Marvel Puzzle Quest Discussion Thread

Go out to the prequel, use OBW and whoever you want healed, and play a battle with the sole purpose of getting everyone to max health. My personal favorite is the Venom and Yelena node in the final prequel section. They are both in the mid-50's for level, so they don't go down too fast, there are no countdowns to hinder OBW's blue, and neither can do a HUGE amount of damage with one attack.


Hahah I never end up actually utilizing that technique much. I used to early on but now that I have so many characters to swap between I would always rather just do that than take my time to heal them!

Go out to the prequel, use OBW and whoever you want healed, and play a battle with the sole purpose of getting everyone to max health. My personal favorite is the Venom and Yelena node in the final prequel section. They are both in the mid-50's for level, so they don't go down too fast, there are no countdowns to hinder OBW's blue, and neither can do a HUGE amount of damage with one attack.
If you only need 1 character healed, you can throw them in with OBW and Marvel Now Magneto. Use his purple to create blue, and you can heal someone very quickly.

I could certainly see them doing something to discourage prequel healing before fixing MMR. If people can't heal in the prequel, it might cause more people to spend more to buy health packs.

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I can get my hulk into the 90s. Really don't feel like grinding these same nodes over and over, and I don't see how I can reach the top rewards. I think I'm in like 300th place or so.

Really need to get back into Clash of Clans, but I'm stuck in the mid-game. Can't beat the high level players, and the low level ones don't give enough rewards. (Hey, same as this game!)

I'm around the 600 but stopped grinding the 1k nodes after the bots wiped me out few times with some 5x freaky combos + specials.  Now I get wiped out on the mag event.

I'm around the 600 but stopped grinding the 1k nodes after the bots wiped me out few times with some 5x freaky combos + specials. Now I get wiped out on the mag event.
That Mag node, you have to take the Don down first or you're going to get spammed with protect tiles until the AI gets enough purple.
That Mag node, you have to take the Don down first or you're going to get spammed with protect tiles until the AI gets enough purple.
That node is listed at deadly for me. The game is playing cheap with me last few times I play. Some instance Ares would spam all of his specials get a 5x combo and spam again. Before I knew it 2 of my guys are down and I either retreat or die in a blaze of glory.

You guys are complaining of your low ranks in this event... HAH. Imagine mine!

I am somewhere in the 1300s.... o_O
i can imagine, but this event, got jacked somewhere. Seems a common theme in the events lately. Collectively players got enough points to open the special nodes, which in turn flooded the leaderboards with tons of points. Basically it became a free for all and everyone pretty much got their red hulks.

Bad part about that was, now everyone is just screwed over on points. You have to grind even moreso so make up for that massive point gain. Most of us, and lets be honest most of us are decent mid tier players who usually get new covers, are now sitting and looking at missing a new character for once. When did this happen? When did decent players get looked over for the new people coming in?

I play sometimes on my steam account (Tha Tigger) and I go for pvp & its a cakewalk. I have little to no MMR on that account as Ive been playing the prologue. I go in with a level 30-40 team & face 1* opponents barely in there 20's. So new players coming in are treated with kids gloves, while us? Now we're stuck facing level 100+ 3*s with at least 2 3*s maxed at 141. Its getting ridiculous. Yes I have most of my 3* (that I have enough covers for) at 120-130, but it still doesnt help against a multiple 141s.

As for Black Panther, level him up, his healthpool is quite high. His skills are useful, the protect & strike tiles are great & the black can knock down a team pretty damn good. If you have a Punisher/Black Panther team, save black for panther & finish off who you can with Punishers red. Yellow strike from Panther & Green Strike from Punisher leads to crazy damage....Thats IF punisher doesnt destroy half of your own tiles with green.

PS. Still working on my phone, cant play the game, stuck in bootloops..... The stable roms I can load up and work suck and are too close to stock. Unfortunately thats what I may end up with. At least the phones rooted now :\

Yeah I think I will level up BP as much as I dont want to you can't argue with the facts that he is a solid character and I have the means to get him to near max. Now I just need more ISO!

But yeah I played the day the Simulator started but like, barely at all. For all intents and purposes I just started this morning on the train and I already have the Hulk cover being my next upcoming reward... Which is useless for me since I have my Hulk at 5/4/4. I originally really wanted a 4/5/4 because of other Green moves taking priority but really when he is paired with Thor, the AI uses the green all the time I am sure for me and overall it is a better move.

Can anyone make a solid case to make my Hulk 4/5/4 since I will be getting that red soon?

Can anyone make a solid case to make my Hulk 4/5/4 since I will be getting that red soon?

