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[quote name='guyonfire89']has anyone received a zune lately? I ordered mine on 2-12[/quote]

i ordered one on 2/10 i believe and got it 2 weeks ago
[quote name='jlewis13']i ordered one on 2/10 i believe and got it 2 weeks ago[/quote]did you receive a shipping email prior to getting the prize?

edit: also, have you guys been typing in that extra captcha that they've added which shows up in the search field of the window at random points?
[quote name='rustyrage']I was viewing the site and was randomly asked to take a survey.
I took a screen shot of one of their new ideas they might implement. Just a heads up.

EDIT: And if they do a raffle type prize system the next page said they would get rid of having a set amount of tickets used to purchase prizes. That would suck for me because I just passed the halfway mark for the 360.

I just got that survey and I indicated that the sweepstakes is a bad idea. On the page before that I elaborated on how I'd recommend LSC to other based on the newer prizes, games, promotions, etc. that had occurred in the past 30 days, and specifically because the site hasn't dramatically changed.

I just hope they get the hint.
Bah, no word whatsoever on the Soundbag I ordered 2/14 or the SIGG Bottle from 2/24. Did anyone who got either of these receive any confirmation?
I just ordered a 360 and finished with my first main account. Guess I'll have to create another.

Also, it said 6-8 weeks instead of the usual 8-12, so I guess they're shipping faster now?
[quote name='killer9']faster my ass ordered halo 3 and gears of war jan 29 still nada 44 days its been[/quote]

Yeah it's the only prizes that I haven't received yet, but everything else I ordered has shipped out.
[quote name='YouDummy']Nah, I realize that it was going to be a refurb, but usually when you get a refurbished item, they take the time to clean it. I actually got a warm blooded response from Live Search Club, and they are looking into it.

I thought it tasted familiar...[/quote]

what did they say?
[quote name='killer9']faster my ass ordered halo 3 and gears of war jan 29 still nada 44 days its been[/quote]

44 days= 6 weeks not 8-12..hold your horses
I know it can be annoying but it does say 8-12 weeks
[quote name='blackdarkeye']what did they say?[/quote]
Just that, they are looking into it.


This is in response to your email regarding Live Search Club.

Thank you for contacting Live Search Club Support. In order to better assist you, please provide us with your Xbox console serial #, the Customer Support Ticket # you received when you contacted Xbox Customer Support and the name of the person you spoke with. Once we receive this information, we will forward it to our Management Team for further research.
I've been told that the new 360s are more reliable so that might be a good idea. I don't have the patience for selling online or anything so I just went for the 360 and I'll send it in when it RRODs. Depends on how you feel about it, though.
so i took the 360 i got from club live to trade it in and it red ringed i bring it home it works fine god gamestop employees are garbage this lady probably didnt know what she was doing
[quote name='silverjojo08']I've been told that the new 360s are more reliable so that might be a good idea. I don't have the patience for selling online or anything so I just went for the 360 and I'll send it in when it RRODs. Depends on how you feel about it, though.[/quote]

How long did it take to ship?

And what's the warranty you got with it?
[quote name='killer9']you get no warranty they are 360's from 2006 and they may still be covered by 3 year red ring warranty but not for long[/quote]

That's not good.
[quote name='killer9']you get no warranty they are 360's from 2006 and they may still be covered by 3 year red ring warranty but not for long[/quote]
Exactly. Refurbished or not, they ARE NOT worth getting for the price they want.
[quote name='kaydensmom69']have you guys been typing in that extra captcha that they've added which shows up in the search field of the window at random points?[/quote]`
oh man, sooo close to getting the 360. 19,000 more tickets to go :D I don't really care that its refurbished. As long as it works then I don't care.
[quote name='kaydensmom69']`[/quote]
not if it pops up in a game.. but when im using the live search toolbar i do. must be a bug with the new stuff they are adding in when it comes up during the games.

lol alchemist im 19,949 away :D and thats all i care about too that it works
[quote name='Default09']How long did it take to ship?

