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Kmartgamer 2.0 = 9,828 replies/538,327 views
Kmartgamer 3.0 = 7,215 replies/549,496 views (Blog is effective in all locations)

March 20th through March 26th:

  • :ps3: 3-22 Playstation Heroes (Reg. $39.99) offer 10,000 SYWR + Save $25 instantly with purchase of Move bundle
    • Offer was extended through next week since Playstation Heroes is not arriving until the end of this week
  • :360::ps3: 3-22 Crysis 2 (Reg. $59.99) Offer Save 10,000 SYWR + Save $30 on $50 PSN or 4000 XBLA Points Card + Save $20 on Turtle Beach Head Sets
    • If the stores do not have the 4000 Points or $50 PSN represented on the sales floor send a pic of your receipt to SHC Ad Monster and we'll substitute with a $20 gift card
    • SHC Stock Boy will comment tomorrow on the Turtle Beach Head Set in-stock. This is featured in the circular so no gift card will be substituted but we will help coordinate a rain check if needed.
    • All stores will receive the LE edition of Crysis 2 for launch.
  • :360::ps3::wii::ds: 3-22 Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars 15,000 SYWR Points ($15) - 3DS not included
  • :360::ps3: Bullestorm $39.99 (Reg. $59.99)
Kmart Weekly Ad: (Circulars not effective in all stores, NYC and Offshore in particular)

March 20th through March 26th:

  • :ps3: $50 gift card with 160GB PS3 ($299.99)
    • Note: 3-27 (Next week) Killzone 3 bundle with free Killzone 2. Just want everyone to know if it affects buying decisions
  • :wii: Wii Consoles $179.99 (Reg. $199.99)
Note: Savings Coupon offers are valid in all stores

Coming Soon:

Update: Submitting Feb./Mar. offers as SYWR promotions. Will post as soon as they are approved. At the end of Mar. the coupon issue will be fixed and we'll go back to normal. For Feb . SYWR offers, there will be limit 2 per customer (the SYWR card will limit bonuses systematically).

As of Feb 6th, to earn SYWR bonuses a member has to have a valid email address on their profile and opted in before purchasing an item with a bonus offer. This has been communicated to members through SYWR emails and in the circular along with new signage indicating to receive bonus offers they have to have a valid email address on file and opted in to receive email. Opting in to receive SYWR bonus offers is not too bad:

1. Log in to your account online
2. Click "My offers"
3. Click "More about me"
4. Scroll down to contact preferences
5. Click the boxes to receive email from (I suggest all for tomorrow). I'll post if you just have to accept Kmart in the future.

*This list is not comprehensive of every promotion that may be coming and release dates are subject to change.
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[quote name='a_dirty_Shisno']Sorry guys, time to eat your words. And I never said that Nintendo suggested we trash talk the 3DS, I said that it was priced higher because we all love it too much.


First they don't believe you.

Now you provide evidence and they claim it has no merit.

Don't be like one of those MF'ers ice skating uphill bro.

You wouldn't change these idiots mind if you had a youtube clip of the CEO laughing at consumers in the store after buying a product w/ inflated prices.
[quote name='aznhero913']Some of you guys need to watch CNBC or something.

Who the hell ever thinks the public response isn't the PRIMARY reason to set a certain price needs to STFU about any sort of monetary issue.

No matter how much it costs to manufacture the console the money is in the games, DL content, and licensing.
Xbox took a major loss w/ every unit sold of the original unit. No one thought that console would make it. Now Sony is fighting tooth and nail w/ Microsoft and are adopting the same philosophy.[/QUOTE]

Well said. Microsoft needed to make its way into the market, and made a good wager, and like I said earlier, I'm sure the fact that it has other sources of revenue made the losses much easier on them. It's all about the long-term/presence.

Edit: Just read Altanis' post, dropping this topic now (after this post). No need for flaming by either side, by the way, and @confoosius, greedy CEOs who predict a high demand @ that price and hoping to milk price-drops would probably say something akin to that.

I have a tire, it's a revolutionary tire with a lot of demand. It costs me $25 to make a tire. Do I sell it originally @ $50 and get 1,000 customers, or do I sell it @ $100 (still much lower than other tires) and get 700? Hell, even selling it to half of the people as the first scenario would make the seller make just as much, and you can lure even more customers in by dropping it to the first scenario's price. Nintendo wins, and that's not even factoring in the perceived supply shortage. Everyone knows rarity drives up price.

