LOST - The Final Season - LOST Auction Aug 21-22 (Post 1439)

[quote name='Pookymeister']This was also confirmation that Sun was a candidate, right?
We also learned that Hurley can talk to dead people he's never met. I don't think there was anyone else he's talked to that he didn't previously know.[/QUOTE]

We always knew either Sun or Jin was a candidate. Illana (spelling?) didn't know for sure which one it was because she was never told which Kwon to go after. So I don't think that was answered.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']I didn't say it was bad TV. It was great to watch, but what did we really learn about the show? We now know what smashed the statue, and we know where and when Richard is from. Almost everything else that was stated has been pretty much assumed by a lot of people.[/QUOTE]

So because they revealed stuff that people assumed it means we didn't learn anything? I don't get this logic. They revealed a ton of shit and had a great story--something that has been lacking this entire season. This was epic Lost.
I'm just glad we learned some concrete details in this episode. I think we can close the book on whether Flocke is good or evil. Even though we didn't learn what the island actually is, we at least learn of its purpose.

It's going to be a freight train over the next couple of months; I just hope they can keep the story together...
OK people, we are clearly watching Superman III. Jacob and the man in black are the same "person". Jacob is the good side and the man in black is the evil side. That would explain why the methods to kill both are the same, and why they cannot kill each other. This also explains why the man in black does not have a body of his own because Jacob took his body from him or whatever he said. You want to see how this is going to play out? Here you go:

[quote name='javeryh']O That would explain why the methods to kill both are the same[/QUOTE]

But that method didn't work when Sayid tried it on MIB though?
[quote name='munch']The MIB spoke to him before he stabbed him.[/QUOTE]

Didn't Jacob talk to Ben as well before Ben killed him?

I thought this was one of the best episodes of the season. Sure, we may not have gotten any super-amazing revelations, but we got a lot of clarification.

More behind Richard's past, his motives, etc.

Why Jacob let himself be killed by Ben and a better understanding of the relationship between Jacob and the MiB
[quote name='jupiterjones']I was SUPER pumped about the Richard episode. Pretty nonexistant reveals about his life on the island, which is was what I was dying for the most. Bleh.

What exactly did we learn?

I don't know about "Learned", but what we got was a great character piece finally giving some development and backstory to a character who has been without any for three years, along with great music, acting, and directing, and for once some not-terrible CGI.

[quote name='Pookymeister']This was also confirmation that Sun was a candidate, right?

Eh, not really. We basically just know now what most people assumed in Dr. Linus -- that since Illana doesn't know which Kwon is a candidate, she has to protect both.

[quote name='munch']The MIB spoke to him before he stabbed him.[/QUOTE]

I think it's safe to say that "Don't let him talk to you" isn't because talking magically makes them invincible, but that MIB/Jacob are very good at manipulating people to not kill them.
[quote name='Jimbo Slice']
I'm wondering how much Dharma knew this whole time. Think we'll ever find out?[/QUOTE]

Didn't Jacob say nobody comes to the island unless he invites them? I'm guessing Dharma were uninvited guests, hence the Others harassing them so much. But they did have a truce for a while, so it's hard to say. Maybe only the founders were invited? Miles' dad, perhaps?
I think they want us to retroactively see what Richard did. Seems like a lot of the "reveals" are just setup so that the second time you watch through the entire series, you do it with a shit-eating grin knowing all this stuff you didn't know before. Like watching Fight Club or The Sixth Sense for the second time.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']i was a bit disappointed that they focused more on how richard go to the island instead of what richard does on the island.[/QUOTE]

I agree with that. I hope that since he got his first real episode that it will open the door for more explanation of his actual role on the island in the coming episodes.
I don't think it really matters what he's actually done. We know what he was doing (acting as an intermediary), and that he was given eternal life. Minor things he has done don't add a whole ton to the story, though I'm hoping he was involved with some relatively important things we have yet to be shown.
[quote name='plasticbathmonki']I'm just glad we learned some concrete details in this episode. I think we can close the book on whether Flocke is good or evil.[/QUOTE]

I'm not totally convinced on this one. Ever since the possibility of Jacob being evil has been proposed, it's been making me watch the show from a new perspective. Although, when you're specifically looking for something, sometimes you'll find what you want to find. But I felt this episode toyed with the idea A TON. Examples:

1. Jacob told Richard he could live forever if he'd work for him (sounds like a deal with the devil to me)
2. When Richard decided to go with Jacob, he buried his wife's cross necklace.
3. The Man in Black told Richard that he understood..and that Jacob can be very convincing (as can the devil)
4. The Man in Black told Richard if he ever changed his mind, no matter when, he could join him (like repenting in Christianity?)
5. Richard dug up his wife's cross necklace when he did change his mind and decided to join The Man in Black.
6. Hurley said that Isabella told him to not let Smokey leave the island. If he does, they're all going to hell. Obviously, this can be construed as Smokey spreading his evil throughout the world. But I saw it as possibly meaning that Jacob would have full run of the island without Smokey there to keep him in check.

