I'm bored lets talk RPGs

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183 (100%)
We got:

Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria - Currently Out
Tales of the Abyss - 10.10.06
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner - 10.10.06
Final Fantasy XII - 10.31.06

Pretty good month for RPGs. Their's something for everyone. Anyone hear anything about Devil Summoner? From what I've read it's not the "press turn" system anymore.
awsome starting point.

Still limiting my knowlage of RPGs to those done by the FFT/Vagrant Story design teams...

and to start debate: I still consider FF8 the best in the series if you don't include FFT.
Devil Summoner is an action RPG... IGN has a good preview up.

Also this month -

Summon Night 2 GBA
Super Robot Taisen Original Generation 2 GBA
Yggdra Union GBA
Contact DS
Children of Mana DS
Magical Starsign DS
The new Dot.Hack game for PS2
Phantasy Star Universe
Well, something for everyone that has a PS2 anyway. ;) Add:

Contact - 10/17
Summon Night 2 - 10/17
Super Robot Taisen 2 - 10/17
Magical Starsign - 10/23
Yggdra Union - 10/24
Children of Mana - 10/30

I think a list with PS2, DS, and GBA will cover just about everyone.

Edit: Damn you Roufuss, why don't you go fix your computer or somethin?

And Rolento, if you're counting every FF game... yes, you're out of your mind.
[quote name='botticus']
Edit: Damn you Roufuss, why don't you go fix your computer or somethin?

STFU, it takes like 10 minutes to reboot ;)
[quote name='botticus']
And Rolento, if you're counting every FF game... yes, you're out of your mind.[/QUOTE]

finally, someone who kows how my mind works!

and yes, FFX (or 10... whatever!) was a shame to FF while FFX-2 was pure turdly living.

and contact will rock your mental balls.
[quote name='Roufuss']Devil Summoner is an action RPG... IGN has a good preview up.

Also this month -

Summon Night 2 GBA
Super Robot Taisen Original Generation 2 GBA
Contact DS
Children of Mana DS
Magical Starsign DS[/QUOTE]

You're playing Super Robot Taisen Original Generation for GBA right? I have one for Saturn, but it's Japanese. These games always looked very cool, especially the newer PS2 version. Some very nice 2D going on. What anime series does it draw from? Gundam? Evengelion?
can someone list all the card based RPGs that have been released? I've found I have enjoyed these alot more than traditional and would love to get around to a few of them... I'm considering culdcept saga for the 360 when it's released.

Also, I didn't caer at all for Lost Odessy for a while, but the recent gameoplay videos and movie got me hooked.
Well I really don't know about Card based RPG's but there is this new Toy which is really a game system. You scan the cards and then they are displayed in 3d.

Then you can fight with each other like in a fighting game. It reminds me of that scanner football game.

I was always partial to FF9. I'm not that huge of a FF fan anymore. But I've played them all. FF 12 though is slowly winning me over.

Dragon Quest VIII was my favorite RPG this generation though so far. Then Digital Devil Saga right behind it.

Contact is good from what I played of it so far, a good friend of mine reviewed it and he said it was a great experience through and through.

/me still wants Earthbound. I'm a sucker for traditional RPGs. Since it's what I grew up on.
I'm not a big fan of the style but a couple I know that I've actually played:

Kingdom Hearts: CoM (GBA)
Baten Kaitos (GC)
SNK vs Capcom: CFC (NGPC) - but I know you're played this one
Phantasy Star Online 3 (GC)

And honestly, SVC: CFC was the only one I liked.
[quote name='RegalSin2020']Well I really don't know about Card based RPG's but there is this new Toy which is really a game system. You scan the cards and then they are displayed in 3d.

Then you can fight with each other like in a fighting game. It reminds me of that scanner football game.[/QUOTE]

I'm more for digital cards since in the end, it dosn't hurt your wallet as badly.
Baten Kaitos is the best card RPG out there. I'm currently playing the second one.