Even looking at the options I cant recommend it, uses up all the green when used? That means any green attack, COtS will be negated by that attack. Sure it has higher damage, but I dont think youd use the attack that much.

Green hulk covers are a dime a dozen (for a 3* that is, yes I know still rare) so you're more than likely going to get another sometime. Play around, if you dont like it, respec later.

New MPQ update includes this feature:

- Events with points that lower when cleared now display a timer in the mission info screen as to when the points will be at maximum again

Now we can know when to play for maximum potential.

If you haven't updated yet, you might want to hold off if you are in contention for Thick As Thieves. Apparently the update screws with the scaling, making each node noticeably harder.

I just blindly updated, and it looks like many of my nodes scaled upwards. The D3P forums indicate I am far from alone in this.
If you haven't updated yet, you might want to hold off if you are in contention for Thick As Thieves. Apparently the update screws with the scaling, making each node noticeably harder.

I just blindly updated, and it looks like many of my nodes scaled upwards. The D3P forums indicate I am far from alone in this.
I wish I read this moments ago.... : (

I'm not even doing the thick as thieves sub events. There's like 4 or 5 nodes that give anywhere from 1000-2000 points, so I've just been grinding those.

Got up to 136th place last night before I switched over to :ps3:  We'll see what happens after this update I see mentioned.

Storm cover should be mine though.

I haven't updated yet, but damn the scaling is in effect. Level 174 enemies? I just jumped in last night not even looking at the enemy levels. Ares kicked my ass with repeated powers back to back. As I'm trying to figure how, I see his level. I'm glad enemy Ai doesn't actually need to match the colors to set of their powers. Very cheap -_-

Btw, I finally made a rank of under 1k! Didn't realize I missed a whole sub bracket while modding my phone.
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Weird. I'm not seeing any scaling at all. I can beat the same level 30 Maggia guys over and over for 2000. (They drop down to 1600, then 1200)

I think even on the hard node (For 1000) Its Mags and the Hood are just level 100. But there's so many easy nodes for at least a 1000 I don't bother.

I'm not even doing the thick as thieves sub events. There's like 4 or 5 nodes that give anywhere from 1000-2000 points, so I've just been grinding those.
Let me know if that changed for you. I had those same nodes yesterday, and now they are saying full at a little over 800. Rubberbanding was probably affected as well.

I'm glad enemy Ai doesn't actually need to match the colors to set of their powers. Very cheap -_-
It's not Ares, it's the goon he's paired with autogenerating AP. Unless that changed, too. I realize it's a way to mix things up, but I'd rather opponents be either strictly goon or strictly named enemies. This free power nonsense throws off the balance, especially once they are leveled beyond what you can match.

Also found a glitch in SHIELD Training - I was skipping like a madman (woo, triple 141s, over and over!) and the node I was skipping on disappeared. Tried another node, and that disappeared. Went to another node, skipped, and they came back. Weird. (I usually fight in either the city or Latveria - I don't focus on environment tiles when I play, and I'd rather not have the AI spam Oasis or something on me.) I figure with the themed events being out of my grasp when I don't have a good enough featured character, this is the only way I'm going to get to the 10-pack.
It's not Ares, it's the goon he's paired with autogenerating AP. Unless that changed, too. I realize it's a way to mix things up, but I'd rather opponents be either strictly goon or strictly named enemies. This free power nonsense throws off the balance, especially once they are leveled beyond what you can match.
It was the Sub Bracket one, the node on the AB. I think its Ares, Bullseye, & maybe Yelena? Could be a goon idk. I know that Goons or Maggia, any of them make yellows and blues. So if he was throwing out sunder left and right that Id understand. He was dishing out Onslaught (green) and a couple of his reds (rampage). So I dont think it was a goon auto generating. It was late in the AM, so I may have been half asleep. I just remember cruising through most of the other nodes until I got to that one.

I wouldnt doubt it that the devs are throwing powers around for the AI. I swear Ive seen it more times than a few, especially on computer controlled OBWs, no way in hell she got that many purples so quick. Then to steal all my colors back to back? Yeah something is off on that.

It was the Sub Bracket one, the node on the AB. I think its Ares, Bullseye, & maybe Yelena? Could be a goon idk. I know that Goons or Maggia, any of them make yellows and blues. So if he was throwing out sunder left and right that Id understand. He was dishing out Onslaught (green) and a couple of his reds (rampage). So I dont think it was a goon auto generating. It was late in the AM, so I may have been half asleep. I just remember cruising through most of the other nodes until I got to that one.

