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[quote name='kaydensmom69']everyone who received them spoke poorly of them. they're cheap chinese made sunglasses, riddled with broken english. they said they're made from cheap plastic, so avoid those at all costs. the gawdiness of them alone should deter you.[/quote]

Actually, even the name of them is in Engrish. They aren't "sunglasses". They are MP3 "sunglass". singular.

Not coincidentally, if you search for 'MP3 sunglass', you'll find this page,

There's tons more sites with these cheap knock-offs out there.
Get a backpack and a t-shirt or just save your tickets.
Bigger pic of the backpack...

/bandwidth hog
What ever happened to halo 3 and gears of's been over a month and a half and still no sign of these prizes I hope club live starts shipping again
[quote name='postaldude12']What ever happened to halo 3 and gears of's been over a month and a half and still no sign of these prizes I hope club live starts shipping again[/quote]

read your order confirmation email...8-12 weeks. It's been 6 since it came out although I'm with you that I hope they ship stuff out soon.
[quote name='louiedog']SWM looking for a transgendered who is "down for whatever," and I love the way silk feels on my taint. ;)[/quote]what's this all about dude? lol

edit: okay, that makes more sense now.
[quote name='kaydensmom69']what's this all about dude? lol

edit: okay, that makes more sense now.[/quote]

Well, the cat's out of the bag. Might as well ask... does anyone in this forum fit that description? I'm lonely and willing to trade tickets.
[quote name='louiedog']SWM looking for a transgendered who is "down for whatever," and I love the way silk feels on my taint.[/quote]

[quote name='kaydensmom69']what's this all about dude? lol

edit: okay, that makes more sense now.[/quote]

Actually there is a cap for the number of tickets you can get from each game. The caps that I have hit are as follows.
Chicktionary: 22899
Spelling Bee: 22953
Word Slugger: 22937
This is enough to get an Xbox 360 plus 13789 tickets.

If you hit this cap you can start up another account with another email address. From what I can tell they will only send one prize to each address, but I didn't see it say only one account per address.
[quote name='EchaniDrgn']Actually there is a cap for the number of tickets you can get from each game. The caps that I have hit are as follows.
Chicktionary: 22899
Spelling Bee: 22953
Word Slugger: 22937
This is enough to get an Xbox 360 plus 13789 tickets.

If you hit this cap you can start up another account with another email address. From what I can tell they will only send one prize to each address, but I didn't see it say only one account per address.[/quote]

This is completely new information to me thanks so much :D LOL
[quote name='louiedog']edit: nevermind, wrong thread.[/QUOTE]

LOL...wrong thread? Yeah I'd say that, infact this begs the there such a thing as a right thread for that question? :)
[quote name='louiedog']Well, the cat's out of the bag. Might as well ask... does anyone in this forum fit that description? I'm lonely and willing to trade tickets.[/quote]LMAO that's the greatest reply that anyone could ever have come up with. Jesus would be impressed. willing to trade tickets, lol, genius.
Looks like they added a new background scene to the site. I was viewing the site and was randomly asked to take a survey.
I took a screen shot of one of their new ideas they might implement. Just a heads up.


EDIT: And if they do a raffle type prize system the next page said they would get rid of having a set amount of tickets used to purchase prizes. That would suck for me because I just passed the halfway mark for the 360.
Well, that sound horrible.

I can't say that I'm shocked though. I was a regular at which they destroyed and eventually euthanized. Of course I was also on Frequent Shopper when they shut that down.

Microsoft, is there anything that you can't f'up?
if they make it a raffle system wow they will have effectively killed club live i mean come on thousands of tickets to get a shot at a prize pass
i could seee them doing it anyway no matter what the votes are why they would stop the botters from getting prizes saving them hundreds of thousands of dollars if not millions
[quote name='killer9']i could seee them doing it anyway no matter what the votes are why they would stop the botters from getting prizes saving them hundreds of thousands of dollars if not millions[/quote]
It would also kill all the search hits they have been getting that we have been providing them. No way people are going to stick around for that.
Has anyone run into a problem with a prize from Live Search Club, more specifically, the Xbox 360? When I got mine, it had some sort of sticky residue all over it, and some actually in the CD tray door. I was able to clean it, and the unit works fine, but I only noticed today that the controller that was packaged with it was sticky too. Tried cleaning it as well, but two of the buttons stick. Xbox Live refused to help, as far as they are concerned, it was purchased in November 2007, and the warranty expired in November 2008.
I would try emailing Club Live about it and if they won't do anything, then just open it up and try cleaning everything. Maybe check to see if there are any tutorials or anything online first, but it probably isn't too hard to open one up just to clean the casing and buttons.
[quote name='YouDummy']Has anyone run into a problem with a prize from Live Search Club, more specifically, the Xbox 360? When I got mine, it had some sort of sticky residue all over it, and some actually in the CD tray door.[/quote]that must have been the one i sent back to microsoft. i was playing Dead or Alive Xtreme a lot at the time, my bad. hope you can get the stink off your fingers.
[quote name='killer9']i could seee them doing it anyway no matter what the votes are why they would stop the botters from getting prizes saving them hundreds of thousands of dollars if not millions[/quote]

I'm just shocked that they are even asking. They certainly never asked our opinion of the changes at Jellyfish. In fact, one of the first things they did was disable the 'live help' system. We still had the member chat but, for the most part, we were just preaching to the choir; members bitching at other members. It was a great community until MS rode into town.

Maybe they just want to give the impression that they give a s***. More likely, they are trying to gauge the impact of a decision like this. I can answer that for them. Much like other things on the Internet, 10% of users are responsible for 90% of the activity. So, I'd guess that 90% of the searches on LSC are generated by 10% of the users.