Super Robot Taisen OG is completely original. There's no mecha from any anime series. It's still an excellent game though, and I can't wait for the second one. I really hope we get the PS2 version they just announced.

I can't wait for Tales of the Abyss. I want that game so badly, and when it comes out I'm not even going to leave the house after I start playing it.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']We got:

Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria - Currently Out
Tales of the Abyss - 10.10.06
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner - 10.10.06
Final Fantasy XII - 10.31.06

Pretty good month for RPGs. Their's something for everyone. Anyone hear anything about Devil Summoner? From what I've read it's not the "press turn" system anymore.[/QUOTE]

All of those are must have games for me. I got Valkyrie Profile Silmeria today, have FFXII CE and Tales of the Abyss preordered, and I'm getting SMT Devil Summoner on day 1.

Devil Summoner uses an action RPG system but there's really not too much that's known about that for some reason... Gamebrink's review was extremely positive though and might help to shed some light on some areas that domestic previews haven't discussed.
[quote name='RegalSin2020']Well I really don't know about Card based RPG's but there is this new Toy which is really a game system. You scan the cards and then they are displayed in 3d.

Then you can fight with each other like in a fighting game. It reminds me of that scanner football game.[/QUOTE]

I saw that commercial. That thing looked ridiculous and I was wondering exactly who would buy that aside from a couple very stupid 6-year-olds. Easily the dumbest idea I've seen in a while.
Still in debate over getting FFXI due to time and school... want it badly since it's the same guy who did Vagrant Story and FFT basicly, and everyone knows how good the writing was in those (at least in FFT)...
[quote name='botticus']
And Rolento, if you're counting every FF game... yes, you're out of your mind.[/QUOTE]

Bah, Final Fantasy 8 never gets any love. I'm a little weird I suppose since I loved 8 and 10. Not sure what my favorite in the series was though since really, 6 (what I played at least), 7, 8, and 10 are all about even for me.
FF8 gets no love because it's garbage. That game scarred me for life. I still wake up in a cold sweat because it. I wake up screaming things like "No more plotholes!! Please!", "The same orphanage? You've got to be fucking kidding me!!", and "Broken junction system, noooooooo!" And if my PS1 kills me in my sleep for making it play that horrid piece of trash, I won't blame it at all.
[quote name='MarkMan']Hi.

I was always partial to FF9. I'm not that huge of a FF fan anymore. But I've played them all. FF 12 though is slowly winning me over.[/QUOTE]

Holy crap, I just assumed I was the only person who liked FF9. All I ever hear is how lame it is and how the kid had a tail. We should start a support group or something. You know, make tshirts and all.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']

Super Robot Taisen OG is completely original. There's no mecha from any anime series. It's still an excellent game though, and I can't wait for the second one. I really hope we get the PS2 version they just announced.

The translation for Super Robot Taisen OG is flat out horrible, though.

The only high point is that Excellen somehow incorporates sex into everything she talks about... the sexual inneudo's run VERY high.

And the game uses so...many...acronyms... here's an example:

"Oh no, the EOTI is now the DC who has incorporated the UCC to attack us, but the EFA has been captured working on the ATX project, our PM's cannot stand up against their AM's oh no here comes a MAPW!"

The gameplay is solid, as always, I always wondered wtf the story was about when I played all the imports but sadly, I still wonder wtf the story is about.
*starts flame war*

Currently playing PSO: Blue Burst to get hyped for PSU.

question: do you guys always finish your RPGs? I always start them and get like halfway through, then drift away from them. Not because they're bad, I just get sidetracked by other games.

except I always beat FF games and I beat nocturne and Xenosaga 1.

can't wait for XII. played through a couple hours of the Japanese version and loved it.
^ So it's not just me, I've been trying to find out how the battle system is. All I read was it's an action RPG syle, but it's still random battles. You fight everywhere, even in towns. And the encounter rate is very high.