I wouldnt doubt it that the devs are throwing powers around for the AI. I swear Ive seen it more times than a few, especially on computer controlled OBWs, no way in hell she got that many purples so quick. Then to steal all my colors back to back? Yeah something is off on that.
Seems to be a couple stories of people seeing the AI pull off powers they don't have the AP for, especially green. So, I guess that's a thing, now.

It's a shame I like playing the core game, because the metagame really turns me off. But hey, got a green Torch out of a standard token today. So I guess the game knew I needed a carrot today.
But hey, got a green Torch out of a standard token today. So I guess the game knew I needed a carrot today.
Congrats! Yeah after my ass kicking last night the game was nice enough to give me a blue Steve rogers. Sometimes it's like a sour patch kid. First its sour then it's sweet! Lol

*edit* Posted from my phone, still getting used to it again
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If you haven't updated yet, you might want to hold off if you are in contention for Thick As Thieves. Apparently the update screws with the scaling, making each node noticeably harder.

I just blindly updated, and it looks like many of my nodes scaled upwards. The D3P forums indicate I am far from alone in this.
I was playing this morning, didnt see the update & the point refresh bar. Just logged in, I now see point refresh bar.
Naturally I was confused as I always manually update my apps. Oh yeah, updated phone, it was set to update on WiFi only. So at some point in time it auto updated, dammit.... Oh well I hope the scaling wont kill me. Its a decent feature, but really only reinforces the rubberbanding.

I was playing this morning, didnt see the update & the point refresh bar. Just logged in, I now see point refresh bar.
Naturally I was confused as I always manually update my apps. Oh yeah, updated phone, it was set to update on WiFi only. So at some point in time it auto updated, dammit.... Oh well I hope the scaling wont kill me. Its a decent feature, but really only reinforces the rubberbanding.
Yeah... I came in here to tell folks to avoid the update as well. The max point timer is nice, but not worth this 2000 pt nodes going from lvl 30 to 150
Man, this update screwed me over blah.

Plus I have had such shit luck with my pulls lately. I would say out of the past 60-70 standard tokens, I have not gotten a single 3*.


I dont even know where to begin with this cluster of a mess.  I used to like events before I got a decent roster & could compete.  Now I cant compete since Im up against 141 3*s so Im back to events.  Now the events have become an incredible grindfest.

Im not blaming my phone, that was my fault, so thats on me.

What I will say is this, dont inject points into the game & have crazy numbers over inflate.  Then in the middle realize points are over inflated & put an update in to stop it.  Now points are still rampant, but to deter it the enemies are crazy unbeatable levels.  I have buffed characters, surely 3 buffed guys can beat 2 enemies. Oh wait nope, Magneto and Hood each are at level 241.  No purple on the board? My OBW is stealing purple with every match & using her purple skill? Thats ok Magneto pulls out his purple skill & kills my hulk in 1 blow.  No countdowns on the board? Hardly any blacks? Once again OBW doing her thing, Hood pulls out intimidation (his black) kills obw. Im about to call Shenanigans on this whole thing.

This is all I can think about when the devs do crazy shit like this.


What I do love is the fact that the "regular" nodes, which give 50-80 points are still on normal non scaled levels. LIke the devs do know & havent scaled them.  I mean really, you keep those guys at level 30 but the nodes that are worth something have levels up to 200+? Someone really wants to lose players fast, keep going devs....

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I'm already down to playing about half as much as I used to, possibly even less than that. I don't have the time to grind to keep up in my bracket in the events, and my stable can't keep up with the other 3* rosters, which are higher level than mine. There are other games that I can put significantly less time into, and actually advance in the game, and those are a lot more worthy of my limited gaming time.

I'm already down to playing about half as much as I used to, possibly even less than that. I don't have the time to grind to keep up in my bracket in the events, and my stable can't keep up with the other 3* rosters, which are higher level than mine. There are other games that I can put significantly less time into, and actually advance in the game, and those are a lot more worthy of my limited gaming time.
QFT. Maybe we should just be a casual alliance. I mean, look through the comments. It doesn't seem like anyone is really enjoying the game anymore.

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Let's ride this wave of changes and see where they are going for sure with this game before we make any rash decisions!!

OK ok, I know we're all upset about the game, lets take a minute, relax and laugh.

Since this is MARVEL puzzle quest, Ive thrown some DC in here to make you smile.


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I'm not upset. As I've said before, they continue to make the game progressively worse. They're spending too much time trying new ways to monetize the game and not enough time trying to balance it.

