Marvel Puzzle Quest Discussion Thread

I read that an instantly thought of Savage Garden for some reason hahahah
I didn't even watch the video.... but I know the lyrics to the song.

That's worse, right?

Ooooh I want you, I don't know if I need you, but oooh I'd die to find out.

On a side note, I just started reading the Dark Reign series.

I forgot how easy it is to burn through a comic... and want to read another one IMMEDIATELY.

I didn't even watch the video.... but I know the lyrics to the song.

That's worse, right?

Ooooh I want you, I don't know if I need you, but oooh I'd die to find out.

On a side note, I just started reading the Dark Reign series.

I forgot how easy it is to burn through a comic... and want to read another one IMMEDIATELY.
Bahaha the worse thing is I was literally about to leave for lunch and so I went out to grab some food and sketch a few ideas out for my final next week and during that time I had the urge (and acted on it) to listen to Savage Garden nearly the whole time hahah oh my.

But yeah I hate reading physical comics. I need trade paperbacks otherwise I get quickly frustrated with their length now as an adult

Hey. Whatever you do, don't get hit with a world rupture by Sentry in the 3rd node of hard mode. Took a 145 Pun, 141 CMags, and 125 CStorm down to under 1k hit points each. Barely scraped by with a victory. For reference, Sentry was level 69 for me.

Hey. Whatever you do, don't get hit with a world rupture by Sentry in the 3rd node of hard mode. Took a 145 Pun, 141 CMags, and 125 CStorm down to under 1k hit points each. Barely scraped by with a victory. For reference, Sentry was level 69 for me.
Yeah, ran into that during the Sentry event.

One of the nice things about Hulk is that each of those countdowns is a separate trigger for Anger, so the retaliation was sweet.

Almost got team wiped in the Patch event this morning except for that Anger power. Got hit with a Berserker Rage followed by a nasty cascade that took down Punisher, Patch, and left Hulk at 10% health. Anger kicks in, wipes out two characters on the other side with cascades, and finish off the last using multiple Claps with the 30+ green I picked up. Fun times.
On a side note, I just started reading the Dark Reign series.

I forgot how easy it is to burn through a comic... and want to read another one IMMEDIATELY.
Yep, I blew through the whole series on that. Then backed up to secret invasion, just to see how it all begun. Which of course happens after civil war.....which I had to read as well....

After dark reign it kinda falls apart in the siege though.

Yeah, ran into that during the Sentry event.

One of the nice things about Hulk is that each of those countdowns is a separate trigger for Anger, so the retaliation was sweet.

Almost got team wiped in the Patch event this morning except for that Anger power. Got hit with a Berserker Rage followed by a nasty cascade that took down Punisher, Patch, and left Hulk at 10% health. Anger kicks in, wipes out two characters on the other side with cascades, and finish off the last using multiple Claps with the 30+ green I picked up. Fun times.
Haha I love those clutch events like that in the matches!

Just today I was playing a PvP match and my team was wiped clean except for my Thor who was left at 900 health. The other team had all three characters alive at 3700, 12xx and 18xx health. I cant remember who the actual characters were but either way I felt dead.

Luckily I had a few green already and managed to squeeze a few more matches of green in and filled JUST ENOUGH to use Call the Storm ... bam, wiped 'em all out. I literally did an audible 'phew' hahah

I hate the cover pull animations, mostly because of the punch in the stomach I get everytime this scenario happens.

I see the Shield logo on a blue background. 2*. Oh well.

Then the Spiderman logo pops up, soaring at the card.

In that instant, I feel, " fuck yeah! Spidey!"

Then, even before the cover actually shows up...

I remember that I'm pulling a 2*.

fuck ing Bagman.

fuck .

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I hate the cover pull animations, mostly because of the punch in the stomach I get everytime this scenario happens.

I see the Shield logo on a blue background. 2*. Oh well.

Then the Spiderman logo pops up, soaring at the card.

In that instant, I feel, " fuck yeah! Spidey!"

Then, even before the cover actually shows up...

I remember that I'm pulling a 2*.

fuck ing Bagman.

fuck .
I did the EXACT same thing with Daken this morning hahah

It is totally our fault though, we are told right away, HEY THIS IS A 2 STAR COVER but our brains are still just like 'NOPE I WANNA 3 STAR IS THAT IT OH COOL ERMAGAWD!! oh shit, 2 star.'

Yeah, I think I just got a modern Hawkeye and Storm from the Simulator covers.

Oddly enough, I got a black punisher when I decided to risk spending 100 HP on the Heroic tokens.

