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[quote name='EchaniDrgn']Anyone received anything ordered after 4/11? They were doing really good at getting stuff shipped a month after they were ordered and now I've stopped getting shipping emails. They could just be out of stock on some stuff, but most of the stuff I'm lagging on are big ticket items. Curious if I'm the only one or if others have seen a similar increase in shipping time. I'm even waiting on some 1000 ticket items. Wondering if I got flagged or something with no notice. I know previously people that were flagged had their account ticket balance cleared out. I still have all my tickets so I'm think I'm OK...

Any thoughts?[/QUOTE]

Yep, ordered a Habu mouse on 4/14 and it showed today! :bouncy:
[quote name='zhirin']I just got some titleist golf balls that I didn't order. It came by USPS.[/QUOTE]

I actually ordered some and I am waiting on them :( But I am patient and it has not been that long, so i understand.
[quote name='free_willy']I got a shipping notice for golf balls on 5/11, but haven't received them yet. Ordered 4/10 and shipped by Mail.[/QUOTE]

Takes a while by mail I received golf balls 10 days after I got the shipping just be patient they shall come
I'm starting to get in a routine with this now. It's starting to bother me less and I'm able to get done pretty fast most of the time. I'm still a little impatient though. I still have about a month and 3 weeks minimum until I have enough tickets for an Xbox 360 and I'm ready to have it already.
[quote name='rustyrage']no word on my 360 still ordered 4/4[/QUOTE]
I hope I get mine in about a month after I order it, that would suck if I put so much time into the account and don't get the 360 :drool:
Just got a UPS shipping confirmation on my Black 360 Controller. Ordered on 4/16, and will be delivered on 5/21. It says a signature will be required though, never had to do that before with Club Live, but oh well, I just hope they deliver it before I have to go to work.
[quote name='rustyrage']no word on my 360 still ordered 4/4[/QUOTE]

it takes a month for 360's rusty i would email them cuz if u have not received it by now its not coming
that's pretty lame since i did it everyday for about 2 months and 1-1.5 hours each day..
i did not use bots or macros either. i sent them a message, hopefully i get a response.
Ordered a 360 controller for Windows on 5/3.

I know it's way too soon for myself, but just as a general question: has anyone gotten the Windows 360 Controller here, yet?
[quote name='AngrytigerP']Ordered a 360 controller for Windows on 5/3.

I know it's way too soon for myself, but just as a general question: has anyone gotten the Windows 360 Controller here, yet?[/QUOTE]

The waiting game sucks, but as others have said don't worry until a month passes. If you did it legit....or remotely legit you will get your stuff :)
[quote name='irishsoccermbw']The waiting game sucks, but as others have said don't worry until a month passes. If you did it legit....or remotely legit you will get your stuff :)[/QUOTE]

Oh, I know the wait is long -- my older bro used to do this before he went off to college (he may still be doing it, idk), but yeah, it would take months. I'm well-aware of it.

I just want to know if the 360 Controller for Windows is too good to be true or not, or if MS cops out and ships wireless 360-only controllers with apologies. (Hell, I'd take a wired controller instead. I just want something I can connect to my computer so I can play Halo PC with an Xbox controller).
[quote name='conchopearl']I got the umbrella today. It came by USPS. The shipping notice came 5/5 and it just got here.[/QUOTE]

When did you order and did you order before or after the ticket increase?

I ordered one of the umbrellas on 4/3 and I still have no idea if it's coming or not and that really worries me because I just ordered the Office 2007 software on that same account. I've only ordered from that account 3 times before, an Xbox 360 System, a Journal & Pen and Forza 2 which I've already received. The last thing I ordered on that account before Office was Forza 2 on 4/1 the shipping e-mail came on 5/1 and that arrived via UPS on 5/5.

BTW: I ordered the umbrella when it was still 1000 tickets.
[quote name='rustyrage']no word on my 360 still ordered 4/4[/QUOTE]

People in other forums have found that many items from 4/3-4/11 are missing shipping emails and were never sent... Not all, but some. Hopefully we see our prizes, but I doubt it :cry:
A question to those who got Vista for resale. How did you get the LSC sticker of the packaging? I'm thinking about going for a Vista to sell off, but I want to know if it's possible to get the sticker off without leaving any marks.
[quote name='dragoon99']A question to those who got Vista for resale. How did you get the LSC sticker of the packaging? I'm thinking about going for a Vista to sell off, but I want to know if it's possible to get the sticker off without leaving any marks.[/QUOTE]

Here's how I do it. Don't laugh it works.

Lotion and air freshener. Put some lotion on the sticker and spray a bit of air freshener. Start picking at it til it comes off easily. I then use a towel and start rubbing off the residue out til it's gone.
[quote name='dragoon99']A question to those who got Vista for resale. How did you get the LSC sticker of the packaging? I'm thinking about going for a Vista to sell off, but I want to know if it's possible to get the sticker off without leaving any marks.[/QUOTE]

I peeled all of the paper off and then used an eraser to get the glue off. Just keep rubbing the eraser on it and the rubber with mix with the glue. It will all come off together and will look like it was never there.
[quote name='Negra3060']Use goo gone, or the eraser trick might work. Also usually tape will pick up most of the leftover paper and glue.[/QUOTE]

+1 to the Goo Gone suggestion. It is the greatest product ever for removing sticker residue. It makes all your Live Search Club products look like new.
[quote name='Negra3060']When did you order and did you order before or after the ticket increase?