Sony and Microsoft (having to compete with Nintendo's "value", but appealing to the mature, more financially sound gamer) take an entirely different approach, simple as that.
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[quote name='aznhero913']

Now you provide evidence and they claim it has no merit.

Why don't you go ahead and translate that japanese bloomberg article. Let me know where he actually says it.
[quote name='confoosious']The market determines the price. (Collusion and monopolies aside.) That's basic econ, isn't it?

But what head of a company says "Well, we were gonna make it lower but the response was so great, we increased the price." ?
[quote name='gindias']:applause:[/QUOTE]

[quote name='BobbyTastic']Lol, priceless. Good job sticking it to the nay-sayers.

I'm not surprised they did that (like with the Pokemon bundle I ranted about this morning), just more surprised they admitted it. :p I believe that companies do minimize the profit margin to compete though, (especially with Nintendo, the supposed price floor) but they obviously do have SOME wiggle room (remember the Sony PS vs. Sega Saturn anyone?) and not just because of time (increasing efficiency/lowering costs/increased revenue) but there's no need to throw an incentive this early on, that way it can only get more appealing value-wise, from launch. However, the general idea is that when you know you're going to sell a lot of units, you decrease the price, but when you have people eating of the palm of your hand like with 3DS, they're not only probably limiting the supply, they're driving up the price. It's the Wii all over again, I really hope Sony has a competitive price point.

Edit: Apparently a lack of sources put this in the realm of assumptions. Still believe it. It all goes back to the "Nintendo only deals in video games, while Sony/Microsoft have other backings, and can take a short-term loss in the video game dept."[/QUOTE]

[quote name='TylerDurden313']Pwned... and they can't take it Ha[/QUOTE]

Thank you, thank you, I'm here until the 6th. And then I'm playing Pokemon.

[quote name='confoosious']Yeah... I don't see where in Bloomberg article he actually said prices were raised because of the enthusiastic response.

Goddamn that's some irresponsible reporting by GI. (And of course, everyone takes it as fact.)[/QUOTE]

Hm. You can read the original Bloomberg? I clicked through the link to andriasang and when I click on the Bloomberg link all I see is a bunch of squares. That tells it's probably in Japanese. You speak Japanese?

On a now related note. Just what the hell do I have to download so I properly see Japanese characters on my computer?
[quote name='aznhero913']Nintendo never said they were going to lower it and then decided to raise it.

I didn't mean "make it lower" to mean to reduce the price. I mean make it lower as in to set initial pricing at a lower level.

"[quote name='a_dirty_Shisno']Nope. But I do know that Nintendo upped the price on the 3DS because everybody absolutely wanted it and even told reporters that if everyone hadn't reacted so positively to it it would've been cheaper.


If you watch CNBC, you must have some idea of how business works. Would any business tell consumers that they "upped the price" because everyone at E3 loved the product? (Even if it were true?) Hey, maybe they do things much differently in Japan.


I know a little japanese. Enough to get me in trouble. If you use translators like babel fish and google, you can stitch together most of that article. I seriously can't find where he said that. Now, if someone knows japanese fluently and can find that quote, we can all go home.
[quote name='confoosious']I know this. You know this. Everyone with any sense knows this. (Not that they were gonna lower it but that there was an original price that was raised.)

But yet, this is what A Dirty Whatever implied:


If you watch CNBC, you must have some idea of how business works. Would any business tell people that they "upped the price" because everyone at E3 loved the product? (Even if it were true?)[/QUOTE]

*sigh* Meant to drop it, butttttttttttttttttt.... I can see them saying it without really saying it as a kind of slip, and it could go either way. Might be simple mistranslation, might be assumptions, or maybe it was even said to indicate the exact opposite (as in, they're raising prices to keep up with the demand by having higher console profits to finance a bigger operation after what happened with the original release of the Wii), but my point is that it's probably 1000% true whether they said it or not.

Edit: Agree with the fact that Nintendo has most of the market in handhelds, since it shares the same kind of marketing/appeal as the Wii and Microsoft doesn't even have a player in that scenario, and Sony (incorrectly, imo) has been and probably still is aiming for a niche of "hardcore"/financially blessed gamers who want to carry around a tiny PS2/PS3.
[quote name='BobbyTastic']it's probably 1000% true whether they said it or not.[/QUOTE]

I don't disagree with that. That's business. You'd do the same thing. Your stockholders/board would demand you do it.

