I'm bored lets talk RPGs

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I probably won't be buying any of those games. VP is on my Gameznflix queue, I have never liked the battle systems in the Tales Of games, I am not really a fan of "every 4 steps" random battles that the SMT series is known for, and FFXII....uh, no, I prefer to control the battles myself.

What the fuck is taking Level 5 so long with bringing Rogue Galaxy to America? Oh well, at least they fixing some of the quirks the Japanese version had.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']What the fuck is taking Level 5 so long with bringing Rogue Galaxy to America? Oh well, at least they fixing some of the quirks the Japanese version had.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's what made the delay more acceptable for me. Rogue Galaxy is a game with a ton of potential and it's rare to see a delay like this actually go towards what seems to be a legitimate upgrade. I'm fine with waiting till January if what we're getting is a perfected version.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']:lol: yes it was a shit game, but a few CAGers should know my baddly odd tastes.

but as I was saying: any Front Mission fans here? did the online version get released ever in japan?[/QUOTE]
Secret of Evermore sucked ass.

I love Front Mission. Thing is I can't even think about the series without crying. The fact that we're not getting FM5 depresses me something awful.
Devil Summoner was pretty fun, I played a little big of the Japanese version and some of the early build of the US vers at our booth at Anime Expo... I really like the look of the game, I felt it played more like Parasite Eve or Tales of Symphonia than the usual turn based action.

Also gotta love the full title, aka the longest title ever for a videogame:

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner - Raidou Kuzunoha vs. the Soulless Army
Did it seem like there was a sufficient amount of strategy to Devil Summoner? That's my one concern, but I'm fairly confident that the devs succeeded.

And yeah, the title is great. Often, I'll go up to somebody who knows at least a little about games and say "Guess what comes out next week?" When they ask what comes out, I yell the full title at them in a Japanese accent. I get style points for that.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']:lol: yes it was a shit game, but a few CAGers should know my baddly odd tastes.

but as I was saying: any Front Mission fans here? did the online version get released ever in japan?[/QUOTE]

I spent close to a hundred hours with FM3, so you could say I am a fan, never got FM4 though, depressed about FM5, and wary of FM online

Anyways, I don't care about all these hot new RPG's...

I'm getting FF XII but the demo left me unimpressed, battles demand way too much concentration, I like to take my time and think out my battles..fuck real time

I haven't thought of Valkyrie Profile 2 yet, I liked the first one but it seems way too focused on gameplay, the original's story could have been incredible if it went from the prologue on but it became a "kill boss, save dead person, fight battles" formula way too quickly....is the VP2 story any better?

Don't like or know much about the Tales series, I have Phantasia [GBA] on a back log so I'd play that before "Abyss"

Right now I'm busy with a play through of Xenogears, just about to beat it, all I need to do is get some Simp Circuits and buy some more drives/generators then I'll finish the game

After that it's on to Xenosaga Episode III, I've been dying to play it but I decided I wouldn't play it without going through Gears one more time.
[quote name='Logg']I have always like Front Mission, someday I will beat Front Mission 4 ( I want to Anyway)[/QUOTE]

yeah, the only real highlight of part 4 was thelink system and bad voice acting.
this was successful. nice job on the title rodimus! :)

i'm starting "I'm bored, lets talk train simulator hentai dating games"

agreed. I dont mind the sci-fi stuff (i like that part actually), it's just that everything FF is going so over the top in design, I just want it all to be simplified...

I just wish FF would turn over and start all over again in terms of design (not gameplay).

