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[quote name='']How does everyone that does this everyday and maxes out there tickets make this more bearable? At first I was okay, but after just a few days of doing this, it's becoming hard to make myself max out my tickets everyday.[/quote]
I have been doing Picture This with the two user trick, so I max out in about 40 minutes. I rarely do it all at once, and when I do play, I always have some music going.
[quote name='']How does everyone that does this everyday and maxes out there tickets make this more bearable? At first I was okay, but after just a few days of doing this, it's becoming hard to make myself max out my tickets everyday.[/quote]

Music definitely helps. I find that doing 500 right after the rollover and the rest the next day before the next rollover makes it more bearable. I also do my second account while watching the baseball game so it goes by pretty quickly.
[quote name='']How does everyone that does this everyday and maxes out there tickets make this more bearable? At first I was okay, but after just a few days of doing this, it's becoming hard to make myself max out my tickets everyday.[/QUOTE]

I have been doing this for around 300 days now and i have not missed 1000 points a night yet! When i do it i ALWAYS have my headphones on, music helps alot. What I WONT do is have TV or any other distraction around me, because then it will take MUCH longer to finish, its way to much of a temptation to look up from the computer screen if anything else is going on around me. It takes me anywhere from 1 and 1/2 to 2 hours a night (depending on what game I play) to get the 1000 points.

I understand what your feeling though, when i first started about 300 days ago I was first off leary that this was one big scam and I would never get any prizes that i ordered, and I was also afraid that I would put a ton of time into the games then all of a sudden have LSC pack up shop and shut down. So to answer your question, what is it that keeps me going and takes away the boredom? Here it is......

Once you get your first prize, you will be surprised how unbelievably motivated you will become. It was very rough the first couple months or so till the UPS man first pulled into my driveway, but once I got that first prize in my hand (I believe it was the keyboard/mouse combo) I never questioned anything again. At 8pm EST every night I am logged on to LSC ready to knock out 1000 points no matter what. Give yourself a little time and you will be hooked too..... one of us, one of us, one of us, one of us...........
I watched the clock while playing Spelling Bee today. It took me 50 minutes to max out.

I like to leave the TV on and daydream/think while playing. I usually do 30 minutes straight to get around 600 points. Then the remaining 400 I just do whenever I have time and usually in 10 minute sets.
it takes me from 45 minutes to an hour to get 1000 pts playing spelling bee depending on how destracted i am watching a tv show
[quote name='winterice']Just use chicktionary for all 3.[/quote]

Thanks never saw that before, and has anyone ever had an issue getting their prizes using the autotyper for spelling bee/chicktionary it seems to be going really fast (alot faster then using flexicon).
How do you guys finish spelling bee so quickly? The anagram games always take me forever, way longer than flexicon.

with anagramssolved
[quote name='Whirly']How do you guys finish spelling bee so quickly? The anagram games always take me forever, way longer than flexicon.

with anagramssolved[/quote]

I don't think there is a secret or a developed anagram technique; it's just typing. I like to type at a moderate speed to keep a smooth rhythm and avoid captchas. I think I type around 40 wpm while playing Spelling Bee.
When doing the Spelling Bee is it legal to use an anagram solver? Seems like if it is, then there's really no need to ever play any of their other games. lol
[quote name='dragoon99']Yeah it's fine to use anagram solver for spelling bee or the others.[/quote]

I know it seems like I'm beating a dead horse with these questions, but have people used the auto-typer on spellibg bee and gotten their prizes? (rather than just pick the answers off the site and typing them in)
[quote name='irishsoccermbw']I know it seems like I'm beating a dead horse with these questions, but have people used the auto-typer on spelling bee and gotten their prizes? (rather than just pick the answers off the site and typing them in)[/quote]

Actually the Auto-typer is a bot similar to what the title of this thread discourages the discussion and use of.

In response to your question, I have a friend that has played over 700,000 tickets worth of the anagram games with the auto-typer and he has received everything he has ordered. If you get caught using it they have every right to revoke your tickets, but he hasn't lost a single ticket yet.

I personally just type in my words, it's helped my typing skills immensely. And I can tell you all the combinations of words made from ATE very easily. :p
Remember those IWG I was talking about on the previous page. Today was a glorious day where I won an xbox 360 limited edition terminator console from the slurpee instant win game. Much better than the one that LSC would give you. I'm telling you guys, play instant win games and you will see results that are much better than what LSC will give you. If you're new to LSC, give it a few months and you'll see what I mean.
[quote name='EchaniDrgn']Actually the Auto-typer is a bot similar to what the title of this thread discourages the discussion and use of.


