Halo 3 - General Discussion & Info

[quote name='mrelusive']Maybe Apple bought them to develop Mac games again? ;P

But I call shenanigans on this one. If the NDA apparently "lifted today", then I think you'd be hearing about this from someone other than some low-profile blogger.[/quote]

Another article pointed out that MS has a board meeting or something to do with stockholders on 10/16 so it would make sense to keep this quiet...
[quote name='Kendal']IWHBYD = I would have been your daddy![/quote]

But why? Such an odd name. I'm thinking it's from a song or something.
[quote name='Punk_Raven']But why? Such an odd name. I'm thinking it's from a song or something.[/QUOTE]

It's a reference to a Halo 1 level.

Also, if that rumor about Bungie and MS splitting up, that would be craaaaazzzzy.
Went skull hunting today and the Famine skull was so hard to get (me not good with the throwing of nade to help you boost up), but after multple tries (10+) I got it.

Also, tried to get the IWHBYD skull, did the ring thing, picked up the skull, saved and quit. Went to check what skulls I got and it didn't show up. Did thise happen to anyone else?
[quote name='pop311']I got the Ninja armor, YAY! I wish I could customize the legs though. I could become super ninja.[/QUOTE]

You can bet that will be DLC in the future. You heard it here first.
[quote name='Punk_Raven']But why? Such an odd name. I'm thinking it's from a song or something.[/quote]

Not sure if this is the original reference to this but, in Halo 1, "I would have been your daddy" is written in that black bar cutscene at the beginning when the pelican flys up to the grunts in the assault on the control room level.
Is anyone else seeing that "HALO 3: NEW WEAPONS, NEW MAPS" banner on the Dashboard?

I presume it's speaking in comparison to Halo 2... right?
I love this game on legendary. Just finished crows nest yesterday and the brutes in the barracks/control room were such intense encounters.

I love halo.
[quote name='Brak']Is anyone else seeing that "HALO 3: NEW WEAPONS, NEW MAPS" banner on the Dashboard?

I presume it's speaking in comparison to Halo 2... right?[/quote]

That is how I took it, since when you selected it it took you to a different page telling you about Halo 3. So I just figured it was telling you what was different from Halo 2.
[quote name='Danil ACE']Not sure if this is the original reference to this but, in Halo 1, "I would have been your daddy" is written in that black bar cutscene at the beginning when the pelican flys up to the grunts in the assault on the control room level.[/QUOTE]

I wish Halo 3 had been as epic campaign-wise as Halo 1...maybe my hopes were too high.
[quote name='BackInBlack']I wish Halo 3 had been as epic campaign-wise as Halo 1...maybe my hopes were too high.[/QUOTE]

Really? I thought H3's campaign was considerably more "epic." The scope of the game is just gigantic. The plot, the characters, and especially the gameplay itself. Those battles with 20+ Covenant + a Scarab, pretty amazing.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Really? I thought H3's campaign was considerably more "epic." The scope of the game is just gigantic. The plot, the characters, and especially the gameplay itself. Those battles with 20+ Covenant + a Scarab, pretty amazing.[/QUOTE]
Agreed. Anyone saying otherwise is just bitching for the sake of bitching.
[quote name='ZerotypeX']Also, tried to get the IWHBYD skull, did the ring thing, picked up the skull, saved and quit. Went to check what skulls I got and it didn't show up. Did thise happen to anyone else?[/quote]

This is exactly what happened to me. So I picked 'resume single player game' or whatever that first option is, and went back in. I had to jump thru all the hoops again, I got the skull again, and then left the level and started the next level. Then I saved and quit and I had the skull.

I think you have to pass a checkpoint to actually get credit for a non acheivement skull, but there is no next checkpoint for that skull, its at the end of the level, so you need to start the next one.
same thing happened to me for the IWHBYD skull, saved and quit but it didn't take. the end of the level is right there though, so it's not too much of a hassle to just jump down the hole and finish it
[quote name='ZerotypeX']Went skull hunting today and the Famine skull was so hard to get (me not good with the throwing of nade to help you boost up), but after multple tries (10+) I got it.