I'm pretty close to the 37500 Punisher reward from the simulator as well.

Yeah, I think I just got a modern Hawkeye and Storm from the Simulator covers.

Oddly enough, I got a black punisher when I decided to risk spending 100 HP on the Heroic tokens.

I'm pretty close to the 37500 Punisher reward from the simulator as well.
I have no idea how anyone is supposed to possibly get enough for the Classic Magneto Cover progression reward. Seriously that is just absurd. I want to level up my Magneto so badly but without his covers it is impossible hah. I am close to the 2k ISO goal but even from there to get to Magneto is just way too much in just a day!!

I know they always are like that, but still, it annoys me haha

I have no idea how anyone is supposed to possibly get enough for the Classic Magneto Cover progression reward. Seriously that is just absurd.
I really want to know if its at all even remotely possible to achieve that. Im sure even if you bust each node down to 1 and do each battle 150k times sure. I can imagine there's a die hard that actually does that.

Im going cross eyed myself trying to grind today. I made it to 80K with my next progression reward being the ~110k(?) reward. So I wont make it to magneto, not even close. Although last night I was 389, now I made it to 79. If I keep grinding the crap out of it I'll be comfortably in black panther cover range by tonight or tomorrow. This is showing me that my classic mags is no where near as powered up as I want him to be. At least Im racking up the iso.

I really want to know if its at all even remotely possible to achieve that. Im sure even if you bust each node down to 1 and do each battle 150k times sure. I can imagine there's a die hard that actually does that.

Im going cross eyed myself trying to grind today. I made it to 80K with my next progression reward being the ~110k(?) reward. So I wont make it to magneto, not even close. Although last night I was 389, now I made it to 79. If I keep grinding the crap out of it I'll be comfortably in black panther cover range by tonight or tomorrow. This is showing me that my classic mags is no where near as powered up as I want him to be. At least Im racking up the iso.
Yours is at least more powerful than mine!

And yeah I would love to see the number of people who actually earn that final progression reward each event. It has to be no more than like 20 people in the world. Though sadly it is more realistically like 100 people. Some people and their games are just ridiculous.

But yeah you definitely made a crazy push and you should be pretty set to finish off your BP. I have been holding fine at like 15 the whole event so I am good. As an Alliance we are sitting pretty at like 75 the last I checked. I can get used to that! : P

I hate the cover pull animations, mostly because of the punch in the stomach I get everytime this scenario happens.

I see the Shield logo on a blue background. 2*. Oh well.
Then the Spiderman logo pops up, soaring at the card.
In that instant, I feel, " fuck yeah! Spidey!"
Then, even before the cover actually shows up...
I remember that I'm pulling a 2*.
fuck ing Bagman.
fuck .
I did the EXACT same thing with Daken this morning hahah

It is totally our fault though, we are told right away, HEY THIS IS A 2 STAR COVER but our brains are still just like 'NOPE I WANNA 3 STAR IS THAT IT OH COOL ERMAGAWD!! oh shit, 2 star.'
Ha ha, same here. It happens with Thor as well when Mighty Mjolnir flashes up on the screen.


If this can happen, maybe they made a mistake. Right? RIGHT?!?

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Ha ha, same here. It happens with Thor as well when Mighty Mjolnir flashes up on the screen.


If this can happen, maybe they made a mistake. Right? RIGHT?!?
I get that all the time for the progression rewards for some reason and even the Resupply.

It seems like such a silly bug. It never happened before; it all started just a couple updates back as far as I could tell.

How often does the Simulator Hard updates?  All of the nodes that I can handle are under 100 and just hit 100k overall and trying to figure out if its worth going for the Mag cover.

Nevermind, some of my nodes updated to level 141 so I'm done with hard.

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How often does the Simulator Hard updates? All of the nodes that I can handle are under 100 and just hit 100k overall and trying to figure out if its worth going for the Mag cover.

Nevermind, some of my nodes updated to level 141 so I'm done with hard.
Yeah if you are just now hitting 100k I feel like there is no way you can get far enough for the Mag cover.

I am at your point level and have accepted there is no way I can accrue that many points by the end of the day haha

I will just be happy with my 2k ISO reward.

Also, my Classic Mags is almost already at my soft cap. I started leveling him up since he is powered up now and he is at 49/51.

I really want either Mags, Hood or Psylocke to be my 3rd character on my Thor and Hulk team but I only have 5 covers for each of them. It sucks because Panther will fit as a decent third but not my ideal. I think I am going to just level Hulk up to around 130 before I make a decision as to who to level afterwards. By then I should have enough HP saved up to outright buy 2 covers, but if in the meantime I dont get Mag's Purple or Psylocke's Red, I can't even buy them!

