Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

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You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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Do you feel like you wasted a good number days in your complete playthrough? I have wasted more than I would like since I just found out you can make infiltration tools on the night you send out calling cards, which surprised me because you can't do anything else other than sleep. That's 5 nights wasted on a making lockpicks.
And ofc relationship failures. Time spent with invites from friends when you're not sure if you need it or not.
For about the first third of the game, I had completely forgot about making sure to equip the right Persona type before talking to people. I'm not sure how many times I went without the right one. There were still a number of times that I initiated time with a confidant that couldn't rank up at the time, but after I got the ability to up relationship daily without using time, that almost never happened. If I had nobody to rank up but still had stats that were necessary, I went after stats that would net me a gain of 3 in those. Like the relationship bonus, I'd use the stat daily bonus too.

I used at least half a dozen nights making tools and had quite a few nights and days near the end where I couldn't really do anything. I did use a bunch of money on having someone make 1 lockpick at a time for me as well. When I got the eternal lockpick after grinding for it in [customspoiler='dungeon'] five[/customspoiler], I think I had 14 or so leftover. Towards the end with extra days where I couldn't do anything, I wasted time making all the tools I could for the trophy just because I could. Plus coffee and curry and batting cages until I hit a home run.

I think my biggest concern during my playthrough was getting the right stats maxed. Proficiency was last for me, which was necessary for a confidant you get later on. I was surprised I actually managed to max it out honestly. For me it went Knowledge -> Charm -> Kindness -> Guts -> Proficiency. I kept them fairly evenly distributed while leveling them. When I saw a confidant that could raise a stat for spending time with them, I used that as opposed to alternate methods.

I also skipped so many invites from friends. Like damn near every single one. I also reloaded if I felt I screwed myself on dialogue choices. Wasn't frequent, but it did happen occasionally.

And finally, yeah, they really needed to get rid of that part where you can only run to your bed to sleep. God damnit game, just put me to sleep instead of making me feel like I'm wasting time because you're making me do useless shit.

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I have a confession to make.
I never played a NepNep game
Am I still allowed here?
Of course you are! You'd be surprised at how many of the people here haven't touched the series yet. Actually, there were quite a few people who have never played a Persona game before 5.

Just watch the anime though.

I just assume people buy Neptunia games for the cute girls/LE boxes and never play them
I've played all the games besides Sega Hard Girls and the remakes. Platinumed the 1st and Victory, and was working on the plat for Blanc Zombies. Beaten all the ones I've played except for Hyperdevotion Noire. Not a bad series overall, the games keep improving. One compliment I have for the franchise is that it shows humility, and doesn't mind making fun of itself for how terrible the older games were.

I have a confession to make.
I never played a NepNep game
Am I still allowed here?
I own the first game, and it just never grabbed me. Same for the Atelier series. Both feel way too rigid in their game aspects.

I also can't stand the Tales series. It's like the CoD/Madden of JRPGs.

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I own the first game, and it just never grabbed me. Same for the Atelier series. Both feel way too rigid in their game aspects.

I also can't stand the Tales series. It's like the CoD/Madden of JRPGs.
I always end up playing only 2 out of the 3 Atelier games from each arc and plat them too. I mainly play for the alchemy system. The battles are too simplistic most of the time.

When I have time to catch up on games, I usually plat a Tales of, which can fill in 100+ hours each. Still no NepNep though.
I own the first game, and it just never grabbed me. Same for the Atelier series. Both feel way too rigid in their game aspects.

I also can't stand the Tales series. It's like the CoD/Madden of JRPGs.
You cannot call it the cod/madden of rpgs when its not even a yearly released series nor are the games super close gameplay wise.

If you want a madden/cod of rpgs that would be atelier who gets actual yearly releases. And that's not factoring in the plus releases making it up to 3 releases in the same year at times.

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You cannot call it the cod/madden of rpgs when its not even a yearly released series nor are the games super close gameplay wise.

If you want a madden/cod of rpgs that would be atelier who gets actual yearly releases. And that's not factoring in the plus releases.
If all the tales games were like vesperia it would be an improvement!
I kid, that had the longest dev cycle of all the tales games right?
If all the tales games were like vesperia it would be an improvement!
I kid, that had the longest dev cycle of all the tales games right?
Agreed on the first part. No idea if vesperias dev time was any longer than usual. Considering how much content it had compared to every game that came after it I wouldn't be surprised if it was. Oh apparently it was originally planned for ps2 release but that was cancelled since the ps2's life cycle was over after abyss or whatever.

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You cannot call it the cod/madden of rpgs when its not even a yearly released series nor are the games super close gameplay wise.

If you want a madden/cod of rpgs that would be atelier who gets actual yearly releases. And that's not factoring in the plus releases making it up to 3 releases in the same year at times.
Yeah, Atelier would probably fit better. It just feels like every few months there's another one of these games popping up. That's why I'm really loving Persona 5. It actually feels like it took nine years to make the game. Not just a quick turnaround to make a quick buck. The same can't be said about the dozens of spinoffs this will start, but the main game is sound and was worth waiting for.