Actually at the bottom of the third post in this thread it says:

"Can I be banned for using that site?
No you cannot. Since you still manually have to enter the search, LSC will still get a search off you and will still reccieve a search off it, so they will not care. The only way you can get banned is if you use a bot, which will result in your account being zeroed. Even using the autotyper function for Flexicon on anagramssolved is okay to use."

So the autotyper isn't discouraged.
[quote name='iiinightmar3ii']Remember those IWG I was talking about on the previous page. Today was a glorious day where I won an xbox 360 limited edition terminator console from the slurpee instant win game. Much better than the one that LSC would give you. I'm telling you guys, play instant win games and you will see results that are much better than what LSC will give you. If you're new to LSC, give it a few months and you'll see what I mean.[/quote]

Congrats :) but doing LSC while watching baseball games or whatever is better then doing nothing.
I know it better than doing nothing, but the word games get so tedious that eventually you will want to stop playing LSC and the instant win games are the next best thing.
[quote name='']Actually at the bottom of the third post in this thread it says:

"Can I be banned for using that site?
No you cannot. Since you still manually have to enter the search, LSC will still get a search off you and will still reccieve a search off it, so they will not care. The only way you can get banned is if you use a bot, which will result in your account being zeroed. Even using the autotyper function for Flexicon on anagramssolved is okay to use."

So the autotyper isn't discouraged.[/quote]

From the FAQ on
Is it permissible to use bots, macros or other automated programs to play the games in Live Search Club?

No, it is not. See the Microsoft Terms And Conditions.
Terms and Conditions
You must not use any bot, macro, cheat code or other automated way to participate in Activities or the Program or to earn tickets.

The autotyper may be permissible per the third post in this forum, but it is still automatic. Thus the "Auto" in the Auto-typer. I'm not judging anyone that chooses to use this as a buddy of mine has been very successful in getting prizes this way. I simply choose to do it their way.

Manually entering the search versus manually entering each word is a big difference.
[quote name='iiinightmar3ii']I know it better than doing nothing, but the word games get so tedious that eventually you will want to stop playing LSC and the instant win games are the next best thing.[/quote]

i use to do both instant win contests and lsc......after 3 months nothing won from instant contests lol, but i've gotten over 8-13 things from live search. I still do instand wins every now and then, but concentrate on lsc more
[quote name='solid-alchemist']i use to do both instant win contests and lsc......after 3 months nothing won from instant contests lol, but i've gotten over 8-13 things from live search. I still do instand wins every now and then, but concentrate on lsc more[/quote]
Different things work for different people. I used to do LSC heavily, meaning I maxed out 1000 tickets every day, but now I only do about 200 tickets a day or so. I have lost motivation. If they changed the games to something a little more bearable I would consider going back to my previous ways, but right now LSC just isn't worth it like it used to be especially with all the rule changes.
Can somebody tell me why getting the Windows 360 controller is preferable over the other two? Maybe update the OP with this info too, as it seems like something other people may like to know without digging through 270+ pages of this thread.
The windows 360 controller comes with this USB receiver(don't know what it's officially called) that allows you to use the controller for your computer.
From my knowledge, I think the windows controller is the exact same as the other one, except it also has compatibility with the pc.
[quote name='winterice']The windows 360 controller comes with this USB receiver(don't know what it's officially called) that allows you to use the controller for your computer.[/quote]
Ah, yes. I thought perhaps it also came with a usb charge cable; thanks for the clarification.
[quote name='Whirly']From my knowledge, I think the windows controller is the exact same as the other one, except it also has compatibility with the pc.[/quote]

All 360 controllers are compatible with your PC. You just need the wireless gaming receiver that comes with the games for Windows controller or is $20 by itself or by using a wired controller.
The USB dongle that comes with the 360 controller for Windows supports more than one controller at a time also.

So, if you order one of those and a regular 360 controller, you can play two player games on your PC. It's nice if you have a PC connected to your TV which I do.

As for what I do while playing games...
I often watch movies through Netflix. I have two monitors so I can drop the Netflix window on one side and only half pay attention to it. I watch a lot of documentaries so I don't really have to watch what's going on. I just listen mostly.
[quote name='ohram']Ah! One of the prizes vanished? Anybody know what it was?