I like it when RPGs break away from the streotypical "fantasy land." If I'm not mistaken Devil Summoner is set in Japan post WWII.
[quote name='Apossum']
question: do you guys always finish your RPGs? I always start them and get like halfway through, then drift away from them. Not because they're bad, I just get sidetracked by other games.

I used to do that, but now I actually finish them all the way through.
The only problem I found with the translation is that it's flat. It's too literal. Because it's very close to the Japanese. They just need to spice it up. From what I heard though Banpresto was really anal about how Atlus localized the game. My guess is that they were forced to be that exact. Which is a shame of course, but oh well. It's far better than not getting the SRT games.
FF9 wasnt bad... it just felt a little played out IMHO...

FF8 was the biggest leap I've ever seen in the series, with FFXII looking to do it possibly again.

anyone not liking how FFXIII is turning out? Other than the graphics, I am not finding much to like about it.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']The only problem I found with the translation is that it's flat. It's too literal. Because it's very close to the Japanese. They just need to spice it up. From what I heard though Banpresto was really anal about how Atlus localized the game. My guess is that they were forced to be that exact. Which is a shame of course, but oh well. It's far better than not getting the SRT games.[/QUOTE]

I don't care one way or the other because I would have just imported them eventually... the gameplay carries over for the most part from game to game, they are easy to play in Japanese once you get the hang of it.

It is a shame the translation is so fucked up, even worse that Banpresto probably made them keep it that way. Half the time I don't even understand wtf is going on because the story just seems too succinct and nothing is really explained very well, and everyone talks like a bad Japanese dubbing.

At this point I don't even bother with the story, I just go straight into the battles, which are decent as always.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']FF8 gets no love because it's garbage. That game scarred me for life. I still wake up in a cold sweat because it. I wake up screaming things like "No more plotholes!! Please!", "The same orphanage? You've got to be fucking kidding me!!", and "Broken junction system, noooooooo!" And if my PS1 kills me in my sleep for making it play that horrid piece of trash, I won't blame it at all.[/QUOTE]

I liked the junction system. It allowed for a ton of customization which is the one thing I wish that more RPGs offered.

*flame flame flame*

I love talking about FFs because people get fucking pissed over 'em. It makes the standard conversation about games a lot more interesting.
[quote name='Apossum']*starts flame war*

Currently playing PSO: Blue Burst to get hyped for PSU.

question: do you guys always finish your RPGs? I always start them and get like halfway through, then drift away from them. Not because they're bad, I just get sidetracked by other games.

except I always beat FF games and I beat nocturne and Xenosaga 1.

can't wait for XII. played through a couple hours of the Japanese version and loved it.[/QUOTE]

I finish an RPG if it's good. If it's bad, it's gone. Back in the day I used to stop midway with RPGs because I'd get sidetracked so it took me several attempts to get through a game. Now I can just blow through an RPG without stopping halfway through though which is nice.

And yeah, I can't wait for FFXII either. It seems like Square nailed this one so it should be interesting.
I think I'm going to pass on SMT: Devil Summoner for now... Atlus games are rapidly dropping to $29.99 new and $24.99 used so I'm going to see if the trend continues.

With Tales of the Abyss hitting on the same day for $10 cheaper (and taking forever to price drop, look at Legendia), it's really a no brainer which one I should get.

If Devil Summoner starts getting rare I'll snag a copy, though.
[quote name='Roufuss']I think I'm going to pass on SMT: Devil Summoner for now... Atlus games are rapidly dropping to $29.99 new and $24.99 used so I'm going to see if the trend continues.

With Tales of the Abyss hitting on the same day for $10 cheaper (and taking forever to price drop, look at Legendia), it's really a no brainer which one I should get.

If Devil Summoner starts getting rare I'll snag a copy, though.[/QUOTE]

As long as you get one of the two. I'm getting both mainly because I'm a self-proclaimed SMT whore and because I preordered Abyss for $20... so I kinda can't pass that up. I can't see either of the two being anything short of phenomenal.

