Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

You can basically friend any of our members, or any moderator, and you will be able to request to join the community under "Communities friends are in" tab, and a mod will approve your request.

You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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Just play how you want to play and don't stress yourself out. It's an amazing game and it's meant to be enjoyed.

If you want to maximize everything and that makes you happy, then go for it. But if it's going to be an annoyance having to check everything, making sure everything is perfect, and setting limits for yourself, then it's probably better to just go in blind the first time around.

Also, keep in mind that this is a fantastic game. It's so good that it might make you want to play a 2nd time, regardless of whether you are going for a perfect run or not. Add in DLC and stuff, and it's not a bad idea to play it again. Most importantly, just enjoy yourself, don't treat it like it's some kind of assignment or project, it's just a game.

A good game will make you want to replay it. GTA V and Transistor I think being the only two games I've ever beaten more than once.
I've beaten Persona 3, Persona 4, and the Bioshock games more than once. :lol:

hmm that character design looks very familiar.
I thought of Saya from Blood C

I actually used my Soma already. :lol:

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Also, I named my character Lelouch Lamperou, cause I thought he sounded like Lelouch. Turns out, same voice actor.

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I named my character Akira Kurusu. Team name:
The Avengers
Fits perfectly with no missing letters!
I know, I'm a super nerd... 😆
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Q: should I sell my DLC soma for 50k to buy armor upgrades?
I used mine to help get to the treasure the first day in the first palace. Fighting everything along the way left me a bit drained. Money isn't too much of an issue for me so far, just make sure you're picking up the treasure in the palaces.

Backloggers Anonymous is having a Persona 5 Progress chart. (Wiki under the first post.) Pretty much just put your name, the date you got to, what level you're at, and your group name if you got that far. See how you stack against other players! It's not a race, just there to track your progress compared to others, and keep you in line towards clearing it out of the backlog. It's a Wiki, so anyone can edit it.

Also, I'll probably do a poll there once the month is over on who the best waifu is. And the winner gets some fan art (phan-art?) and maybe fanfiction from me. I'm am esteemed hentai artist, you should see some of my doujinshi. 

Well now that you guys mentioned it, I guess I'll sell the soma for quick cash. Not like I'll ever use it like all the elixirs I stockpile in every jrpg.

Also, I named my character Lelouch Lamperou, cause I thought he sounded like Lelouch. Turns out, same voice actor.

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Does the name you give your character ever get shared over the network? I called in help for the hostage situation and it showed a player's name but not sure if it was just his psn id. I mean I don't wanna use personal info for my character if it's gonna be shared.

After 20 hours in the game, the way they pronounce the names sounds completely natural to me now.
Yea, after a while you don't even notice.

Also the OST in the game is amazing. The only song I heard before the game came out was the opening so I had no idea what the other songs were like. I have yet to hear a song I don't like. The battle theme is especially great, can't get it out of my head.
Got to the 3rd floor during my 1st day. Reached lvl 7. Hehe! I actually grinded on the area near the saferoom until i dont have hp to spare. Anyway question allthe treasures ilke pearls and onyx for selling or are they useful for something else. Theres an option to sell oll treasures at the shopbut im worried i might sell something important
Got to the 3rd floor during my 1st day. Reached lvl 7. Hehe! I actually grinded on the area near the saferoom until i dont have hp to spare. Anyway question allthe treasures ilke pearls and onyx for selling or are they useful for something else. Theres an option to sell oll treasures at the shopbut im worried i might sell something important
Nah, just sell 'em. Anything in treasures is just for profit.

