I'm bored lets talk RPGs

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[quote name='Sarang01']What is everyone thinking about the VCS and what RPG's will be released for it?[/quote]I'm hoping to see E.V.O., if you consider that an RPG. Otherwise besides Earthbound it's almost all Squeenix, we'll see what they do.
Its about time that RPGs got their own topic.

I am currently playing Tales of Phantasia. Its enjoyable so far. Though I've restarted twice to get special stuff I missed.

I recently got 100% on FF 1/2. So I am in a game for the long haul.

And the only way I play multiple RPGs is if one is portable.
[quote name='craven_fiend']Its about time that RPGs got their own topic.

I am currently playing Tales of Phantasia. Its enjoyable so far. Though I've restarted twice to get special stuff I missed. [/QUOTE]

Which version?
[quote name='Brak']EarthBound is all I'm thinking about.[/quote]

That and Super Mario RPG are what I'm looking forward to the most.

God I love Mario RPG.
My guess for Tales of Phantasia is the gba version since the text is in english unlike the japanese ps1 or snes.

I never really enjoy tales of phantasia after play tales of syphonia.Its a huge step back.The battle mechanias arn't refined,ai is dumb as heck,titles don't add stats boost unlike Tales of Syphonia(The only tales game that actually reward for titles),and arche mini boring .Most of the boss can be beaten very easily if use the same 2 special combo or trapping them in the corner.
So how do you guys rank the games in the Tales series? I finished Tales of Symphonia about 3 months ago and I loved it. The only parts I didn't like was when I couldn't fight with Lloyd. I haven't played any of the other games of the series but I am interested in the new Tales of the Abyss.
[quote name='depascal22']So how do you guys rank the games in the Tales series? I finished Tales of Symphonia about 3 months ago and I loved it. The only parts I didn't like was when I couldn't fight with Lloyd. I haven't played any of the other games of the series but I am interested in the new Tales of the Abyss.[/QUOTE]

Tales of the Abyss is supposed to be even better than Symphonia which is great news for me since I loved Symphonia. I didn't care for Phantasia or Tales of Destiny, but I definitely recommend Tales of Eternia. It wasn't as good as Symphonia, but it was still an excellent RPG and the combat system was very fun.
[quote name='Chacrana']Tales of the Abyss is supposed to be even better than Symphonia which is great news for me since I loved Symphonia. I didn't care for Phantasia or Tales of Destiny, but I definitely recommend Tales of Eternia. It wasn't as good as Symphonia, but it was still an excellent RPG and the combat system was very fun.[/QUOTE]

Tell me the story of Abyss will be better than ToS which seemed ho-hum from what I've played so far.
For the tales series,the newer version are much better because they refine the combat system and add more content expect tales of legendia it took a step back from symphonia.I think Tales of Legendia has one of the most memoriable quote that still stuck in my head.Norma said "I wish they Supersize my chest".I hope Tales of Abyss will pick up the slack and vastly improve the tales series.

From worse to best
Tales of Phantasia
Tales of Destiny
Tales of Destiny 2
Tales of Legendia
Tales of Symphonia
question: what should i play next? xenosaga 1, final fantasy tactics or kingdom hearts?

i'm about to finish MGS3 and before that i finished FFX-2. i'm leaning towards kingdom hearts.

craven: does FF 1/2 = FFX-2? i finished it at 58% and am never looking back!
definitely the weakest FF i thought, still was fun though.

i leveled up a bunch in the area where you fight animus and the three weird bug bosses. each battle gave at least 2000 exp and the battles took like 5 sec. each w/ 3 warriors. i still couldn't beat the desert thing w/two warriors and a white mage, i gave up.
[quote name='tehweezner']question: what should i play next? xenosaga 1, final fantasy tactics or kingdom hearts?

i'm about to finish MGS3 and before that i finished FFX-2. i'm leaning towards kingdom hearts.

craven: does FF 1/2 = FFX-2? i finished it at 58% and am never looking back!
definitely the weakest FF i thought, still was fun though.

i leveled up a bunch in the area where you fight animus and the three weird bug bosses. each battle gave at least 2000 exp and the battles took like 5 sec. each w/ 3 warriors. i still couldn't beat the desert thing w/two warriors and a white mage, i gave up.[/QUOTE]

Out of those 3,you should probably play Kingdom Heart because fast pace combat system,pretty good storyline and lot of extra contents.You should definatly avoid the Gummi ship sidequest,you will understand once you play it.

