I like robOTT's

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[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Well my girlfriend and I broke up. In other news my birthday is on Friday.[/QUOTE] How long had you been together? [quote name='DT778']packed and ready to go home for a week \\:D/

[/QUOTE] All that for one week?
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Well my girlfriend and I broke up. In other news my birthday is on Friday.[/QUOTE]

Is everyone having that much fun with the Wii? I am jealous but can do without. Especially since I start work in about an hour. :(
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Well my girlfriend and I broke up. In other news my birthday is on Friday.[/quote]

Here, have some sugarcubes. She'll probably be turned into glue anyway, and then you'll look back and laugh.
Shit... got Company of Heroes today for $10 due to some random CC screwing up.

Hoping it's some kind of glitch so I can stock up on PC games again.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Shakira is half(?) lebanese, I think.[/quote]

She's into chicks? That's kinda hot I s'pose.
[quote name='guinaevere']How's your back doing with having to move the wiimote around?[/quote]

Problems in my leg, and It's been hurting so long I'm sort of used to it, so I manage to ignore it for the most part while flailing around like a retard to Wii Sports.
God dammit.

GameCrazy wouldn't buy my Xbox because the serial number was worn off. :(
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Worn off? How did that happen?[/QUOTE]
The heat. It happens to a lot of the consoles.
[quote name='Brak']The heat. It happens to a lot of the consoles.[/QUOTE]

Yep, happened to my GBA just because that was were my hands would naturally go. Gamestop wouldn't take it but EB took it no problems.
[quote name='Roufuss']Yep, happened to my GBA just because that was were my hands would naturally go. Gamestop wouldn't take it but EB took it no problems.[/QUOTE]
Yeah. I called ShitStop and they won't take it, either.

Don't know what to do with it now... eBay is too much of a hassle.
[quote name='Brak']Yeah. I called ShitStop and they won't take it, either.

Don't know what to do with it now... eBay is too much of a hassle.[/QUOTE]

Try EB... they are more lax about those things, just don't tell them it dosen't have a barcode.
I'm broke as shit but I don't think I can pass up Adult Swim boxset's at $8.99 a piece, shipped free on Amazon since I'd get more than $25 worth and no tax... espically since they all (still) retail for $27 - $30 at B&M stores.
[quote name='Roufuss']I'm broke as shit but I don't think I can pass up Adult Swim boxset's at $8.99 a piece, shipped free on Amazon since I'd get more than $25 worth and no tax... espically since they all (still) retail for $27 - $30 at B&M stores.[/quote] Wow, i almost bought Brisco County from DDD which would have been $57 or something. Being $50 at Amazon now, i think i might just hold off on it until it gets a lil cheaper.

Its also funny to see things like Nip/Tuck First 3 Seasons for $135 - then right next to it are the 3 seasons listed singly at $30 each.
[quote name='Roufuss']I'm broke as shit but I don't think I can pass up Adult Swim boxset's at $8.99 a piece, shipped free on Amazon since I'd get more than $25 worth and no tax... espically since they all (still) retail for $27 - $30 at B&M stores.[/QUOTE]
Out of the set's that are $8.99, I only saw Sealab being the one I might pick up on. The 1st season of shows are always so weak though.
[quote name='zewone']Out of the set's that are $8.99, I only saw Sealab being the one I might pick up on. The 1st season of shows are always so weak though.[/QUOTE]

I don't know, I really remember digging the first season of Sealab and Harvey Birdman.

I figure, for $8.99, even if the show isn't as good as I remember (but I doubt it) it's easily resellable on Ebay for that much.

It's also the fact that Adult Swim dosen't play Sealab at all or they don't show repeats of older seasons of shows (like Harvey Birdman).

Man... I want to bite, I know if I don't I will never find a deal on these again, since there hasn't been 1 in ten billion years.
Man... I just bought F.E.A.R. (360) used for $35. That doesn't make any sense...

[quote name='zewone']Out of the set's that are $8.99, I only saw Sealab being the one I might pick up on. The 1st season of shows are always so weak though.[/QUOTE]
Season one of The Brak Show and Sealab 2021 were definitely the best. Once Williams Street started writing to cater to the 14 year-olds watching, and threw in WAY too many sex jokes, both shows went to shit.

(Although I don't think The Brak Show was all that good, to begin with.)

Sealab went down in a slow slope.
[quote name='Roufuss']Try EB... they are more lax about those things, just don't tell them it dosen't have a barcode.[/QUOTE]
No local EBs. I'd have to drive to Lansing (thirty minute drive on the highway -- an hour if you're horrible with directions, like me), and I don't have any money or gas 'til Friday.
[quote name='Brak']Man... I just bought F.E.A.R. (360) used for $35. That doesn't make any sense...