I ordered one of the umbrellas on 4/3 and I still have no idea if it's coming or not and that really worries me because I just ordered the Office 2007 software on that same account. I've only ordered from that account 3 times before, an Xbox 360 System, a Journal & Pen and Forza 2 which I've already received. The last thing I ordered on that account before Office was Forza 2 on 4/1 the shipping e-mail came on 5/1 and that arrived via UPS on 5/5.

BTW: I ordered the umbrella when it was still 1000 tickets.[/QUOTE]

I ordered it 4/3 same as you. I got it when it first showed up.
Don't worry. It will come. As most here will tell you LSC shipping is very erratic.
[quote name='TehMuff1nM4n']Or you could just go over it with a hairdryer for around a minute or so, then it comes up easy.[/QUOTE]
Agreed, although I use an actual heat gun. Use some heat, and you won't have to worry about removing any glue at all.
[quote name='8ball305']I got :
Yoga Mat

Anyone seen these yoga mats in person? are they any good? (non slippery? how thick are they?)

This might actually save me some $$$ :applause:
I've found that creamy peanut butter works as a goo gone substitute if you don't have any.
[quote name='silverjojo08']I've found that creamy peanut butter works as a goo gone substitute if you don't have any.[/QUOTE]

1. spread peanut butter on residue
2. let dog lick peanut butter/residue mixture
3. hope the glue was non-toxic
The easiest way to remove it is to first peel as much of the sicker off until you get to the sticky residue. Then use some tape (preferably something strong like duck tape) and dab the surface repeatedly. The sticky residue on the tape will pick up everything within in few minutes.
Easiest way is buy some goo gone. That will make it come off so easy! I had one on vista ultimate, use the goo gone on the sticker and let it soak for a few mins. Than took about 3 mins to get it all off. Looked like it was never on there. I picked it up at my local dollar tree store. GREAT INVESTMENT!
I don't think you'll need anything to remove the sticker. I just tried it right now and the sticker came off easily with almost no residue. There was only one small spot of residue and I just used my saliva and thumb to wash if off. It's most likely because the cardboard flap in the back where the sticker is on, has a very shiny/plastic/laminate feel and look to it. Just peel on one corner first and slowly peel back. It only took me a minute, maybe less, to do it.
[quote name='keamster']Easiest way is buy some goo gone. That will make it come off so easy! I had one on vista ultimate, use the goo gone on the sticker and let it soak for a few mins. Than took about 3 mins to get it all off. Looked like it was never on there. I picked it up at my local dollar tree store. GREAT INVESTMENT![/QUOTE]

Goo gone is the best thing since sliced bread. And it smells good too, I have to fight myself not to drink it everytime I use it :D
[quote name='mrmagoo1974']Goo gone is the best thing since sliced bread. And it smells good too, I have to fight myself not to drink it everytime I use it :D[/QUOTE]

HELL YEAH! When i get my hands all dirty from working on my car, i use goo gone and it is like a miracle cleaner. My hands look and smell fresh and clean. 1 bottle has lasted me over a year. Still have more than half.:booty:
[quote name='Negra3060']DO NOT USE NAIL POLISH REMOVER!!! The acetone will make the plastic go from shiny the matte as soon as they touch.[/QUOTE]

That's why if you do use nail polish remover, use a non-acetone one. Acetone remover is for fake nails to weaken the plastic.
Isn't that fraud? A mod should delete that, as I don't really think that is allowed to be discussed here.


reported to the mods. mail fraud is illegal.
[quote name='SlammedNiss']Isn't that fraud? A mod should delete that, as I don't really think that is allowed to be discussed here.


reported to the mods. mail fraud is illegal.[/QUOTE]

Can you explain to me how getting around Live Search Club restrictions constitutes Mail Fraud?

I'm interested, as I truly don't understand how or why what he said would be considered Mail Fraud at all.

Edit: I just want to point out that it is certainly against CL's ToS, but Mail Fraud?
I thought the apartment trick [adding a random letter or number] didn't work anymore, when I started live search in feb, many told me it didn't work anymore so thats why i use relatives/friends
[quote name='Qwerty80']Can you explain to me how getting around Live Search Club restrictions constitutes Mail Fraud?

I'm interested, as I truly don't understand how or why what he said would be considered Mail Fraud at all.

Edit: I just want to point out that it is certainly against CL's ToS, but Mail Fraud?[/QUOTE]

Because you're using a fraudulent address to obtain goods. Would they do anything about it? Probably not. Do I want to be the person to find out? Probably not.

Mail fraud refers to any scheme which attempts to unlawfully obtain money or valuables in which the postal system is used at any point in the commission of a criminal offense.
[quote name='SlammedNiss']Isn't that fraud? A mod should delete that, as I don't really think that is allowed to be discussed here.


reported to the mods. mail fraud is illegal.[/QUOTE]

What a tool.


Huge tool.

Really though just send stuff to friends/family and if you don't have anywhere to send extra stuff to, getting free stuff from should not be your highest priority.
[quote name='irishsoccermbw']What an awesome guy.


He's got a Huge tool.

If we're allowed to talk about mail fraud, what's stopping us from talking about return fraud, which is clearly stated that it's not allowed in the thread's title.
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[quote name='SlammedNiss']Isn't that fraud? A mod should delete that, as I don't really think that is allowed to be discussed here.


reported to the mods. mail fraud is illegal.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='irishsoccermbw']What a tool.


Huge tool.

Really though just send stuff to friends/family and if you don't have anywhere to send extra stuff to, getting free stuff from should not be your highest priority.[/QUOTE]

I thought that's what EVERYBODY did--send additional prizes to addresses of family and friends. I usually send the first prize to my home address and the additional ones to alternate addresses (multiple prizes mostly for family/friends to keep as a "thank you" for letting me use their addresses in the first place). :)
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