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Yeah if you are just now hitting 100k I feel like there is no way you can get far enough for the Mag cover.

I am at your point level and have accepted there is no way I can accrue that many points by the end of the day haha

I will just be happy with my 2k ISO reward.
Only started last month so don't have any good characters until I picked up couple Classic Storm which shot her level from 24 to 61 but was already too late and didn't help my Android had no signal most of yesterday when I was working.

Only started last month so don't have any good characters until I picked up couple Classic Storm which shot her level from 24 to 61 but was already too late and didn't help my Android had no signal most of yesterday when I was working.
I have some pretty awesome characters and have been playing way too much hahah

I commute for hours on the train everyday so I get ample guaranteed play time in too.

With that being said I have NEVER gotten the top tier progression reward. To my knowledge nobody else here on CAG has either. As Dstigger said before it is like the thing they dangle in front of you making you want to play more but really nobody ever gets.

On that note though, welcome to the board! Since you are new I would definitely recommend looking through the links in the OP to really get a better, more in depth view of the game and the mechanics and what not. Plus if you have questions we all play the game far too much and would be happy to answer haha

I Went to bed, I made it to 65, I thought I was safe..... I wake up, yes I finally woke up, Im in the 90s....Oh the grind oh the grind. Did 3 nodes in hard, Im in the 80s.  Wont be so bad, but I'll be on the edge of that Black Panther cover.

Congrats to the CAGvengers though, I have never seen our team be so agressive! I mean Grinding the hell out of it I watched us rise up in the ranks, while watching my own score of course. I saw us jump from the 70's into the 50's now? Wow, that is some hard work.

Most of us have scores in the 90ks too.  Im very proud, really! When I see our name up there against some of the top teams from the MPQ official forums, I know we've finally got to the level we're looking for.

Now just throwing this out there, but new Black Panther character? Whatchu think? We need more women right?


I Went to bed, I made it to 65, I thought I was safe..... I wake up, yes I finally woke up, Im in the 90s....Oh the grind oh the grind. Did 3 nodes in hard, Im in the 80s. Wont be so bad, but I'll be on the edge of that Black Panther cover.
I am bouncing between 7-20 the past day and a half. I am hoping to score top 10 for the extra ISO but really either way I am good.

I halted my Magneto progression for now at 49 to focus on BP for the tournament. Since I have almost all the characters and at points where they have room to level up I feel like I will keep just randomly feeding the powered up characters as they come for a while now haha.

I halted my Magneto progression for now at 49 to focus on BP for the tournament. Since I have almost all the characters and at points where they have room to level up I feel like I will keep just randomly feeding the powered up characters as they come for a while now haha.
My Mags is capped at 79, since no one can ever get that top progression reward.....but they do that, so I cant get mad too much.

In grindage Ive racked up a crapton of iso! Im sitting at being able to push my current Black Panther to level 115 in one shot, but I want to wait until we get our rewards from the simulator to see how much more thats going to take. I think I only need 2k more iso in order to level my Psylocke to level 141. Now the question is, do I want to max Psylocke or see how far I can get Black Panther?

Once you get a character into the 120's that 141 push gets harder & the rewards are minimal. Psylocke was VERY effective at 12X during her tournament, which is why Im hesitant. Plus you hardly ever see her in tournaments on opponent teams.

My Mags is capped at 79, since no one can ever get that top progression reward.....but they do that, so I cant get mad too much.

In grindage Ive racked up a crapton of iso! Im sitting at being able to push my current Black Panther to level 115 in one shot, but I want to wait until we get our rewards from the simulator to see how much more thats going to take. I think I only need 2k more iso in order to level my Psylocke to level 141. Now the question is, do I want to max Psylocke or see how far I can get Black Panther?

Once you get a character into the 120's that 141 push gets harder & the rewards are minimal. Psylocke was VERY effective at 12X during her tournament, which is why Im hesitant. Plus you hardly ever see her in tournaments on opponent teams.

Do you plan on using BP competitively in events? Are you planning on trying hard in the current S2 tourney?

I would either way boost your Psylock up a few levels to 130 or so and then have her sit for a bit. Like you said the rewards are not all that great for how much ISO you are pumping in.

Then if you plan on using BP use the remaining on him.