Also, tried to get the IWHBYD skull, did the ring thing, picked up the skull, saved and quit. Went to check what skulls I got and it didn't show up. Did thise happen to anyone else?[/quote]

If I knew how to put a saved video on youtube I would. I had such a hard time with this one but I figured out my own way. Make sure you have one of those shields, not bubble, the other...Throw it against the wall, where'd you normally throw the granade then you can jump on top of the shield and jump to the skull...its so much simpler.
Just throw a plasma down (regular bounce too much) and jump so the explosion barely hits you (so you don't die). Or play 4 player coop and stack people.
Thanks for the info guys. I was working on skulls for a while and realised Heroes was already on and just wanted to get the IWHBYD skull, save and quit, and watch heroes. If only I knew that you had to finish the level to get it, o well...i'll do it again sometime tomorrow.

Yea, I used the plasma gernade. First few times, didn't get the hang of it. Then after that I would get so close to the edge, but never landing on the platform.
JUST completed the 8th level on Legendary. We would've gotten 9 done but the guy lagged out. It was only with one other person, but...

SON OF A BITCH!!! That 8th level on Legendary is probably the hardest level I have ever seen in a video game. EVER! If you LIKE THAT LEVEL, you ARE INSANE! It is annoying, painfully slow, going back and forth trying to make sure you don't die. AND going from Normal (1 player) to Legendary (2 player) is still difficult (I'd say slightly less because respawns can happen, which is a saving grace).

And I'm pretty sure the NAT problems are with my router. Although it's open, it's still a problem. With what, I don't know. All I know is once I took my 360 wired connection off my wireless router and put it on my DSL, I had NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']If I knew how to put a saved video on youtube I would. I had such a hard time with this one but I figured out my own way. Make sure you have one of those shields, not bubble, the other...Throw it against the wall, where'd you normally throw the granade then you can jump on top of the shield and jump to the skull...its so much simpler.[/QUOTE]
If you do it online with a group you can just "buddy jump" for the skull easy as hell.
[quote name='BackInBlack']I wish Halo 3 had been as epic campaign-wise as Halo 1...maybe my hopes were too high.[/QUOTE]

you really want another Library stage? :lol: Chapter 8 and 9 were a pain in 3, but I just kept thinking "don't get mad, this is like 1/20th of the library" :)
[quote name='Danil ACE']I'm wondering why some of you guys save and quit for the IWHBYD skull when the end of the level is right next to the 1st halo....[/quote]

Maybe cos saving and quitting works for every other skull. When your getting a abunch in a row I guess its just habit.

SON OF A BITCH!!! That 8th level on Legendary is probably the hardest level I have ever seen in a video game. EVER! If you LIKE THAT LEVEL, you ARE INSANE! It is annoying, painfully slow, going back and forth trying to make sure you don't die. AND going from Normal (1 player) to Legendary (2 player) is still difficult (I'd say slightly less because respawns can happen, which is a saving grace).

That level, which I refer to as 'colonoscopy' is the reason I will never get the acheivments for Heroic and Legendary, as I refuse to ever play that level again. Playing inside an aliens asshole now beats the end of Half Life 1 as the worst FPS level of all time imo.
[quote name='Apossum']you really want another Library stage? :lol: Chapter 8 and 9 were a pain in 3, but I just kept thinking "don't get mad, this is like 1/20th of the library" :)[/QUOTE]

Don't get me started on the Library level :D
i don't get it, i accessed all the terminals and didn't get the achievement. do i have to finish the levels as i access them? i save and quit when i access them.
[quote name='AshesofWake']i don't get it, i accessed all the terminals and didn't get the achievement. do i have to finish the levels as i access them? i save and quit when i access them.[/QUOTE]
Same here. Also do you have to do them all on the same difficulty.
So, apparently everyone on Halo 3 calls people fags and niggers. I almost forgot about that playing the COD4 beta, but I now remember it from Halo 2. I could be leading the team and people still talk shit (even on the same team). Hell, I played with another CAG who wanted to test out his crappy custom game and even he was talking shit. That was the first and last time I played with him, and I have already removed him from my friends list. Grrr...
[quote name='DomLando']Same here. Also do you have to do them all on the same difficulty.[/quote]

I have the marathon man achievement, and you have to read them completely to get the achievement. Completely meaning that at some point the screen goes red and an alarm sounds, after which it honeycombs into more text, which you have to read (or at least press A through).

