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Yeah I'm unemployed myself but I think that'll change once I obtain my license though I'm a full time college student so finding time to manage classes and a job will most likely get tough
rofl @ new prize

lmao! i wonder if that'll fit on my cat lol, oh and my black controller arrived yesterday ordered on 3/30, and my palates bands arrived yesterday too, um ordered..3/07 i think
[quote name='rustyrage']rofl @ new prize


Oh hohohooooo crap, I'm gettin that.

[quote name='irishsoccermbw']Also, should I order Too Human or save for a few more days to get Lost Oddessey?[/quote]

I would say save up for Lost Odyssey. I rented it about a week ago but didn't have the time to finish it so I'm hoping I can save up for it before it gets taken off. Too Human would be something you just grab because you have extra points.
Hoping I won't become unemployed due to LSC... I sit in front of the computer all day at work and I have 4 PCs at my desk. I work on my laptop and use remote desktop in my secondary monitor to run LSC and anagramssolved on 2 of the other computers while I work. I always max out either 2 or 3 accounts while I'm working.
[quote name='Tricky']Coleman Camping Lantern for 1,000 Tickets


Yeah, I had to snag one of these at that price. I have a feeling it'll shoot up to like 5k soon.
Would be cool if someone had a website with the real pictures of some of these prizes so you can see if they are worth it or not.
I have been saving for a extra xbox...hoping for one with hdmi...and now all these great prizes have been coming on...ordered 3 360games and the lantern lol...there goes all my points doh!
This is pretty cool. Seems like I will get enough points to get something I want much faster than swagbucks. I actually like the chickenary(or whatever it's called) game, they had that exact game in Bully.

I'm wondering, how long does it take to reach 1000 in a day? I got to about 270 in 2-3 hours.
[quote name='Tricky']Coleman Camping Lantern for 1,000 Tickets[/QUOTE]
Thx for the heads up on the new prize.
Looks like it might be one of Coleman's lil 6-inch lanterns.
[quote name='NoDAK']Thx for the heads up on the new prize.
Looks like it might be one of Coleman's lil 6-inch lanterns.[/quote]

It went up to 5850 already do they honor it if ya get it for 1000? or cancel and make ya reorderz?
[quote name='muzras']It went up to 5850 already do they honor it if ya get it for 1000? or cancel and make ya reorderz?[/QUOTE]

They honored my basketball for 1k before it shot up to the price its at now, so they should honor this.
[quote name='Tricky']Coleman Camping Lantern for 1,000 Tickets


Just ordered one of those lamps I bought one a couple years ago and love it. They come in handy during power outages, and of course camping too... :)

I really really really wish i could have caught it at 1k :(
[quote name='muzras']It went up to 5850 already do they honor it if ya get it for 1000? or cancel and make ya reorderz?[/QUOTE]
Wow, that's a serious increase. For that much it'd better be a full-size Coleman lantern.

Like mrmagoo said, people who ordered items like the basketball or the xbox controller before the price hikes got them for the original prices.

I just noticed they have doggie T's on there. :lol: Are those new?
Does anyone know if any of the t-shirts have "Live Search Club" plastered anywhere on them like the other prizes? I might order a couple if they don't, specifically the green and red ones.
[quote name='Tardcore']Does anyone know if any of the t-shirts have "Live Search Club" plastered anywhere on them like the other prizes? I might order a couple if they don't, specifically the green and red ones.[/QUOTE]

LIVE SEARCH CLUB is on the left breast. I have 4 out of the 5 tees. (i still need to get the "city green one")
[quote name='conchopearl']I grabbed the lamp before it went up (whew) :)

Mr. Magoo, how big is the one you bought?[/QUOTE]

SMALL....BUT very bright and very useful.

"NODAK" quite a few posts up mentioned the 6 inch one, i doubt that this is the six incher VERY much because it takes 4 D batteries which leads me to believe its alot like mine (which also takes 4 D's) The little 6 inch ones i have seen takes AA batteries.
However mine is a "pop up" one. this one looks like its not cabable of "popping up" or down...LOL

This is is identical to mine (except mine is yellow)

Also, coleman products are REALLY well made. I have bought that cheap walmart brand camping equiptment "ozark trail" before and nothing lasted past 1 camping trip. Coleman products last a VERY long time.
Ordered Too Human today, hopefully they'll decided to just ship my Black Controller and Too Human together, since I ordered them both not too far apart.
[quote name='LegendK7ll3r']Ordered Too Human today, hopefully they'll decided to just ship my Black Controller and Too Human together, since I ordered them both not too far apart.[/QUOTE]

Good luck with that theory....Let us all know how that turns out :)

I have ordered (and received) quite a few things through LSC and never have they combined shipping. Granted it would probally save them a great deal of money, but i wouldnt hold my breath....LOL
[quote name='Tardcore']Does anyone know if any of the t-shirts have "Live Search Club" plastered anywhere on them like the other prizes? I might order a couple if they don't, specifically the green and red ones.[/quote]

I ordered the brown ringer tee, the blue live & let live tee and the green "find ireland" shirt (the latter two for my bro). The ringer doesn't have it (it does fade out very quickly and isn't too bright to begin with), the other two don't have them either to my knowledge. If they do, they're not as pronounced as it seems the newer shirts are.