Speaking of BP, I have not looked up ideal builds at all for him. Mine will be sitting at 4/3/5 after tonight but I am thinking perhaps a 3/5/5 would be best? I really do like the idea of a strong Black because paired with Thor that means if I can get a solid amount of green and black then the entire team is essentially wiped out. Max level at 5 does 3162 to each enemy and if you time it with Call the Storm then you dont really have to worry about the enemy gaining AP.

His blue vs yellow however, I go blue simply because he will be taking the place of OBW primarily as a support and I see him usually going to be the only one with a usable blue on my team at a time. Plus since I will be losing the ability to heal I would prefer a stronger defense than offense since I have other heavy hitters on my team anyway.

Congrats to the CAGvengers though, I have never seen our team be so agressive! I mean Grinding the hell out of it I watched us rise up in the ranks, while watching my own score of course. I saw us jump from the 70's into the 50's now? Wow, that is some hard work.

Most of us have scores in the 90ks too. Im very proud, really! When I see our name up there against some of the top teams from the MPQ official forums, I know we've finally got to the level we're looking for.
I haven't touched the normal mode for the last round yet, and I have a bunch of grinding to do in hard mode, so hopefully I can at least manage that 112,500 reward. This is definitely a great showing for our alliance, let's hope we can hold on.

I really want either Mags, Hood or Psylocke to be my 3rd character on my Thor and Hulk team but I only have 5 covers for each of them. It sucks because Panther will fit as a decent third but not my ideal. I think I am going to just level Hulk up to around 130 before I make a decision as to who to level afterwards. By then I should have enough HP saved up to outright buy 2 covers, but if in the meantime I dont get Mag's Purple or Psylocke's Red, I can't even buy them!
Yeah, I've been eyeing my roster to figure out who should be my third. I need someone with a focus on at least two of either blue, purple or yellow. I have the covers to start leveling IM40, but while I like his health, his powers are too expensive. I have been eyeing Magneto, but I'm in the same boat with lacking a purple cover, his most powerful. I like Black Panther, but I'm missing his black and am generally low on covers.

I have 4 covers each for Doom, but only get blue out of him and the lower level cap (but man, 1k damage per round from a maxed black without being boosted...). I have GSBW up in level, but she only gets me the purple requirement.

I think that unless I get a lucky streak on more covers, I'm looking at Spidey, Hood or Falcon. Spidey is nerfed, but I still try to avoid him in PvP, and I already have purple maxed. Hood is pretty powerful, but he doesn't scale well on a team until he has his covers. And well, Falcon would be a great support player by boosting either his own defense tiles or Punisher's tiles, with blue for pesky fights against Daken/Wolverine. The problem with defense tiles, though, is the possibility of reducing Hulk's Anger.

Then there's Steve, gah - big fan of his power set at 2*. I need some cover pulls to make the choices for me. :wall:

Then if you plan on using BP use the remaining on him.

Speaking of BP, I have not looked up ideal builds at all for him. Mine will be sitting at 4/3/5 after tonight but I am thinking perhaps a 3/5/5 would be best? I really do like the idea of a strong Black because paired with Thor that means if I can get a solid amount of green and black then the entire team is essentially wiped out. Max level at 5 does 3162 to each enemy and if you time it with Call the Storm then you dont really have to worry about the enemy gaining AP.

His blue vs yellow however, I go blue simply because he will be taking the place of OBW primarily as a support and I see him usually going to be the only one with a usable blue on my team at a time. Plus since I will be losing the ability to heal I would prefer a stronger defense than offense since I have other heavy hitters on my team anyway.
Well thats the issue, whoever it is BP or psylock will be taking the role of support from OBW. They both have been taking on those roles and doing quite well.

You know my tournament rainbow team is hulk/Black Panther/Classic mags. I love that team & they usually rip most people quick. In that team, Black panther is useful for strike & defense tiles, as well as attack for the black attack strength. Being at a good level his health pool is decent, which helps protect lower level classic mags.

However Hulk and Psylock, as I found out from fresh cut tourney, are a really great pair too. Both my Psylocke and Black Panther are over level 100 so are both useable in pvp, but naturally with leveling can be better. Psylocke plays the striker role, landing strike and attack tiles, while still having the option to steal if need be. Not as useful as OBW but most times you steal a bunch of black which leads to game over for the other side when she drops her psy katana back to back.

Ive got my Black Panther at 3/5/3 right now, so the yellow and black covers will make him a great 4/5/4. Yes I want 5 in black but this also gives me a chance to experiment. Like Psylocke I was upset to have blue at 5 first, but its all experimentation. Its worked in both respective characters but you have to play around to know.