One point my wife brought up though, if Smokey is good, why has he been killing people for 5 seasons? Well, if you buy into the "island is hell" argument, maybe Smokey isn't killing people, but saving them? Whether it's hell or an altered state of consciousness or whatever, maybe what we've seen as "killing" isn't really so. Just some things I've thought of lately. I feel the show is doing an excellent job making both answers seem plausible.

[quote name='javeryh']OK people, we are clearly watching Superman III. Jacob and the man in black are the same "person". Jacob is the good side and the man in black is the evil side. That would explain why the methods to kill both are the same, and why they cannot kill each other. This also explains why the man in black does not have a body of his own because Jacob took his body from him or whatever he said.[/QUOTE]

That's a good idea too. I could see that being possible. I guess it would just make the scenes where they sit and talk to each other a little corny. Still an interesting concept though.
There's only one outcome I want to see of the Jacob vs. Smokey battle. More movies and TV show offers for Titus Welliver. The guy is friggin' awesome. Watch Deadwood and Gone Baby Gone if Lost hasn't convinced you.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']There's only one outcome I want to see of the Jacob vs. Smokey battle. More movies and TV show offers for Titus Welliver. The guy is friggin' awesome. Watch Deadwood and Gone Baby Gone if Lost hasn't convinced you.[/QUOTE]

im not sure what kind of battle youre expecting. im not sure i want a battle, a swift ending to the fight seems apt. i dont need to see 815 passengers in a gun fight with the others while smokey and jacob have a fight.

[quote name='AndrewsAwesome4']I wish they could keep this series going , just like the simpsons.......Just keep em' coming[/QUOTE]

did you hear about the cop spinoff we are going to pitch next fall?
[quote name='n8rockerasu']2. When Richard decided to go with Jacob, he buried his wife's cross necklace.
5. Richard dug up his wife's cross necklace when he did change his mind and decided to join The Man in Black.[/QUOTE]

Those are kind of symbolic. The man in black said Richard could see his wife again if he did something for him. Then, when he got to Jacob, Jacob told him wtf are you spending your time doing that for? You know she's dead, stop wasting your time. The burial of the cross was Richard accepting there was nothing he could do to save her, she was dead and that was final.
[quote name='AndrewsAwesome4']I wish they could keep this series going , just like the simpsons.......Just keep em' coming[/QUOTE]

Remember the second season, when there was no end in sight for Lost, and how everyone was frustrated by how much things were being dragged out and how many filler episodes we were getting? I'd say having an end date for Lost was one of the best things to ever happen to the show, and it's something I continue to hope other television shows start to copy.
I was really impressed by Ab Aeterno, I loved the mythologic angle... Evil/Hell analogy and the fact that the episode was 60% in Spanish (they have a lot of cojones!).
[quote name='Cantatus']Remember the second season, when there was no end in sight for Lost, and how everyone was frustrated by how much things were being dragged out and how many filler episodes we were getting? I'd say having an end date for Lost was one of the best things to ever happen to the show, and it's something I continue to hope other television shows start to copy.[/QUOTE]

I agree with this 100%. I hated Lost's second season and it had no direction at all - setting the end date was the best thing that ever happened. Otherwise they would have dragged out all the events from Season 3 over 5 years and then tryied to cram all the events from Seasons 4-6 into one year when the ratings are in the toilet and the show is being canceled.

I actually think that 99% of all TV shows should be set up to run 3 seasons - uninterrupted - for 16 episodes per season. Map it all out and fill in the blanks as you go. I think this is why The Office and Extras worked so well. All killer, no filler.
[quote name='SIUfan']Finally caught the Richard episode. Best episode this season, if not ever![/QUOTE]

Agreed. Watched it Friday night and loved it. Definitely one of my favorite episodes in the series thus far.
So now sun and Jin have to go to the hospital to meet up with Jack it makes sense.

Did anything happen when Sun looked in the mirror before answering the door in the alt universe? She did like a double take but I didn't notice anything strange. Maybe someone else caught it.
[quote name='KingDox']Did anything happen when Sun looked in the mirror before answering the door in the alt universe? She did like a double take but I didn't notice anything strange. Maybe someone else caught it.[/QUOTE]

I noticed the double take. Maybe she saw the bump she got on the tree in the standard timeline?

Overall, the episode was ok. It definitely wasn't terrible. The most interesting thing Lost has going for it is how they portray good and evil more as shades of grey, at least to me. Widmore is turning out to be a very interesting character for me. Was his reason for trying to get back to the island all his life due to the knowledge he had of the smoke monster, and how he can't be allowed to leave the island? If not, what is his true purpose?
[quote name='KingDox']So now sun and Jin have to go to the hospital to meet up with Jack it makes sense.

