play thru on Legendary. Im really not feeling it, but I want to unlock more armor permutations. I think theres some stuff you unlock at 750 ap.[/QUOTE]

Grenade + AR > Dual Wield ;)
Anyone else hate that everyone starts out with grenades? Every fuking match just has people throwing them, it's worse in Lone Wolves. I hate resorting to those tactics but I must online.
I love the nades... that's how I get the majority of my kills (nade + gun combos). Trick is to learn when and where to throw them.

N00b question - do the different armors do anything to you physically, or is it all for show? The descriptions say things like "increased mobility" -- will it actually increase player speed?
[quote name='Radioactive_Man']Anyone else hate that everyone starts out with grenades? Every fuking match just has people throwing them, it's worse in Lone Wolves. I hate resorting to those tactics but I must online.[/QUOTE]
Yeah it sucks that everyone starts off with grenades especially in Crazy King. Obviously the people who know how to place them make better use but a lot of matches then into a grenade fest where everywhere you turn grenades are being thrown.
Zero Punctuation's Bioshock review was amusing. The console wars video was less so, it was actually annoying. This one was just...he just needs to stop.



Can't even get in a good fucking game of Halo 3 til seriously 1 or 2 AM and on when people aren't using the internet. fuckING RETARDED. My roommates and I are about to start a petition. The complex won't even let us fucking UPGRADE. We want to pay more money to get higher speed internet, but we can't. We can upgrade our cable TV, but not our internet? WHAT THE fuck.

/end rant.

I just want to play Halo 3 whenever I fucking please.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']If you're complaining about the AR...perhaps we should revisit H2's SMG start? My goodness. WTF was Bungie thinking.

Also, that MLG video was DISGUSTING.[/quote]

The AR is way too powerful of a starting weapon. It can kill from much too far away. Giving one to everybody just causes a clusterfuck on every map. They really need to put ARs on the map and give everyone an SMG again.

Anyone else think the melees are spotty as fuck in this game compared to H2? I swear I can hear my melee connecting yet I'm the one going flying after all is said and done.
personally i didnt like halo 2 MP at all.....

*pauses for flaming*

it was an unfinished POS IMHO, however i cannot get enough of halo 3... i think they worked it down to a science, and it is damn good now, of course some crap happens there im like WTF... but that happens in anygame. and if i watch the replay it kinda makes sence most of the time.
I agree, the Halo 3 Multiplayer is far superior to Halo 2's IMHO.

As far as the Melee problem, I've seemed to be the other guy, nearly always connecting on melee hits while someone else is trying to hit me. In fact according to my stats, on ranked games, I have like 20 more melee kills than anything else.
Which Skulls would you guys recommend doing the meta-game achievements with? Right now I have Mythic, Famine and Fog. I was curious which was easier between Mythic and Thunderstorm, since I wasn't really sure what a Field Promotion entailed.
[quote name='Punk_Raven']Yup. The game is pretty average. I'd give it an 8.0 tops.[/QUOTE]

Hee hee! It sure is! Why, with all the FPS out there that have 4-player co-op online play, saved films and screenshots that you can share in-game or online, loads of vehicles, endless customization options, etc., Halo 3 is just one of the crowd! And I'm not on crack!! :hot:
[quote name='zewone']That site eats cock.[/QUOTE]
Someone's got sand in his mangina. I thought his Bioshock review was hilarious and I loved that game. If you can't find the humor in it you're taking things a bit too seriously. Lighten up, Francis.
[quote name='jimfoley16']Which Skulls would you guys recommend doing the meta-game achievements with? Right now I have Mythic, Famine and Fog. I was curious which was easier between Mythic and Thunderstorm, since I wasn't really sure what a Field Promotion entailed.[/QUOTE]

I did them all with Tough Luck, Famine, and Thunderstorm on normal, and I got the achievements on all chapters except Sierra 117 on my first try (Sierra took 2).

Go for a lot of battle rifle and carbine headshots, assassinations, and stickies for extra points, and try to pull off (at least) the 1.5x time bonus in most levels. Thunderstorm will drop the carbine/BR ammo drops/pickups from enemies and marines, but this just forces you to improve your aiming to conserve ammo. :D

More hints, too. If you're on foot, destroy Wraiths by planting grenades instead of bashing (1500 pts vs. 100 pts with the above skulls active). Try to blow up manned turrets, Ghosts, and Choppers instead of just killing the enemies using them for extra points, too.
[quote name='Draekon']My fault, I guess I haven't updated myself but I remember early reports saying it was legendary only or something like that. Nice to know though, so thanks.

I'll go ahead and edit that bit of my reply.

You last 20 or so games (I think that was the amount?) are automatically saved in your theatre. You just need to go to theatre mode and select the game you want to view. From there you can save clips, screenshots, and such.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the information. I can finally check out my first kill online. :)
[quote name='PyroGamer']Any deals on this game right now?[/quote]

You just missed it at GoGamer for $47.90 before shipping the other day. Now it's back up to $54.90 before shipping. Other than that you have the buy.com with google checkout for $48.99 after shipping as it qualifies for free shipping. Then there's Family Video + Coupon for $51.98, but god knows when/if you'll actually get the game from them. Otherwise I haven't seen anything worthwhile I believe.