Difficulty can be mixed. I got most of mine on heroic, a couple on legendary, and like 1 on easy (because I didn't feel like spending a lot of time on a level I've already done 3 times and the terminal was at the end)

Also another thing to point out, order in which you access them does not matter at all.
[quote name='Apossum']you really want another Library stage? :lol: Chapter 8 and 9 were a pain in 3, but I just kept thinking "don't get mad, this is like 1/20th of the library" :)[/quote]

Call me crazy, but I didn't really mind the library. I didn't like the level 343 Guilty Spark though.

Level 8 sucked big time on solo heroic....

but I really enjoyed level 9. The warthog chase was epic, the boss battle was easy, and getting to the control room was also easy (played on solo heroic 1st time, and 2 player legendary 2nd time).
[quote name='Danil ACE']I have the marathon man achievement, and you have to read them completely to get the achievement. Completely meaning that at some point the screen goes red and an alarm sounds, after which it honeycombs into more text, which you have to read (or at least press A through).

Difficulty can be mixed. I got most of mine on heroic, a couple on legendary, and like 1 on easy (because I didn't feel like spending a lot of time on a level I've already done 3 times and the terminal was at the end)

Also another thing to point out, order in which you access them does not matter at all.[/QUOTE]
Well I got all of them and read through them all until the red comes up and then read the next text and still nothing.
For you guys bitching about Level 8, I hear your pain.

I just got caught in an instant death respawn loop, where the
Giant fucking panel flies out and kills you, RIGHT NEXT TO A CHECKPOINT

Now I need to do the entire level ALL fuckING OVER AGAIN.

This just *killed* my enthusiasm for this game.
Well, unless someone wants to prove me wrong, I think I'm the first CAG to get 1000/1000 achievements and unlock the Marathon helmet and Katana armor:

HAHA! fuck you, bad checkpoint.

I was able to make a local co-op game and start only about 5 minutes back.

Though, it's bullshit that I had to go through those hoops to get it to work.
[quote name='zewone']Well, unless someone wants to prove me wrong, I think I'm the first CAG to get 1000/1000 achievements and unlock the Marathon helmet and Katana armor:

God damn, zewone... nice job.

Do you have a life outside of video games!?
[quote name='anomynous']Don't you get the Marathon armor by finding all the terminals?[/QUOTE]
Don't think so. You get the head at 1000 GS, shoulders at 750, and I'm not sure about body (I got Marathon Man achievement and I don't recall seeing any security pieces unlocked for me)

I'm up for doing some co-op Legendary this week. I'll be off and on though, so if I'm on XBL I want to play (wouldn't mind doing 8 to get that bastard out of the way).
[quote name='Danil ACE']Call me crazy, but I didn't really mind the library. I didn't like the level 343 Guilty Spark though.

Level 8 sucked big time on solo heroic....

but I really enjoyed level 9. The warthog chase was epic, the boss battle was easy, and getting to the control room was also easy (played on solo heroic 1st time, and 2 player legendary 2nd time).[/QUOTE]

I soloed the Library in Halo 1 but it took FOREVER. For days I would load my H1 save and just try and grind through that hell-hole.

That being said (and after soloing 8 on Heroic), I don't think I'll EVER try the same thing with level 8 on Halo 3. The sense of dread I get from even thinking about it is too much to handle.
[quote name='mrelusive']Don't think so. You get the head at 1000 GS, shoulders at 750, and I'm not sure about body (I got Marathon Man achievement and I don't recall seeing any security pieces unlocked for me)

I'm up for doing some co-op Legendary this week. I'll be off and on though, so if I'm on XBL I want to play (wouldn't mind doing 8 to get that bastard out of the way).[/QUOTE]
I just put that together because of the achievement's name
[quote name='zewone']Well, unless someone wants to prove me wrong, I think I'm the first CAG to get 1000/1000 achievements and unlock the Marathon helmet and Katana armor:


:applause: Awesome work dude!
[quote name='zewone']Well, unless someone wants to prove me wrong, I think I'm the first CAG to get 1000/1000 achievements and unlock the Marathon helmet and Katana armor:


That is so sweeet. :applause:
I want the Ninja helmet (not Hayabusa), whats the real name for the helmet and how do you get it? Looked in the OP but didn't know which it was.
Really looking to get in on the Legendary Co-Op. My gamertag is CheeseSndwch. I have a lot of free time this week so if someone wants to set the date and time I am up for it.
bread's done