I see what you mean. all I could think during the opening movie of XII was "hey, this is like star wars" O_O somebody said the opening reminded them of episode 1...hate to say it was spot on. not saying it'll be "like" star wars, just the blend of romanesque buildings...and flying things with lasers is similar.
[quote name='Apossum']i'm starting "I'm bored, lets talk train simulator hentai dating games"



that's the plan :cool:
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I wonder how many porn/hentai RPGs are out the (not the Sim/conversation/dating types... I can't stand those)?[/QUOTE]

The only one out in the US is Brave Soul which looks terrible. As for JRPGs, the only one that comes to mind is Brutish Mine... that's only in Japan.
[quote name='Roufuss']Nice, just got sent the translated rom for Seiken Denetsu 3... I guess I know what I'm doing this weekend now.[/quote]Thieving bastard.

And what the hell, I leave this thread for two hours, and SoE gets shit upon? It wasn't the greatest, but I put that in my list of good SNES RPGs. FFs, Lufias, Mana, EB, E.V.O., BoFs, Evermore, probably some others I'm missing off the top of my head.
[quote name='botticus']Thieving bastard.

And what the hell, I leave this thread for two hours, and SoE gets shit upon? It wasn't the greatest, but I put that in my list of good SNES RPGs. FFs, Lufias, Mana, EB, E.V.O., BoFs, Evermore, probably some others I'm missing off the top of my head.[/QUOTE]

You're the one who sent me SD 3 ;)

I'd fully support it if Square brought it out here in English, but they just want to whore out FF a few more billion times.
[quote name='Roufuss']Nice, just got sent the translated rom for Seiken Denetsu 3... I guess I know what I'm doing this weekend now.[/quote]Translated Seiken Densetsu 3 is soooooo 2000.
[quote name='Roufuss']Nice, just got sent the translated rom for Seiken Denetsu 3... I guess I know what I'm doing this weekend now.[/QUOTE]

I was expecting some kind of GBA release of this. It would've been perfect. I played a translated rom about 4 years ago, it was very short. I think I beat it in 30 hours.
also check out the rest of the square snes japanese line up that got fan translated

Front Mission 1
Bahamut Lagoon
Treasue Hunter G
Romancing SaGa 3
also Star Ocean 1 (Enix)
[quote name='62t']also check out the rest of the square snes japanese line up that got fan translated

Front Mission 1
Bahamut Lagoon
Treasue Hunter G
Romancing SaGa 3
also Star Ocean 1 (Enix)[/quote]

You're missing one:

Rudra No Hihou

It's good :O!

And also get Terranigma.
I just found this thread. Do you guys notice that it's all the fighting game regulars that are posting here? Maybe there's something about 2D fighters and turn based RPGs that go together?

Anyway, back on OTT. After I'm fininished with God of War, I'm going to start playing either Persona 2 or Dragon Warrior VII. Any suggestions?
[quote name='jalu6']Holy crap, I just assumed I was the only person who liked FF9. All I ever hear is how lame it is and how the kid had a tail. We should start a support group or something. You know, make tshirts and all.[/QUOTE]

FF9 is one of my favs of alltime! In part because it was the 1st rpg I ever played from start to finish. I would have never played it ,if sony would have had better launch titles for ps2.
[quote name='depascal22']I just found this thread. Do you guys notice that it's all the fighting game regulars that are posting here? Maybe there's something about 2D fighters and turn based RPGs that go together?

Anyway, back on OTT. After I'm fininished with God of War, I'm going to start playing either Persona 2 or Dragon Warrior VII. Any suggestions?[/QUOTE]

I dunno what it is, but yeah, I like RPGs probably more than I like fighting games (and I love fighting games.) As for Persona 2 Vs. Dragon Warrior VII, I've heard that Dragon Warrior VII drags like crazy and that it's full of minor annoyances that add up... so I'd say Persona 2.
I have a question for everyone, Do you find yourself playing less rpg's due to have less time or more games than before? Or not searching for EVERYTHING in the game just to beat it faster and move on to the next game.
[quote name='depascal22']I just found this thread. Do you guys notice that it's all the fighting game regulars that are posting here? Maybe there's something about 2D fighters and turn based RPGs that go together?