Best RPG season we've had in years... maybe ever?
[quote name='Roufuss']I don't care one way or the other because I would have just imported them eventually... the gameplay carries over for the most part from game to game, they are easy to play in Japanese once you get the hang of it.

It is a shame the translation is so fucked up, even worse that Banpresto probably made them keep it that way. Half the time I don't even understand wtf is going on because the story just seems too succinct and nothing is really explained very well, and everyone talks like a bad Japanese dubbing.

At this point I don't even bother with the story, I just go straight into the battles, which are decent as always.[/QUOTE]
I'm imported them too, but I like having them fully in english. I'll sure complain to Atlus about it, but I'm not going to turn away the games in English. As wooden as it is at times, a lot of the characters still shine through. Excellen being a prime example.

I'm buying both Devil Summoner and TotA. No promises on my actually getting a chance to play SMT though. I still need to finish Baten Kaitos Origins.
[quote name='Chacrana']As long as you get one of the two. I'm getting both mainly because I'm a self-proclaimed SMT whore and because I preordered Abyss for $20... so I kinda can't pass that up. I can't see either of the two being anything short of phenomenal.

Best RPG season we've had in years... maybe ever?[/QUOTE]

Well, I also can't play two RPG's at once, so I might as well save $50 for now. Plus after Abyss I want to start Valkyrie Profile 2.
[quote name='Roufuss']Well, I also can't play two RPG's at once, so I might as well save $50 for now. Plus after Abyss I want to start Valkyrie Profile 2.[/QUOTE]

I can't play 2 RPGs at once either. I have a nice thing called "I don't operate on logic" which makes it reasonable to buy so many RPGs in a short span though.
[quote name='Apossum']
question: do you guys always finish your RPGs? I always start them and get like halfway through, then drift away from them. Not because they're bad, I just get sidetracked by other games.[/QUOTE]

That still happens to me, but I always try to finish it. But for me it also depends on the game. Example: I was playing Shadow Hearts 3: FTNW but put it on hold for Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria. But with all these RPGs coming out, Shadow Hearts is gonna have to wait a while.

I just hate wanting to start back up an RPG again and forgeting everything.
[quote name='Chacrana']
*flame flame flame*

I love talking about FFs because people get fucking pissed over 'em. It makes the standard conversation about games a lot more interesting.[/QUOTE]

yeah, once you bring up FF and combine it with opinions = instant flame off... I have yet to see a conversation that just goes over thoughts and ideas that are constructive... FF is like a curse to conversations both online and in real life >_<

time for some discussion over horrible RPGs...

what was that old SNES rpg where you start playing as a caveman, but progress through different eras? I got far enough in that game to make out with the local hottie cavewoman...
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I'm imported them too, but I like having them fully in english. I'll sure complain to Atlus about it, but I'm not going to turn away the games in English. As wooden as it is at times, a lot of the characters still shine through. Excellen being a prime example.

Oh yeah, some of them shine, but then the majority of them don't really develop... I mean, what's the deal with Katina and Russel? Why do they keep calling that guy Sean "XO"? Why does Radha keep saying non-sensical crap like "Radra agosnis sifnaf", is that supposed to be yoga or something?

I just wish some of these people were a little more fleshed out, but I'm only on episode 14 so maybe they'll get there.

I don't have the problem where it's wooden, I just have the problem where it dosen't make sense at all and I can see now why reviewers docked points for it.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I'm imported them too, but I like having them fully in english. I'll sure complain to Atlus about it, but I'm not going to turn away the games in English. As wooden as it is at times, a lot of the characters still shine through. Excellen being a prime example.

