HOLY CRAP!!! They pulled GTA:SA

[quote name='Mookyjooky']This is awesome, hopefully more people do this... causing take two to take serious hits for releasing a game that eluded the censors.

It's bad enough GTA is a crappy tech demo, even worse that it's causing a decline in the industry. Last time the ratings shit happened the game industry took a decline... Thank you Rockstar for fucking it up again.[/QUOTE]

I disagree. Once all this blows over, which it will, the boundaries of what is allowed in video games will be stretched and the AO rating won't be as taboo. GTA is going to make it okay to use it. Things have to be broken down before they build back up, even stronger than before.

Disclaimer: I am not saying this will make gameplay better in anyway :)
Damages? BULLSHIT! She just wants to make a quick buck. Hell, her 14 year old probably jerked off to the scene.
Actually, the lady wants for all people who purchased the game to be compensated... she's not doing it only for herself.

And as stupid as the reasons may be, I don't see why anyone is shocked about it. RockStar's been asking for this attention and now they got it.
[quote name='help1']we actually should blame the action replay fags and those PC hackers.[/QUOTE]

No, I say anyone that legally purchased the game should have the right to screw with the code however they want in the privacy of their own home, regardless of whatever legal mumbo jumbo the user license may advocate.
[quote name='MaxBiaggi2']No, I say anyone that legally purchased the game should have the right to screw with the code however they want in the privacy of their own home, regardless of whatever legal mumbo jumbo the user license may advocate.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that meakes sense :roll:
[quote name='smalien1']Take2 should sue Action Replay.[/QUOTE]

Take2 should sue themselves. I mean I am sure we all know how the game industry works. Programmers designers etc bust there ass to get a game to market in the time frame. Someone somewhere decide that it would cost to much money or no one would ever find the "Hot Coffee" So they kept it in the game. Now the lazy greedy bastards are saying that it's our fault. fuck Rockstar and Take2.
This is just a wonderful reminder of how fucked up the US is. People think it is ok for children to play a game that involves killing people, stealing cars, evading the police, killing the police, shooting hookers in the head, beating old men to death with baseball bats, etc. but if the same game contains a sex mini-game where the characters, to my knowledge, have their frigging clothes on, it is the end of civilazation as we know it. Anyone, who say, bought this for a 12 year old IN THE FIRST PLACE, should be seriously considered for action by DCS. How the hell does a sex mini-game suddenly make this a bad game, if it wasn't before? Oh, that's right, I forgot. People in the US shield their children from knowledge about sex, so they just go out and do it, and we have even more knocked up 14 year olds. Yeah us. God of War has nudity and a sex mini-game, is it next?
[quote name='Zman310']Ah yes. So video game makers are now responsible for whether content in their M or AO rated games is suitable for 14 year olds. Makes perfect sense to me.[/QUOTE]
Fortunately, that alone should be basis enough to throw the case out. If that doesn't cover it, this does...

Cohen said in the suit that she bought the game in late 2004 for her grandson when it was rated "M" for mature, for players 17 and older. According to the suit, she directed that it be taken away from her grandson, which was done.
If you took the game away, then WHAT THE fuck DO YOU HAVE TO COMPLAIN ABOUT?
[quote name='MaxBiaggi2']No, I say anyone that legally purchased the game should have the right to screw with the code however they want in the privacy of their own home, regardless of whatever legal mumbo jumbo the user license may advocate.[/QUOTE]

Okay, thats the way you look at it, but this will prob do more damage to the industry... you see, parents will now stop buying kids Mature games for their kids and we wont have to put up with them online, okay thats a plus. But then video game profits go down, so publishers try to make games for those between 1-17. Thus, that screws it for people over 18 and dont enjoy the same games of that age group.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']This is awesome, hopefully more people do this... causing take two to take serious hits for releasing a game that eluded the censors.

It's bad enough GTA is a crappy tech demo, even worse that it's causing a decline in the industry. Last time the ratings shit happened the game industry took a decline... Thank you Rockstar for fucking it up again.[/QUOTE]

This is complete bullshit.
I'm not a big fan of GTA (or much of a fan at all) but still, this is crap.
The box says MATURE 17+ on the damn cover of it. Its that old fucks own fault that she bought it for her 14 year old grandson and was too damn blind to read the cover of the box. It says that for a reason. Not only that it says on the back why its rated why it is and she should have payed attention to that.