Which final fantasy tactics your talking about the gba version or the psx version?Both version are equally fun and enjoyable combat system with different class skills,job quest and large variety of skill.The down of both version is the story line:ps1 version has horrible translated story and advance version storyline barely made any sense.

Xenosaga 1 is pretty decent game.Not a hall of famer or just plan great,it just good or ok.If you enjoy watch a bunch of cutscenes and fanastic story then you might want to play this game.The combat system is very weak.The main characters humonid troops deal more damage than the gears
[quote name='depascal22']So how do you guys rank the games in the Tales series? I finished Tales of Symphonia about 3 months ago and I loved it. The only parts I didn't like was when I couldn't fight with Lloyd. I haven't played any of the other games of the series but I am interested in the new Tales of the Abyss.[/QUOTE]
Worst to best

Eternia (Destiny 2)

If you liked Symphonia, then you'll most likely like Abyss. They're made by the same development team.
[quote name='Sarang01']Why can't they add a good storyline as well?![/quote]I happened to think very highly of Symphonia's story.
You gotta be kidding to say Tales Of Phantasia is the worst. Tales Of Phantasia
is probably one the best RPG out there in the world.

The problem is that whatever occured between Namco and Tri-Ace lead to the the cripple of the Tales Games. All Tales games is not made by Tri-Ace. In fact Star Ocean is the real Tales series.

Namco is so cheap they used the same engine from the PSX game for another game which contains non used character data like with Zelda and the Arwing.

Tales Of Phantasia on the GBA is the worst version since. The game uses the PSX Chibi character graphics, the music is a edit of the PSX music, and lastly
they dumbed down so many of the specials.

Wait it gets better since most of all Tales/Star Ocean games is released in English they decided to have new vioce overs. Yet they dump the intro music for some crappy 4-bit run over and the intro spells out DAD along with the extra dorky phrases. This is why I am unable to play the new Tales games without sheilding my ears.:cold:
[quote name='botticus']I happened to think very highly of Symphonia's story.[/quote]

Same here. It's pretty cliched but there were some pretty good twists. I know it's also cliched for a guy in your party to turn out to be a double agent/traitor but I liked it nonetheless.
[quote name='fatbeer']
From worse to best
Tales of Phantasia
Tales of Destiny
Tales of Destiny 2
Tales of Legendia
Tales of Symphonia[/QUOTE]

Sounds about right to me, but I never played Legendia. To bad the true Tales of Destiny II never came out to the states. Any word of the ToD remake making its way over? Somehow I doubt it will.
[quote name='RegalSin2020']Which version?[/quote]

It was the GBA version.

[quote name='tehweezner']question: what should i play next? xenosaga 1, final fantasy tactics or kingdom hearts?

craven: does FF 1/2 = FFX-2? i finished it at 58% and am never looking back!
definitely the weakest FF i thought, still was fun though.

I'd suggest Final Fantasy Tactics, then Kingdom Hearts.

And by FF 1/2, I was refering to Dawn of Souls on the GBA.

I haven't really given X-2 a chance. One of these days I will.
Symphonia was alright, not the best but decent. Abyss looks way better to me though...and I didn;t bother with Phantasia. I tried it a bit but the battle seemed a little slow for me and I don't like Handheld systems much. Uhh...the only Tales games I know about are Symphonia, Legendia, Phantasia, and the new Abyss...are there other releases in North America too???

And I hated the Symphonia story, worst story ever which is the main reason I didn't like the game. And also the characters were the most annoying characters to ever be in a video game. Abyss looks more "matured" than Symphonia...

Oh and I loved FF9 it was my favorite RPG I've played yet (I havent played many though lol)
I wish we could get some information, any information, on Tales of the Tempest. Saw a little paragraph about its appearance at TGS(?), but that's it
[quote name='RegalSin2020']You gotta be kidding to say Tales Of Phantasia is the worst. Tales Of Phantasia
is probably one the best RPG out there in the world.

