Madden 12 Official CAG League - On official hiatus until Madden 13.

[quote name='Yanksrule123']Dude i never ran backwards u got beat just calm down i ran all over u where ever i wanted but gg[/QUOTE]

Says the guy that throws a fit everytime I beat you
Haven't been here in a while, but I wanted to just chime in on the recently released NFL schedules. The Jets have a tough draw, but I still think they can win 10 rather easily. I'm counting on a Pats sweep, Miami split, Steelers loss, and then another loss before the bye (my pick: Niners) and after the bye (my pick: Seahawks). I don't think that's overly optimistic, but maybe they can sneak into the playoffs with that record.

Also: HI!
[quote name='Deuce20602']n8, i get irritated by some people's style of play too... the best way to deal is to figure out what u do best on defense and tailor your defense to it. i play pretty good pass d but my run d needs work. i call plays that allow me to take my safety and get to wherever i think the ball is going. anticipation is a large part of defense so i would suggest playing on a LB and expecting to make a play yourself... pick a play where the a LB is covering the RB and that way, the running styles that take advantage of the lackluster AI are somewhat neutralized[/QUOTE]

I appreciate the advice. His "running all over me" is a bit of an exaggeration though (if it were true, why pass up by 21 with 4 minutes left in the game?). He had 141 yards on 21 carries...56 of which came from 4 runs by Newton. I felt pretty good limiting his run was just plays that would be 1-2 yards would go for 6-7 due to the angles taken. And when I would drop him in the backfield, he would just go 3 or 4 wide and then run with Newton (which is why I was frustrated when I was telling 3-4 guys to QB contain). I'm way ahead of where I was in my first go round with this league though. I know a lot more about audibling individual players and blitzing DBs. Like I said, I was already miffed by the message he sent me in the 2nd qtr. Assuming I'm not eternally banned from the league, I'm fine with dropping the issue. But seriously, thank you for offering advice.
Uber, just start the attention whore and it's a guaranteed Superbowl win!

N8- QB spy is the way the way to go when dealing with scrambling QBs. I like to sit my ends in spy as well as my middle linebacker when dealing with scramblers. Also works on the guys that like to roll out just to buy time.

(I'm sure you've done this, but another suggestion) find some defensive base plays you are comfortable and learn them like the back of your hand. From there, it makes the individual audibles even more effective.
Chiefs over Raiders 23-7

Could have been 35-7, but Oakland really came up big in the redzone. A close game throughout but KC was finally able to get separation in the 4th. GG ballsohard

Charles 24 att 204 Yds 1 TD

Terrelle Pryor 6 of 16 91 Yds 4 INTs
contacted chargers owner hoping we can play our game thursday at 7 central just waiting for feed back from him its the only time that works for me or later that night no sooner though sorry guys
N8 I'm not going to give you any advice because I felt the same way when I played the Panthers. Same four or five plays followed by a celebratory dive into the end zone. I've never been closer to rage quitting in my entire madden career.
I didnt do anything wrkng and everyone runs only so many plays just mix en up dont hate im bot talkin shit either just sayin i was bot runnin the ball up the niddle when ur in the formation sorry
[quote name='staticz']N8 I'm not going to give you any advice because I felt the same way when I played the Panthers. Same four or five plays followed by a celebratory dive into the end zone. I've never been closer to rage quitting in my entire madden career.[/QUOTE]

never played him but there is one benefit that will help u guys... if he only runs a certain amount of plays u know which one he likes the most when its a big game moment.... i think most people in this league dont have a wide variety of plays i use that to my advantage.. guess the play and it could be huge for u...
[quote name='staticz']N8 I'm not going to give you any advice because I felt the same way when I played the Panthers. Same four or five plays followed by a celebratory dive into the end zone. I've never been closer to rage quitting in my entire madden career.[/QUOTE]

I'm fine with people running the same plays, and I agree, everybody has "go to" plays that work for them. But I definitely believe some people play Madden like a football game, and some people play it like a video game. Anyone who doesn't understand the difference is part of the problem.
[quote name='MasterAwesome']Is LV ok to sub against me tonight? He's 5-7 vs. pitfall's 4-8..seems pretty fair to me.[/QUOTE]

That's fine. Let me know if pitfall needs to be booted.
That is the most attempts running with cam i have had in 2 seasons i dont do it but when its wide open all the time i caught it and it worked ...
Alright, as for the Jets/Panthers thing. Let's get this out of the way up front: It's never good to quit on a game in this league for any reason. So while based on the situation, I do understand n8's frustration, that still doesn't excuse it.