And what's the warranty you got with it?[/quote]

I haven't gotten it yet. Only ordered it yesterday. But from what I understand, it'll just be the RROD warranty.
Based on the replies here, it seems like the 360 may not be worth the effort. I'm currently sitting at 37,000 and was going to just keep pushing but now I'm not sure. Should I get it and trade it in, grab Vista, or go for Office which, if it's Academic, might not do so hot on eBay. Thoughts?
[quote name='rustyrage']not if it pops up in a game.. but when im using the live search toolbar i do. must be a bug with the new stuff they are adding in when it comes up during the games.

lol alchemist im 19,949 away :D and thats all i care about too that it works[/quote]

Lol, i just wanted one so that I could play halo and all of the games on the 360 that I've been missing out on, and to play with my friends on it. So close that the anticipation is killin me lol. I just hope that the site doesn't turn into a raffle site like that survey was suggesting. I still haven't found the survey though, it never popped up.
Is voting negative really such a good idea? If MS finds LSC doesn't increase Live Search usage and people's opinion's of it, they might just shut it down. I just got the survey and I answered pretty honestly, but made it sound like LSC makes me happy to use LS.

Also, in the one comment box they give you, I said that Microsoft Live Points would be the way that I'd most likely suggest the site to friends. Man I want those MS live points...

I also love how they used Word Duel tournaments as an example of new game features, has there been a Word Duel tournament yet? If so, I'm missing out, cause I kill at Word Duel.
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Have any of you noticed when you go to live search club, the front page causes IE or firefox to use 99% of your CPU? It was only the front page. When I went to the prize page, it went down to normal levels. I reformated my computer a couple weeks ago and this was the first time I had gone to LSC since doing that.
I answered on the 3 account negatively towards if they make it sweepstakes and will not use their site anymore if they do that.

Basically making comments for more prizes, getting teh prizes to us faster, and require less time to max out tickets daily.

I also said tehy were my number one use of search give tehmz a pump up, when it was really googizzle;)

Just answer you will leave them if they make getting prizes hard to get, and you will play a lot moarz if they make them easy to get and have good stuffz. :D
[quote name='erehwon']Have any of you noticed when you go to live search club, the front page causes IE or firefox to use 99% of your CPU? It was only the front page. When I went to the prize page, it went down to normal levels. I reformated my computer a couple weeks ago and this was the first time I had gone to LSC since doing that.[/quote]

It's Adobe Flash causing the problems. Specifically it's the stupid carousel with the game logos - if you hover over any game the CPU usage will drop a bit.
Alright gurus, what's the fast track to a 360. I'm still really far away and some of the posts have me concerned about whether or not I should go for a 360.
[quote name='beatmania666']2 "big ticket" prizes are gone.....the backpack that was up on Friday, and what else....?

Let's hope this means new ones today ;-)[/quote]
The drill, I believe...
[quote name='NathanScott']It's Adobe Flash causing the problems. Specifically it's the stupid carousel with the game logos - if you hover over any game the CPU usage will drop a bit.[/quote]

Adobe sucks, flash is terrible, is a massive CPU hog, and is almost entirely responsible for Word Duel grinding to a halt after just a few games.
[quote name='steelsmack']The drill, I believe...[/QUOTE]

Pretty sure that the bag replaced the drill, but I could be wrong.

Personally, I'd like to see more KitchenAid stuff put up there (blender/toaster/etc) would be nice to see up there again.
[quote name='beatmania666']2 "big ticket" prizes are gone.....the backpack that was up on Friday, and what else....?[/QUOTE]The MP3 shades?
[quote name='NoDAK']The MP3 shades?[/QUOTE]

Hey that's right! I knew it was something that i didn't give a shit about, which is why I couldn't remember

thanks :bouncy:
[quote name='rustyrage']some words on the anagram site don't work on the puzzles. i just kept typing in random words until they worked[/quote]

I used up all the 5 letter words already.

Well, ecxcept for those 2. I need one of them to work.
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