Did anything happen when Sun looked in the mirror before answering the door in the alt universe? She did like a double take but I didn't notice anything strange. Maybe someone else caught it.[/QUOTE]

yeah, she had a double take, but i didnt notice what she was looking at or whether or not it was significant.

very glad to see desmond back, hes not a candidate, but hell play a big role. after all, why would widmore go through all the trouble of bringing him.

i assume that widmores people are going to meet up with jacobs/ilians people since its pretty clear widmore is working against locke/smokey. but who knows, maybe hes working with his own interests in mind, after all he was banished from the island (presumably by jacob).
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']but who knows, maybe hes working with his own interests in mind, after all he was banished from the island (presumably by jacob).[/QUOTE]

Jacob never had direct contact with Ben, so if Jacob gave the orders, it would have been via Richard. If that was the case, Richard would have been the one on the dock saying bye-bye Charles, and I do not recall him there. It could have merely been a powerplay on Ben's part to become leader of the others, and not a decree from Jacob.

That would still not answer why he wanted to purge the island. I suppose he just didn't want anybody to leave, since one of them could have been the smoke monster, and killing them would certainly prevent them from leaving. It's also possible that he built up his vast empire in the real world in the name of Jacob, and he has some special kind of mission.
[quote name='Ryukahn']I noticed the double take. Maybe she saw the bump she got on the tree in the standard timeline?[/QUOTE]

That's what I thought. Jack did a similar thing with his appendectomy scar and gunshot wound to the neck, I think? Things that happened on the island
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']i assume that widmores people are going to meet up with jacobs/ilians people since its pretty clear widmore is working against locke/smokey. but who knows, maybe hes working with his own interests in mind, after all he was banished from the island (presumably by jacob).[/QUOTE]

Should be interesting when that happens considering Ben and Widmore's past.
The episode last night almost felt like a filler, no substance.

"I can't feel anything"- As if Sayid had a very big array of emotions before!:roll:
[quote name='ImLuhkee']
"I can't feel anything"- As if Sayid had a very big array of emotions before!:roll:[/QUOTE]

[quote name='billyrox']

Do you mean you are or were you talking about Sayid?
[quote name='KingDox']So now sun and Jin have to go to the hospital to meet up with Jack it makes sense.

Did anything happen when Sun looked in the mirror before answering the door in the alt universe? She did like a double take but I didn't notice anything strange. Maybe someone else caught it.[/QUOTE]

Jack Locke and Ben have all done those weird double takes. Supposedly Jin was setup to do one and missed and some folks on forums are saying that is proof that he is not the candidate.

Then another site says that since Korean woman still use their maiden names that Jin must be the candidate. Personally I'm starting to think their kid is because I think Unlocke would have killed them all and left already if he had all the canidates
[quote name='jlarlee']Jack Locke and Ben have all done those weird double takes. Supposedly Jin was setup to do one and missed and some folks on forums are saying that is proof that he is not the candidate.

Then another site says that since Korean woman still use their maiden names that Jin must be the candidate. Personally I'm starting to think their kid is because I think Unlocke would have killed them all and left already if he had all the canidates[/QUOTE]

Flcoke didn't have all the candidates, he was still missing Jack and Hurley.

Plus, from the looks of things Flocke CAN'T kill candidates.
Maybe there are supposed to be two choices from the candidates. If Jacob is dead someone must replace him. But if Smokey leaves, he probably has to trick somebody into taking his place as well?
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Maybe there are supposed to be two choices from the candidates. If Jacob is dead someone must replace him. But if Smokey leaves, he probably has to trick somebody into taking his place as well?[/QUOTE]

Wow. That's the best idea I've heard yet. Not sure it would explain the whole wine bottle/cork metaphor though.

Interesting thought though...
[quote name='Segasonic01']
desmond! Although I really thought the package was gonna be walt

That's a really good point too. You know, they really made Walt out to be "somebody" in the Lost universe with his premonitions - he was the first I really noticed to have internal supernatural abilities (the rest were seeing visions or dead relatives but Walt seemed to be connected to the island). Now at the end Walt's suddenly cut out of everything...
[quote name='chosen1s']Wow. That's the best idea I've heard yet. Not sure it would explain the whole wine bottle/cork metaphor though.

Interesting thought though...[/QUOTE]

I don't know, just that the whole series has stressed good versus evil (all the way back to Locke teaching Walt how to play backgammon...the first of many black versus white symbolism) and the balance between them (the literal balance with the white and black stone). The bottle just represents Smokey's entrapment because of the balance being even. Neither of them has great power. There's no rampant evil because Smokey is entrapped, there's no flood of good in the world because Jacob is busy guarding over Smokey. That's all assuming you take the easy route and figure Jacob is good and Smokey is evil, which theories keep hinting may not be the case.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']I don't know, just that the whole series has stressed good versus evil (all the way back to Locke teaching Walt how to play backgammon...the first of many black versus white symbolism) and the balance between them (the literal balance with the white and black stone). The bottle just represents Smokey's entrapment because of the balance being even. Neither of them has great power. There's no rampant evil because Smokey is entrapped, there's no flood of good in the world because Jacob is busy guarding over Smokey. That's all assuming you take the easy route and figure Jacob is good and Smokey is evil, which theories keep hinting may not be the case.[/QUOTE]

bread's done