She should dissapear from society along with all the other bastards that are trying to do this type of thing. Its the adults responsibility to know what he/she is buying for their kid/grandchilren before doing so.

I say its being lazy and having no responsibility on their parts.
[quote name='help1']Okay, thats the way you look at it, but this will prob do more damage to the industry... you see, parents will now stop buying kids Mature games for their kids and we wont have to put up with them online, okay thats a plus. But then video game profits go down, so publishers try to make games for those between 1-17. Thus, that screws it for people over 18 and dont enjoy the same games of that age group.[/QUOTE]
Nice lack of logic there.

Parents shouldn't be buying mature rated games for kids in the first fucking place, and any decrease in profits that would come from less sales of M-rated games to/for minors would probably be a relatively small one. There is a relatively large number of adult gamers, and there's still going to be plenty of demand for the "mature" games.

I hate to say it again, but just because a game is kid friendly doesn't mean that older gamers can't enjoy it. I can't speak for anyone else, but if the GTAs and Halos of the world were replaced by Mario and Zeldas, by Kingdom Hearts and Jaks, I'd be perfectly fine.
[quote name='Gothic_Walrus']Nice lack of logic there.

Parents shouldn't be buying mature rated games for kids in the first fucking place, and any decrease in profits that would come from less sales of M-rated games to/for minors would probably be a relatively small one. There is a relatively large number of adult gamers, and there's still going to be plenty of demand for the "mature" games.

I hate to say it again, but just because a game is kid friendly doesn't mean that older gamers can't enjoy it. I can't speak for anyone else, but if the GTAs and Halos of the world were replaced by Mario and Zeldas, by Kingdom Hearts and Jaks, I'd be perfectly fine.[/QUOTE]
And just because a gamer is older doesn't mean he wants to play Spongebob Square Pants. Just because they're there, doesn't mean that everyone wants to play them. You're not an older gamer yet, so you can't speak for them.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']This is awesome, hopefully more people do this... causing take two to take serious hits for releasing a game that eluded the censors.

It's bad enough GTA is a crappy tech demo, even worse that it's causing a decline in the industry. Last time the ratings shit happened the game industry took a decline... Thank you Rockstar for fucking it up again.[/QUOTE]

Seriously. Where do you idiots come from??

Do you have proof that R* purposely "eluded" the censors?? Until you do shut the fuck up!

How exactly is GTA causing a decline in the industry? By pioneering open-ended gameplay when no one else wanted to? By influencing games to have more gameplay options and be less boringly linear?

Stop letting your ignorant hatred towards a great game let you spew a bunch of bullshit against Rockstar for doing something that every other motherfucking game company does!

I can't wait till this shit blows over so all of you stupid "I have to bash popular games so I can think I'm cool" haters can crawl back into your little holes.

The best part is how you morons come to the conclusion that R* is to blame for a modder breaking into their game and unlocking things that were locked, hidden and not meant to be played. Oh yeah, and let's ignore the fact that GTA is a 'Mature' rated game with "strong sexual content" on the damn box - yeah, that doesn't mean anything either.

And in case you idiots missed it​
Actually, I can't stand GTA as a game either. Just because it's open ended doesn't mean it's great. I'll defend it every moment I have to in this unbelieveably blown up situation, but I hate the game itself.
[quote name='Scrubking']Seriously. Where do you idiots come from??

Do you have proof that R* purposely "eluded" the censors?? Until you do shut the fuck up!

How exactly is GTA causing a decline in the industry? By pioneering open-ended gameplay when no one else wanted to? By influencing games to have more gameplay options and be less boringly linear?

Stop letting your ignorant hatred towards a great game let you spew a bunch of bullshit against Rockstar for doing something that every other motherfucking game company does!

I can't wait till this shit blows over so all of you stupid "I have to bash popular games so I can think I'm cool" haters can crawl back into your little holes.