So if you don't mind bending over backwards to make a new email account for google checkout if you've used it in the past, then that's probably your best bet.
[quote name='Damian']Someone's got sand in his mangina. I thought his Bioshock review was hilarious and I loved that game. If you can't find the humor in it you're taking things a bit too seriously. Lighten up, Francis.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Damian']Someone's got sand in his mangina. I thought his Bioshock review was hilarious and I loved that game. If you can't find the humor in it you're taking things a bit too seriously. Lighten up, Francis.[/QUOTE]
Whoa, sand in manginas and calling me girl names; very original.

Have you heard this one?

fuck off, $$$$$$.
[quote name='zewone']Whoa, sand in manginas and calling me girl names; very original.

Have you heard this one?

fuck off, $$$$$$.[/QUOTE]
Seriously. Lighten up, Francis.

It's just a game. Don't get your sense of self worth all tied up in it.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']probably posted already but:


to be entirely honest it couldn't have been put better though I disagree that multiplay isn't great or whatever. But yes... average.

and before brak comes in annoyed by my opinions: I don't care what others think, I'm just dicking around.[/QUOTE]

Good shit, as usual. and he's right about a lot of it, except multiplayer. and the game is far from average. Not that his reviews are meant to be taken too seriously--though now that he has attacked a "sacred" game, I'm sure he'll get a shit ton of hate mail, because people are dumb.

The Peggle review might be favorite so far.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']probably posted already but:


to be entirely honest it couldn't have been put better though I disagree that multiplay isn't great or whatever. But yes... average.

and before brak comes in annoyed by my opinions: I don't care what others think, I'm just dicking around.[/QUOTE]

I watched it. I liked the Bioshock review but this one was pretty unfunny.
[quote name='Damian']Seriously. Lighten up, Francis.

It's just a game. Don't get your sense of self worth all tied up in it.[/QUOTE]
Why would I have to lighten up, when I'm not being serious?

I think the site is unfunny and say it eats cock, so then you feel the need to talk shit about me?

It's just a site. Don't get your sense of self worth all tied up in it.
[quote name='Trakan']The AR is way too powerful of a starting weapon. It can kill from much too far away. Giving one to everybody just causes a clusterfuck on every map. They really need to put ARs on the map and give everyone an SMG again.

Anyone else think the melees are spotty as fuck in this game compared to H2? I swear I can hear my melee connecting yet I'm the one going flying after all is said and done.[/QUOTE]

Yes and it has been pissing me off (I get right on top of someone and melee them and it doesn't connect and I have had it happen where I get melee'd from 10 feet away, shit is worse than gears sometimes, especially since there is no counter).

Also you should be able to shoot and then melee and kill someone, it shouldn't always have to be the other way around to work. That shit has really pissed me off and has soured me on the games multiplayer. If I light someone up with half a clip of AR or BR and then melee that motherfucker should die. Also the one hit melee kill is absolute bullshit. I know I suck, but there are so many times I know that if I was fighting someone with a health system that went from 0-100 that I would whoop their ass that it is unreal.

Other problems with the game include not being able to talk and having to hit a button. Whoever decided this should be left in the game is an asshole and should be dragged in the street and beaten within an inch of their life. That and not being able to pick what game mode more map I want to play also sucks ass. I played team slayer last night and we ended up playing the same map like 5 times in a row, vetoed it after it showed up again and were forced to play shotty snipes the rest of the time. Matchmaking is AIDS IMO. Yea it is nice to play quick, but I would rather wait and play the shit I want to play. There are 500K people playing, I am sure someone else probably wants to play something similar to what I want to play.

I know I have voiced the others already with people I have played with, but this shit just pisses me off.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']
Other problems with the game include not being able to talk and having to hit a button. Whoever decided this should be left in the game is an asshole and should be dragged in the street and beaten within an inch of their life. That and not being able to pick what game mode more map I want to play also sucks ass. I played team slayer last night and we ended up playing the same map like 5 times in a row, vetoed it after it showed up again and were forced to play shotty snipes the rest of the time. Matchmaking is AIDS IMO. Yea it is nice to play quick, but I would rather wait and play the shit I want to play. There are 500K people playing, I am sure someone else probably wants to play something similar to what I want to play.

I know I have voiced the others already with people I have played with, but this shit just pisses me off.[/QUOTE]
Hitting the button, saves bandwidth, I'm assuming for less lag in games.

The melee thing is something they changed from Halo 2 (too difficult to explain), but I think it should go back to how it was before.

And server lists? GTFO, go back to PC games, fatty.
Maybe someone with more experience can answer this-- do regular weapons do more damage if you shoot them in the head? It seems like in a lot of encounters, I lose even though I've emptied a whole clip in them and they've only hit me a few times. But I usually get them in the chest.

Also, do melee hits do more damage when you hit them in the face? is that what launches a guy after you beat them down?
[quote name='zewone']Hitting the button, saves bandwidth, I'm assuming for less lag in games.