Having a higher blue in BP I can tell you the Defense tile generator is great. However I do hate the cap on it. With no other blue power on a team Id drop multiple generators, only to have them not make anymore more defense tiles due to the cap. Still take in consideration a defense tile or generator is destroyed, you have a backup creating more on the board.

Yellow, the strike tiles, I use them of course but they dont seem as effective as most other strike tiles. I can see the difference when I use psylocke. The other problem I have is the use of environmental tiles. Most environmental tiles I dont care about, I mean 50 hit points from eating a hot dog, ok. Some are great though & depleting them for an extra strike tile seems worthless. Take the desert locations, use all the environmental tiles for a strike tile vs having a bunch of green to power Call of the storm? Its a no brainer. I'll have mine at 4, maybe 1 extra level I'll see a difference.

Having said that, I guess my preference is set with higher blue than yellow. Although maybe a 4/4/5 build is the best?

Yeah, I've been eyeing my roster to figure out who should be my third. I need someone with a focus on at least two of either blue, purple or yellow.

I have the covers to start leveling IM40, but while I like his health, his powers are too expensive.

I have 4 covers each for Doom, but only get blue out of him and the lower level cap (but man, 1k damage per round from a maxed black without being boosted...). I have GSBW up in level, but she only gets me the purple requirement.

I'm looking at Spidey, Hood or Falcon. Spidey is nerfed, but I still try to avoid him in PvP, and I already have purple maxed.
Just looked at your Roster Koju, So are you running with a Punisher or Hulk/Ares or Thor/OBW team right now?? What team is your main team?

IM40, thats a joke, I have mine at lvl 95 just because I didnt have covers for anyone else & went on an ISO binge. My advice? Get him to ~100 leave him there. Then he's an effective backup when/if you want & powered up enough for a tournament to keep you competitive. Not worth leveling to 141 but at ~100 they say a 3* is equivalent to a level 85 2*.

Doom wouldnt be a bad idea, keep him at a lower level, so he's in the background. Then get enough black to summon demons and thats free extra attacks. He's not the ideal choice, but for what you have, its not a bad choice.

Grey suit, thats iffy, she's not powerful enough on her own. Plus her attacks cost too much. The purple is ok to make greens, but not as effective as hulks anger. Her powerset relies on too many colors all the big guns have & you'll rarely use. Not worthless but with so many colors overlapping (red & green) it makes her very difficult to put on a team with say punisher ares or thor.

Spidey, you can get to level 92 I see. Thats a decent level. Since he'll be mostly support it wouldnt be bad to use him. I mean stun isnt as powerful but the passive purple does leave annoying defense tiles. Since you have others attacking, I think the level you can get him at makes it really worthwhile to pump some iso into him,

Hood, if you have more covers thats who Id focus on. Yellow ends the turn, so watch out for that. blue is a good passive stealing power. Black is meh but if you have someone who has a countdown tile, it can be effective.

Falcon, I dont have much to say about falcon. Great support sure, nice passives. Just lack of attack I kinda push him back. Not even any theft or healing abilities like Hood, Spidey, or OBW. Although that purple can get annoying, then again, Bullseye and Spidey make protect tiles fee.

If you can get covers- recommendations on a 3rd:

  1. Black Panther- decent attack on black, hell more than decent at level 5. Good support with strike tiles on yellow and protect tiles on blue.
  2. Classic magneto- Purple is awesome, great damage. Blue leaves decent protect tiles which can be placed anywhere, good for board control. Red at 5 is low cost and annoying. I use it to bug the piss out of my opponents.
  3. Psylocke- Blue steals, mixed bag though. You can end up with a great amount of a color you need or a dead color. If paired in a rainbow team thats no problem. Many times Im stuck with 19 yellow or purple I cant use. Red strike tiles are powerful, although capped at 3 onboard at a time. But when coupled with black it makes her attack tiles at crazy Dr doom levels. Good damage to a single opponent with black & the attack tile left behind is icing on the cake.
  4. Steve rogers- I hated him at 2* but 3* he does great damage. I wish I had more covers for him as he'd be a great addition. Yellow is still too expensive, but board control & his upgraded skill set make him a very balanced character to have. Leaves protect tiles, stuns, good attack damage and leaves countdown tiles which return AP. Basically long story short what captain america should be.
Personally with covers we should be getting from the events & tournaments Id say focus on Panther if you can. Classic Mags and Hood covers are very hard to come across.

Ok I have a question for my panel of experts.

After grinding like a mad man, I notice some things and have questions.