Some other thoughts:

[quote name='n8rockerasu']These are the "classy people" who play in the official league...[/QUOTE]

This is not the first time you've flavored your comments with none-too-subtle jabs at this league or the people in it. You're entitled to your opinion of course, but since you're in this league now too I really don't understand the point of these little asides, it just strikes me as unnecessary. We've never been anything but supportive of the JV league, I view it as a mutually beneficial co-existance and always have. That said, I do follow that thread, so let's not pretend like the official league is some wretched hive of scum and villainy while the JV league is some Madden Shangri-La resplendent with universal fair play and totally free of controversy. ;)

[quote name='n8rockerasu']Not to mention feeling the need to pause the game to tell me to "kick it", when I had no intention of going for it there. [/QUOTE]

That would have rubbed me the wrong way as well, so I understand the frustration there. Yanksrule, let's assume everyone knows the rules until they establish that they don't.

[quote name='sprice8688']i remember being told u can play ur game regardless the score till the 2 min warning.... i would have passed to mayb not.for.the td purposly but ur running a field goal block i aint running it... im gonna run or pass for the first down to continue running the clock....[/QUOTE]

This is pretty much correct. Just because the game rolls over to the 4th quarter doesn't mean you need to stop running your offense. It's not all one way or the other though, you don't need to run every play but you probably also shouldn't be chucking up bombs. I threw a TD pass with about 4 minutes left up 24-0 on the Bills (although to be fair, it was 1 yard) and there wasn't anything wrong with that.

[quote name='n8rockerasu']Assuming I'm not eternally banned from the league[/QUOTE]

You're not. There was no harm done ultimately and the game was able to be counted. I do need to give you a strike since that's the precedent we've established for people quitting on games, but I don't think any further action is necessary on it.

[quote name='staticz']N8 I'm not going to give you any advice because I felt the same way when I played the Panthers. Same four or five plays followed by a celebratory dive into the end zone. I've never been closer to rage quitting in my entire madden career.[/QUOTE]

Please tell me he's not still doing this. If so, I know he's been warned about it.
Sorry I was playing a game in another league...but yes pitfall needs to be booted. LV is in the 3rd quarter of an online franchise game and I can't afford to wait much longer to start my game cause I only have around an hour and 15 min before I gotta leave for work. Can anyone else sub? I don't really care who it is!
[quote name='MasterAwesome']Sorry I was playing a game in another league...but yes pitfall needs to be booted. LV is in the 3rd quarter of an online franchise game and I can't afford to wait much longer to start my game cause I only have around an hour and 15 min before I gotta leave for work. Can anyone else sub? I don't really care who it is![/QUOTE]

Anyone available?

I'll get on and boot him now.
[quote name='bvharris']You're not. There was no harm done ultimately and the game was able to be counted. I do need to give you a strike since that's the precedent we've established for people quitting on games, but I don't think any further action is necessary on it.[/QUOTE]

lol...I guess I SHOULD have put my controller down and walked out of the room then. Is that the official league approved way to deal with frustration then? Just want to get you on record here for future reference.

[quote name='bvharris']Please tell me he's not still doing this. If so, I know he's been warned about it.[/QUOTE]

Like I said, I have nothing to hide. He had several opportunities to dive into the endzone (including a fumble recovery by a d-lineman), and he didn't do it a single time...which I appreciated. The message in the 2nd qtr and just his overall style of play is what made me think " of THESE guys". I didn't quit when I played you, and you clearly dominated me. I don't mind losing or even taking a beating. But I don't enjoy playing people who play Madden like a video game and not like a football game. In my opinion, there's a difference. But ok, it's been officially addressed. I have a strike. The sky is blue. lol...moving on.
I suppose the absolute latest I can start would be like 9:55 p.m. EST...although I imagine whoever takes over the Steelers would want to adjust some stuff on the depth chart first...

If someone can sub tomorrow afternoon at like 2 or 3 p.m. EST then I could do that too.
[quote name='MasterAwesome']I suppose the absolute latest I can start would be like 9:55 p.m. EST...although I imagine whoever takes over the Steelers would want to adjust some stuff on the depth chart first...

If someone can sub tomorrow afternoon at like 2 or 3 p.m. EST then I could do that too.[/QUOTE]

They just finished, I'll call LV and see if he can play right this second.

