Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


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Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

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As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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Took me forever to find this! But I wanted to keep up to date with this about Moero Crystal. I was able to find the games again on their site but it was not there for awhile... Not sure what is going on... But I am thinking June should be about the time for preorders/release but keep us post Davey!!! Link here
Yeah, thanks! I really hope it's in June, I have checked that link almost everyday for the past few months lol. I just don't get why it was announced maybe earlier this year but not a word since. Usually after they're announced, it's been pretty quick after the Japanese release date drops. With a new game coming out, I'm afraid it might get lost in the shuffle unless it's already translated or close to it. If I see any news on it, I'll definitely let you guys know if I found anything out. I'd like for them to do the whole series, they're just hilarious and stupid fun if you don't really care what most people think, I think it's great. I wish more games could pull that off or at least try it. Doesn't really have to be ecchi, just something different.

-tin foil hat on- I think Amazon may be holding onto some stock of things separate to wait for the two week 20% window to expire before putting them up for sale. The only weakness with this theory is that we're three weeks out, not two.
I saw somebody pointing out the Bravely Second CE being in stock like 3-4 days ago...

If there's ever been a time for it...

Because I've never paid more than $10 for an Uncharted? Seriously, I bought 1 @ $10, 2 @ $5, then got redundant copies of 1&2 for free, then bought 3 @ $7. These are Canadian prices BTW, up here stuff normally costs more.

Yeah, thanks! I really hope it's in June, I have checked that link almost everyday for the past few months lol. I just don't get why it was announced maybe earlier this year but not a word since. Usually after they're announced, it's been pretty quick after the Japanese release date drops. With a new game coming out, I'm afraid it might get lost in the shuffle unless it's already translated or close to it. If I see any news on it, I'll definitely let you guys know if I found anything out. I'd like for them to do the whole series, they're just hilarious and stupid fun if you don't really care what most people think, I think it's great. I wish more games could pull that off or at least try it. Doesn't really have to be ecchi, just something different.
I absolutely loved Moe Chronicle and can't wait until Moe Crystal is up for pre-order. It's the first dungeon crawler I ever really played and I platunimed it. Loved every single moment. So glad we might be able to start the pre-order this June. I've also checked, and checked to see if there have been any updates. I figured May would be when we would be able to put money down on it as that's when the other came up.

Was never into that type of game, but I suppose I am now since I platinumed Criminal Girls last month. Now, If only CG2 gets an English release.

I absolutely loved Moe Chronicle and can't wait until Moe Crystal is up for pre-order. It's the first dungeon crawler I ever really played and I platunimed it. Loved every single moment. So glad we might be able to start the pre-order this June. I've also checked, and checked to see if there have been any updates. I figured May would be when we would be able to put money down on it as that's when the other came up.

Was never into that type of game, but I suppose I am now since I platinumed Criminal Girls last month. Now, If only CG2 gets an English release.
I really liked Criminal Girls also. Hoping they bring 2 over, I don't think they've mentioned anything yet. But it's still pretty new, so there's a good chance. I find it so funny and interesting that we can play games like this now. I'm 32 and never would've thought of this stuff in video games growing up or even less than a decade ago. I just think it's so cool that, for the most part, games are mostly more free and open to new ideas and whatever weirdness that comes with that is fine with me. So yeah, I totally agree with you about Criminal Girls 2 and Moero Crystal. Hoping as soon as possible.

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Monster Hunter Generations’ Street Fighter Collaboration Brings Chun-Li And Blanka Palico Armor
Dragon Quest 30th Anniversary Countdown Broadcast Set for May 26
Valkyrie Anatomia Tops One Million Downloads

Killer Killer Manga Is the Official Spin-Off Story of Danganronpa
Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 Footage Shows Us More Of Copen’s Moves
My Hero Academia: Battle for All Trailers Highlight Denki Kaminari And Yuuga Aoyama
Super Mario Mash-Up Pack coming to Minecraft: Wii U Edition

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Sure, it sucks but it's not that common for Amazon to screw up that bad from my experience and I've commonly ordered from them for over a decade (Their biggest issue is shipping packaging). I tend to hear significantly more pre-order bonus issues with Best Buy, though I don't really order from them. Regardless in this case, all the pre-order costumes are purchasable in-game at some point.

I can't really complain about Amazon because I got a 50% refund off the base price ($35!) when I asked what was going on with the DLC on top of the original 20% off pre-order. So I got a crazy deal and can still get the costumes with a little extra effort should I choose.
My experience on the other hand is that they have no idea what I am talking about then the rep who is definitely in another country questions my sanity on said promo code.