The melee thing is something they changed from Halo 2 (too difficult to explain), but I think it should go back to how it was before.

And server lists? GTFO, go back to PC games, fatty.[/QUOTE]

While I can understand the less lag thing, why don't you have to do it in certain gametypes? That shit makes no sense. Also if I am only playing in a game with 8 people, there can't be that much lag.

And yea I would take server lists over the current system. I really hate the matchmaking in this game because I want to have some choice over what I want to play. Combine server lists with the party system and that shit would be money IMO.

Also continuing the discussion of the melee, they need to stop the flying melee shit. I got no problem with you shooting a gun in my face while jumping around, but people getting the advantage with the melee simply because they float around in the air is ridiculous.
[quote name='zewone']All weapons do more damage in the head, as for melees, I'm unsure.[/QUOTE]

got it. that's probably why I lose a lot of close up fights. I'm gonna experiment with melee tonight. Sometimes you get launched across the map, sometimes you don't, and it seems like there should be a reason for that.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']While I can understand the less lag thing, why don't you have to do it in certain gametypes? That shit makes no sense.

And yea I would take server lists over the current system. I really hate the matchmaking in this game because I want to have some choice over what I want to play. Combine server lists with the party system and that shit would be money IMO.[/QUOTE]
You don't have to push to talk in ANY gametype... the only thing is that your team can only have 4 players max. If you're in a 5 player match, it's push to talk. As soon as one guy quits, it automatically switches to open air mics.

Don't think I'm defending it either, I'd love to have open air all the time.
[quote name='zewone']All weapons do more damage in the head, as for melees, I'm unsure.[/QUOTE]

Melee damage has more to do with your position and speed.
If you're running or jumping on top of a person, you do more damage than just standing still and meleeing someone. At least thats how it was with H2.
For the Meta games, do you get more points in Legendary vs Normal...also if I'm using skulls is it better for me to do it on Normal or Legendary to get all the Meta Achievements?
[quote name='LinkinPrime']For the Meta games, do you get more points in Legendary vs Normal...also if I'm using skulls is it better for me to do it on Normal or Legendary to get all the Meta Achievements?[/QUOTE]
In Legendary, you get another multiplier at the end of the level, while in Normal you don't get any.
[quote name='zewone']In Legendary, you get another multiplier at the end of the level, while in Normal you don't get any.[/quote]

Thanks...I'll just finish it in Heroic and then go back through Legendary with some skulls on.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']For the Meta games, do you get more points in Legendary vs Normal...also if I'm using skulls is it better for me to do it on Normal or Legendary to get all the Meta Achievements?[/quote]

2 Skulls on Normal is all you really need if you're playing solo...or 3 if you want to play it safe. Passed 3 levels with just two skulls (Tough Luck and Catch skulls)
[quote name='Mattte']2 Skulls on Normal is all you really need if you're playing solo...or 3 if you want to play it safe. Passed 3 levels with just two skulls (Tough Luck and Catch skulls)[/quote]

So you got all Meta achievements on Normal with just those 2 skulls?
[quote name='LinkinPrime']For the Meta games, do you get more points in Legendary vs Normal...also if I'm using skulls is it better for me to do it on Normal or Legendary to get all the Meta Achievements?[/QUOTE]
Yes you do. Easy is 0.25x Normal is 1x, Heroic is 2x and Legendary is 4x.


Also according to that guide, "The easiest way to hit these score totals is to turn on one or two skulls and play the game on Heroic. In most cases, as long as you don’t die too much and you throw in some headshots and style kills, you should be well on your way to glory."
Anyone else running into this?


There's like a 100 page thread on xbox.com and neither MS nor Bungie have said anything about it.

It seems completely arbitrary and it's not loading the 5th level so I can't get my last skull. Luckily multiplayer works fine so far.
[quote name='Mojimbo']Anyone else running into this?


There's like a 100 page thread on xbox.com and neither MS nor Bungie have said anything about it.

It seems completely arbitrary and it's not loading the 5th level so I can't get my last skull. Luckily multiplayer works fine so far.[/quote]

What version of the game do you have? I heard that some of the Legendary copies were having this issue.
The regular $60 edition, I've already gone through two copies and it has nothing to do with actual scratches on the disk. It seems the software and hardware just aren't playing nice.
Perhaps, but every other game works without a hitch including Bioshock and Halo was/is working fine whenever it doesn't want to throw a shitfit. It loads 100% of the time into the main menu and the multiplayer but freezes on occasion when I initiate a campaign level. In the 16 months that I've had my 360 this is the only time I've ever gotten that specific error screen.
[quote name='Mojimbo']Perhaps, but every other game works without a hitch including Bioshock and Halo was/is working fine whenever it doesn't want to throw a shitfit. It loads 100% of the time into the main menu and the multiplayer but freezes on occasion when I initiate a campaign level. In the 16 months that I've had my 360 this is the only time I've ever gotten that specific error screen.[/quote]

I used to get that error when I played gears of war. Putting my console horizontal seemed to stop its compulsive scratching and rarely ever get that message when I play gears now. Halo is fine so far.
bread's done