The problem is that whatever occured between Namco and Tri-Ace lead to the the cripple of the Tales Games. All Tales games is not made by Tri-Ace. In fact Star Ocean is the real Tales series.

Namco is so cheap they used the same engine from the PSX game for another game which contains non used character data like with Zelda and the Arwing.

Tales Of Phantasia on the GBA is the worst version since. The game uses the PSX Chibi character graphics, the music is a edit of the PSX music, and lastly
they dumbed down so many of the specials.

Wait it gets better since most of all Tales/Star Ocean games is released in English they decided to have new vioce overs. Yet they dump the intro music for some crappy 4-bit run over and the intro spells out DAD along with the extra dorky phrases. This is why I am unable to play the new Tales games without sheilding my ears.:cold:[/quote]

You really need to learn how to proof read your posts.

Anyways, I recently found a good deal on eBay for every Nippon Ichi strategy game out right now with all the guides. I have the Complete Disgaea 2 set as well.

I was really excited when I started Disgaea, but after about twenty hours of playtime I was bored out of my my mind. I'm thinking about forcing myself to finish it, but if Disgaea is the best of the NIS games, I hate to think what the others are like. Do you guys think I should just throw them back up on eBay?
[quote name='Spades22']Symphonia was alright, not the best but decent. Abyss looks way better to me though...and I didn;t bother with Phantasia. I tried it a bit but the battle seemed a little slow for me and I don't like Handheld systems much. Uhh...the only Tales games I know about are Symphonia, Legendia, Phantasia, and the new Abyss...are there other releases in North America too???

And I hated the Symphonia story, worst story ever which is the main reason I didn't like the game. And also the characters were the most annoying characters to ever be in a video game. Abyss looks more "matured" than Symphonia...

Oh and I loved FF9 it was my favorite RPG I've played yet (I havent played many though lol)[/QUOTE]

Well Tales of Destiny 1 and 2 also came out in the US (Tales of Destiny 2 is also known as Tales of Eternia.) Eternia was great, but Tales of Destiny was... well, not so great.
Woah really? What console are they for...

Oh for the PS1? Ah thats alright I'd rather not go back in time, I'm sick of the oldies.
[quote name='Spades22']Woah really? What console are they for...

Oh for the PS1? Ah thats alright I'd rather not go back in time, I'm sick of the oldies.[/QUOTE]

Well, Tales of Eternia was released on the PSP in the UK. Since the PSP's region free, you can import Tales of Eternia and it'll be in full English and everything.
[quote name='Chacrana']Well, Tales of Eternia was released on the PSP in the UK. Since the PSP's region free, you can import Tales of Eternia and it'll be in full English and everything.[/QUOTE]

Just hope you don't get a copy with the Volt glitch, like I did :(
I can't believe we're seven pages into this and no one's even mentioned the masterpiece that is crono trigger. that was the first rpg that I just couldn't get enough of. I remember trying to max out all of my characters stats with stars (**)
ayla, frog and crono was my favorite team.

also, the music was well done and catchy. I don't know how well it'll hold up now, but I'm now in the mood to give it another go. I don't have the time for it but I've got the will.

my name is Gato
I've got metal joints
beat me up
and earn 15 silver points

I'm hoping SE gets smart one day and makes a good port of Chrono Trigger onto something. I was always hoping for the GBA.

It's too much work to hook my SNES into my HDTV, and even then the graphics don't look all that hot in that setting.
Will Final Fantasy Chronicles play on a PS2 Slim? I've got a sealed copy and I've always wanted to play both games but I didn't want to open it just to find out that it won't play on my system.
[quote name='Roufuss']I'm hoping SE gets smart one day and makes a good port of Chrono Trigger onto something. I was always hoping for the GBA.