Where? Local store / pawn shop?
[quote name='Roufuss']Where? Local store / pawn shop?[/QUOTE]

The sticker said $44 MVP.

Didn't make any sense.
How does one make a pizza bagel anyway?

I'd ask Kramer, but he'd call me a nigger for doing so. (and I'm white).
[quote name='Brak']GameCrazy.

The sticker said $44 MVP.

Didn't make any sense.[/QUOTE]

Bitch get me one :(

Maybe you found some kind of crazy price drop.
Do you know how long Sealab is going to be $9?

I'm waiting for Amazon to cancel my PS3 orders and more than likely give me a $5 credit or something.
[quote name='Roufuss']Bitch get me one :([/QUOTE]
It was the only one.

I pooled $100 in credit, selling some of my Xbox collection. Gonna get Rainbow Six Vegas tomorrow.
Well you pretty much just take the pizza and instead of putting it on dough you put it on a bagel. :drool:

Kramer doesn't know anything about making pizza bagels, sausage on the other hand...
[quote name='zewone']Do you know how long Sealab is going to be $9?

I'm waiting for Amazon to cancel my PS3 orders and more than likely give me a $5 credit or something.[/QUOTE]

I have no clue, which is why I might jump on it tonight. I've got a feeling these DVD's are going to sell out fast too.
Shit... I bought a big box at Office Depot today for this 40 game lot of PC games I sold on Ebay... the box I bought is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too big and my pops had a box already that works perfectly.

What a waste of $3!
[quote name='Pancake Rabbit']You can always make a pretty sweet fort out of the box.[/QUOTE]

I guess I have to. Shit, even if I didn't have the other box, this box is about 50 times too big. I forgot most of the games are just in paper sleeves and there wasn't as many manuals as I thought.

This stuff looked so much bigger in my closet =/

And woot, deal went through with VG, shiny Call of Duty 3 for $42.50!
[quote name='Roufuss']Nice, I think VanillaGorilla is gonna sell me Call of Duty 3 for the 360 for $42.50 shipped.

Just have to finalize![/QUOTE]
Why's he selling it?
[quote name='Brak']Why's he selling it?[/QUOTE]

His 360 broke, and he told me by the time he gets it back he's going to have Gears, NHL 2k7, and Tiger Woods 2k7, and he won't really have time for Gears or Splinter Cell (he's selling that too).

He wanted $45 for each, I told him $40 and he said $42.50 to cover Paypal fees since I wanted to use Paypal.

The game will take 100 years to drop down to $40, just like CoD 2, this is basacially $40 + tax if I got it a store.

While you're here, you want to play some Smackdown tonight?
[quote name='Roufuss']Shit... I bought a big box at Office Depot today for this 40 game lot of PC games I sold on Ebay... the box I bought is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too big and my pops had a box already that works perfectly.

What a waste of $3![/quote]
Sell the box on ebay. Personally, I'd pay $2 for such a box, used.
[quote name='dcfox']Sell the box on ebay. Personally, I'd pay $2 for such a box, used.[/QUOTE]
How would you ship it? Would you just ship it as an empty box or would you put said box inside of another box? ...

Obligatory "...and then I'd smash it with a hammer!"
[quote name='Eviltude']
Obligatory "...and then I'd smash it with a hammer!"[/QUOTE]

"He's doing his own theme music!"
[quote name='Eviltude']How would you ship it? Would you just ship it as an empty box or would you put said box inside of another box? ...

Obligatory "...and then I'd smash it with a hammer!"[/quote]
Tape the box up then ship it empty? But then again I could easily see my box getting damaged in transit. Hmmm. . .:whistle2:k
[quote name='Roufuss']This is quite perplexing! In other news, I've gone from being emo to also listening to crap R&B.[/QUOTE]

That is a step up.
[quote name='Roufuss']This is quite perplexing! In other news, I've gone from being emo to also listening to crap R&B.[/quote]

Come to the dark side of Hip-hop.
[quote name='2poor']Come to the dark side of Hip-hop.[/QUOTE]

I used to listen to hip-hop a long time ago... I got bored of it.

I am picking up Jay-Z's new album tommorrow, though.
[quote name='Mike23']That is a step up.[/QUOTE]

No, don't get me wrong, I'm still emo deep down inside ;)

The fingernails of my soul are painted black.
[quote name='Roufuss']I used to listen to hip-hop a long time ago... I got bored of it.

I am picking up Jay-Z's new album tommorrow, though.[/quote]

Holy shit it's November 21 tomorrow. I only have 9 more days to do my college applications.
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