Persona 5 is very addictive. I did actually restart. Even with the skipping everything...it too me about 4 and a half maybe 5 hours to catch up to where I was (may 5th i believe first year). I'm a lot more happier with my character stat wise and confidant link wise. I took a look at the Gamefaqs guide to just rush through the first month. It says to reach the treasure in 1 going. That is very, very hard IMHO and I couldn't do it in 1 go. Did reach it barely in 2 goes. I wouldn't take that walk through as gospel though and you will do OK anyway just looking at it now and then if you're following it. Been going on my own again after I caught up. Give me luck...i'm almost done with the 2nd dungeon and doing decent on stats and confidants though I could use more always! If anyone is on the fence for the game just buy it. It's one of the cleanest games I've played in a long while and is just interesting and fun. Don't be afraid to restart if you learn a lot about stat ups and such....but like Draekon put in either this or another thread....eh no play through is perfect. It takes it's own leisurely pace, so you can't really rush anything, and you really don't want to. Most of the game will be the journey with all the people. It's challenging of course even on normal...died a few times in the 2nd dungeon...some hard demons to fight sometimes.

I would keep all healing items honestly unless you really need money. I am consistently using them all. I also buy the SP restoration items (cheap ones) and buy the rations from the Airsoft store. They are good healing if you run low on SP.

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never had any issues with vgs.

persona wise don't forget you can go for ones that have a spell to syphon sp from enemies.  Combining that with regen skills and accessorie helps for early in the games so you don't have to use items to recover.

It's more about the real life time investment than anything. I could finish a game like Horizon or Nier instead of an almost mandatory second play-through. And I feel like I am totally wasting all my free time in game.

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This is exactly what I'm using the no-spoiler walkthrough on Gamefaqs. While I would love to do a completely blind play-through my first go around, and then a max playthrough the second time around, I just don't have the time like I used to when I was younger to dedicate to this game. I would rather use the time to experience new games (there's just so many that I'm interested in playing!!) and play online with my friends.

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It's surprising that so many are against replaying a game no matter how amazing the game is. Often times replaying the game is more fun than playing it the first time.

Some stuff that comes to mind for me in particular
Muramasa rebirth on one hit death mode. Bioshock infinite where you know the twists that come and see all the hints that were dropped but you didn't realize were hints the first time around. Tokyo mirage sessions on lunatic difficulty. Catherine on hard mode. Fire emblem on lunatic difficulty.
Got to the 3rd floor during my 1st day. Reached lvl 7. Hehe! I actually grinded on the area near the saferoom until i dont have hp to spare. Anyway question allthe treasures ilke pearls and onyx for selling or are they useful for something else. Theres an option to sell oll treasures at the shopbut im worried i might sell something important
You just sell it.

My team is called Waifu Legion.

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hehehe so many people thought they weren't going to use a max attribute / max social link walkthrough. My how the tables have turned!
I used it a bit when I restarted...but honestly it's extremely hectic to follow. I think the first dungeon timeline for it is off by about a day. Likely screws everyone before anything happens. After the first month i'm using my flawed logic to try to get a "perfect" run. At least my stats are looking pretty good now!

It's surprising that so many are against replaying a game no matter how amazing the game is. Often times replaying the game is more fun than playing it the first time.

Some stuff that comes to mind for me in particular
Muramasa rebirth on one hit death mode. Bioshock infinite where you know the twists that come and see all the hints that were dropped but you didn't realize were hints the first time around. Tokyo mirage sessions on lunatic difficulty. Catherine on hard mode. Fire emblem on lunatic difficulty.
C'mon. You know that's not what it is. People aren't against replaying games. There just isn't enough time in the day to finish all of your video games, let alone replay a 100+ hour rpg anytime the near future. Everyone here has backlogs of stuff they were really excited about playing at one point.

I know I will replay P4Golden in the future. Of course i beat P4 a while back...so it will be somewhat new to me again. Same with the PSX FF games. I don't remember them well anymore.