EDIT: Looks like it was some of the workout equipment.[/quote]

it was the resistance band things, but i think they've been gone for a couple days now. what i do while doing live search is talk on the phone or listen to music. tv usually distracts me too much lol

EDIT: 2574 beat me lol
i should try something like that, but this summer I plan to power through it daily, and depending on how quickly it is going, maybe multi account it.

just confirming, the auto typer is banned right? And say you get caught for it after you order prizes/receive them. Can they ask for the prizes back and/or cancel orders?
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[quote name='Whirly']i should try something like that, but this summer I plan to power through it daily, and depending on how quickly it is going, maybe multi account it.

just confirming, the auto typer is[]/u] banned right? And say you get caught for it after you order prizes/receive them. Can they ask for the prizes back and/or cancel orders?[/quote]
Auto typers/bots are prohibited by LSC. They say that they can determine whether someone's botting but I don't think too many have gotten caught. LSC DOES have the right to reset ticket accumulations as well as cancel orders.
I haven't played this in a couple months. I was wondering if there have been any new rules changes or anything else interesting? I'm debating getting back into this. I'm just wondering if it is worth my time. I've gotten my 360 and my zune. I don't really think there has been much else I've wanted, except for the camera they had a long time ago.
[quote name='The93owner']Auto typers/bots are prohibited by LSC. They say that they can determine whether someone's botting but I don't think too many have gotten caught. LSC DOES have the right to reset ticket accumulations as well as cancel orders.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Whirly']just confirming, the auto typer is[]/u] banned right? And say you get caught for it after you order prizes/receive them. Can they ask for the prizes back and/or cancel orders?[/quote]
I didn't quite read the question clearly and seem to have mis-answered. I really don't think Microsoft will realize AFTER they send the prize out, and even if they do, they probably won't take the time to track you down and repo your prize. hahah
[quote name='Whirly']just confirming, the auto typer is[]/u] banned right? And say you get caught for it after you order prizes/receive them. Can they ask for the prizes back and/or cancel orders?[/quote]

They reserve the right to cancel your orders for any reason whatsoever, particularly if they suspect that you are using any sort of automation.
Does anybody else have the anti-bot/letter confirmation thing pop up frequently when playing Chicktionary? I seem to get it at least once per puzzle, and I swear I'm not typing fast at all. Kinda unsettling:whistle2:(
[quote name='Dendaman']Does anybody else have the anti-bot/letter confirmation thing pop up frequently when playing Chicktionary? I seem to get it at least once per puzzle, and I swear I'm not typing fast at all. Kinda unsettling:whistle2:([/QUOTE]

you must be typing REALLY fast, dude. i usually get one of those things every 3 or 4 games, and i thought i typed fast.
[quote name='Dendaman']Does anybody else have the anti-bot/letter confirmation thing pop up frequently when playing Chicktionary? I seem to get it at least once per puzzle, and I swear I'm not typing fast at all. Kinda unsettling:whistle2:([/QUOTE]

I stopped playing Chicktionary because of that. When LSC switched it to the "winter" version, they changed the timing where the confirmation pops up faster than it did before. Word Slugger and Spelling Bee still pop up at the old rate.

I type somewhere in the 80 - 100 WPM range and have to only somewhat restrain myself on WS and SB. I have to type so slow in Chicktionary, it's like I'm moving in slow motion.
[quote name='solid-alchemist']i've got to many others do more than one account a day?[/QUOTE]

Since I play at work, and I use the *gasp* autotyper, I max from 2-4 accounts per day (2 at a time in remote desktop windows). I spend my time in front of 3 or 4 PCs all day, mostly watching tests run against our company's applications, so I've got a lot of time to kill and I've found some ways to minimize the interactions I have to take with the autotyper. I've also altered the original windows scripts from anagramssolved so that they don't type too fast for chicktionary.
[quote name='solid-alchemist']i've got to many others do more than one account a day?[/quote]

I just recently started using multiple accounts since my main one is basically maxed out. I have a second and third account so I can do 1000 a day on Flexicon and a fourth I'm doing 500 a day on so I get a total of 2,500 tickets per day.
[quote name='solid-alchemist']i've got to many others do more than one account a day?[/quote]
I have 3 accounts, but my main one is done first and than the rest after and if I can max out cool but if not is ok to.
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