Finally got to the third palace,
and how did none of you catch that the baddie is supposed to be a shitty version of the Godfather? It looks just like Brando down to the mustache and parted hair. He's in the mafia ffs.

Yeah, Atelier would probably fit better. It just feels like every few months there's another one of these games popping up.
If you only play the localized ones in the last few years it may feel that way since the localizations have been playing catch up since graces failed to be localized for 3 or 4 years after japans release. But even then there was over a year gap between xillia 2 and zestiria.

neptunia series would be another one that gets yearly releases at least in na.

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How to earn easy money in Persona 5, if you already didnt know.

In Mementos, you will face bosses. Use an ability that causes confuse on them. Depending on your luck, you can earn 20,000+ yen per turn. Note that it only works on half the bosses.

It sucks you're only allowed to make 3 Lockpicks per session, even if you have enough material to make 5+. Or can you make more than 3?

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I did it a couple of times and now I can make 4 a session. I got lucky a few times and ended up with 2 lockpicks per one material exchange. It's kind of annoying that you have to select each exchange individually, but I'm guessing somewhere down the line they might remove the limit once your proficiency gets high enough or something.

How to earn easy money in Persona 5, if you already didnt know.

In Mementos, you will face bosses. Use an ability that causes confuse on them. Depending on your luck, you can earn 20,000+ yen per turn. Note that it only works on half the bosses.

It sucks you're only allowed to make 3 Lockpicks per session, even if you have enough material to make 5+. Or can you make more than 3?
It's based on your proficiency
No. I haven't posted in awhile.

Yes. I actually am playing a Persona game. 

Just discovered Mementos. This game is pretty amazing and I do love all the stuff you can do. Is it wrong to say though that there's so much to do that in a way the game's major strength is also a weakness? I dunno. Maybe I took too long to get through
Kamoshida's Palace
[first dungeon] and I'm a bit ticked I decided to leave a couple of locked chests behind too. 

Still I'm going all in on P5....Ain't got much time until Trails 3rd. 

And....WTF? Cold Steel I and II on PC? Definitely didn't see that coming. I swear when it was announced I told my bro, "Must be Sega staff helping the port." Well, not quite. Woah. But, it does affirm to me that Xseed has (and may already be working on) Cold Steel III. 

Ann tried to get all romantic with me and I'm like bitch please, it's the middle of July.   I'm tryna keep my options open. 

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Time for me to get back to Persona 5...i was going to take a 2 day break or so...and that turned into about 4 days....going to power through and finish...think I have 20-30 more hours. Good game for sure though does get a bit repetitive for my tastes. But most RPGs get like that. I honestly think it's the structure of the scheduling in the game....but eh...still good.

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Time for me to get back to Persona 5...i was going to take a 2 day break or so...and that turned into about 4 days....going to power through and finish...think I have 20-30 more hours. Good game for sure though does get a bit repetitive for my tastes. But most RPGs get like that. I honestly think it's the structure of the scheduling in the game....but eh...still good.
I'm really into the dungeon grind. The levels are so well done in this game. I get bored will all the daily stuff, especially listening to all the conversations from unnamed students and comments from the aether. I just wanna spend more time in the dungeons and fuse OP Personas.

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I'm really into the dungeon grind. The levels are so well done in this game. I get bored will all the daily stuff, especially listening to all the conversations from unnamed students and comments from the ether. I just wanna spend more time in the dungeons and fuse OP Personas
I agree. The dungeons are excellent and varied. I'm talking about more the social link/school life thing. Guess it's not as memorable after 2 games with it. It's alright but feels a bit work man like to power through and keep raising your links/stats. It's aight though....I just think it's kind of tired, even though the links in this game feel a bit more fleshed out than the previous 2 games. Could all be better for sure.


I agree. The dungeons are excellent and varied. I'm talking about more the social link/school life thing. Guess it's not as memorable after 2 games with it. It's alright but feels a bit work man like to power through and keep raising your links/stats. It's aight though....I just think it's kind of tired, even though the links in this game feel a bit more fleshed out than the previous 2 games. Could all be better for sure.
Ditto that. Which is probably why I also think this:

So what you guys are saying is, SMT > Persona?
But all of the games are fun in general.


Eurogamer reporting Nintendo to release the SNES mini this Christmas. Probably adding to why they discontinued the NES classic.
Cool, this is great news if true. My favorite system - so this would be an instant purchase. Of course they will likely raise the price to $100 or some obscene amount like that. This would also explain why the NES Classic is being discontinued - if they are using the same resources for the SNES Classic.

Cool, this is great news if true. My favorite system - so this would be an instant purchase. Of course they will likely raise the price to $100 or some obscene amount like that. This would also explain why the NES Classic is being discontinued - if they are using the same resources for the SNES Classic.
Pricing it at $100 wouldn't be so bad if Nintendo increased the number of included games to 50-60. Based on the sheer number of classics from that era, that seems like a no-brainer to me.

bread's done