Anyway, back on OTT. After I'm fininished with God of War, I'm going to start playing either Persona 2 or Dragon Warrior VII. Any suggestions?[/QUOTE]

These are the representations of gaming from the most built up to the most simply

RPG- is basically representation. It does not need to have the best graphics or anything. It is wide and expansive and last for long periods of time.

Action- Takes place in a room or Snadbox like play area. The player can travel back and forth to the begining and end in a matter of seconds. You don't even need to tour the entire are to finish the game.

Adventure- is a straight linear game. While yes you might be able to travel back and forth there will never be a chance where you can stray off course. There is no altrnative just level 1, Zone 2, or Stage 3. Graphics can vary.

Fighting- Fighting is the most simple of all geres. the whole game takes place in a small closed off area. Thuis the graphics is sappose to be the best thing in the world. Fighting is the ground stone of all geres. If you can take the entire world of Fighting and build it into a RPG you will have a pretty friggin good looking game.

Almost all games is in these gere no matter how put it will go into these geres.

Now what does barberic Fighting people and bookworm RPG people have in common?

Both Geres is extremely strong in the Art area. Just look at the posters and billboards for fighting games and compare them with RPG's. You will see the simularities. Even decorative clothing, hideous bodies, or ambitions of power or destruction, beautiful structors and creations.

Both Geres have bloody battles, death all over the place, Evil Empires, and the destroyers of the Universe. Think about it in the RPG world and Fighting world who is the baddest of the bad? Now when we answer that what will we see?

Then women and sex icons that appears in bothe Geres like the Bountiful Chung-Lee, the Petite but stick on chested Tifa( Tiffany), the classy Aerith,
The Blonde animal like Cammy White, or even the "Sex for Pussy" Mai Shiranui
with the bounce that is again featured in Dead or Alive Kasumi who looks rather like Ranmas Kasumi. The point is sex is present is both geres even in the 2d days and Sex Sells.

The point is both players of the seprate geres longs for that world.
Final Fantasy XII looks like the last hurrah for a semi-medieval game.

FF9 was great, whoever doesn't like it has no business discussing the series.

I'm looking forward to the PS2 Mana game, I wish SE would drop their release price to 40, but I guess they have no reason to. They were making some pretty bad games for a while, so it's good to see some decent titles on th way.
[quote name='Chacrana']:whistle2:s[/QUOTE]

it gets more and more epic with each post.
[quote name='js1']I have a question for everyone, Do you find yourself playing less rpg's due to have less time or more games than before? Or not searching for EVERYTHING in the game just to beat it faster and move on to the next game.[/quote]By far less, sadly. The last console RPG I played through was Path of Radiance.

The problem is, most RPGs require some continuity. Meaning, if I don't play it for a week, I don't remember what the hell was going on, and I have to figure that out before continuing on. So I really need to be able to allocate some time in order to play an RPG, which is just more and more difficult. Instead, I find myself throwing on an action game or just playing my portables. I'm doing my best to get around that though.
I thought that FF9 was the best of the ps1 games. I really enjoyed the story and thought Kadaj was a woman at first. the ending was nicely done and very dramatic.

I just recently finished FF IV for the GBA not too long ago. and I was a little bit disappointed in it. cecil pissed me off half the time, and the only saving factor of this game were the plot twists. other than that, this game was quite forgettable.
[quote name='depascal22']
Anyway, back on OTT. After I'm fininished with God of War, I'm going to start playing either Persona 2 or Dragon Warrior VII. Any suggestions?[/QUOTE]

I played like 30 hours into DQVII and I really wanted to beat it, but got freakin boring.

I had a lot of fun with Persona 2, it was a good challange. It's a pretty hard RPG, so be prepared to fight some tough bosses. (que the hardcore gamer saying, "It's not hard if you're prepared.")
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']I played like 30 hours into DQVII and I really wanted to beat it, but got freakin boring.

