Madden 12 Official CAG League - On official hiatus until Madden 13.

Understandable, I get turned down on a daily basis.

Yeah sprice, if your step bro is interested I wouldn't mind playing him. Playing the Cpu is so boring.
[quote name='Doomtime']Understandable, I get turned down on a daily basis.

And will continue to do so. ;)

Sprice, I'll pm you the password.
Chiefs over Redskins 17-0

Ugly, ugly game. Plenty of defense though. The Redskins executed well and totally shut down the Chiefs offense. All of KC's points came off turnovers on Washington's side of the field.

Matt Cassel 5 of 12 61 Yds 2 INTs
Jamaal Charles 16 att 87 Yds
LaGarrette Blount 5 att 10 yds 2 TD

Brandon Toscano 13 of 26 173 Yds 5 INTs
Chris Cooley 7 rec 90 Yds
[quote name='Doomtime']Chiefs over Redskins 17-0

I've said it before, he's gotten a lot better since he's been in the league.

Speaking of which, Pats-Bills going down now. Pats can clinch a bye with a win!
[quote name='Deuce20602']i know we just advanced but anyone seen or heard from LV lately?[/QUOTE]

He's around. You won't have any trouble getting a hold of him.
[quote name='bvharris']He's around. You won't have any trouble getting a hold of him.[/QUOTE]

cool... just hadn't seen him post in a couple days (i didn't exactly go looking thru the thread) so i wasn't sure what was up
New England Patriots 31 - Buffalo Bills 0

The Patriots hosted the Bills in a typical New England monsoon and took care of business, moving to 13-0 and clinching a first round bye in the AFC ahead of their brutal closing stretch. After a slow start for Colt McCoy and the offense, they turned it on as the game went along. Their defense was dominant throughout, allowing only 64 yards in registering their third shutout of the year despite registering no turnovers.

McCoy went 12 of 18 for 139 yards, 3 TDs and 0 INTs. He started 0-4 before turning it on as the game went along.

Fitzpatrick was 8 of 17 for 54 yards, 0TDs and 0 INTs.

Cobie Ross carried 19 times for 156 yards and 1 TD.

CJ Spiller carried 13 times for 34 yards.

Nick Schexnayder lead the Pats with 5 catches for 61 yards and a TD. Gronk and Roddy White also found the endzone.

Steve Johnson had 3 catches for 26 yards to lead the Bills.

The Pats registered 3 sacks, including one for a safety (by Michael Johnson).

The Bills sacked McCoy once (though in my defense it was on a screen play where Ross slipped and fell, lol).

gg ravenschamp!

The Patriots now have less to play for in their last three weeks (except the chance at perfection of course). I still plan to give it my best against the Chiefs, Texans, and Falcons. Some starters may rest though.
[quote name='DVO21']
but the big winner on defense was isreal with 3 picks 2 tackles 1 INT in the 4th get us back on track for a TD to tie the game and go to OT and a INT in OT. DPOW[/QUOTE]

Looks like you got your wish. ;)

Damn, looks like that was a great game between the Lions and Giants. The G-Men almost pulled off the upset!
lions almost lose... went from number 1 rush d to probly middle of the pack... couldnt stop peterson... i couldnt catch the ball.. bunch of runs with 1 guy getting me to stop a big play.. he userd the d tackle couldnt run up the middle for short conversions... 40 to 35 he called his final time out with 11 seconds left on my 8 yrd line i blitzed everyone and luckilly sacked him before he could throw it... good ass game... i couldnt stop cusing at almost every play lol
[quote name='Doomtime']I'm still waiting to pop the champagne. Maybe next week![/QUOTE]

Likely no Gronk and no Ross, so I'd count on it.
Peterson went off for 362 yds and 3 TDs. I am so pissed, if I wouldn't have let that safety happen I could have at least tied it for overtime. See I don't mind losing games like that, I hate feeling like the game stole a chance at winning. You still went off for like 260+ rushing yards. I guess I shouldn't have went for the pass at the end and just tried running, would have if I known I was going to get sacked lol. I would have enjoyed giving you the first loss of your season.
[quote name='Blade3D']I guess I shouldn't have went for the pass at the end and just tried running, would have if I known I was going to get sacked lol. [/QUOTE]