It's too much work to hook my SNES into my HDTV, and even then the graphics don't look all that hot in that setting.[/QUOTE]

Yes. Final Fantasy IV? Cool. Final Fantasy V? Okay. Final Fantasy III? Okay, fine, goddammit, just gimme something different. Final Fantasy is great and all, but I've been wanting the definitive version of Chrono Trigger a LOT more than Final Fantasy remakes. All I've got is the PS1 version with the shitty load times. If I buy the SNES version, it'll be expensive and I'll lose the cinematics and the bonuses... there's really no way to win with the game right now, so it'd be nice if Square decided to put an ultimate version on the DS or something... Chrono Trigger is easily one of my favorite games of all time and I really, really want to see another release of it.
[quote name='Chacrana']Yes. Final Fantasy IV? Cool. Final Fantasy V? Okay. Final Fantasy III? Okay, fine, goddammit, just gimme something different. Final Fantasy is great and all, but I've been wanting the definitive version of Chrono Trigger a LOT more than Final Fantasy remakes. All I've got is the PS1 version with the shitty load times. If I buy the SNES version, it'll be expensive and I'll lose the cinematics and the bonuses... there's really no way to win with the game right now, so it'd be nice if Square decided to put an ultimate version on the DS or something... Chrono Trigger is easily one of my favorite games of all time and I really, really want to see another release of it.[/QUOTE]

Yea, I'm kind of pissed too that they just keep whoring out all their FF games one at a time on the GBA.

SquareEnix should REALLY take a page from Capcom / Midway and do an SE collection. The games are small enough they could fit tons onto one DVD. Hell, they could even charge $50 for it, but imagine a compliation with every one of Square and Enix's awesome RPG's. They could do an NES era one, an SNES era one, and fans would eat that shit up. All it would have to be is just cleaned up ports of their games, hardly any work involved at all.

I guess it's more profitable to just whore out Final Fantasy though.
[quote name='Roufuss']Yea, I'm kind of pissed too that they just keep whoring out all their FF games one at a time on the GBA.

SquareEnix should REALLY take a page from Capcom / Midway and do an SE collection. The games are small enough they could fit tons onto one DVD. Hell, they could even charge $50 for it, but imagine a compliation with every one of Square and Enix's awesome RPG's. They could do an NES era one, an SNES era one, and fans would eat that shit up. All it would have to be is just cleaned up ports of their games, hardly any work involved at all.

I guess it's more profitable to just whore out Final Fantasy though.[/QUOTE]

I'm fine with the remakes to be honest. I just wish that Square would be more of a slut and whore out some of its better or slightly less popular games (like CT, Secret of Mana, maybe even bring over Seiken Densetsu 3, etc.) But yeah, I'm still willing to pay a ton for classic games if they're that good. Capcom's Mega Man and arcade collections? The Metal Slug Anthology? I'd buy these things at $100 a piece because they're that fucking good. Square must know they're sitting on a goldmine...

In conclusion, more companies need to become whores.
[quote name='Chacrana']I'm fine with the remakes to be honest. I just wish that Square would be more of a slut and whore out some of its better or slightly less popular games (like CT, Secret of Mana, maybe even bring over Seiken Densetsu 3, etc.) But yeah, I'm still willing to pay a ton for classic games if they're that good. Capcom's Mega Man and arcade collections? The Metal Slug Anthology? I'd buy these things at $100 a piece because they're that fucking good. Square must know they're sitting on a goldmine...

In conclusion, more companies need to become whores.[/quote]

Square should team up with Paris Hilton then.
[quote name='chodax']FFVIII>FFVII, every one will probably argue with me, but i think 8 is better.[/QUOTE]

I wont argue but FFVII has always been my favorite, then again I've never been a big Final Fantasy fan. I always play them, but it's not my favorite series. However I really liked the characters in FFVII.

Chrono Trigger was also my gateway drug into RPGs. That and Mario RPG. Those were some fun games. I must have beatin Chrono Trigger like 6 or 7 times. And I know alot of people who hated Mario RPG but I thought it was great.
[quote name='chodax']FFVIII>FFVII, every one will probably argue with me, but i think 8 is better.[/quote]FFVI > FF*, so it's all good. I liked VII, and it was certainly good, but it's only considered one of the best because it was the first one in 3D and the first one that most people were introduced to.

