Is the PS3 still a Rare item or is no one interested


I was at my local EBGAMES buying a game and the guy behind the counter asked me if i wanted to buy a PS3.
I laughed then asked him seriously if he had any and he told me yes pointed to it on the shelf and said no one was interested in buying it as it was too expensive at $600
I'm calling bs on part or all of your story. In what world will an EB worker tell you something is too expensive? You may have seen a PS3, but I highly doubt they told you no one wanted one and its too expensive.
actualy stories of this happening are being reported all over. some places it still are hard to find a ps3, but other places have too many with no buyers.
[quote name='whoknows']I'm calling bs on part or all of your story. In what world will an EB worker tell you something is too expensive? You may have seen a PS3, but I highly doubt they told you no one wanted one and its too expensive.[/quote]
nah, the manager at the EB I go to used to constantly bash the PSP because of the price. I went in there after the price of the PS3 was announced and he went off on how the Xbox 360 is such a better deal and how Sony is crazy and their hardware is overpriced and defective.

Of course, I haven't seen him in awhile. I think he got canned. But gamestore/retail workers can be a bit loose with their opinions sometimes.
it's a bit of both

like white wolf said some places have a number of units lying around since it's either too expensive or they just live in a town full of anti-sony people.

other places are sold out within minutes.
just read a report from a member on SD forums that some store had 20 or so Wiis and PS3's each, and they were both sold out within 10 minutes. Didn't catch what region he was in though
I was at my local Best Buy this afternoon (Whitehall, PA) - a VERY busy Best Buy, mind you - and there were at least 12 60GB models sitting on the floor by the registers.

While I was browsing the aisles, I heard no less than 4 people ask about Wii availability, but the PS3s were just sitting there untouched...
Yeah, I stopped by Best Buy this afternoon to pick up R6:Vegas for 360. Saw at least 6 PS3 systems just sitting there in the game area. The store was PACKED too, but nobody gave them a second look. They were all just looking at the Wii and 360 stuff. Funny thing is that this sundays add mentioned that there would be limited supplies of PS3's for sale and they'd be handing out purchase vouchers an hour before the store opened. Guess they didn't hand many of them out.

And afterwards I went to Target and saw 4 PS3's there too. Things not looking too good for Sony.
[quote name='flizmo007']In Modesto, CA Target had 3 on the shelves and BB had a few out on the shelves. This was about 15 minutes ago.[/quote]

Those must've just come out, as I have never seen any PS3 at the target. Just that big Blu-Ray sign they have in the case.
I seen 1 at eb games and 1 in target near rosemont ill yesterday just sitting there. Why buy it, there is not a single game to play on it yet.
Sorry WhoKnows as you can see from the other posts its totally true.
But its only 1 system not a whole shelf full but i was suprised had no idea they were available already
[quote name='embraceuk1']Sorry WhoKnows as you can see from the other posts its totally true.
But its only 1 system not a whole shelf full but i was suprised had no idea they were available already[/QUOTE]
I'm not saying you didn't see one, I'm just saying I don't believe a retail employee, much less an EB employee would say something is too expensive to a potential customer.
Last 3 stores i have been to where they would have PS3's, 2 of them have had multiple PS3's in stock. 1 being an EB Games and 1 being a Walmart. The one that didn't have them was a gamestop. Of course they might have had them in back at that one but I wasn't actively seeking one out. At the other 2 stores they were out for everyone to see.

So if you want my opinion (you asked a question, so Ill give it), the price point is to high for most people when you have capable machines (though different) available for much less.
[quote name='whoknows']I'm not saying you didn't see one, I'm just saying I don't believe a retail employee, much less an EB employee would say something is too expensive to a potential customer.[/QUOTE]
"Hey buddy, want to buy this? Nobody wants it because it's much too expensive."

Killer sales pitch. :roll:
[quote name='whoknows']I'm not saying you didn't see one, I'm just saying I don't believe a retail employee, much less an EB employee would say something is too expensive to a potential customer.[/QUOTE]

Not sure why that is hard to believe. The manager of my favorite EB was talking down the PS3 before launch and had nothing nice to say about it afterwards either. They will sell them regardless, and it doesn't matter to them if you get that or a 360 or a Wii as long as you buy games from them ;). In fact, they'd probably rather sell one of the many 360's that they have in stock and a few games rather than a PS3 which, while it might sit there a bit, WILL sell sooner or later. So that could be the "angle" of saying it is too expensive (you can buy a 360 and some of our nice USED - ie, more profitable - games instead)
Are any of you really surprised that this is happening? The only reason the PS3 sold like hotcakes before the holidays was because of the markup potential. Now that the fever has subsided the true "value" of the PS3 is no longer clouded and most everyone is in agreement, the PS3 simply isn't worth buying.