Tough call. If you run you're only going to get one play off, with a pass you'd get at least too, of course barring the sack. ;)
[quote name='Deuce20602']i need the Falcons to lose sometime in the next 3 games do i can lock up a first rd bye... and i gotta keep winning[/QUOTE]

Looking at his schedule, I'm probably your best shot in Week 17. Then again, that game won't mean anything to me.
[quote name='bvharris']Tough call. If you run you're only going to get one play off, with a pass you'd get at least too, of course barring the sack. ;)[/QUOTE]

I know just saying my run game is much better than my passing, so if that was going to be my last play I would have run it. If only Peterson would have taken that long run all the way there at the end instead of to like the 20-30...

Also, at least I still have a shot at the playoffs lol
[quote name='bvharris']Looking at his schedule, I'm probably your best shot in Week 17. Then again, that game won't mean anything to me.[/QUOTE]

What if you're 15-0, Coach?
[quote name='KasterDB']What if you're 15-0, Coach?[/QUOTE]

I still wouldn't be playing everyone. Anyone with a slightly suspect injury rating is not worth risking it.

That doesn't mean I won't give it my all though, I'm not going to go Full Caldwell. I'm certainly capable of winning with my scrubs, just ask staticz. ;)
I'm immortalizing this moment in time when I finally achieved my long time goal of having the top overall and scoring defense:


Not to mention being within a couple yards of both the rushing and passing D lead.

MA may wrestle the crown back from me this week (though he's playing Pitt, who has a pretty good offense) and even if he doesn't it'll be damned hard to keep given the schedule I've got coming up. But for now, very proud of the D. :D
[quote name='Blade3D']I know just saying my run game is much better than my passing, so if that was going to be my last play I would have run it. If only Peterson would have taken that long run all the way there at the end instead of to like the 20-30...

Also, at least I still have a shot at the playoffs lol[/QUOTE]

i expected the run i got lucky u had no time to throw cus besides me in the middle it was an all out blitz... i didnt know whay to do to stop peterson.. i never expected u to run to start the drive with 1 min left and u went like 60 yrds it was crazy..

1. y-New England Patriots (13-0)
2. Kansas City Chiefs (11-1)
3. Tennessee Titans (9-3)
4. y-Baltimore Ravens (8-4)
5. *San Diego Chargers (9-3)
6. * Houston Texans (8-4)

In The Hunt

7. Denver Broncos (7-5)

On Life Support

8. Miami Dolphins (6-6)
9. Oakland Raiders (6-6)


1. y-Detroit Lions (13-0)
2. Atlanta Falcons (10-2)
3. y-San Francisco 49ers (10-2)
4. New York Giants (5-8)
5. *Chicago Bears (8-4)
6. *Tampa Bay Buccaneers (7-5)

In the Hunt

7. Green Bay Packers (6-6)
8. St Louis Rams (6-6)

On Life Support

9. Arizona Cardinals (5-7)
10. Seattle Seahawks (5-7)
Remaining Games:


So, basically all of them..
[quote name='campbellbj1']How do i get a hold of cheesy dino dale? anyone know? If your here when you wanna get our game in?[/QUOTE]

You can PM him, his CAG name is in the OP. You can also contact Tanabeo if you have trouble getting in touch with him.
[quote name='Doomtime']We gotta play as soon as we advance! Finally get a crack at those Raiders.[/QUOTE]

finally get a chance at the Kc team.. btw greg williams my Dc lol
Well me and pitfall are both pretty busy for the next few days until advance and he offered to let me play a sub. I laid out a list of my limited availabilities and unfortunately none of those worked for him. He said I could play a sub since the game meant a lot more to me...I feel bad but it didn't seem like he minded at all. If someone can sub tonight between 9 and 9:30 p.m. EST, that'd be best for me.
Quit out on yanksrule123. If he's going to throw the ball up 24-3 with 4:00 left in the game, I want no part of it. Think what you want. These are the "classy people" who play in the official league...
I cam out in a run play and he was in a goal line with 4 mins left own my own 20 so i audibled to a pass a threw a touchdown !! It says i can count it !!! .... What to do
Yanks called me and I told him to count it. C'mon N8 you know what audibling from a run to a pass looks like. If you come out with everyone on the line in goal line D, he is allowed to audible to a pass instead of just getting stuffed.