Edit: Just talked to him, he's switching now.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']lol...I guess I SHOULD have put my controller down and walked out of the room then. Is that the official league approved way to deal with frustration then? Just want to get you on record here for future reference.
no thats just how fero did it wen u pissed him off lol
[quote name='n8rockerasu']lol...I guess I SHOULD have put my controller down and walked out of the room then. Is that the official league approved way to deal with frustration then? Just want to get you on record here for future reference.[/QUOTE]

There's no official league sanctioned way to deal with frustration. I like to complain to my cats. I know rage quitting is definitely not league sanctioned though. We've always given strikes for it, both when uber was in charge and since - it really doesn't happen that often. If you think your situation is somehow different and doesn't deserve a strike, that's your right, but I don't see any reason why we would treat it differently than we have in the past. One strike isn't the end of the world, there are several people in the league who've been playing with one for a while now.

With putting down the controller, I assume you're talking about your game with fero. I don't like the way he gives up on games and gets frustrated, he knows that. And I didn't like the controller-putting-down method either, and I wouldn't encourage anyone to do it, though if you're suggesting there's an equivalency between that and literally quitting on a game, I think it's a stretch.

In a perfect world, everything would be harmonious and nobody would ever get frustrated by this game, but I know that's not the case and I'm certainly not immune to getting frustrated in-game either. I suggest getting a cat.

[quote name='n8rockerasu']
Like I said, I have nothing to hide. He had several opportunities to dive into the endzone (including a fumble recovery by a d-lineman), and he didn't do it a single time...which I appreciated. [/QUOTE]

Okay. I only brought it up because staticz did, I wanted to make sure he hadn't gone back to doing that.

[quote name='n8rockerasu']
But I don't enjoy playing people who play Madden like a video game and not like a football game. In my opinion, there's a difference. [/QUOTE]

It's my opinion as well, and I don't enjoy it either. I didn't notice yanksrule playing too Madden-y when I faced him, though I suppose it's not out of the realm of possibility that people tone down that sort of thing when they face me.
[quote name='bvharris']With putting down the controller, I assume you're talking about your game with fero. I don't like the way he gives up on games and gets frustrated, he knows that. And I didn't like the controller-putting-down method either, and I wouldn't encourage anyone to do it, though if you're suggesting there's an equivalency between that and literally quitting on a game, I think it's a stretch.

In a perfect world, everything would be harmonious and nobody would ever get frustrated by this game, but I know that's not the case and I'm certainly not immune to getting frustrated in-game either. I suggest getting a cat.[/QUOTE] Ok. You realize ambivalence is acceptance, right? Next time I'm "done" with a game, I'll definitely put down my controller then and go take a shit, so I don't get a strike. At least then I'd be doing something productive...and it would be more enjoyable than having a cat.
[quote name='staticz']win[/QUOTE]

[quote name='MasterAwesome']Damn Flacco sucks...oh well, thanks for the sub.[/QUOTE]

Damn, LV went back-to-back against Deuce and MA? Someone ate his Madden Wheaties this morning! ;)
[quote name='MasterAwesome']Damn Flacco sucks...oh well, thanks for the sub.[/QUOTE]

flacco is absolutely terrible on this madden
[quote name='sprice8688']flacco is absolutely terrible on this madden[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Doomtime']I'd gladly take Flacco over Cassel. Worst 88 OVR player of all time.[/QUOTE]

To me it's all about knowing what you want your QB to do, finding a guy who can do that one thing, and not asking him to ever do anything else. It's perfectly possible to turn a so-so QB into an elite player, just look at Colt McCoy. Dude never misses inside of 15 yards and never hits outside of it - so I never ask him to.
[quote name='bvharris']To me it's all about knowing what you want your QB to do, finding a guy who can do that one thing, and not asking him to ever do anything else. It's perfectly possible to turn a so-so QB into an elite player, just look at Colt McCoy. Dude never misses inside of 15 yards and never hits outside of it - so I never ask him to.[/QUOTE]

i need a qb who hits timed routes well... in big games u cant count on just 15 yard passes... everytime i use flacco he overthrows slants outs flies... i love baltimore but i can not use them on this game... but thats more of my gameplan ur undefeated also so obviously diff strategies work
[quote name='sprice8688']i need a qb who hits timed routes well... in big games u cant count on just 15 yard passes... everytime i use flacco he overthrows slants outs flies... i love baltimore but i can not use them on this game... but thats more of my gameplan ur undefeated also so obviously diff strategies work[/QUOTE]

No, your point is spot on and it certainly has occurred to me. I haven't really had to play from behind with McCoy, and his lack of a deep ball could very well bite me if I ever need to call on him to make those throws.