C'mon. You know that's not what it is. People aren't against replaying games. There just isn't enough time in the day to finish all of your video games, let alone replay a 100+ hour rpg anytime the near future. Everyone here has backlogs of stuff they were really excited about playing at one point.
But this under the perception that replaying the game is will be the exact same experience all over again. If you replay a game and if it feels like an entirely different experience then is it not worth it to replay the game since it is like playing a brand new game? That is my argument here. Replaying those games entirely changed my perceptions and feelings on them
C'mon. You know that's not what it is. People aren't against replaying games. There just isn't enough time in the day to finish all of your video games, let alone replay a 100+ hour rpg anytime the near future. Everyone here has backlogs of stuff they were really excited about playing at one point.
You still gotta do it if you are going for the platinum trophy though, which many of us here are trying to do. Fortunately RPGs that have New Game+ make the second playthrough way faster.
Basically what I am saying is if replaying a game turns a game I liked into a game I loved, well then I am all for replaying it. And if I already love a game and replaying it turns it into some god tier game for me, then there is no question what must be done. Backlog be damned I don't get THAT many god tier games in my life.
My character name is Akira Kurusu
Team name is MonsterSquad
Anyone who gets that reference is a bigger nerd than you lol
The movie came out 7 years before I was born and I still got that reference...

I always thought the old man would be a secret bad guy though.

I also preferred this one over The Goonies.

It's surprising that so many are against replaying a game no matter how amazing the game is. Often times replaying the game is more fun than playing it the first time.

Some stuff that comes to mind for me in particular
Muramasa rebirth on one hit death mode. Bioshock infinite where you know the twists that come and see all the hints that were dropped but you didn't realize were hints the first time around. Tokyo mirage sessions on lunatic difficulty. Catherine on hard mode. Fire emblem on lunatic difficulty.
But if you noticed all but like one hint in Bioshock Infinite, what would you go back and play it again for?

And most people would be playing with a guide the second time anyways, instead of actually taking notes and figuring out themselves how to get the perfect run. I haven't looked a single thing up, so I've missed like half the classroom questions so far. But people are fine looking up the answers but not following a spoiler-free guide.

There's obviously no line in the sand. Pretty much everyone is "cheating" in some way.

Edit: I think I am going to continue through the game on Hard, and maybe do an easy run for NG+ to rush through with the guide.

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I took notes on the stat up quirks...like what activities are better when and restarted after the first month myself. I'm going along with the confidants at my own pace though...not following a guide or anything. I still remember when I restarted P3 and almost got a perfect run. I got every social link to 10 except 1....which i ran out of time and only was able to get to 9....felt good.

I took notes on the stat up quirks...like what activities are better when and restarted after the first month myself. I'm going along with the confidants at my own pace though...not following a guide or anything. I still remember when I restarted P3 and almost got a perfect run. I got every social link to 10 except 1....which i ran out of time and only was able to get to 9....felt good.
Let me guess--Mitsuru's? That's what happened with my first run.

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Let me guess--Mitsuru's? That's what happened with my first run.
Sadly I think it was. The dating parameters in that game made time management extreme. I had a paper and put out when the social links were out and such and planned every day haha. Somehow i messed up somewhere on the romance planning since you had a to finish a social link before going onto the others.

Yea, after a while you don't even notice.

Also the OST in the game is amazing. The only song I heard before the game came out was the opening so I had no idea what the other songs were like. I have yet to hear a song I don't like. The battle theme is especially great, can't get it out of my head.

I'm gonna do it blind. Almost started reading the guide but that's just gonna take all the fun out of it. I've ruined quite a few game experiences by following guides word for word, I might as well be watching a lets play. I don't expect to 100% it on the first playthrough and I'm not going to play it again right after I beat it. Maybe someday I'll do another playthrough and follow the guide then, but that's long into the future.

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But this under the perception that replaying the game is will be the exact same experience all over again. If you replay a game and if it feels like an entirely different experience then is it not worth it to replay the game since it is like playing a brand new game? That is my argument here. Replaying those games entirely changed my perceptions and feelings on them
Can you tell me which games exactly gives me a brand new experience? I'm genuinely interested. Right now, I can't think of any game minus those that are made for replaying such as multiplayer shooters, roguelike games, fighting games, and the like. For single player games like RPGs, there are only a handful that offer a unique experience. Something like Saga Frontier or Odin Sphere that makes you choose a character and you go through their story. Then you play the game choosing another character. I don't really consider those games as replaying though. I know there are a few games that you can choose different paths and you are locked to that path. But I can't think of the name, so it must not be that great to me anyways.