I had one rep harrass a poor nintendo rep for a code even worse it was a manager

2x sent to promotions team who said it did not exist.

1x said stop wasting my time and hung up.

and pretty much all of them thought it had some form of dollar value.

This is worse than trying to get my toukiden codes for both games. So now I'm going to try one final time in the morning after the first wave of LRG and then I give up.

but yeah shipping is still ass for both companies you should see my XBcX LE wish I could buy a replacement box.

Tried the Grand Kingdom demo. Battle system was better than I thought (story was really weak so far though). Looked pretty good and seemed fun. Don't think I will get it on release, more like around $20, but it doesn't seem bad at all. I think it looked pretty damn good on the PS4 and with some random slowdown here and there, I can only imagine it will be worse on the Vita. Was different for the battle system though. Didn't really get the leveling up and bonus system though.

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I also spent some time with the Grand Kingdom demo. At first I did not know what to expect, but the game surprised me by being different than any recent RPG I've played, and it was fun too.

I was on the fence on whether I should pre-order it, but after playing that demo I ended up locking in an order for the Grand Edition for Vita.

The game looked nice on PS4 but I feel this type of game would be better suited for Vita, so I ordered it for that instead.

I think it looked pretty damn good on the PS4 and with some random slowdown here and there, I can only imagine it will be worse on the Vita.
There were no slowdowns on the PS4 demo though? You're the first person I've heard this from actually. They skipped a lot of frames in animating things that could make it look like it has slowdowns though. I honestly hate the "HQ" background because of it. Probably the first game in a long while that could potentially make me feel even the slightest bit nauseous if I actually stared at it intently. Had no issue with anything else, but yeah the lack of frames in the animations can be a bit off-putting.

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DLC Plans for Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Revealed

“It can be confirmed that Bloodstained will follow a staggered content release,” the dev said. “Some portion of the game will release first and then additional content (as outlined by the Kickstarter) will follow in the months to come.

MeiQ: Labyrinth of Death coming west this fall

Idea Factory International is bringing PS Vita dungeon RPG MeiQ: Labyrinth of Death (what we’ve previously referred to as Death Under the Labyrinth) to North America and Europe both physically and digitally this fall.

My Nintendo Europe Has A Bravely Second Nintendo 3DS Home Theme

MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies’ Tamsoft Is One Of The Most Intricate Characters

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I also spent some time with the Grand Kingdom demo. At first I did not know what to expect, but the game surprised me by being different than any recent RPG I've played, and it was fun too.

I was on the fence on whether I should pre-order it, but after playing that demo I ended up locking in an order for the Grand Edition for Vita.

The game looked nice on PS4 but I feel this type of game would be better suited for Vita, so I ordered it for that instead.
I'm split on keeping my Vita Grand Edition preorder, or double discount ps4 limited edition. In the end I will probably wait to long and miss the chance to cancel the Grand Edition
There were no slowdowns on the PS4 demo though? You're the first person I've heard this from actually. They skipped a lot of frames in animating things that could make it look like it has slowdowns though. I honestly hate the "HQ" background because of it. Probably the first game in a long while that could potentially make me feel even the slightest bit nauseous if I actually stared at it intently. Had no issue with anything else, but yeah the lack of frames in the animations can be a bit off-putting.
Maybe it did seem to have some slight lag when switching menus at base....it may have been the animation playing in the backgrounds which didn't look great. In battle everything was fine. it seemed the menu switching wasn't crazy intuitive either at the base. I just felt the menus didn't flow flow as well when I was equipping, recruiting members, checking stats, etc... Just didn't feel clean and didn't switch amazing fast either.

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I'm split on keeping my Vita Grand Edition preorder, or double discount ps4 limited edition. In the end I will probably wait to long and miss the chance to cancel the Grand Edition
Double discount.....that would sound tempting :). Only reason I'm going with the Grand Edition is because of all that extra stuff (that I probably don't need) and that nice Lillia poster. Actually, it's probably mostly because of that Lillia poster lol.

And in terms of any slowdowns, I only noticed that crappy repeating background animation at the guild screen that looked laggy. Everything else looked fine. Hopefully that applies to the Vita version too.

I know things. I remember when RE0 came out and most reviews were saying the gameplay was dated and need to be updated. That's why RE4 happened the way it did.

Now people want to go back to old dated style. Except if it happens people won't put their money where their mouth is.

1. RE games were never scary

2. If you're a highly trained agent or soldier or whatever why wouldn't you punch or drop kick a zombie? Zombies are inferior in every way and can barely stand on their own. Being defenseless if you don't have ammo or being only able to pathetically poke with a knife when they're supposed to be super elite combat people makes no sense.

