I broke the OTT...but I did not break the site!

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I kinda wish that LittleBigPlanet just gave you all of the level pieces from the get-go.
[quote name='Brak']I kinda wish that LittleBigPlanet just gave you all of the level pieces from the get-go.[/quote]

That's what I said. My buddy 100%'ed the game. I want his save file just so I can create stuff with not being bothered by the shitty platforming.
I've actually had the urge to play some LBP, but I let a friend borrow it and I'm not getting it back until he gets it for christmas lol.

Wait, even if I buy the iPod new I have to pay for the software update? Bullshit!

I just realized my cock had a microphone.
I actually had fun Playing LBP online, played a Mirrors Edge level, A Ghostbusters level, a very complex level modeled after ICO, A Batman begins level, and a Meteal Gear solid level.
[quote name='joe2187']How'd you manage the Good Karma Just business brak?[/QUOTE]
I just enslaved the people on the list, got paid (unlocked the Achievement; completed the mission), then I murdered ALL of the slavers and freed the imprisoned slaves, which balanced out the Bad Karma from previously capturing those slaves. :cool:

When you enslave the people on the list, make sure that NO ONE sees you doing it. I'd save before you stun them and collar them..
[quote name='Maklershed']That's what I said. My buddy 100%'ed the game. I want his save file just so I can create stuff with not being bothered by the shitty platforming.[/QUOTE]
... how the fuck did he manage that?
[quote name='Brak']
I just enslaved the people on the list, got paid (unlocked the Achievement; completed the mission), then I murdered ALL of the slavers and freed the imprisoned slaves, which balanced out the Bad Karma from previously capturing those slaves. :cool:

When you enslave the people on the list, make sure that NO ONE sees you doing it. I'd save before you stun them and collar them..


fuck. That's exactly what I did but I flipped out and
killed everyone before I got all three slaves. By the way, when you released Arkansas, did he start shooting at you?

[quote name='Brak']
... how the fuck did he manage that?[/quote]

He really really loves it. Plus he has a worse case of game related OCD than I do.
[quote name='Maklershed']fuck. That's exactly what I did but I flipped out and
killed everyone before I got all three slaves. By the way, when you released Arkansas, did he start shooting at you?
I only had to capture two slaves... Apparently, the others died somewhere/somehow, so there were only two people on the list; I never saw Arkansas.
What is gamefly going to do if I just don't sent Mirror's Edge back? They don't have my credit card on file so I'm just curious to know what would happen.

What you can't see in the avatar picture, since its so small, is that on the night stand behind him is a bottle of pills, a box of tissues, and a bottle of hand lotion.
So I heard my best friend sing for the first time in choir yesterday. I don't know how I've never heard him before, I guess I've never paid attention.

Dude was bad. Like, painfully bad. I have no clue how he made the advanced choir. I'm not saying I'm amazing (I'm not, though according to my teacher I will be when my voice finally settles) but it was just atrocious. He could hit the low bass notes okay, but anything that wasn't fucking gurgling low was baaaad.
I don't see why you shouldn't be able to kill kids in any video game.

Brak, make a level in LBP where I can kill kids.
[quote name='dcfox']Brak, make a level in LBP where I can kill kids.[/QUOTE]
No way.
[quote name='Brak']
I only had to capture two slaves... Apparently, the others died somewhere/somehow, so there were only two people on the list; I never saw Arkansas.

I had four people. Man, two would have been easy. Four took FOREVER.
remember the L4D LEGO weapons... well got smacked around in the news today, as they also make:

[quote name='dcfox']I'm hot black girl in my mid twenties. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Come on.
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