Hey pacemakerguy, the OTT has the answers to all of your questions!

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[quote name='lilboo']Pocket Bike > Sneak King > Big Bumpin[/quote]

Exactly. Big Bumpin sucks, and Sneak King's controls could be tweaked a bit.

But, I enjoy Pocket Bike racer quite a bit. For a $4 game, I got my money's worth out of it.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I'm not anorexic at all. I just ate less to save money (like not go get big meals at KFC all the time). I still think I'm a bit overweight personally, but that's another story. ;)

Hmm, I was doing some job searching on Monster.com and saw one other entry level position open up at a company. I use to know someone's parents who worked there (an old somewhat friend), so I may have to check with them. However, what makes me a tad unsure about its job opening is that it's a bit vague IMO, but it never hurts to try.[/QUOTE]

Well, just spend $90 and get yourself a Wii Fit and see if you need to make cuts so you can buy games! ;)
[quote name='lordwow']I had enough fried food last night: sweet & sour chicken and crab rangoons.[/QUOTE]Yeah, I get that feeling sometimes. I'll never forget that week I had KFC three days in a row (I had to because friends took me out to lunch one day, had KFC on my way back home from college (heading home for the summer), and had KFC again since my Mom wasn't cooking for Mother's Day). And I had those days eating fast food twice while being on a trip. I like fast food, but that's a bit much IMO.

[quote name='lilboo']Well, just spend $90 and get yourself a Wii Fit and see if you need to make cuts so you can buy games! ;)[/QUOTE] :rofl: I might get Wii Fit one day, but I'd wait until I got a job.

Anyway that reminds me. I actually went out driving for a while today. I figured traffic would be light today since it was Sunday, so I drove on several roads in my area (even drove right by my old H.S., M.S., and Elementary School). Let me just say the practice run went VERY well. I felt very comfortable driving and it's becoming MUCH easier/natural to me now. I shouldn't try to jinx how things went today. :lol:
The Microsoft retail thread has been closed for sometime now, I take it?

I just went looking for it, but it's no longer there?

LEGO Indiana Jones is up on that site, but it's sold out. $9 FTW
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Yeah, I get that feeling sometimes. I'll never forget that week I had KFC three days in a row (I had to because friends took me out to lunch one day, had KFC on my way back home from college (heading home for the summer), and had KFC again since my Mom wasn't cooking for Mother's Day). And I had those days eating fast food twice while being on a trip. I like fast food, but that's a bit much IMO.

Ya, I've had a few days like that, especially around finals time in college.

I've been trying to cut back on crap food like that though. I've all but given up soda and drink almost exclusively water now.
[quote name='Maklershed']Yes Plume. Elvira, Sandra Berhardt, and Gilbert Gottfried hosted that show too. Ahh the good ol days where Toxic Avenger passed for entertainment.[/quote]

Doesn't it still?

Great movie.
[quote name='karsh']Now you're making me wanna go get some chicken tikka masala for dinner tomorrow night...[/quote]

I've only had Indian food once, and I didn't really care for it. I'm not big into spicy foods, and the non-spicy Indian food tastes very bland IMO.
[quote name='lordwow']I've only had Indian food once, and I didn't really care for it. I'm not big into spicy foods, and the non-spicy Indian food tastes very bland IMO.[/quote]

all depends on what you order. there is some very bland food, but there's also some really flavorful foods that aren't spicy. korma is one of them. it's yogurt, coconut milk, almonds, cashews, and raisins. once you marinate chicken or fish in that for hours, it's awesome tropical goodness. saag paneer is a tasty vegetarian spinach and cheese dish which is good when it's mild. it tastes a lot like spinach-artichoke dip
[quote name='mr ryles']I wish small meaningless things could make me happy like they do mangoknife.[/quote]

i thought your life was based around small meaningless things? ;)
[quote name='corrosivefrost']i thought your life was based around small meaningless things? ;)[/QUOTE]

ya, but they don't make me happy :cry:
[quote name='Chika']all depends on what you order. there is some very bland food, but there's also some really flavorful foods that aren't spicy. korma is one of them. it's yogurt, coconut milk, almonds, cashews, and raisins. once you marinate chicken or fish in that for hours, it's awesome tropical goodness. saag paneer is a tasty vegetarian spinach and cheese dish which is good when it's mild. it tastes a lot like spinach-artichoke dip[/QUOTE]

Interesting, I'll check it out some day.

[quote name='corrosivefrost']i thought your life was based around small meaningless things? ;)[/QUOTE]

I thought all our lives were.

after all, we're posting in here
[quote name='darthbudge']Hey OTT.

Good Indian food is great, however, if it isn't cooked right it can be rather nasty.[/QUOTE]

I like the food that tastes good even when it isn't cooked right.
[quote name='mr ryles']Some people say cucumbers taste better pickled[/quote]

They are.

Raw cucumbers are nasty.
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Pickles are a waste of a perfectly good cucumber. Pix and Juggers love pickles, but I can't stand them. Give me a plain cucumber any day of the week.

And stop with the indian food talk, please. I'm hungry, Dearborn is five minutes away and I could really go for some indian/ arabic food right about now.
[quote name='PlumeNoir']Pickles are a waste of a perfectly good cucumber. Pix and Juggers love pickles, but I can't stand them. Give me a plain cucumber any day of the week.[/quote]

THis is because there is something wrong with you.
[quote name='lordwow']Ya, I've had a few days like that, especially around finals time in college.

