Halo 3 - General Discussion & Info

[quote name='help1']Guys check this out:

Hmm, this forge thing sounds amazing for those nights where you don't want to play ranked and just play around with out aim with your friends.[/QUOTE]

Where'd this come from? This is huge. I'm sure Bungie won't be happy about the leak, but man... This is a hella bomb to not have dropped yet.

Bungie needs to get those PR screws turning and start the hype wagon. Why do they constantly let leaks and 2nd hand info get all the credit for big stories instead of blowing the lid of in style?
[quote name='dastly75']Game Development is more complicated than you think. They've already acknowledged that the fanbase wants it but there has to be a good reason development wise that makes it difficult to achieve. We as gamers and not developers cannot simplify things down to comparing the development of one game to another.[/QUOTE]

Thanks but I know this from first hand experience.
Doesn't change the question, which you basically restated....

There are easy ways to solve the problem. Like not let
the players get beyond a certain distance from each other.
[quote name='porieux']Thanks but I know this from first hand experience.
Doesn't change the question, which you basically restated....

There are easy ways to solve the problem. Like not let
the players get beyond a certain distance from each other.[/QUOTE]

Well maybe that's the problem then. They don't want to hinder or restrict the player. They want co-op to function exactly like SP, but with another player.
[quote name='porieux']Thanks but I know this from first hand experience.
Doesn't change the question, which you basically restated....

There are easy ways to solve the problem. Like not let
the players get beyond a certain distance from each other.[/QUOTE]

I think that whole argument about solving how from a gameplay perspective is pretty much thrown out the window when they say that system link will be availalble. It's got to be purely a technical challenge at this point.
I think it might also be a time constraint. It doesn't seem as though Bungie wants to release in September (soooo close!) but its not like they can't if they want to beat the rest of the competition this year. The 360 needs its AAA titles spaced out so that they have a strong hold in terms of gameplay during the whole year, and Halo seems to be in the beginning of this time period. (BioShock being the first). We have to realize that Bungie doesnt have all that much time left to tweak the game, and CO-OP probably isn't the only thing that they want to tweak. If its not there out of the box, im sure itll show up in an update later. This is the last halo, right? They will want it to have everything in it, no matter if you have to download it.

Also, does any body know when this game will start printing copies? Its going to need a ton (I heard there are already 4 million preorders? Thats gotta be bullshit, right?) of machinery to print those many disks. It would take a couple of days to get that all done im assuming... but I wonder if anybody really knows.


IT seems the 4 million number is outdated by 2 months:


I wouldn't be surprised if thats closer to 5 million now. I reserved my collectors edition at CC, I hope the wall graphic doesn't suck too bad.
[quote name='help1']I think it might also be a time constraint. It doesn't seem as though Bungie wants to release in September (soooo close!) but its not like they can't if they want to beat the rest of the competition this year. The 360 needs its AAA titles spaced out so that they have a strong hold in terms of gameplay during the whole year, and Halo seems to be in the beginning of this time period. (BioShock being the first). We have to realize that Bungie doesnt have all that much time left to tweak the game, and CO-OP probably isn't the only thing that they want to tweak. If its not there out of the box, im sure itll show up in an update later. This is the last halo, right? They will want it to have everything in it, no matter if you have to download it.

Also, does any body know when this game will start printing copies? Its going to need a ton (I heard there are already 4 million preorders? Thats gotta be bullshit, right?) of machinery to print those many disks. It would take a couple of days to get that all done im assuming... but I wonder if anybody really knows.


IT seems the 4 million number is outdated by 2 months:


I wouldn't be surprised if thats closer to 5 million now. I reserved my collectors edition at CC, I hope the wall graphic doesn't suck too bad.[/QUOTE]
this has got to be one of the single biggest video game releases ever.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I would rather have a great working forge than co-op personally.[/quote]If its just a online 2 player co-op, I rather have forge. If its more than 2 players, then I would need to play forge before judging.
Getting pretty pumped. I waited in line to get my preorder with H2 while people went across the street at a Walmart and got it off the shelf. I think I am gonna skip the preorder this time.
Id rather have 2 player co-op. I have bought some games based on whether or not they have co-op. This isnt one of them but co-op is a big selling point. Like in halo 1 i played co-op tons with my friends
I was really hyped about the 4 player Co-op. But if it doesn't come along there are many more great features. Ill be happy with anything Bungie gives me.

Plasma gernade abuser
Wow... I looked through this forum and there is way too much childish fighting. Im new, but from who ive talked to were all friends here. I don't know why gears fans have to bring up gears in halo forums.

Excuse me if you were just having a friendly debate :).
New Halo 3 contest up. All you need to do is sign on to XBOX.com and register for the contest. GL All!


Grand Prize Winner (1)
Halo 3 Legendary Edition game
Limited Edition Halo 3 Wireless Controller (Spartan)
Limited Edition Halo 3 Wireless Headset
Xbox LIVE 12-Month Gold Subscription
1600 Microsoft Points
Halo 3 Messenger Bag
Autographed copy of Eric Nylund's Ghosts of Onyx

First Place Winners (2)
Halo 3 Legendary Edition game
Halo 3 Limited Edition Wireless Controller (Brute)
Xbox LIVE 12-Month Gold Subscription
Autographed copy of Eric Nylund's Ghosts of Onyx

Second Place Winners (3)

Halo 3 Limited Edition game
Xbox LIVE 12-Month Gold Subscription

Third Place Winners (10)

Halo 3 Standard Edition game
Thanks, LP--you're always on top of the Microsoft shit.