But for me, replaying gives me almost the same exact experience. If anything, it would be worse for me because there are always particular levels that I just hate going through again. I also know everything in the story. I mean sure, if the game is great, it is still enjoyable. However, I would mainly just be replaying for the sake of getting the trophy, or that one weapon, ending, character, skill, etc. Now, give me a few years after I finished the game and a remaster/remake and I'll definitely consider replaying certain games since I would forget a lot about the game. Although I do mainly prefer a brand new experience.

hehehe so many people thought they weren't going to use a max attribute / max social link walkthrough. My how the tables have turned!
"flips all the tables"

It's surprising that so many are against replaying a game no matter how amazing the game is. Often times replaying the game is more fun than playing it the first time.

Some stuff that comes to mind for me in particular
Muramasa rebirth on one hit death mode. Bioshock infinite where you know the twists that come and see all the hints that were dropped but you didn't realize were hints the first time around. Tokyo mirage sessions on lunatic difficulty. Catherine on hard mode. Fire emblem on lunatic difficulty.
This is exactly what I'm using the no-spoiler walkthrough on Gamefaqs. While I would love to do a completely blind play-through my first go around, and then a max playthrough the second time around, I just don't have the time like I used to when I was younger to dedicate to this game. I would rather use the time to experience new games (there's just so many that I'm interested in playing!!) and play online with my friends.
Can you tell me which games exactly gives me a brand new experience? I'm genuinely interested.
Witcher 2, chapter 2 completely branches depending on what you choose.

Seiken Densetu 3, 6 characters with different stories (though 3 main interleaving paths), so you only really have to play through 3 times.

I'll try to think of more.

Yeah, there are very few games worth replaying. Most of these aren't even Niche games too. 

A few off the top of my head are:

Transistor: Enemies are different, game is harder, NG+ trophy

Infamous series: Good/Bad choices influence the game greatly

Lightning Returns: The only way to level up are quests, and each time you replay you get stronger

Nier Automata: Different endings, although the game is vastly different so I'm not sure how much it counts

Akiba's Trip: Different endings as well, and the ending routes start relatively early

Heavy Rain/Beyond Two Souls/Until Dawn: Different stories arises from choices

Fallout 3/4/New Vegas: Karma system, endings, abilities

Dragon Age/Inquisition: Different classes to start with, different story routes

GalGun/Double Peace: Different stories/endings

Tales of Xillia: Same story but different perspective using Jude/Millia

Catherine: Different endings/scenarios/choices

Final Fantasy XIII-2: Different endings

Devil May Cry 3: Replay game as Vergil

And most of these are actually playing the game from a different angle/NG+, and not even a complete replay. It might seem like a lot, but it's from a list of 80 games I've played.

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My take on it wasn't necessarily a literal one, but a bit more figurative. For example, if you've played all of the games in the Trails series in order and then go back and start from the beginning you'll notice a ton of different things that you did not notice or put together before. Not all games will have this kind of depth to it, but it helps give you a better understanding of the game itself. Just like how some movies you can re-watch and notice different things because you know things you didn't previously before. That can make something feel like a new experience, but it's obviously not true for everyone.

Made it though four dungeons in Persona 5 I believe. Have way too much money and I've been over-leveled according to the average level since the second dungeon. No guide use and as such, I've missed answering every dialogue choice correctly. I found out some info about the Fortune confidant early due to a friend spoiling that bit for me. Not that big of a deal though.

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Can you tell me which games exactly gives me a brand new experience? I'm genuinely interested. Right now, I can't think of any game minus those that are made for replaying such as multiplayer shooters, roguelike games, fighting games, and the like. For single player games like RPGs, there are only a handful that offer a unique experience. Something like Saga Frontier or Odin Sphere that makes you choose a character and you go through their story. Then you play the game choosing another character. I don't really consider those games as replaying though. I know there are a few games that you can choose different paths and you are locked to that path. But I can't think of the name, so it must not be that great to me anyways.