But there's no way* he said it. That's why I called bullshit on a dirty shisno.

*surely there's someone who reads japanese here to prove me wrong?
** sorry to hijack kmart thread :)
[quote name='d3vanj']
  • :ps3: 2-22 Killzone 3 20,000 SYWR Points ($20)
I bought KZ3 from K Mart today, and they had to ring it up to tell me if I would get the $20 credit, and they rang it up, and I did not get it, so I returned it.[/QUOTE]

stupid question but did you have a sywr cards and used it? did you op in to receive emails from kmart?

p.s. all this talk about that damn Nintendo 3ds hurting my head :drool:..
[quote name='confoosious']I don't disagree with that. That's business. You'd do the same thing.

But there's no way* he said it. That's why I called bullshit on a dirty shisno.

*surely there's someone who reads japanese here to prove me wrong?
** sorry to hijack kmart thread :)[/QUOTE]

It's cool, I did the same thing this morning with my rant, but I got gobbled up when I did it. ;_;
What I'm getting from this is that if people didn't respond favorably to it at its reveal, they would have tinkered with it and reduced its features until it could be produced at a lower price point. To me, this seems reasonable and realistic, especially for Nintendo.
The 3DS price point was all over every gaming site during and after E3. The public response was so overwhelming that they knew they could come out with a higher price point and sell it. Go dig up any article on any gaming site. I clearly seen this on IGN GI and kotaku that I remember. I mean really its basic common sense anyways. They need to generate as much money with launch prices before they start issuing price drops down the line and breaking even or taking losses and then working on software sales as a source or profit.
[quote name='DPsycho']What I'm getting from this is that if people didn't respond favorably to it at its reveal, they would have tinkered with it and reduced its features until it could be produced at a lower price point. To me, this seems reasonable and realistic, especially for Nintendo.[/QUOTE]

That certainly makes more sense than "you loved it, we raised the price."


Ugh. fucking GI and their bullshit lazy journalism. Here's what Iwata actually said:

"While it is always better for the price to be as accessible as possible, in terms of its cost, and in order to make a healthy and sustainable business for both the hardware and the software, and given the positive reactions since E3, which give us the indication on how the public are likely to appreciate the value of Nintendo 3DS if they can have hands-on experiences and, above all, by taking other factors into careful consideration, we have concluded that we should propose this price point to our consumers."

He's JUSTIFYING the price of the 3DS at 25000 yen ($299) because of the strong reception at E3. He didn't say they "upped" the price because of the reaction at E3. Sorry Dirty Shisno, you were lead astray by some shitty "reporting".
[quote name='confoosious']I don't disagree with that. That's business. You'd do the same thing. Your stockholders/board would demand you do it.

But there's no way* he said it. That's why I called bullshit on a dirty shisno.

*surely there's someone who reads japanese here to prove me wrong?
** sorry to hijack kmart thread :)[/QUOTE]

Hey, hey, there. You shouldn't call bullshit on me. I'm just the messenger. A messenger who delivered a message that was apparently messengered to a messenger by a messengered messenger who put out an APB on a message that may have been incorrectly recorded down in the original messenger's message.

I think it's a little funny how all this arguing started over profit margins. It must be like Thanksgiving Dinner at Activision.

[quote name='DPsycho']What I'm getting from this is that if people didn't respond favorably to it at its reveal, they would have tinkered with it and reduced its features until it could be produced at a lower price point. To me, this seems reasonable and realistic, especially for Nintendo.[/QUOTE]

I can agree on that.
[quote name='Scorch']For the record, I never said I didn't believe him. I just said I'd like to read the article. Thanks for providing it.[/QUOTE]


And your welcome.
Yeah, you were technically right. I can admit that. The article did exist. But the article is wrong.

What's sad is that some asshole at GI completely misinterpreted what was said and now everyone thinks Nintendo actually told the world they raised the price on the 3DS because everyone received it so well.

What we can all take way from this is that Game Informer sucks balls.
[quote name='confoosious']Yeah, you were technically right. I can admit that. The article did exist. But the article is wrong.

What's sad is that some asshole at GI completely misinterpreted what was said and now everyone thinks Nintendo actually told the world they raised the price on the 3DS because everyone received it so well.

What we can all take way from this is that Game Informer sucks balls.[/QUOTE]

Did you really expect anything better from the magazine bundled with GameStop's discount card? :p Lolol, it's one step away from @Gamer.