Pre-ordered the Legendary (otaku-nerd) Edition @BB when it was $99 bucks. Meh, I'm a sucker for that kind of crap.

Now where's my Halo 3 console pre-order? It's almost August, natch.
Famitsu Scans:


Oh wow. That shot of the Chief standing over that body of water is amazing. Even in a scan, that water looks beautiful.

Also, the new Elite armor in the bottom left looks RAW.
Holy fucking shit. Can they make this game any harder to wait for? I haven't anticipated a game this badly since the car ride home from my mom buying me my first video game - street fighter. New vehicles YES!!!!! Can a user drive that giant tattoine type treded tank? It's got a goddamn platform inside it to snipe off of.
[quote name='gunm']Sweet. Funny how Famitsu gets all that coverage in Japan when no one there cares.[/QUOTE]

EGM has Halo 3 as the cover story for August, so no worries. PLUS we'll actually be able to understand wtf is going on with the game.
After seeing these screens, i will probably have to own a Halo 3 Xbox 360 so i have a 360 for this game...even if i want a truly revised 360.
[quote name='Puzznic']This game needs to hurry up and come out so I never have to look at Gears of War ever again.[/quote]

Me too! First I want the full 1250 though.
Man im so hyped for this game. I can't wait. But not even 60 days away. to be exact 58 days and 12 hrs 29 min central time U.S. Looks great. Will make millions. will consume me and make me drop outta high school at 16.

are these cats having intercourse? maby
I would have been happy with just the Beta build with more levels but it looks like they are really going above and beyond this time.

It really feels like they are aware of Halo 2's problems and are doing thier best to fix them.
[quote name='Puzznic']I would have been happy with just the Beta build with more levels but it looks like they are really going above and beyond this time.

It really feels like they are aware of Halo 2's problems and are doing thier best to fix them.[/quote]

Yea man. And finally NO MODDING! super bounces were fun but it was only fun cause it was something you wern't supposed to do. with the man cannon the desire to super bounce is dead. for me atleast. And for all the people who were saing there is TOO many weapons. You can never have TOO many weapons!:twoguns: :drool: :hot:
[quote name='Puzznic']I would have been happy with just the Beta build with more levels but it looks like they are really going above and beyond this time.

It really feels like they are aware of Halo 2's problems and are doing thier best to fix them.[/quote]

The thing I love is that MLG players are not liking halo 3 right now. I played on XBL yesterday and was talking to some MLG players and they actually said "I might not buy halo 3 because now its too balanced." Im so fucking psyched about this game for the reason that its anyones game, the whole game. None of this "if you get this weapon you will win" stuff.

An example for this directly from the beta: Highground.

-If someone has rockets they can easily die (part in due because the rockets are less effective) by really any weapon.

- Carbine actually does shit now, and the BR actually hurts people from distances, even if your not host. Also, I love how you can't tell if your host now, another awesome addition.

- Sniper has to much of an area to cover, meaning he needs some teammates to guard him, which won't happen often.

- Powerdrainer at any person, shoot them, dead.

- Needler is a good weapon now! You can kill a Sniper, Rocket launcher, BR, anything really.

- Spartan laser is no as powerful as everybody thought it would be, and works out very well. Have to be stealthy and be able to hide the premature laser from your enemy.

- Guard yourself with a Bubble Shield and get back into the fight with full health, but be careful, because if some one jumps in, you could be screwed, and some people do get confused easily in there. My favorite use of the bubble shield? having the rocket launcher too close, and once he fires, deploying my bubble shield. He kills himself!
[quote name='help1']- Spartan laser is no as powerful as everybody thought it would be, and works out very well. Have to be stealthy and be able to hide the premature laser from your enemy.[/quote]

I agree with some of what you wrote, but definitely not this. The Spartan laser is almost too powerful. It's incredibly easy to use, and is almost like 5 guaranteed kills. You can continue to charge it while being shot and the person can be right in your face and it won't hurt you. You can also be across the fucking map and it's just as effective.

Don't get me wrong, I love it as much as the next guy - when I'm the one using it. When I'm right in some guy's face about to kill him and he hits me with one last ditch laser attempt, then I get pissed and can't help but think it's just too powerful.
What's with all these other countries getting full blown articles before the US?

I really want some explanations to some of the things I'm seeing.
[quote name='Apossum']holy shit! There's a gun and alien in this one. That's awesome.[/QUOTE]
Thank you for your highly valued input
[quote name='Trakan']I agree with some of what you wrote, but definitely not this. The Spartan laser is almost too powerful. It's incredibly easy to use, and is almost like 5 guaranteed kills. You can continue to charge it while being shot and the person can be right in your face and it won't hurt you. You can also be across the fucking map and it's just as effective.

Don't get me wrong, I love it as much as the next guy - when I'm the one using it. When I'm right in some guy's face about to kill him and he hits me with one last ditch laser attempt, then I get pissed and can't help but think it's just too powerful.[/QUOTE]Yeah, it's like a combination of the sniper rifle and rocket launcher. I'm not sure how they could weaken it without changing it too much though.
bread's done