If you're a highly trained agent or soldier or whatever why wouldn't you punch or drop kick a zombie? Zombies are inferior in every way and can barely stand on their own. Being defenseless if you don't have ammo or being only able to pathetically poke with a knife when they're supposed to be super elite combat people makes no sense.
It's a trade-off. Original Resident Evil style games were a little scary. And part of the reason they were scary was because the combat was NOT GOOD. It wasn't terrible, I've seen worse. But it was specifically designed to be less effective, and force the player to feel helpless with each combat encounter. Combat in the original Resident Evil games was something that you wanted to avoid, not engage in. You put up with it if you were trapped, but otherwise you ran away.

Resident Evil 4 changed things up by making the combat central to the game. It also did a pretty good job of making the combat entertaining, while also being challenging. While RE4 made the player more empowered than in previous titles, it still managed some scares thanks to the difficulty, and the designs of some of the enemies. (regenerators still creep me out)

A new Resident Evil title would have a rather steep challenge. Modern expectations would demand that the combat be fun and engaging. But you would have to balance this somehow, so that the sense of terror and dread is not eroded by player empowerment. It's a difficult balancing act. Not impossible, but far from easy.

Resident Evil 1-3 was scary as hell because you couldnt blast everything to pieces.
And of course those "elite soldiers" wouldnt punch a zombie, they werent trained to fight monsters or ever seen one. It would be shocking for anyone to see a walking decaying corpse.
In the 90s there was hardly any zombie stuff, unlike today, so no one was desensatized to them yet, & they werent seen as goofy monsters with traffic cones on their heads by kids.
Resident Evil 1-3 was scary as hell because you couldnt blast everything to pieces.
And of course those "elite soldiers" wouldnt punch a zombie, they werent trained to fight monsters or ever seen one. It would be shocking for anyone to see a walking decaying corpse.
In the 90s there was hardly any zombie stuff, unlike today, so no one was desensatized to them yet, & they werent seen as goofy monsters with traffic cones on their heads by kids.
I never found zombies scary, even before we were desensitized to them. They're slow, literally braindead, and can barely stand. You can easily outrun them in any of the older games. The biggest threat in the old style games was getting used to the controls if you hadn't played them before. I love the Resident Evil franchise and I see no reason to go back to that style. 4 was a great evolution in gameplay, 5 was sort of more of the same of 4, and 6 was a logical gameplay evolution to 4/5 and fixed all the co-op issues of 5. Not to mention each campaign was about as long as the one campaign in 5. RE6 was a lot of game for your money.

I enjoy the older style for what it is, but the gameplay is incredibly dated and going back to it would be a terrible thing.

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Resident Evil 1-3 was scary as hell because you couldnt blast everything to pieces.
And of course those "elite soldiers" wouldnt punch a zombie, they werent trained to fight monsters or ever seen one. It would be shocking for anyone to see a walking decaying corpse.
In the 90s there was hardly any zombie stuff, unlike today, so no one was desensatized to them yet, & they werent seen as goofy monsters with traffic cones on their heads by kids.
What I remember was that you were given a ton of ammo in those games,which made the games even less scary. Even as a kid I never found them really scary at all (3 a little due to being stalked by the Nemesis). The big issue was the games never really had a creepy atmosphere to them (The first Silent Hill was the one that really got to me). The RE1 remake did really good job establishing a creepy atmosphere.

I never found zombies scary, even before we were desensitized to them. They're slow, literally braindead, and can barely stand. You can easily outrun them in any of the older games. The biggest threat in the old style games was getting used to the controls if you hadn't played them before. I love the Resident Evil franchise and I see no reason to go back to that style. 4 was a great evolution in gameplay, 5 was sort of more of the same of 4, and 6 was a logical gameplay evolution to 4/5 and fixed all the co-op issues of 5. Not to mention each campaign was about as long as the one campaign in 5. RE6 was a lot of game for your money.

I enjoy the older style for what it is, but the gameplay is incredibly dated and going back to it would be a terrible thing.
I found RE2 to be quite creepy. Of course I would play it at 1am, in a 130+ year old house that creaked, and made all kinds of popping noises. Not so much scary, but had nice jump-scares. I loved RE4 and thought RE5 was pretty good. I never understood punching the boulder to move it, though. I own RE6, but I've yet to play it. I got about 5 hours into RE: Revelations before I petered out. Kept running out of ammo.

I know things. I remember when RE0 came out and most reviews were saying the gameplay was dated and need to be updated. That's why RE4 happened the way it did.

Now people want to go back to old dated style. Except if it happens people won't put their money where their mouth is.