Quitting a league game is the lamest of all things, espescially if you try to snake out of doing something wrong (quitting) by blaming it on your opponents play.
[quote name='Yanksrule123']I cam out in a run play and he was in a goal line with 4 mins left own my own 20 so i audibled to a pass a threw a touchdown !! It says i can count it !!! .... What to do[/QUOTE]

Count it. You deserve the win. I'm just not wasting my time on that garbage. As I said in the XBL message, my controller lagged, and I accidentally selected "FG block" (that late in the game, I usually use "recent plays" to select my plays). Since on your last possession, you scored a TD, the first play was "FG block". My down press didn't register, so I got stuck with it. Not really like one stuffed run would have hurt you. And honestly, a pitch to the outside probably would have had huge results anyway.

But after being "QB sprint backwards" and "HB running backward to the outside" the entire game, it didn't come as a big surprise. Not to mention feeling the need to pause the game to tell me to "kick it", when I had no intention of going for it there. It was a 4th and 4 with 2:18 left in the 1st half, and :24 left on the play clock. I'm not allowed to try to draw you offside, or at worst, get the clock down to the 2 minute warning before giving you the ball back?
[quote name='MasterAwesome']Well me and pitfall are both pretty busy for the next few days until advance and he offered to let me play a sub. I laid out a list of my limited availabilities and unfortunately none of those worked for him. He said I could play a sub since the game meant a lot more to me...I feel bad but it didn't seem like he minded at all. If someone can sub tonight between 9 and 9:30 p.m. EST, that'd be best for me.[/QUOTE]

I don't know what pitfall's record is but I'd be up for it. I haven't played the Ravens in a while. And I will be finishing my game with Deuce right about then. I'll pm you.
i remember being told u can play ur game regardless the score till the 2 min warning.... i would have passed to mayb not.for.the td purposly but ur running a field goal block i aint running it... im gonna run or pass for the first down to continue running the clock....
[quote name='Yanksrule123']Dude i never ran backwards u got beat just calm down i ran all over u where ever i wanted but gg[/QUOTE]

Whatever, man. It's a running style that takes advantage of shit AI who don't understand angles or how to work together to force someone out of bounds. They run straight at you and then you cut around them to the outside. It's a "Maddenism" that works because EA programmers made this game. Same thing with Newton's runs. I tell 2 DE's and an LB to QB contain, and he still gets 15 yards. You're know Madden well. I just don't enjoy games consisting of one person trying to "out Madden" the other person. If you want to puff out your chest and talk shit about it, that's fine. It's a video game.

For those upset by me quitting, I guess I should have just put my controller down and walked out of the room...since that is allowed here.

[quote name='sprice8688']i remember being told u can play ur game regardless the score till the 2 min warning.... i would have passed to mayb not.for.the td purposly but ur running a field goal block i aint running it... im gonna run or pass for the first down to continue running the clock....[/QUOTE]

Well, it was like a 50 yard lob that he just tossed up. He claims he audibled, but he snapped the ball pretty quick (I tried audibling, but couldn't get to a different play in time). Either way, the receiver was on a streak route. I was out of timeouts, so there wasn't much I could do. In retrospect, I probably should have just gone offside, but I wasn't expecting a "go for the jugular" play either. I apologized for quitting, but the message he sent me in the 2nd quarter just rubbed me the wrong way. So, maybe it came off extra douchey because of that. It's fine. He got the win. Like I said, I could have put my controller down or pulled my cord and said " connection died". But I have nothing to hide.
For those upset by me quitting, I guess I should have just put my controller down and walked out of the room...since that is allowed here.[/QUOTE]

Both actions (quitting or leaving the room) should be strikes if you ask me.

Take your beatings like men people!

Or play like me, throw lots of picks, and make the scoreboard infinately worse.
n8, i get irritated by some people's style of play too... the best way to deal is to figure out what u do best on defense and tailor your defense to it. i play pretty good pass d but my run d needs work. i call plays that allow me to take my safety and get to wherever i think the ball is going. anticipation is a large part of defense so i would suggest playing on a LB and expecting to make a play yourself... pick a play where the a LB is covering the RB and that way, the running styles that take advantage of the lackluster AI are somewhat neutralized
bread's done