I had a lot of fun with Persona 2, it was a good challange. It's a pretty hard RPG, so be prepared to fight some tough bosses. (que the hardcore gamer saying, "It's not hard if you're prepared.")[/QUOTE]

it is freaking hard.

I died repeatedly in the first fight and decided not to play the game :lol:
There is no real way to die in any dragon quest game. If you die constantly then you have no concept of Stratergy. Also yes if you tend to hand around in Dragon Quest fighting to gain exprience then the game will be boring. Like playing FF6 trying to get Energizers from T-Rex.
[quote name='RegalSin2020']There is no real way to die in any dragon quest game. If you die constantly then you have no concept of Stratergy. Also yes if you tend to hand around in Dragon Quest fighting to gain exprience then the game will be boring. Like playing FF6 trying to get Energizers from T-Rex.[/QUOTE]

No, U have no concept of Stratergy.
[quote name='gigan54']I thought that FF9 was the best of the ps1 games. I really enjoyed the story and thought Kadaj was a woman at first. the ending was nicely done and very dramatic.

I just recently finished FF IV for the GBA not too long ago. and I was a little bit disappointed in it. cecil pissed me off half the time, and the only saving factor of this game were the plot twists. other than that, this game was quite forgettable.[/QUOTE]

I still need to pick up FFIX and have been wanting to for a while. The big appeal to me is the Old Schoolers like the Black Mage in 3D since I started out on the original FF.
edit: As to the comments about "Secret Of Evermore" I like it. Maybe not enough to wish it in place of SOM2 but I'm glad it got made. It has an old story feeling I like.
[quote name='Apossum']it is freaking hard.

I died repeatedly in the first fight and decided not to play the game :lol:[/QUOTE]

You talking about the fight with Joker, guy with a bag over his face? I know a friend who quit for the same reason. He could never get past him.

The last boss of Persona 2 takes about an hour to beat. But the hardest boss was some police officer with 4 mechs helping him. I got so frustrated with that battle. Probably the hardest fight I remember doing in an RPG.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']You talking about the fight with Joker, guy with a bag over his face? I know a friend who quit for the same reason. He could never get past him.

The last boss of Persona 2 takes about an hour to beat. But the hardest boss was some police officer with 4 mechs helping him. I got so frustrated with that battle. Probably the hardest fight I remember doing in an RPG.[/QUOTE]

I guess that was him. It was the very first encounter in the game. I really didn't get it...RPGs are meant to immitate board games and die-rolling, but usually it's heavily biased in the player's favor. Persona 2 seemed like it wasn't at all.

speaking of which, what are some nicely balanced RPGs--- where it's not too easy and not too hard? I personally felt SMT: Nocturne was the most balanced RPG I've played...challenging but not impossible. On the other end, FF and Xenosaga are incredibly easy and don't require much thought (secret bosses and such notwithstanding.)
wow, Persona 2 was really that difficult? I really need to try that game soon... I really would like to have my ass kicked.
[quote name='Chacrana']wow, Persona 2 was really that difficult? I really need to try that game soon... I really would like to have my ass kicked.[/QUOTE]

I'm shocked, I figured you'd beat all the SMT games. Defintly the most challanging RPG I've played. Like Apposum said, it was so hard it turned many people off. Just like Nocturne it's all about demon managment. Keep upgrading your Personas and that should help alot.

For a side note Persona 2 was actually made in 2 parts. The first part "Innocent Sin " never made it to the states. But we got the last part, "Eternal Punishment." I would have loved to play Innocent Sin. Even though it's a sequel, it's made so you don't have to play the first one to understand it.
[quote name='gigan54']I thought that FF9 was the best of the ps1 games. I really enjoyed the story and thought Kadaj was a woman at first. the ending was nicely done and very dramatic.