Speaking of taking shots, that Activision joke was pretty good.
[quote name='confoosious']Ugh. fucking GI and their bullshit lazy journalism. Here's what Iwata actually said:

"While it is always better for the price to be as accessible as possible, in terms of its cost, and in order to make a healthy and sustainable business for both the hardware and the software, and given the positive reactions since E3, which give us the indication on how the public are likely to appreciate the value of Nintendo 3DS if they can have hands-on experiences and, above all, by taking other factors into careful consideration, we have concluded that we should propose this price point to our consumers."

He's JUSTIFYING the price of the 3DS at 25000 yen ($299) because of the strong reception at E3. He didn't say they "upped" the price because of the reaction at E3. Sorry Dirty Shisno, you were lead astray by some shitty "reporting".[/QUOTE]

Since this thread stopped being about Kmart deals awhile ago, I'll just jump in and point out that Game Informer never wrote that Nintendo "upped" the price.
[quote name='salty tbone']Since this thread stopped being about Kmart deals awhile ago, I'll just jump in and point out that Game Informer never wrote that Nintendo "upped" the price.[/QUOTE]

Huh. You are right. So are we back to calling Shisno a dumbass again? :lol:


In any case, for the record: No nintendo executive ever said the price was raised on the 3DS because of the great reception at E3. That's the bottom line. You guys can suss out who is to blame for spreading that crap.
[quote name='salty tbone']Since this thread stopped being about Kmart deals awhile ago, I'll just jump in and point out that Game Informer never wrote that Nintendo "upped" the price.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I was about to mention this as my hopefully final comment on this topic. It wasn't GameInformer's statement. It was Adriasang's. I did some more googling and everyone else just linked back to Adriasang or linked to someone who linked to Adriasang. Someone even linked back to GameInformer!

I even tried googling for a reporter that was actually there besides Bloomberg but all that came up were dozens of squares. :)
[quote name='confoosious']Huh. You are right. So are we back to calling Shisno a dumbass again? :lol:


In any case, for the record: No nintendo executive ever said the price was raised on the 3DS because of the great reception at E3. That's the bottom line. You guys can suss out who is to blame for spreading that crap.[/QUOTE]

You never called me a dumbass... yet.
[quote name='a_dirty_Shisno']You never called me a dumbass... yet.[/QUOTE]

hah. You understand though that no nintendo executive ever said what you thought right? We can take pitchforks to adriasang (whoever that is.) if you'd like.

By the way, whats with all the sycophants who were so ready to latch onto your balls cause they thought you were right and I was wrong? Do you already have a fan club here or do they just hate me?
Probably the latter, generally because a select few call out people on their opinions in here almost all of the time, and generally the opinion makes the person insane or whatever.

Edit: As for me, I sided with Shisno because I agreed/thought it was possible, but it seemed the majority disagreed to the point where Shisno was insane or whatever.
I never thought he was insane. I just thought he was wrong.

And then he provides one link that doesn't actually prove him right and everyone jumped on board. "pwned" ":applause:" yeah, whatever.

[quote name='confoosious']hah. You understand though that no nintendo executive ever said what you thought right? We can take pitchforks to adriasang (whoever that is.) if you'd like.

By the way, whats with all the sycophants who were so ready to latch onto your balls cause they thought you were right and I was wrong? Do you already have a fan club here or do they just hate me?[/QUOTE]

I still have not seen the original Bloomberg (stupid squares) but I can't read much Japanese anyway. I'd be stuck with loose translations and misinterpretations, but that's what got us into this mess anyways.

Adriasang was the source used in the GameInformer article and I already long since closed the tab and don't know if I'm spelling it right.

I think they just hate you. Hasn't it always been that way. Well at least until Altanis became the unofficial KMART representative. :)

Bonus Point: I thought we were done. Why do you feel the need to know whether or not I believe one way or another?
[quote name='BobbyTastic']Edit: As for me, I sided with Shisno because I agreed/thought it was possible, but it seemed the majority disagreed to the point where Shisno was insane or whatever.[/QUOTE]

The salient point: "Kmartgamer is pleased to announce that from March 6th through the 12th, with every in-store purchase of Pokemon Black you can receive 50% off Pokemon White. Both are regularly priced $34.99."

well done

inevitable question: What if I buy Pokemon White, can I get Pokemon Black at half price? (Just say yes, Josh and avoid the math...)

also - I know this should go without saying but perhaps you should change the wording so that both games have to be purchased together. I know. I know.
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Nintendo will also be releasing an Limited Edition DSi Pokemon White and Black Bundle for $179.99. With every in-store purchase of this bundle you can receive any other Pokemon game for free!