The best part is how you morons come to the conclusion that R* is to blame for a modder breaking into their game and unlocking things that were locked, hidden and not meant to be played. Oh yeah, and let's ignore the fact that GTA is a 'Mature' rated game with "strong sexual content" on the damn box - yeah, that doesn't mean anything either.[/QUOTE]

It's one thing to have open-ended gameplay and have content that doesn't consistently try to push the boundaries of decency. Look at The Simpsons: Hit & Run for an example of how to do open-ended gameplay without penetration, slittling someone's throat, or openly insulting Haitians.

Rockstar is most certainly to blame here. It's their game, they left this inappropriate content on the game disc (I don't buy the "hidden" BS.) for people to find, so let them deal with the crapstorm that's been a long time coming. Last I checked, "every other (expletive deleted) company" doesn't have mingames featuring graphic depictions of an act of sex on their game disc somewhere. Nice try.

GTA might have pioneered the notion of open-ended gameplay, but their content has always straddled the fine line of controversy and indecency. Sam Houser and company have always tried to push the envelope, thinking that the comapny was untouchable because so many people went to bat for them when this anti-GTA thing started in earnest. Now that Rockstar and Take-Two have exposed the ESRB for the powerless industry pawn that it is-- and thusly have all but cemented governmental involvement in the industry-- that defense is considerably weakened.

This industry survived without GTA before its creation, and it will survive even if GTA is put to pasture and the FTC levels Rockstar and/or Take-Two.

Taking the stance that Rockstar bears no responsibility is just plain short-sighted and wrong.
[quote name='Peter Skerritt']It's one thing to have open-ended gameplay and have content that doesn't consistently try to push the boundaries of decency. Look at The Simpsons: Hit & Run for an example of how to do open-ended gameplay without penetration, slittling someone's throat, or openly insulting Haitians.[/quote]
That's mainly because it had a license to stick to and doing things outside of it would certainly not please fans and the license holders as well.

[quote name='Peter Skerritt']Rockstar is most certainly to blame here. It's their game, they left this inappropriate content on the game disc (I don't buy the "hidden" BS.) for people to find, so let them deal with the crapstorm that's been a long time coming.[/quote]
When the content isn't accessible from normal gameplay and hidden in the coding to keep it out of there, then it's not really their fault when someone mods the software to bypass whatever security measures that were blocking it. This is even against he license agreement in the manual. We also don't know if this minigame has any ties to other parts of the game whether in coding or whatever, so removing it might have affected other parts of the game so they would just comment it out to keep it out of the game. I don't know, you don't know, nobody but the guys at Rockstar that worked on this thing know why it was there and they're not spilling the details either. If they are responsible for what these modders have done, then we'd have to punish all of the other companies with games that have nude skins released by the community, which is stupid to punish the company for that.

[quote name='Peter Skerritt']Last I checked, "every other (expletive deleted) company" doesn't have mingames featuring graphic depictions of an act of sex on their game disc somewhere. Nice try.[/QUOTE]
Then again, not many other games could really have this kind of content that would fit into the game. You don't know why it was created in the first place, so making assumptions on that could make you(or whoever) look stupid.

[quote name='Peter Skerritt']GTA might have pioneered the notion of open-ended gameplay, but their content has always straddled the fine line of controversy and indecency. Sam Houser and company have always tried to push the envelope, thinking that the comapny was untouchable because so many people went to bat for them when this anti-GTA thing started in earnest. Now that Rockstar and Take-Two have exposed the ESRB for the powerless industry pawn that it is-- and thusly have all but cemented governmental involvement in the industry-- that defense is considerably weakened.[/quote]
There's got to be someone that's willing to push the envelope on what can be done in a game. If everyone's worried about getting near the line, then we'd get nowhere in the industry. The ESRB has done it's job and more than it needed to do, as they were put in place to inform the public of what's in these games. Just because the public seems to ignore it and assume it's all safe for kids isn't their fault. They put out pamphlets, commercials, ads, and more to give all the info that an informed person could need.

[quote name='Peter Skerritt']This industry survived without GTA before its creation, and it will survive even if GTA is put to pasture and the FTC levels Rockstar and/or Take-Two.[/quote]
You should read what exactly the FTC is investigating. They're seeing whether Rockstar and Take Two marketed San Andreas to kids through ads and commercials, which I don't think they'll find much proof. The worst that can happen if they are found to have done this is fines and firings of executives, no dismantling of the companies.