Rubberbanding, grinding and point distribution:

For this example I have 3 nodes. Each node gives 100 points.  I play node A, get 100 points. Now node B & C have scaled to 96 & 93, while node A has now dropped to be worth 87 points.  Naturally Id progress to node B for the higher point value. Once again I win the node & all the nodes drop in points value. I repeatedly play all nodes until they reach a value of 1.

Now my question is, if I decide to play 1 node repeatedly until it reaches 1 and not ever touch any other node am I missing out on points?  Or is this an imaginary gain/loss of points just to make me switch nodes?  For my grindathon sometimes I just want to tap the same node I just finished instead of jumping around to see which has the highest point gain.  After so many battles you stop calculating the points and just try to get it done. 

The question comes into play because of a higher loss of points replaying the same node over.  Although the other nodes do drop to scale, they dont lose as many points as the previous node played. Also essential nodes do seem to have little to no imapact on the regular nodes.  Naturally point progression is better on the essential nodes, but Ive noticed as I grind those down to 1, the regular nodes will stay at their point values. Unless of course I switch to playing a regular node, in which the others then scale.  I suppose that makes sense as not to handicap those who do not have the essential characters.  Although if they dont have the essential characters how would that affect them anyways?

About rubberbanding.  The rubber band effect has definitely come back in this event. If you're grinding, you see it slowly.  Is it best to keep knocking nodes down at lower levels more often or to wait for the maximum amount and tackle them then?  When they get below 100 points I let them cool down. However I keep getting knocked into the 80-90 range.  I play a node or 2 worth 600-800 points Im back in the 70s. Wait or hit them repeatedly?  Im also showing a higher point gain than when I start the node.  Im wondering how slow the node point gain recharge actually is. Its not every x hours it refreshes as previously thought. It definitely gains points slowly throughout the game.

DS's input on Koju's team
I definitely agree with most of your points, same with the very ones Koju made in his original post.

I personally think Doom would be a great addition if you can. His strike tile creation and power is unmatched. Closest is Human Torch, but his requires a 30% drain on Yellow Blue and Purple AP. Plus since it is a black move you clearly will have no issues with others. Then pair that with his blue that feeds the black?? Even with a low level cap he still reaches about 6k health. It isnt as much as Hulk but definitely not terrible by any means. The fact that you have him already at 4/4, I personally would use him a bunch and even use HP to cap him off.

Speaking of, I think Torch isnt as terrible as people make him out to be. Mine is 71 right now at like 5/5/1 I think and can get up to 117. He is an extremely viable character in my mind. His green kind of sucks but his red and black are great moves. His red costs 8 and maxed out does just shy of 3k damage. It also destroys 2 red tiles (which you gain the AP for) and can cause a quick extra cascade or two. So it costs 8 and then you get 2 back for using it meaning only 2 red matches and you have that move again. Plus his Black creates strike tiles more powerful than Dooms. If you plan it right with no env or strike tiles and stuff in the center circle, he will create 8 and with his Black maxed at 141 his tiles will then add 1536 per turn. The big thing with his is that they change whatever colors are in the center circle taking it noticeably long for the enemy team to get rid of then. His health sucks though. Max level he only has like 5k health.

But yeah enough of that Torch rant, I agree with DS that if it were possible, Hood or Magneto would be absolutely the best. With the insane rarity of those freaking covers however Panther and Psylocke are your best bet. You are in a similar situation to me and so I am trying to figure out the same. I personally would prefer Psylocke over Panther myself, but seeing as DS has a nearly maxed Psylocke and is contemplating swapping with Panther I suppose that says something haha.

And DS, if I can I still would prefer my BP to be 3/5/5 but I definitely agree that it would be worth the experimentation to see which works best exactly.

Ok I have a question for my panel of experts.

After grinding like a mad man, I notice some things and have questions.
I have found it best to do two at a time.

A, B, C all at 100 like your example. I will play A two times in a row. Then move to the next highest point value. Then repeat.

From what I have seen doing it this way, the lets say you do A and then now B and C are 96 and 93 respectively. If I play A again, I see a less noticeable point drop then in B and C so that they are only like 94 and 91 now. The drop is slightly less the second time in comparison to the first and the subsequent ones after the second.

At least that is what I think to be the case and could be completely wrong! Hahah


I was bored at work so I thought since this is MARVEL puzzle quest it would be fitting to take a quick video of my cubicle at my mindless desk job!

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Just looked at your Roster Koju, So are you running with a Punisher or Hulk/Ares or Thor/OBW team right now?? What team is your main team?
My regular team is Punisher & Hulk + featured character or OBW. Ares is the unsung fourth member of the band when I'm in a healing bind or if I'm going to fight a 100+ Hulk (stashing all the green for one attack instead of grinding at his health). I sold my 2* Thor back when they adjusted Thor and Wolverine and paid out serious ISO and HP for selling them.