Go ahead. Take away their incentive to continue. MS will just end up buying another start-up in an effort to gain marketshare, gut it, and ultimately render it useless.

MS is getting to a point where they have to make a choice. Either pick a product and commit to it or give up on search engine marketshare entirely.

[quote name='YouDummy']Has anyone run into a problem with a prize from Live Search Club, more specifically, the Xbox 360? When I got mine, it had some sort of sticky residue all over it, and some actually in the CD tray door. I was able to clean it, and the unit works fine, but I only noticed today that the controller that was packaged with it was sticky too. Tried cleaning it as well, but two of the buttons stick. Xbox Live refused to help, as far as they are concerned, it was purchased in November 2007, and the warranty expired in November 2008.[/quote]

I agree with the other poster in saying that these are refurbished units. The other night I went looking through my Xbox's hard drive and found that it came with a game and several trailers already on it. They didn't even take the time to reformat the drive... I'm not really complaining since it's free and all, but this is kinda sloppy.

I'd suggest that you try to contact Live Search Club Customer support, but I've never gotten an email from them that even suggests they read my question.

Sorry to be a downer, but I'd suggest you try looking for cleaning supplies and such on eBay or of the like. Since the warranty is over opening it won't hurt you.
i suggest u trade it in for about 130 dollars with edge card at gamestop then spend about 80 90 bucks to get a new arcade with 1 year warranty and 3 years for rrod
[quote name='EchaniDrgn']I agree with the other poster in saying that these are refurbished units. The other night I went looking through my Xbox's hard drive and found that it came with a game and several trailers already on it. They didn't even take the time to reformat the drive... I'm not really complaining since it's free and all, but this is kinda sloppy.

I'd suggest that you try to contact Live Search Club Customer support, but I've never gotten an email from them that even suggests they read my question.

Sorry to be a downer, but I'd suggest you try looking for cleaning supplies and such on eBay or of the like. Since the warranty is over opening it won't hurt you.[/quote]

Um... all new 360s have games and trailers loaded onto them to get you started. I got a new 360 from Dell, and Hexic, a bunch of online demos, and trailers for games (that are already out) came with it.
[quote name='VioletArrows']Um... all new 360s have games and trailers loaded onto them to get you started. I got a new 360 from Dell, and Hexic, a bunch of online demos, and trailers for games (that are already out) came with it.[/quote]

Hmm, that's interesting. I didn't expect to see the free game on it but not advertised. Nice to know that maybe the one i got wasn't a refurb.

Thanks for the info.
[quote name='kaydensmom69']that must have been the one i sent back to microsoft. i was playing Dead or Alive Xtreme a lot at the time, my bad. hope you can get the stink off your fingers.[/QUOTE]

Bravo! I tip my hat to you sir! :applause: :applause:
[quote name='EchaniDrgn']I agree with the other poster in saying that these are refurbished units. The other night I went looking through my Xbox's hard drive and found that it came with a game and several trailers already on it. They didn't even take the time to reformat the drive... I'm not really complaining since it's free and all, but this is kinda sloppy.

I'd suggest that you try to contact Live Search Club Customer support, but I've never gotten an email from them that even suggests they read my question.

Sorry to be a downer, but I'd suggest you try looking for cleaning supplies and such on eBay or of the like. Since the warranty is over opening it won't hurt you.[/quote]
Nah, I realize that it was going to be a refurb, but usually when you get a refurbished item, they take the time to clean it. I actually got a warm blooded response from Live Search Club, and they are looking into it.

[quote name='kaydensmom69']that must have been the one i sent back to microsoft. i was playing Dead or Alive Xtreme a lot at the time, my bad. hope you can get the stink off your fingers.[/quote]
I thought it tasted familiar...
[quote name='guyonfire89']why is it still "snowing" on the website. It's March[/quote]
I had to shovel my driveway last week, so it's unfortunately still topical.
[quote name='guyonfire89']why is it still "snowing" on the website. It's March[/QUOTE]

On the top of the page where is says "LIVE SEARCH CLUB" there was a flower growing yesterday to symbolize spring, but now its back to winter today....
I played the new spring version of Chick yesterday, but the puzzles never saved and I never got tickets for them... bet they are just working out bugs.
[quote name='mrmagoo1974']On the top of the page where is says "LIVE SEARCH CLUB" there was a flower growing yesterday to symbolize spring, but now its back to winter today....[/quote]

Club Live must be located in the midwest. :cold:
DaftPunkFan, u da bomb!!!!!!!!!!

One question - I'm playing chitictionary game thingy and it frequently comes up with the "enter this word to confirm" or whatever. Is there any way to avoid that?

I'm 265/55,000 for a 360. OH YEAH!!!!!

Just to make sure, yall did get your prizes right?
[quote name='Default09']DaftPunkFan, u da bomb!!!!!!!!!!

One question - I'm playing chitictionary game thingy and it frequently comes up with the "enter this word to confirm" or whatever. Is there any way to avoid that?

I'm 265/55,000 for a 360. OH YEAH!!!!!

Just to make sure, yall did get your prizes right?[/QUOTE]

type slower, if you enter words too fast it'll keep asking you confirm
[quote name='Oktoberfest']type slower, if you enter words too fast it'll keep asking you confirm[/quote]

Okay, that seems to work.

I'm now 510/55,000 of the way there.

PS. What happens if I get that "Grand Master Bronze" trophy thingy?
[quote name='Default09']PS. What happens if I get that "Grand Master Bronze" trophy thingy?[/quote]

nothing. You get the trophy image under "My Trophies"
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