I just recently finished FF IV for the GBA not too long ago. and I was a little bit disappointed in it. cecil pissed me off half the time, and the only saving factor of this game were the plot twists. other than that, this game was quite forgettable.[/QUOTE]
Wow me and you have the complete opposite tastes ;)

I liked FFIX but I hated the ending! The Indiana Jones-esque ending of:
Zidane running to the Iifa tree to save Kuja left a bad taste in my mouth.
FFIX is to Indiana Jones as FFXII is to Star Wars.
It was a disappointment after what I still believe to be the best ending ever, FFVIII:
The kiss was very well done a perfect ending of a story about finding oneself and afraid to love.

FFIV is on the top of my favorite FF games. I love everything about it, the only flaw I would say is that it is overly easy. I am from the old school of FF and I started with the first on the NES but the only one I didn't care for much was *equips flame shield* was FFVII of the main series (I-XII.)

New topic, does anyone know of a fan translation for Earthboand 2 (Mother 3)?
[quote name='Apossum']I guess that was him. It was the very first encounter in the game. I really didn't get it...RPGs are meant to immitate board games and die-rolling, but usually it's heavily biased in the player's favor. Persona 2 seemed like it wasn't at all.

speaking of which, what are some nicely balanced RPGs--- where it's not too easy and not too hard? I personally felt SMT: Nocturne was the most balanced RPG I've played...challenging but not impossible. On the other end, FF and Xenosaga are incredibly easy and don't require much thought (secret bosses and such notwithstanding.)[/QUOTE]

Maybe you should play the original Grandia or perhaps Parasite Eve [Chrysler Tower..]
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']I'm shocked, I figured you'd beat all the SMT games. Defintly the most challanging RPG I've played. Like Apposum said, it was so hard it turned many people off. Just like Nocturne it's all about demon managment. Keep upgrading your Personas and that should help alot.

For a side note Persona 2 was actually made in 2 parts. The first part "Innocent Sin " never made it to the states. But we got the last part, "Eternal Punishment." I would have loved to play Innocent Sin. Even though it's a sequel, it's made so you don't have to play the first one to understand it.[/QUOTE]

I first picked up DDS (and later DDS 2 and Nocturne) just this February so I haven't had a chance to get to Persona 2 yet (though I do have it.) Anyway yeah, it's kinda disappointing that we never got Innocent Sin over here since I've heard that it was an excellent game, but since the game is pretty self contained, I think I'll be okay.

Well anyway, Persona 2 has to come after Devil Summoner... shit, I might end up finishing 6 SMT games in the course of a year (If Persona 3 makes its Feb. release.)
[quote name='Chacrana']
Well anyway, Persona 2 has to come after Devil Summoner... shit, I might end up finishing 6 SMT games in the course of a year (If Persona 3 makes its Feb. release.)[/QUOTE]

I'm a little skeptical about Persona 3. I've been hearing very mixed things about it already. Plus I'm upset they changed the art style. Question: Do they blow their brains out with guns to summon their Persona?
[quote name='Sarang01']What is everyone thinking about the VCS and what RPG's will be released for it?[/QUOTE]
EarthBound is all I'm thinking about.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']Question: Do they blow their brains out with guns to summon their Persona?[/QUOTE]

Yes. Which is what makes the game a must have. Honestly, we need more suicide in our games. There's a game based on the Death Note anime coming out, but this lets you kill youself in English!

Err... anyway, even with the different art style, I'm optimistic. Famitsu gave it a 9/8/8/8 which is pretty damn good and the dev. team has proven several times now that they know what they're doing. The game is still very dark and gothic so it shouldn't really be too much of a departure... I'm pretty intrigued about the battle system too since it could be a lot of fun (another slightly more action-y combat system.)
aw man now u got an rpg post, dang...

I beat valkyrie profile lenneth last nite,

I got both the A & B endings, and I wanna get the C one when I have time.

my friend game tested for VP2 and says good things about it,

but I dont got time for that rite now...

Im currently playing Shadow Hearts 2, still on disc 1 tho.

(and I bought part 3 for $20 at gamerush!!)

I hope to beat that by the end of this month so I can play FF12
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