And I agree on all the CT talk, but since a compilation disc will almost certainly end up a PS2 exclusive, I'm gonna go ahead and disagree with that suggestion. Let's just keep seeing DS remakes, and I'm cool with it. I think one of the cooler things of CT was the combo attacks. That Cross Slash or whatever it was with Chrono and Frog was sweet.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Final Fantasy 4 was the best in the series. None of the others have come to close to its greatness.[/quote]I give 4 the nod on best environments (I mean, come on, they somehow worked the moon into that shit), but the diversity of characters and story line splits in 6 were fantastic.

I want to go back and replay the fight in the moogle caves. :D That was a good improvement on the pseudo-strategery they first put in 4 at Yang's castle.
When did everyone just start talking about RPG?

Final Fantasy is over rated. For a turn based game the game is average at best. The graphics may be jaw dropping but the senario's gets weirder and weirder along the way.

I still say Tales Of Phantasia is the best thing to hit this Planet.

FFVIII>FFVII, every one will probably argue with me, but i think 8 is better.

Your absolutely correct. FF7 was basically FF6 but in 3d. FF7 also had three differnt Bahamut variations while the did everything extremely nice they kinda failed to keep intrest of gameplay.

What made me sad was that Midgar was only one disc. The entire game should have taken place in that one area and then switch to the outside world.

FF8 is probably the best FF out there in 3d. It had everything to offer and not only that the game gave away so many mini games instead of recycling the races like FF7 did.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']

Chrono Trigger was also my gateway drug into RPGs. That and Mario RPG. Those were some fun games. I must have beatin Chrono Trigger like 6 or 7 times. And I know alot of people who hated Mario RPG but I thought it was great.[/QUOTE]
I love Chrono Trigger but I would rather not talk about the most overrated IMHO RPG of all time Chrono Cross...

The talk about Tales of Destiny not being very good I would beg to differ. I can't get into the Tales going 3D, SO does it better but ToD is in my top 5 PSX RPG games easily. I know I may not have mainstream taste with my RPG but I know what is fun and ToD is fun. I never did get around to play ToD2 (NA) and most likely never will.
Oh ya for the record Mario Legend of the Seven stars or something like that was a very awesome game. Too bad the emulator screwed up right when I got Gino.

Paper Mario I remembered I guess could also be classified as an RPG...that has to be one of my favorites for sure. I think I beat it like 2 times in 1 week...
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']Question for everyone: What's your opinion on RPGs with Minigames?[/QUOTE]

Most of the top tier RPG's always tend to have mini games

FF VII: chocobo breeding, chocobo racing, golden saucer games, battling

Xenosaga Episode I: drilling, xenocard, slots, poker

I like it, always a good way of spicing up the gameplay and letting the player do somethings you might usually only read about or see in cut scenes. I think FFX had a few too, besides blitzball, most of them were located in I think calm plains or something like that
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']Question for everyone: What's your opinion on RPGs with Minigames?[/quote]

I like them as long as I don't have to spend an entire session trying to either figure it out or figure the small quirk that will allow you to beat it. I really liked the card game in KOTOR because it felt like something you would do if you were actually in that world. It was like seeing a 3 card monty stand in the subway, a chess game in Central Park, or a craps game in Harlem. It felt authentic to the Star Wars universe and drew me in even farther.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Don't forget the FFVIII card game, which I REALLY liked.[/QUOTE]

god bless your soul... one of the high points in any FF mini-games...
I haven't been playing too many RPGs lately, but I've gotten the bug again and need a new one to play. The last RPG (or I guess they are considered Action/RPGs) that I played were Fable and Jade Empire. I liked them both, but by now I am completely sick of the good/evil dynamic and the character customization.

My favorite RPG of all time was FF2, and I liked it because it's simplicity - you gain a few levels you gain a new spell. You dont have to worry about adding skill points to your mana or your health.

I've always found those systems quite limiting since you have to decide how you want to play the game in the beginning. For example, if I wanted to start out as a melee character in Fable and later decide I wanted to be an archer, I would end up with some sort of weak hybrid character who wasn't very good at anything.

So basically, can anyone suggest a begginner friendly RPG, for any current gen system with a good story and solid battle system that wont have me sitting in menus stressing over where to put points so I dont completely paint myself into a skill corner? Turn based or active is fine, I just don't want to be in a situation where I make a few bad decisions in the beginning and it prevents me from doing something cool or fun 20 hours later.

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