But for me, replaying gives me almost the same exact experience. If anything, it would be worse for me because there are always particular levels that I just hate going through again. I also know everything in the story. I mean sure, if the game is great, it is still enjoyable. However, I would mainly just be replaying for the sake of getting the trophy, or that one weapon, ending, character, skill, etc. Now, give me a few years after I finished the game and a remaster/remake and I'll definitely consider replaying certain games since I would forget a lot about the game. Although I do mainly prefer a brand new experience.
Most of my examples had to with changing the difficulty level.
For example muramasa rebirth on normal mode is actually a fairly easy game. Anyone can get through the game by being a little button mashy. However once you go into fury mode, aka one hit death mode, your tactics from normal mode no longer apply. You must dig right into the battle system and understand it to be able to progress and beat all of the bosses.
Then there's Catherine where when you go from normal mode to hard mode, the puzzles and solutions changes entirely. You need all the knowledge you gained from completing normal mode to progress through hard mode. You have to use advanced moves right from the first chapter.
In Tokyo mirage sessions, the tactics that helped you in normal mode no longer apply in lunatic mode. Only by playing on lunatic mode did I gain a true appreciation of how amazing the battle system was in that game. Honestly it's the best battle system out of all RPGs I've played.

No way is anyone ever supposed to start off playing these games on the hardest difficulty. But by playing through them on a lower, regular difficulty, you learn the systems. And then when you replay them on the new difficulty, it slaps you in the face and says no the stuff you learned was just the beginning and the way you play the game ends up being wholely different from the way you played before as you learn the real intricacies of the systems.
Nier Automata: Different endings, although the game is vastly different so I'm not sure how much it counts
I definitely don't think that counts. It's not really different endings. It's literally one complete story through the third ending. But you do more or less know 90% after the second path.

Edit: I don't consider difficulty to be different enough to be considered either. I don't consider Bayonetta Infinite Climax to be a different path, when the main difference is you lose Witch Time. That's like saying equipping Overdrive in Nier: Automata makes it a different game.

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It's surprising that so many are against replaying a game no matter how amazing the game is. Often times replaying the game is more fun than playing it the first time.

Some stuff that comes to mind for me in particular
Muramasa rebirth on one hit death mode. Bioshock infinite where you know the twists that come and see all the hints that were dropped but you didn't realize were hints the first time around. Tokyo mirage sessions on lunatic difficulty. Catherine on hard mode. Fire emblem on lunatic difficulty.
If there is a new game out there that I am looking forward to, I will always prioritize that over replaying a game I've already played and beaten. Persona 5 is just one of the many games I've been looking forward to playing. When I was younger, I'd replay games to death, trying to master every little detail about said game. I just don't have the time to do that anymore. Adulting has it's drawbacks, as we have all come to know.

However, I just rather have a brand new experience than playing through the same game again with my time.

C'mon. You know that's not what it is. People aren't against replaying games. There just isn't enough time in the day to finish all of your video games, let alone replay a 100+ hour rpg anytime the near future.
Exactly. With an ever-increasing backlog, there's usually not enough time to play all the games I want as it is. The only games I've really gone back and replayed entirely--and still enjoyed a second time--were the Batman Arkham games and Metal Gear titles (with the exception of Phantom Pain). Oh, and Lollipop Chainsaw.

I also preferred this one over The Goonies.
I'll take Monster Squad any day over the Goonies. For years the film was so hard to find (before the DVD release), I had to hunt down a copy on Laserdisc.

I definitely don't think that counts. It's not really different endings. It's literally one complete story through the third ending. But you do more or less know 90% after the second path.

Edit: I don't consider difficulty to be different enough to be considered either. I don't consider Bayonetta Infinite Climax to be a different path, when the main difference is you lose Witch Time. That's like saying equipping Overdrive in Nier: Automata makes it a different game.
Depends how changing the difficulty affects the way you play the game. I have only a few examples of where it was truly transformative for me.
bread's done