Man, I never thought I'd have that opinion...
Obviously i said no i didn't want it first and when i asked surprised why they had one in stock thats when he told me they were having problems selling them because they were too expensive

But wow they lose $300 on each sold so thats $900 every-time no-one buys one.
Microsoft can probably price cut by the end of 2007, Sony could be in trouble.
You should of heard this employee at an EB i stopped by about 3 weeks ago asking if they had a wii or ps3 in stock.

The guy who was probably 40 years old im not sure if he was a manager or not.

Said these exactly words "oh you dont want a ps3 its garbage" "i bought one then took it back"

To a potential customer who was inquiring if the had any instock...
my local target had 60gigs 3 days before xmas and they sat there...and they are still sitting there...

also while I was at that same target yesterday an Ebay Scalper came in and returned a 60gig...her reason which made me laugh btw..and she told the lady this...'it only sold for 550 bucks on ebay, so I'm returning it....'
[quote name='embraceuk1']
But wow they lose $300 on each sold so thats $900 every-time no-one buys one.
Not sure I understand that logic.
[quote name='icruise']Not sure I understand that logic.[/QUOTE]

What I think they were saying is Sony's cost (per articles) in making the PS3 is around 900, they lose money on each sold because they sell for 600... but they will sell eventually

MS was losing money on its initial 360's, though not as much, but an article last year said they're actually making a profit on them now... the price of technology plummets pretty quickly, and in Sony's case really needs to

I just dont see the demand for these PS3's that there was for the 360's after a couple months

... and another thing, as much as it perterbed me that MS's HD-DVD was an add on, in effect it is better IMO than Sony's all in one because you do'nt have to buy it, and having the dedicated HD-dvd seprate from the dedicated gaming drive saves wear and tear on your drives, it is the reason I keep older systems
[quote name='zman73']
I just dont see the demand for these PS3's that there was for the 360's after a couple months


Because it's not there. It wasn't there at the beginning either (compared to the 360 and Wii demand). It was covered up by the fact that there were so many people trying to make a quick buck.
What demand was there for the 360 after a couple months. I remember seeing the full displays with nothing moving in early 2006. VGcharts also shows 360 selling under 300k in January, and under 200k in Feb.
Everyone knows the PS3 is too expensive. Sony doesn't have a chance in hell this gen until they lower the price by $200. People everywhere are making fun of the PS3 for being expensive and no one wanting one.
[quote name='DOMINATOR912']Well down here in Miami, the CC I work at got 25 PS3s about a week ago. Since then I think we've sold like 3 of them.[/quote]

yo hook it up man lol.. what store is this
[quote name='happy']What demand was there for the 360 after a couple months. I remember seeing the full displays with nothing moving in early 2006. VGcharts also shows 360 selling under 300k in January, and under 200k in Feb.[/QUOTE]

More of a demand at that point than there was with the PS3, I couldnt find a 360 anywhere for months and months, was lucky to have insider BB info on a shipment to get mine, I never thought Id be able to find a PS3 before May 07... but found them at a few places here in town and numerous places on vacation... there is no comparison...

From a technical standpoint I like the PS3 and will eventually get one, I am not fanboy for any system, although I like how well the Wii debut went
I have the 360 and the PS3 and I really do not understand what all the bashing is about. Sure it is expensive but it is not like $400 is cheap. When you add on the HD-DVD for another 200 the price is exactly the same and you get a bigger hard drive and wireless for the price. I do think the 360 has more "must play" games currently and that is the only reason I can think of as to why ayone would buy a 360 over a PS3. Personally I am loving my PS3 and hopefully others will as well. When the games start to come out i think PS3 will catch up to the 360. PS3 really just screwed themselves on the launch by having only 1 big game for sale.
[quote name='sociopharm02']I have the 360 and the PS3 and I really do not understand what all the bashing is about. Sure it is expensive but it is not like $400 is cheap. When you add on the HD-DVD for another 200 the price is exactly the same and you get a bigger hard drive and wireless for the price. I do think the 360 has more "must play" games currently and that is the only reason I can think of as to why ayone would buy a 360 over a PS3. Personally I am loving my PS3 and hopefully others will as well. When the games start to come out i think PS3 will catch up to the 360. PS3 really just screwed themselves on the launch by having only 1 big game for sale.[/quote]