The DSi bundle offer cannot be combined with the Pokemon software offer listed above. The offer is limited quantites and while supplies last.
I was hoping it'd be a deal like this! Awesome deal, will be picking up my copy of Black and my friend will be getting White and we'll split the difference.
[quote name='SHC-Gamer']Nintendo I guess has some strict branding rules on Pokemon so I wasn't able to include Megatim's cool combo art. Check it out at:[/QUOTE]

Sold x 2.
(Just the games)

I guess, because of the way the deal is worded, Nintendo expects to sell more Black than White.

Do you know how many is supposed to be at each store? And I assume that the number of Black copies vs White copies will be identical?
Sweeeeeeet! I knew it (@ B1G1 Half Off)! Way to not disappoint Josh. ^_^
As for the other deal, I don't know what to make of it, honestly, makes biting the bullet on the DSi bundle a lot easier.
The base price of the DSi would be $110, if only it was an XL... ;_;

I think Black probably sold more copies in Japan OR they expect the City to appeal more to Americans than the Forest, which it does to me. (I'm picking up Black.)
[quote name='confoosious']I never thought he was insane. I just thought he was wrong.

And then he provides one link that doesn't actually prove him right and everyone jumped on board. "pwned" ":applause:" yeah, whatever.


You don't have to apologize for telling off the whiners, that's completely different. It's not about him being wrong, it seemed like the lot of you thought he was ridiculous.
Oh yeah....

And it was posted at midnight. (EST)

So take THAT whoever-it-was-who-said-it-wasn't-gonna-happen! Who care's that I'm PST, I'll still revel in this.

P.S.: I'm not trying to start another war. I'm just laughing at the irony!
Eh, if I didn't have a better deal at Amazon, I'd be all over K-Mart's B&W deal. Still might make it out there for the Homefront deal and hopefully some 3DS game deals.
I was only going to grab White, but count me in for both now.

I tend to buy the one that seems like it will be less popular. Makes for easier trades in the long run. I was correct in getting Pearl and Silver last generation.
[quote name='JustYourAverageJoe']*ahem*

Nailed it!

Not sure I'll get it though. I haven't bought a Pokemon since Gold. (Not HeartGold, Gold.) So... it's been a while.[/QUOTE]
Thanks!!! I was hoping it wasn't a dead give away since I ran the same offer LY.
[quote name='BobbyTastic']Sweeeeeeet! I knew it (@ B1G1 Half Off)! Way to not disappoint Josh. ^_^
As for the other deal, I don't know what to make of it, honestly, makes biting the bullet on the DSi bundle a lot easier.
The base price of the DSi would be $110, if only it was an XL... ;_;

I think Black probably sold more copies in Japan OR they expect the City to appeal more to Americans than the Forest, which it does to me. (I'm picking up Black.)[/QUOTE]

Yup. This is exactly why I'm getting Black for myself. I considered getting White when I learned that the black legendary was in it, but once they revealed Black City and White Forest, I knew I had stick with Black. If it was Black City and White City then maybe, but a forest is not going to sell me.

I just reasoned out that once the inevitable Pokemon Grey/Gray (however you like to spell it) comes out I'll get my black Legendary then. It'd probably have both the City and Forest too.
[quote name='SHC-Gamer']Thanks!!! I was hoping it wasn't a dead give away since I ran the same offer LY.[/QUOTE]
*whistles* :D.

It wasn't actually all that obvious, apparently.
[quote name='a_dirty_Shisno']Yup. This is exactly why I'm getting Black for myself. I considered getting White when I learned that the black legendary was in it, but once they revealed Black City and White Forest, I knew I had stick with Black. If it was Black City and White City then maybe, but a forest is not going to sell me.

I just reasoned out that once the inevitable Pokemon Grey/Gray (however you like to spell it) comes out I'll get my black Legendary then. It'd probably have both the City and Forest too.[/QUOTE]

There's a huge debate about the existence of Grey/Gray, but yes, it looks more than likely that's how it'll turn out. :p

Also, I wasn't around here last year, so I wouldn't have known. Sounds like I missed out on a sweet offer though, my brother pre-ordered his from GS and didn't even get the figure. :/
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