He's every bit as good as Brady was when I'm running the offense I want to run (and he's been better insofar as his limitations force me to stay within that plan), but the risk I assumed when getting rid of Brady was that he was capable of making those throws if a situation arose where he needed to, whether McCoy will be up to that task is very much in doubt. Here's hoping he never needs to. :D

Honestly, If I ever come across a situation where I need to throw a hail mary, I'd probably put Evan Smith in - he's just as accurate as McCoy on deep balls (which is.. not very) but has 11 points on him in throw power.
I am scheduled to play the Vikings tonight at 11pm est and it's now 11:15pm est and Billy isn't on. Honestly, I can't wait past 11:20-11:30ish because I need to be up early tomorrow for work, and 11pm was already a stretch for me.
[quote name='Superstar']I am scheduled to play the Vikings tonight at 11pm est and it's now 11:15pm est and Billy isn't on. Honestly, I can't wait past 11:20-11:30ish because I need to be up early tomorrow for work, and 11pm was already a stretch for me.[/QUOTE]

Don't feel that you need to wait any longer than you want to. You've still got two days left, if he missed the agreed-upon game time it'll be incumbent upon him to find another time which works for you.
I agrree with lv that quitting or puttin the sticks down should be a strike. Giving up in general is worse than running up the score in my mind. I've played several people who puss out n burn their timeouts in the 3rd qrt and just give up with like 8+ minutes left, and a couple times I was only up 2 scores. Maybe its just me. But I feel a 21 point lead with over 4min left is reachable. Especially with timeouts. But some folks just want to lay down n get fked. IMO not just quitting but giving up, and going for it on unreasonable 4th downs are the most detrimental acts towards the overall quality of thbe league. It all rubs off ya know....someone does dome cheesy shit like tghat, then the next week it happens in a different game. Yaa knnnowww?
[quote name='BSETI50']But I feel a 21 point lead with over 4min left is reachable.[/QUOTE]

Not if the two people are actually playing football. If you're playing "Jerkoff High Score Derby 3000"...maybe, lol. Man, that would be a great name for an XBL Indie Game.
Cardinals 9 - 49ers 7

Great battle. Glad to beat the Rams and 49ers in a row, gives me a lot of hope fore getting over my 8-8 hump next season.

Vick was 7-9 with no turnovers and my goal before the game started was to keep him under 10 throws , so that worked.

Steelers 37 - Ravens 10

I continued my turnover free football to get a sub win over the Ravens. That Steelers defense was a mess with injuries but still really good. GG MA
[quote name='LVPatriots']Cardinals 9 - 49ers 7

Great battle. Glad to beat the Rams and 49ers in a row, gives me a lot of hope fore getting over my 8-8 hump next season.

Vick was 7-9 with no turnovers and my goal before the game started was to keep him under 10 throws , so that worked.

Steelers 37 - Ravens 10

I continued my turnover free football to get a sub win over the Ravens. That Steelers defense was a mess with injuries but still really good. GG MA[/QUOTE]

told ya to stick with ur run game... u just beat 2 people who have been to or won the superbowl
[quote name='sprice8688']told ya to stick with ur run game... u just beat 2 people who have been to or won the superbowl[/QUOTE]

Neither has won the coveted e-ring!

Glad to see Rodgers lost the cover vote. Down to Cam Newton and Calvin Johnson.
[quote name='Doomtime']
Glad to see Rodgers lost the cover vote. Down to Cam Newton and Calvin Johnson.[/QUOTE]

Like any true Pats fan and Madden player, I voted against Gronk every step of the way. :D
[quote name='bvharris']Like any true Pats fan and Madden player, I voted against Gronk every step of the way. :D[/QUOTE]

I did the same with Rodgers. Just glad he's out!
[quote name='staticz']I was pulling for Willis. Guess I'll vote for Cam.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I was hoping Willis would win. I can't complain about either of these guys though.

I may vote Megatron. He'd be the first receiver to have the cover to himself.
Are there any card collectors in the league? I'm thinking about picking up some rookie cards of Eric Berry and Jamaal Charles since they were out last year. Is SP Authentic still the go to set for high end cards?
[quote name='Doomtime']Never got into card collecting, unless we're talkin pokemon....[/QUOTE]

Yeah I was in and out of it for awhile. Now that I have a fully finished basement I need some decorations....Chiefs stuff ftw!
[quote name='Doomtime']Neither has won the coveted e-ring!

Glad to see Rodgers lost the cover vote. Down to Cam Newton and Calvin Johnson.[/QUOTE]

i thought duece did win 1... either way id be happy if i never made playoffs and beat those 2 regardless... and its calvin johnson all the way!
[quote name='sprice8688']i thought duece did win 1... either way id be happy if i never made playoffs and beat those 2 regardless... QUOTE]

Cru won with these 49ers in Madden 12.

I definately was happy with those wins. When I don't turn the ball over and I'm focused on defense I feel really good about my game right now. It's just tough for me to do that 16 games in a row.
bread's done