1. RE games were never scary

2. If you're a highly trained agent or soldier or whatever why wouldn't you punch or drop kick a zombie? Zombies are inferior in every way and can barely stand on their own. Being defenseless if you don't have ammo or being only able to pathetically poke with a knife when they're supposed to be super elite combat people makes no sense.

I know things. I remember when RE0 came out and most reviews were saying the gameplay was dated and need to be updated. That's why RE4 happened the way it did.

Now people want to go back to old dated style. Except if it happens people won't put their money where their mouth is.

1. RE games were never scary

2. If you're a highly trained agent or soldier or whatever why wouldn't you punch or drop kick a zombie? Zombies are inferior in every way and can barely stand on their own. Being defenseless if you don't have ammo or being only able to pathetically poke with a knife when they're supposed to be super elite combat people makes no sense.
Why do you need keys for wooden doors when you have a shotgun?

Why do you need to take a 500m detour when there's two or three cardboard boxes in your way?

Not to mention none of the characters in the original games were super soldiers. They were regular cops in a situation against monsters they've never seen before. RE4 and the rest changed the narrative and gameplay for many reasons, but most importantly because they've had previous knowledge of the Raccoon City incident, so taking more drastic measures in dealing with them was justified.

RE6 was still an embarrassment, though. It was like four separate shitty games put together. Would've been a good experience had they concentrated on at least one of them.

RE6 was still an embarrassment, though. It was like four separate shitty games put together. Would've been a good experience had they concentrated on at least one of them.
They did though, it was the Leon story. The others could have been better, but the Leon story was by far the best.

Has anyone received shipping confirmation from Iffy for their Blanc Removable Hat order?
I got an email from them, but it was about that new MeiQ: Labyrinth of Death Dungeon game for Vita. I got excited for nothing. I've noticed from past experience that the Iffy store ends up shipping their stuff on or after the release date which is kinda dumb. Since the game comes out tomorrow I guess I can hope to get mine by the end of the week? They should at least ship today or something.

Has anyone received shipping confirmation from Iffy for their Blanc Removable Hat order?
Last email I got from them was about the green heart misprint. I wouldn't worry too much about shipping confirmatIons from IF or Nisa for that matter. Their stuff just tends to show up at my house a day or two after release, then I'll get a confirmation email.
Why do you need keys for wooden doors when you have a shotgun?

Why do you need to take a 500m detour when there's two or three cardboard boxes in your way?

Not to mention none of the characters in the original games were super soldiers. They were regular cops in a situation against monsters they've never seen before. RE4 and the rest changed the narrative and gameplay for many reasons, but most importantly because they've had previous knowledge of the Raccoon City incident, so taking more drastic measures in dealing with them was justified.

RE6 was still an embarrassment, though. It was like four separate shitty games put together. Would've been a good experience had they concentrated on at least one of them.
S.T.A.R.S. are supposed to be above the rest. There's no excuse for them to be helpless without a gun or only being able to poke with a knife. There's even less of an excuse for Jill in RE3 since she's aware of all that stuff by then.

And completely disagree about RE6. It was four well made campaigns that each offered something different. No two felt the same.

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S.T.A.R.S. are supposed to be above the rest. There's no excuse for them to be helpless without a gun or only being able to poke with a knife. There's even less of an excuse for Jill in RE3 since she's aware of all that stuff by then.

And completely disagree about RE6. It was four well made campaigns that each offered something different. No two felt the same.
But again, they were fighting monsters they have never seen before. Would it be logical to try and run up and punch BOWs like Hunters when they could decapitate you in one swing? I don't mind all the physical stuff they added in later games, but it makes sense that it isn't in RE 1-3. No one in their right mind would/should fight these things without some type of weapon. In any case, I enjoyed every RE game and beat 6 like 3 times, so hopefully they can find the right balance of gameplay between the older and newer games.

Last email I got from them was about the green heart misprint. I wouldn't worry too much about shipping confirmatIons from IF or Nisa for that matter. Their stuff just tends to show up at my house a day or two after release, then I'll get a confirmation email.
I need it now man. I already made plans for the hat!
Final Fantasy X and X-2 HD Coming to PC via Steam on May 12

The games will be released together as a package on May 12th. The game’s Steam page was just opened.

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Blazing announced for smartphones

Japanese PS3 and PC MMORPG Angel Senki coming to PS4, PS Vita, and smartphones

MMORPG launches across new platforms in the early summer.

Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana Japanese TV spot


Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius is Getting a Worldwide Release

The smartphone RPG is set for a worldwide release sometime in the near future – the first event is set to kick off on May 16th.

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bread's done