Yeah but you have a choice of spending the extra money for that HD-DVD player. I personally would never buy it as I don't have any use for it. Regular DVD's are good enough for me. As much as people try to deny the price diffference between $400 and $600 or even $400 and $500, it is quite a bit and DOES make a huge difference in decision making.
To be honest I think it's a little of both. The fact that no killer ap has really emerged sparking much interest (you could make a case for Resistance but it seems like pretty standard FPS game) coupled with the fact that idiot ebay horders thought the price would go up the longer they held onto it are not that bright (it's not the stock market people and even if it was you needed to sell, sell, sell) and are not just trying to return them has made the PS3 seemingly more widely available. At my store we got a shipment of 7 of the 26th. We ended up with 11 systems in because we had people return ones they couldn't sell. Now I imagine that trend has emerged at more than just where I work. Also it should be noted that it took us 3 or 4 days to sell through them all, and about 3 days after xmas last year we got about 10 360s in, took us about 1 or 2 to sell all those IIRC. So yes the demand isn't there quite as much either.
The Xbox 360 was still highly in demand 2 months after Xmas not on Ebay but they werent available on shelves as much as the PS3 is only a week after Xmas.
If they arent selling now they will never sell as now is the time ppl ussuallly buy a new console regardless of games available etc.

Namco also recently commented that they have to sell 500'000 copies of a game on the PS3 to make profit so they will struggle for exclusive titles outside Sony.
[quote name='embraceuk1']
Namco also recently commented that they have to sell 500'000 copies of a game on the PS3 to make profit so they will struggle for exclusive titles outside Sony.[/QUOTE]

Bingo and once they don't we will see ports to the 360. Without exclusives there is no point in buying a system. Exclusives have kept Nintendo alive through N64 and GC.
I really don't think having just 1 high-quality game at launch is the problem with the PS3 - the problem is that the 1 game in question just happens to be in the genre most associated with Microsoft - the FPS. If you are a die-hard FPS fan, you'd be practically insane NOT to buy a 360.

Now, if the Insomniac game had been an absolute killer Ratchet & Clank or a new IP in the action/adventure/platformer mold, then I'd think you'd see more enthusiasm.
o yea whenever my town gets word of a truck of ps3s we round up a posse and run those turds outta town. "We dont want your kind here!" lol
Went to 5 different EB/GS's today, all had 5+ in stock and some had 10+ returns that had to be sent to corporate for some reason.

Also at 3 of those stores, within 5 minutes they received at least 5 calls about the Wii
[quote name='MarkMark']o yea whenever my town gets word of a truck of ps3s we round up a posse and run those turds outta town. "We dont want your kind here!" lol[/quote]

haha, I thought it was only my town that did that.
I was just at Target tonight and they had one 20G PS3. Some guy was going to buy it, but then he realized it was the 20G and not 60G. You can upgrade the drive so easily for not much more money. Guess he didnt want to go that route.
Playstation 3 is selling for almost no profit on eBay, from a quick sweep of current auctions. As such, I'd say that demand is dwindling at the moment. Not to say that demand is non-existant, just that PS3s would be much more expensive had demand been higher.
[quote name='addicted2games']I was just at Target tonight and they had one 20G PS3. Some guy was going to buy it, but then he realized it was the 20G and not 60G. You can upgrade the drive so easily for not much more money. Guess he didnt want to go that route.[/QUOTE]

1. Not everyone knows the HDD can be upgraded. What console in the past has had an upgradable harddrive?
2. Is there even a reason to upgrade the HDD at this point?
3. Some people may want the WiFi, Memory Card reader and 40 extra gigs.
Have you played a PS3? I have played all three and the PS3 is by far the most unimpressive of them. I played resistance and the graphics arent impressive at all i would say PGR3 360 launch title blows it away. PS3 controller feels like feather weight junk, stupid sync cable haha, and lets compare wiimote to six axises of garbage. At least the wii is making good use of the motion sensor, it feel great on there. PS3 motion sensor was a gimic they copied of Nintendo and threw on the system last minute for E3 2006. haha

Then compare what a PS3 networked to a pc can do compared to 360 networked to a pc, dont do half what a 360 can do. We have not even seen what this year with windows vista, 360, and xbox live anywere can do. Sonys free online what a joke.

I could keep going on and on but face PS3 does nothing impressive for $200 more then a 360. PS3 might be sweet in a year with lots of updates, but will they have already lagged way behind by that time and lost there title as console king, I think its very possible at the rate sony is going.
My Mom who works at Best Buy said they had upwards of 8 PS3s sit on the floor the entire day yesterday, only one sold.
I had an almost surreal experience this past Sunday.

Walked into our local Best buy (West Hartford, CT) at about 10:15 AM (they opened at 10). There must have been 30 or 40 PS3's on the Customer Service Counter....both 20 and 60 gig flavors.

We were there for about an hour....maybe a little longer....spending "gift card money" and browsing...from the look of things, and the stack they had, they sold maybe 5 or 6 of the things during that time frame.
5 or 6 and hour is better than 1 a day. :)

And why does the PS3 controler weigh nothing? It's freaky. Is all the weight in controlers really from the rumble?
bread's done