[quote name='Peter Skerritt']Taking the stance that Rockstar bears no responsibility is just plain short-sighted and wrong.[/QUOTE]
How can you say that when this is all new territory for the mod community and game developers? There are many good points on both sides, and there's really no correct answer right now.
Rockstar is most certainly to blame here. It's their game, they left this inappropriate content on the game disc

Let me post it again cause you people obviously are blind, and make sure you don't miss the part that says "strong sexual content".

[quote name='Scrubking']Let me post it again cause you people obviously are blind, and make sure you don't miss the part that says "strong sexual content".[/QUOTE]

:rofl: I totally agree, if you're dumb enough to buy an M rated game and think that it'll be mario jumping on goombas then you need your head checked out. Stupid people will always find ways to "win". :shame:
[quote name='Scrubking']Let me post it again cause you people obviously are blind, and make sure you don't miss the part that says "strong sexual content".


You ignorant retard, stop posting shit you know nothing about.

First off, it says "Strong Sexual Content".

That would be like in GTA3 where the hooker gets in the car and the car shakes.

Secondly, the problem isnt with the sexual content. It's with the "graphic sexual content and nudity".

You know what that means? That means fucking. In hot coffee she's naked and you're fucking her.

Saying "Damn" and saying "fuck" are both cuss words, but a "Damn" in a movie is PG-13... whereas "fuck" is Rated R. THATS HOW THE RATINGS WORK.

A group of people get together and view the item, it's usually a collection of our peers... like Jury Duty. The problem is, GTA:SA didnt show the main character plowing the hooker in the footage of rated material. So they gave it a "M".

If Rockstar wouldn't of lied, they wouldnt be here right now. But they lied, and it was unlocked and now they're screwed.

I was gonna ignore your first post, but you seem intent on repeat posting it so I'm gonna have to slap my dick in your face. Welcome to flavor country and thanks for playing, now get the fuck out.
Oh yea, here's the Adult only tag:

Titles rated AO (Adults Only) have content that should only be played by persons 18 years and older. Titles in this category may include prolonged scenes of intense violence and/or graphic sexual content and nudity.
[quote name='gamereviewgod']Um, Jooky, have you seen the hot coffee mod? Everyone has their clothes on. There's no gentalia. They hump. That's it.[/QUOTE]

The one I saw had the hooker naked, but the main character clothed.
[quote name='help1']This shits it up for those who don't want or like GTA, now the videogame industry, but we actually should blame the action replay fags and those PC hackers.[/QUOTE]

Why do you even exist??

Thats like blaming video games for killing people. The problem is the parents... same deal here... stop pushing the real issue aside for some bullshit that sounds ok.

Rockstar released the game with that content... no one hacked the game to make it look like that, it was unlocked. Much different.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']You ignorant retard, stop posting shit you know nothing about.
You know what that means? That means fucking. In hot coffee she's naked and you're fucking her.

A group of people get together and view the item, it's usually a collection of our peers... like Jury Duty. The problem is, GTA:SA didnt show the main character plowing the hooker in the footage of rated material.

If Rockstar wouldn't of lied, they wouldnt be here right now. But they lied, and it was unlocked and now they're screwed.

Welcome to flavor country and thanks for playing, now get the fuck out...

The one I saw had the hooker naked, but the main character clothed.

The nudity is part of a mod of the mod. In the PS2 version, I don't believe there's any way to make the chick naked, Action Replay or not. Seems like someone else doesn't know what they're posting about. No genitalia, no penetration, nothing.
[quote name='gamereviewgod']The nudity is part of a mod of the mod. In the PS2 version, I don't believe there's any way to make the chick naked, Action Replay or not. Seems like someone else doesn't know what they're posting about. No genitalia, no penetration, nothing.[/QUOTE]

Damn, you that hard up for porn you follow this shit that closely? Jesus man, get laid.