I guess after the Simulator, I should have 6 covers for Panther - he wasn't on my radar because I don't have his black. Unless things go south tonight, I should be getting one of each color with the Simulator rewards.

This would have been a no-brainer before the Spidey nerf. As it is, just not sure if defense tiles would have a negative effect on Hulk's Anger. Although, if you ain't gettin' hit, you ain't losin', and healing doesn't affect Anger.

My only issue with Doom is that the AI won't play him right - his blue power will be great against OBW teams, but it won't use his black in favor of Punisher's cheaper power.

In the end, I was also looking at the investment angle considering I still need one more Punisher cover and two more for Hulk, and I'm not sitting on a mountain of HP.

Maybe I'll take them each for a spin in SHIELD Training and see how they play.

Thanks for the input!

I was bored at work so I thought since this is MARVEL puzzle quest it would be fitting to take a quick video of my cubicle at my mindless desk job!
Nice, I use to have my Vinykmation and Transformers at my old job and my wife packed them away once I switched jobs. Told her that's the beauty of being a Administrator/Developer because people would see it as me being a nerd than a kid. She didn't by into it.

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Maybe I'll take them each for a spin in SHIELD Training and see how they play.

Thanks for the input!
Best thing to do. I play all kinds of combinations in the simulator. If I lose, then I know, these guys suck & not to bother with them. Like a Bagman, Daken, Doom team, just dont do it!

What's the best build for Punisher? 5/3/5?
Broly and I have ours at 4/4/5 and he's working out quite well. But he can work in any configuration you want. Punisher is one of the few characters that adjusts to how you play. You want strike tiles? do 5 green, want more attack tiles? Do 5 black. Think insta kills are better? Put 5 in red. He really does adjust to the user.

I personally would prefer Psylocke over Panther myself, but seeing as DS has a nearly maxed Psylocke and is contemplating swapping with Panther I suppose that says something haha.
Its not that I prefer BP over Psylocke, honestly I prefer psylocke in my teams. BP has a higher max health cap. My lvl 105 BP has a health pool of 5400 while level 125 psylocke currently has 5100. Only a little difference now, but when BP is at 141 it will probably be noticeable. Also overlap is a problem. I like my lvl 141 punisher, so I have to delegate how reds/blacks play out. Not so when I place punisher with BP. Its the color variation that makes BP great with most people who are red heavy on attacks. Also blue usefulness, 7/10 times with Psylocke you get a dead color. At least the protect tiles are always worth it. It just really depends on what type team you're going for. For the record I have not put a psylocke/Black panther team together. Hulk works great with BP or Psylocke, I wonder how a BP/Psylocke/Hulk team would run? Simulator test commencing soon....

MPQ is your job now! Get back to work, slacker! =P
Yes sir, right away sir!!!! :wave: (<I know its a wave, but as close to a salute smiley as I can find!)

Broly and I have ours at 4/4/5 and he's working out quite well. But he can work in any configuration you want. Punisher is one of the few characters that adjusts to how you play. You want strike tiles? do 5 green, want more attack tiles? Do 5 black. Think insta kills are better? Put 5 in red. He really does adjust to the user.
Thanks. Mine is at 5/4/3 because that's all of the covers I ever got. Not crazy about the green because it's sloppy. You would think Frank would be a better shot and avoid friendly tiles, but nope.

Thanks. Mine is at 5/4/3 because that's all of the covers I ever got. Not crazy about the green because it's sloppy. You would think Frank would be a better shot and avoid friendly tiles, but nope.
Thats cause green is the all out attack....which youd figure a rocket/grenade launcher would do more damage....

He's an awesome shot, if you use his red. Which for what it does, shouldnt red be a punisher animation of him using a sniper rifle? I mean shooting a pistol with a knife in the other hand doesnt really seem like a high damage attack.

I honestly dont think it matters, but I may have come to a conclusion about grinding and getting the most points per node.

Switch nodes!  The last node you play will always take the largest drop in points.  If you keep switching nodes you'll get the most points.

Worst thing to do, play 1 node & grind it down to 1 then move to another node.

Although this may all be relative & point value may be the same no matter what you do. This was what I saw and my personal view. 

Nice, I use to have my Vinykmation and Transformers at my old job and my wife packed them away once I switched jobs. Told her that's the beauty of being a Administrator/Developer because people would see it as me being a nerd than a kid. She didn't by into it.
Hahah nice! My Vinylmation are all set up on one of my bookshelves in my apartment!