I've been trying to cut back on crap food like that though. I've all but given up soda and drink almost exclusively water now.[/QUOTE]Wow, I do know some who have done the same. I've cut back the amount of pop I drank since high school (I use to drink 10-12 cans of Pepsi a day in high school, I'm now down to 3-4 a day now). I don't think I could go exclusively water, since I do have a Pepsi addiction. :p

[quote name='darthbudge']
Good Indian food is great, however, if it isn't cooked right it can be rather nasty.[/QUOTE]Someone told me in my picky eating blog entry that he's taking me out to an Indian Buffet and I'll like it, if I'm in the area. I never had Indiana food before I don't think.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']THis is because there is something wrong with you.[/quote]

There is a lot of truth to that.

Pixie complains that I like bland or flavorless foods. I like raw cucumbers, plain rice cakes (or puffed rice cereal) and plain ice cream cones. I say she doesn't appreciate subtle flavors.
[quote name='Mojimbo']Do you really wear earplugs to a lot of the concerts you go to, senorwoohoo?[/QUOTE]

Short answer: Yes.

Long answer: I started wearing them for three reasons:

-I want to make sure my hearing stays as good as it is for as long as possible.
-I almost went deaf at a QotSA show; I know you said that happened to you, too.
-I go to enough shows at clubs and other small venues that get very loud to warrant concern.
[quote name='mr ryles']Some people say cucumbers taste better pickled[/quote]

[quote name='prmononoke']They do.

Raw cucumbers are nasty.[/quote]

[quote name='PlumeNoir']Pickles are a waste of a perfectly good cucumber. Pix and Juggers love pickles, but I can't stand them. Give me a plain cucumber any day of the week.[/quote]

[quote name='JolietJake']Yeah, i definitely prefer pickles to cucumbers.

Now if lilboo had said that, it'd be the other way around.:D[/quote]

[quote name='senorwoohoo']Plain, pickled, s'all good.[/quote]

my cucumber plants have been off the handlebars this season. i only have 2 plants and it's outrageous. i spent the morning making pickles actually. i'm gonna try to sell them at my family's bakery cafe. WSB actually made labels and designed a logo for me.
[quote name='Chika']senor choo, did you ever do anything with all of those pepper seeds i sent you?[/QUOTE]

:cry: Nope. I don't have any place to start a garden here, unfortunately. Thanks again for sending them, though!
You been tow Twin Rivers yet Wahoo? I went down to Providence Place Mall yesterday, hit up Dave and Busters and then went over to the new Twin Rivers, that was the old Lincoln Greyhound Park. They still have live racing and shit but the inside is all redone, I'll pull pics in a few minutes.
ok guys, kim or kourtney kardashian?

frosty says kim's ass has its own gravitational field. i think it balances out her knockers and keeps her from falling over. discuss.
[quote name='JimmieMac']You been tow Twin Rivers yet Wahoo? I went down to Providence Place Mall yesterday, hit up Dave and Busters and then went over to the new Twin Rivers, that was the old Lincoln Greyhound Park. They still have live racing and shit but the inside is all redone, I'll pull pics in a few minutes.[/quote]

hey jimmie, i made some spicy pickles and giardinierre mostly from veggies and herbs in my garden. want some?
[quote name='Chika']ok guys, kim or kourtney kardashian?

frosty says kim's ass has its own gravitational field. i think it balances out her knockers and keeps her from falling over. discuss.[/QUOTE]

I likes 'em both, but Kim's my fave.

[quote name='JimmieMac']You been tow Twin Rivers yet Wahoo? I went down to Providence Place Mall yesterday, hit up Dave and Busters and then went over to the new Twin Rivers, that was the old Lincoln Greyhound Park. They still have live racing and shit but the inside is all redone, I'll pull pics in a few minutes.[/QUOTE]

Nope, haven't been yet. I haven't been to D&B in a while either. Damn cheapness.

But how is Twin River?
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Wow, I do know some who have done the same. I've cut back the amount of pop I drank since high school (I use to drink 10-12 cans of Pepsi a day in high school, I'm now down to 3-4 a day now). I don't think I could go exclusively water, since I do have a Pepsi addiction. :p

Ya the first couple days of going cold turkey with no soda are pretty tough, it's more like sugar cravings than anything.
[quote name='Chika']ok guys, kim or kourtney kardashian?

frosty says kim's ass has its own gravitational field. i think it balances out her knockers and keeps her from falling over. discuss.[/quote]

No love for Khloe? I think she might be my favorite...

Although it is pretty close between her and Kim.
Are they called "Farmer Chika's pickles?":lol:

I think kim's chest and ass must be perfectly equal in weight, otherwise she'd tip over. Maybe she's a weeble.
Huh. Looks like the arcade 360 might be dropping to $200 in September. I may get one for my birthday, and slap my HDD onto it, since mine has gotten so flaky, of late.
[quote name='lordwow']Ya the first couple days of going cold turkey with no soda are pretty tough, it's more like sugar cravings than anything.[/quote]

i switch to home made iced tea with splenda (so it's still sweet) and i like tea a lot less sweetened than soda so i use it to step down. i go through phases of binging soda and not drinking it at all. right now i'm trying to stop drinking and caffeine ( doing decaf iced tea).
[quote name='darthbudge']No love for Khloe? I think she might be my favorite...

Although it is pretty close between her and Kim.[/quote]

how old is khloe?
[quote name='Chika']ok guys, kim or kourtney kardashian?

frosty says kim's ass has its own gravitational field. i think it balances out her knockers and keeps her from falling over. discuss.[/quote]

Never seen Kourtney (who deserves a slap for spelling it with a K), But I agree with both of you. I'm not an ass man, but at least she isn't built like a boy.

Oh yeah, I saw the "sex tape." Boring as fuck, no pun intended.
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