The pics I've seen had the chick naked, but fully clothed (Barely, they're fucking hookers for christ sake)

Just because I can slip my dick out my pants zipper and throw it under some bitches mini-skirt doesnt mean its not sex. Sex is sex, stop playing the table like its nothing.

Personally, I think its fucked up that were more worried about the sex than the horrific brutal murders you can do in the game. But thats america.

The point of this whole arguement is, Did Rockstar fucking lie? Yes, yes they did. Did they know that this would be found? I'm sure they did. Sex is sex, lying is lying (Yes, hiding the truth dishonestly is lying) and a game is a game.

Personally, I think the fact that you can murder 50 people in a block radius in a matter of minutes would be more of a debate than two graphically shitty polys doing it. I mean, GTA's graphics suck shit compared to the industry standard... I can barely tell whats going on in the first place.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']Damn, you that hard up for porn you follow this shit that closely? Jesus man, get laid.

The pics I've seen had the chick naked, but fully clothed (Barely, they're fucking hookers for christ sake)

Just because I can slip my dick out my pants zipper and throw it under some bitches mini-skirt doesnt mean its not sex. Sex is sex, stop playing the table like its nothing.

Personally, I think its fucked up that were more worried about the sex than the horrific brutal murders you can do in the game. But thats america.

It's not hard to folow when the gaming and mainstream press to follow it. Don't try to spin it back at me when you were the one in the wrong.

Last time I checked, humping someone doesn't mean you're having sex. There is no genetalia. It is nothing. It's overblown as hell, probably even moreso than the Janet Jackson incident.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']You ignorant retard, stop posting shit you know nothing about.

First off, it says "Strong Sexual Content".

That would be like in GTA3 where the hooker gets in the car and the car shakes.

Secondly, the problem isnt with the sexual content. It's with the "graphic sexual content and nudity".

You know what that means? That means fucking. In hot coffee she's naked and you're fucking her.

Saying "Damn" and saying "fuck" are both cuss words, but a "Damn" in a movie is PG-13... whereas "fuck" is Rated R. THATS HOW THE RATINGS WORK.

A group of people get together and view the item, it's usually a collection of our peers... like Jury Duty. The problem is, GTA:SA didnt show the main character plowing the hooker in the footage of rated material. So they gave it a "M".

If Rockstar wouldn't of lied, they wouldnt be here right now. But they lied, and it was unlocked and now they're screwed.

I was gonna ignore your first post, but you seem intent on repeat posting it so I'm gonna have to slap my dick in your face. Welcome to flavor country and thanks for playing, now get the fuck out.[/QUOTE]

1. You talk about R* lying yet you can't prove Rockstar's intentions for Hot Coffee.

2. Every rated R movie that shows people having sex (just like in SA), has "strong sexual content" in the rating.

3. "graphic sexual content" is called porno and shows genetalia. SA doesn't and is equal to what you would see in a rated R movie (strong sexual content).

4. CJ never "plows" any hookers in Hot Coffee so it is obvious you don't know what the hell you are talking about.

5. The hot coffee mod was disabled, locked and hidden and was officially NOT part of the game. They did not need to show it to the ESRB according to the rules.

Please people, if you have never played San Andreas, unlocked and played the Hot Coffee mod don't come in here acting like you know what you are talking about. At least make the effort to inform yourself about the subject before mouthing off and jumping on the hate-Rockstar bandwagon. You only make yourself look stupid.
Another side effect of the Hot Coffee controversy is that it will discourage developers from including hidden or unfinished material in their game. Instead of leaving that code in the game for people to find, they'll probably remove it entirely.

This is unfortunate because it's kind of cool just having some of that material and seeing what the developers had in mind... i remember the hidden/unfinished levels in Goldeneye 007 on N64.
[quote name='sabin23']Another side effect of the Hot Coffee controversy is that it will discourage developers from including hidden or unfinished material in their game. Instead of leaving that code in the game for people to find, they'll probably remove it entirely.

This is unfortunate because it's kind of cool just having some of that material and seeing what the developers had in mind... i remember the hidden/unfinished levels in Goldeneye 007 on N64.[/QUOTE]

Yea, and if you look at the Goldeneye box theres blood as well, which I think wasnt in the finished copy.
bread's done