Currently that desk is in the Student Records Office of DePaul University... with a bunch of old women. They still just think I am a kid either way and my desk definitely just adds to that!

I am finishing up my MA in Animation however and will be shipping out to California then within the year and so there is most definitely no denying that other people will have plenty of toys wherever I go there : P

What more specifically do you do?

Thats cause green is the all out attack....which youd figure a rocket/grenade launcher would do more damage....

He's an awesome shot, if you use his red. Which for what it does, shouldnt red be a punisher animation of him using a sniper rifle? I mean shooting a pistol with a knife in the other hand doesnt really seem like a high damage attack.
That move's animation is one of the closest zooms we have on any of the characters' faces. The fact that we see the inner barrel of the gun too would make me assume that they are simulating him shooting the character (you) right in between the eyes. A rocket would be a messy kill, a swift shot between the eyes is a much more personal way of finishing someone off as the Punisher would do.

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I usually play the 3 essentials in Hard, then the 3 in Normal, then repeat the cycle.

Also, looking at the Sim event rewards...

The only difference between ranks 3-10 and 11-50 is a lousy 500 ISO? :whistle2:?

Thanks. Mine is at 5/4/3 because that's all of the covers I ever got. Not crazy about the green because it's sloppy. You would think Frank would be a better shot and avoid friendly tiles, but nope.
I think this every time he freakin' shoots his own countdowns. Frank needs to get some glasses. I mean, I get he's using some crazy weapons, but still. This guy is supposed to be Mr. Guns.

And for the record, my desk is chock full of Transformers and other miscellaneous one-off toys.
Hahah nice! My Vinylmation are all set up on one of my bookshelves in my apartment!

Currently that desk is in the Student Records Office of DePaul University... with a bunch of old women. They still just think I am a kid either way and my desk definitely just adds to that!

I am finishing up my MA in Animation however and will be shipping out to California then within the year and so there is most definitely no denying that other people will have plenty of toys wherever I go there : P

What more specifically do you do?
Surf the net and cag most of my day...

My primary job is Salesforce Administrator/Developer/Architect but mostly a jack of all trades in my department. I handle report building, customizing our database, research, troubleshooting and few other items. In the middle of packing everything up and moving to Boston at the end of the month. Not bad for a college drop out :whistle2:$

Surf the net and cag most of my day...

My primary job is Salesforce Administrator/Developer/Architect but mostly a jack of all trades in my department. I handle report building, customizing our database, research, troubleshooting and few other items. In the middle of packing everything up and moving to Boston at the end of the month. Not bad for a college drop out :whistle2:$

Everyone is grinding like crazy... This will be one hell of a last minute push to make it to a Black Panther cover....
I'm not. The 500 ISO between top 10 and 50 is not worth it to me and there is no way I am going to drop below 50 with my current rank so I am just done I think.

I have a ton of crap to do tonight before my super long weekend which starts tomorrow afternoon so I havent even really touched it. I may do a last like 20 minute push to get some more tokens but I dont even care there.

Plus as an Alliance we are already pretty much locked since people like you are still hustlin' to get a rank ; P

Plus as an Alliance we are already pretty much locked since people like you are still hustlin' to get a rank ; P
Also not helping with the grinding is everyone is mad crazy going at it, that it pushed up all the levels on opponents.

Im at 76 right now, struggling to get to 75...last hour push & Im out of healthpacks FML.....

I have only gotten to play a bit of Mario Kart 8 but my buddy just showed me this and now I want to get back to playing it!

*these are all super short
Got knocked out of 2nd and no way I can make up 4k in an hour so settling for 4th place.  Used special 50% damage boost to get the 2k ISO bonus and I'm done with this event.

That's awesome about the Luigi death stare.  Didn't notice it when playing the demo at Gamestop.

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I swear this game trolls me so hard sometimes.

I have busted through all the sub events getting 4 tokens each time and really grinding away. Each time the tokens didn't give me squat.

Now, since I have pushed so hard before I was sitting comfy at #7 and didn't care if I dropped to top 50 and so I barely played these past sub events. I ended top 50 of each of them to at least get the single token from each however and minimal ISO.


Once I accept that I don't care about those tokens for now and don't even try the game is just like JUST KIDDING HERE ARE SOME COVERS YOU NEED!

Man, this game keeps me on my toes : P

But yeah Green Patch, Blue Psylocke and all 3 Panthers. That means I got 5 gold pulls essentially in a matter of a minute!

I hope you guys had some good luck on your end as well! : )

bread's done