Even so, do you think they realize they're going in the WRONG direction?  The whole bottom line is to get more $$$$, in what way are they even remotely in the position to think thats what they're doing? 

If you break it down to how they make money its not even rational with what changes theyve made to the game.

1) ISO- buy Iso to level up your characters, seems straightforward and simple.  Problem: players characters are capped at 141 for a 3*, so no matter how much they level up Devs have made some enemy characters max at 100 levels higher.

2) Character Covers-  With the removal of guaranteed characters with the purchase of a 10 pack, the "increased" % for getting a featured character cover is worthless. Plus drops/pulls for 3* are generally horrible anyways. Cover packs make the most for sales, but ultimately are the worst deal for players.

3) Buying powers directly- goes back to 1, even at a full power set now you need the iso to level the character, only to have scaling make it worth nothing.

4) Healthpacks-  Could be a gold mine, however pvp most players face enemies they can hardly beat. Why constantly buy healthpacks to win battles you really cant?

5) Shields- the only thing they added which seriously does generate revenue.  Although once again, emphasized and inflated by the devs.  If it wasnt for the fact that as a player in the last 30 min of a tournament, you will be attacked multiple times & lose a tremendous amount of points, these would be worthless.  Tournaments should be like events, I shouldnt lose points.  Thats how leaderboards work....but thats another argument.

Im sure Im missing something, but looking at all the ways they could make money they've gone to the opposite end and make players feel they shouldnt spend any.  Even if this is straight greed, unless they turn it around this will drop off quicker than Candy Crush.  They had a good model for a F2P game so idk what happened. 

Anyways sorry for that rant, Heh Balance.... no Lets recycle more 1* characters and Make it so the AI can use their powers whenever they want.  I think that will up sales of covers by 1%,& lets screw up this event too.  Then we'll give everyone some HP & ISO to "apologize", but not enough they can do anything with.  That way they'll have to buy some more in order to level/ buy covers/ shield etc.

BWAHAHAHAH :twisted:

Wow Im on the MPQ forum, I didnt realize it wasnt just us complaining.  A lot of the core players on there are getting frustrated. Lots and LOTS of complaints....

Wow Im on the MPQ forum, I didnt realize it wasnt just us complaining. A lot of the core players on there are getting frustrated. Lots and LOTS of complaints....
That is why I said wait. With enough backlash they will change stuff.

Something similar happened with Monster Warlord a month or so ago and the community was pissed and made a big deal and they worked with the given comments then.

Have faith!

Mine auto updated but haven't played much of the event ever since Ares and Bulleye took out my Hulk, Iron Man, and Storm in less than a minute.  Reached 7th place but quickly got knocked down to 39th when I was pondering if I should put up a shield or not.

Starting to notice that PVP is getting some computer assistance.  Few matches I should had won I get creamed and the usual suspect are either OBW or Ares where they fire off a bunch of specials, create 5 combo chains and fire off more specials.

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Yeah, if you don't want to get seriously depressed about this game, stay away from the MPQ forums.

The devs claim they are making good money with the way the pay portion of the game works, and that the changes have actually increased token sales. I think that's got to be reverse Hollywood Accounting, and then I read a complaint from someone who bought TWO 42-packs and was concerned with the cover drop ratio. I cannot fathom dropping that much cash on a mobile game, so I'm obviously not the intended audience.

That being said, I think those sales figures are a bubble - people buy tokens because the natural way of achieving the better covers gets harder the longer/better you play, and it's an attempt to stay competitive. Then they realize the odds are never in their favor, and you're stuck with yet another Moonstone.
The devs claim they are making good money with the way the pay portion of the game works, and that the changes have actually increased token sales. I think that's got to be reverse Hollywood Accounting, and then I read a complaint from someone who bought TWO 42-packs and was concerned with the cover drop ratio. I cannot fathom dropping that much cash on a mobile game, so I'm obviously not the intended audience.
I have to point out that how the hell do they pinpoint what exactly is bringing in the revenue? You can buy 1 of 2 things, Hero Points or ISO. Thats it, what you spend the HP on is your own preference. Say its Hero packs. How can you guage that the 10 packs redeemed are not from season rewards progression or HP that someone saved up from tons of tournaments or events. Or that the heroic/event tokens redeemed arent won and not bought using said HP?

I just dont get how they base their figures. It should be based on how much of those 2 items which actually cost real world money are sold. Thats it, nothing else. No breakdown of how people used their bought HP.

We all spend a couple hundred hp on the daily deals from time to time. So how does that get factored in? I think that gets thrown into the metric of covers sold, making it so high. Also its a higher cost to buy the powers using HP directly. How come that is hardly ever factored in? or used as a sales example?