I'm buying both Devil Summoner and TotA. No promises on my actually getting a chance to play SMT though. I still need to finish Baten Kaitos Origins.[/QUOTE]

How's Origins? I played 5 or so hours of Baten Kaitos 1 but didn't really care for it... the card combat felt clumsy and completely unnecessary and the storyline and characters seemed pretty bland... so I'm kinda interested in finding out how Origins shaped up.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']

anyone not liking how FFXIII is turning out? Other than the graphics, I am not finding much to like about it.[/QUOTE]

I highly dislike their trick of putting the battle menu in to cutscenes...that's just lame. yeah, all battles are going to look that good and choreographed. right.

on the other hand, maybe those are what the in game graphics will look similar too (just without all the crazy shit happening during a normal battle.) I think it'll turn out good though. it's crazy that they've announced a bunch of versions of the game. wonder what XIII Vs. will be about.
[quote name='Apossum']I highly dislike their trick of putting the battle menu in to cutscenes...that's just lame. yeah, all battles are going to look that good and choreographed. right.

on the other hand, maybe those are what the in game graphics will look similar too (just without all the crazy shit happening during a normal battle.) I think it'll turn out good though. it's crazy that they've announced a bunch of versions of the game. wonder what XIII Vs. will be about.[/QUOTE]

It'd be interesting if Square really took a cinematic approach to battles though... all they've shown is this one character, so what if she's all you get in the game? Then I could see crazy battles like that happening.
[quote name='Chacrana']It'd be interesting if Square really took a cinematic approach to battles though... all they've shown is this one character, so what if she's all you get in the game? Then I could see crazy battles like that happening.[/QUOTE]

I'm actually just pissed at the overall design. I don't like anything I've seen in it. If it's anything kingdom hearts designer team releated, then I'm not playing it already (sad, right?)
[quote name='Chacrana']How's Origins? I played 5 or so hours of Baten Kaitos 1 but didn't really care for it... the card combat felt clumsy and completely unnecessary and the storyline and characters seemed pretty bland... so I'm kinda interested in finding out how Origins shaped up.[/QUOTE]
If you didn't like the first one, then you're not going to like Origins. The story is a little better, but it's pretty much more of the same. The only major change is that each character now draws from the same deck, and the difficulty is higher.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I'm actually just pissed at the overall design. I don't like anything I've seen in it. If it's anything kingdom hearts designer team releated, then I'm not playing it already (sad, right?)[/QUOTE]

Really? I love the futuristic-ness of it. Eh, to each his own I guess.
[quote name='Chacrana']Really? I love the futuristic-ness of it. Eh, to each his own I guess.[/QUOTE]

agreed. I dont mind the sci-fi stuff (i like that part actually), it's just that everything FF is going so over the top in design, I just want it all to be simplified...

I just wish FF would turn over and start all over again in terms of design (not gameplay).
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']
what was that old SNES rpg where you start playing as a caveman, but progress through different eras? I got far enough in that game to make out with the local hottie cavewoman...[/QUOTE]

Secret of Evermore? I remember not liking that one.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']Secret of Evermore? I remember not liking that one.[/QUOTE]

I think maybe... who knows... I guess I'll do my research. I liked it because ti was so oddly played out and nothing made any sense. good stuff (in a horrible way).

on a side note: Front Mission 1 is being ported and supposedly updated to the PSP. I got hooked on the FM series since part 3 hit. It's the onyl series of games I have no interest in until the games get a year old... I need to get my brain checked.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I think maybe... who knows... I guess I'll do my research. I liked it because ti was so oddly played out and nothing made any sense. good stuff (in a horrible way).

on a side note: Front Mission 1 is being ported and supposedly updated to the PSP. I got hooked on the FM series since part 3 hit. It's the onyl series of games I have no interest in until the games get a year old... I need to get my brain checked.[/QUOTE]

Secret of Evermore was pretty shit... I think from the second the screen said "Podunk, USA" I was like "awww, shit." Then I played maybe 5 minutes and hit the eject button. My first impression was completely right.
[quote name='Chacrana']Secret of Evermore was pretty shit... I think from the second the screen said "Podunk, USA" I was like "awww, shit." Then I played maybe 5 minutes and hit the eject button. My first impression was completely right.[/QUOTE]

:lol: yes it was a shit game, but a few CAGers should know my baddly odd tastes.

but as I was saying: any Front Mission fans here? did the online version get released ever in japan?
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