If any of the older ones are in your size, I'd recommend getting them. The ringer is marked Distinct Threads, but it basically identical to a Utility ringer I just bought for a quarter (in cut and color... likely the same manufacturer)
I finally got around to opening my XBox that was shipped last week. I ordered a few of the games LSC offers since I didn't previously own an XBox, but had not pulled the trigger on the racing games. Imagine my surpise when I opened the box and saw that it came with Forza 2 and a game called Marvel Ultimate Alliance. I would have been pretty pissed if I had spent 5k on Forza and ended up with 2 copies.

(no HDMI port)
[quote name='']How many tickets does everyone get a day and how long does it take?[/quote]

If I just go at it, I can max out at 1,000 points in about 2-2.5 hours.
[quote name='ohram']Isn't that against the rules? Sorry if I'm mistaken.[/quote]

Nope! Per reply #3 here:

Need Help?

The Sites all CAGers use is Anagramssolved

This site has answers for pretty much every game on the site.

Can I be banned for using that site?
No you cannot. Since you still manually have to enter the search, LSC will still get a search off you and will still reccieve a search off it, so they will not care. The only way you can get banned is if you use a bot, which will result in your account being zeroed. Even using the autotyper function for Flexicon on anagramssolved is okay to use.
So get crackin'!
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Flexicon takes like 1.5 to 2 hours to max out. That's how it is for me, and it's probably like that for most people, unless there's some secret technique I don't know about.

The anagram games take around 1 hour to max out.
[quote name='free_willy']I finally got around to opening my XBox that was shipped last week. I ordered a few of the games LSC offers since I didn't previously own an XBox, but had not pulled the trigger on the racing games. Imagine my surpise when I opened the box and saw that it came with Forza 2 and a game called Marvel Ultimate Alliance. I would have been pretty pissed if I had spent 5k on Forza and ended up with 2 copies.

(no HDMI port)[/quote]

You got games? Must've been one of the leftover specials. :bomb: Nah, I'm just glad mine hasn't RROD'ed. I really need to work on getting a second so I can trade it for a better HD. Oh, and check the demos on yours... if they're the same as mine, Burnout Paradise should be installed. It was really fun racing game, if you're into those. I need to get around around to tryin Forza.
[quote name='mrmagoo1974']The little 6 inch ones i have seen takes AA batteries.[/QUOTE]
Hmm...I could have sworn that the compact/personal models (4" - 6") required 4 D's, but it's been a very long time since I shopped for a lantern so...
[quote name='rustyrage']im pretty sure he's talking about using the auto-typer which i though lsc could ban you for using it...[/quote]

I've used it for nearly all of my Flexicon games and had gotten all of my prizes. I guess it's OK since they still get search hits.
Has the search engine below the game said "forbidden" for anyone? It wasn't doing that, then started suddenly yesterday and is still doing it, what's going on?
[quote name='']Has the search engine below the game said "forbidden" for anyone? It wasn't doing that, then started suddenly yesterday and is still doing it, what's going on?[/quote]

Assuming you are playing either at work or school behind a firewall it might be that your network admin just added that url to their blocked list. It could be that they saw the spike in traffic to that frame given that it causes a search every few words and they decided to block that particular url...

I don't know why else you might see something like that. What's the full message?
[quote name='']Has the search engine below the game said "forbidden" for anyone? It wasn't doing that, then started suddenly yesterday and is still doing it, what's going on?[/quote]

Never seen it.

But then, I Adblock the search frame because it annoys me. As the other poster said, it's probably a proxy server trashing your search responses. I wouldn't worry too much about it affecting your play or them negating your orders.
My North Face backpack was delivered signature required!! I was worried because UPS would have delivered it while I was at school, thus unable to sign for it. The shipping label did however mention "Signature Required" on it, so the UPS guy probably just got lazy :p

Here's some pics for references:

[quote name='EchaniDrgn']Assuming you are playing either at work or school behind a firewall it might be that your network admin just added that url to their blocked list. It could be that they saw the spike in traffic to that frame given that it causes a search every few words and they decided to block that particular url...

I don't know why else you might see something like that. What's the full message?[/quote]

I'm playing it at home, so it's not that, my firewall is zonealarm.

Here's the full message:

"Forbidden You don't have permission to access /results.aspx on this server."

I wouldn't worry too much about it affecting your play or them negating your orders.
It doesn't bother me either way, but since the whole purpose of the games is for each word to do a search and make money for the company, I'm worried they will disqualify me.
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I just ran into a capcha in the search part. It said to do it so that it knows it is a human using the search. (Not word for word)
[quote name='NoDAK']Hmm...I could have sworn that the compact/personal models (4" - 6") required 4 D's, but it's been a very long time since I shopped for a lantern so...[/QUOTE]

LOL my friend, you and I might be talking about different "little" models. The one I was talking about is small enough to hang from the top middle INSIDE of your tent, and is about the size of a can of soup and takes AA batteries.

The one I have and the one being offered by LSC now (both take 4 D batteries) would rip your tent down if you tried hanging it up INSIDE....LOL
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