I get more intrigued by their sales daily. I mean if the real world ran a business like this it would last only a couple months tops. There will be a point where they over saturate this. New people come in, get quickly burnt out.... Oh & I so need to stay away from that forum, I get more Ah ha moments reading everyones goodbye posts.

and then I read a complaint from someone who bought TWO 42-packs and was concerned with the cover drop ratio. I cannot fathom dropping that much cash on a mobile game, so I'm obviously not the intended audience.
ISN'T THAT $200?!?!

I have to point out that how the hell do they pinpoint what exactly is bringing in the revenue? You can buy 1 of 2 things, Hero Points or ISO. Thats it, what you spend the HP on is your own preference. Say its Hero packs. How can you guage that the 10 packs redeemed are not from season rewards progression or HP that someone saved up from tons of tournaments or events. Or that the heroic/event tokens redeemed arent won and not bought using said HP?
It is super easy from a programming standpoint to simply track the lifecycle of the specific HP bought and where it gets spent.

But yeah I am a part of the collective 'ugh' at the moment and really hope this game bounces back. I honestly dont see it TERRIBLE at the moment but it can easily turn that way if things arent rectified.

I have to point out that how the hell do they pinpoint what exactly is bringing in the revenue? You can buy 1 of 2 things, Hero Points or ISO. Thats it, what you spend the HP on is your own preference. Say its Hero packs. How can you guage that the 10 packs redeemed are not from season rewards progression or HP that someone saved up from tons of tournaments or events. Or that the heroic/event tokens redeemed arent won and not bought using said HP?

I just dont get how they base their figures. It should be based on how much of those 2 items which actually cost real world money are sold. Thats it, nothing else. No breakdown of how people used their bought HP.
Being a data guy in the real world, you can make some assumptions without having 100% correlation. I would be surprised if they cannot differentiate when a token is earned versus bought with a database field. Plus, each player data object must have a field for 'earned McGuffin points' and another for 'purchased McGuffin points', never mind a ledger of each transaction. If they aren't recording this information, they're not doing it right.

If you were to compare time stamps of when Whale McSpenderson bought $100 of HP and the time stamp of his token purchases, you can make some assumptions. While not impossible, it seems unlikely that someone would drop serious cash on the in-game currency and then do nothing with it. So the data should show that within X period of time, Y percent of purchased currency gets used for tokens/covers/roster slots/etc., which lets you make these kinds of claims.

I still believe the conclusions they are drawing are not sustainable, but I don't really doubt the specific claims - there isn't much value in making less money and lying about it. Eventually you would have to pay the bills with that fictional money.
I get what you guys are saying.  From a data collection/programming standpoint yes you could tally what is going where and used by whom for what.

In the end though it all seems bloated since money comes from the 2 places: ISO & HP. Everything else seems irrelevant to me. Break it down by how much people buy ISO, how much they buy HP.  Instead of having Mr. McBeancounter tallying what HP goes into what. Not to mention making a program to filter how what HP is actually bought as opposed to earned for said purchases.  Why not, idk, use that revenue to at least make the servers better? Better yet, if they can build a program that tallys HP consumption, why not create a system that balances MMR? Now thats an idea, balance the game instead of worrying about What reasons people bought in game currency.

I get it, its a cash cow, which instead of growing a herd theyve bled it out thinking more cash is the band aid. I love a good match 3, and I enjoy puzzle quest but Im playing this at a more relaxed pace now.  I missed another sub bracket, I just lost about 3-4 matches in the Magneto tournament, and out of 3 standard & 1 heroic best I got was a classic storm.  You win MPQ. Im still playing, but I cant be competitive enough anymore. Im going to be in the top 1k for thick as thieves and if Im lucky the top 500 in the magneto tournament.  Im back to being a noob, just with a kickass roster & level 100 3*s right off the bat. 

Last thought: Its times like this I dont know whether to be glad or upset I changed my major from computer science to marketing.  Since from both aspects this game seems fudged. 

I think it's simple.  You receive data from Apple, Google, and Steam of how many HP and ISO has been purchased.  You can run analytic based on time frame to see where the spikes and drops are and make put your spin on if the changes are due to updates, sales, and so on.  The issue is that that this is a FtP app and I would include in the analytic how many players are active/inactive.  People are spending more money to win but if the community is slowly leaving without people to replace them you'll end up with a dead game in a few months.

The thing that separates the other F2P games from MPQ is the simple matter of progression. Let's take Candy Crush for example. In CC, you pay to replenish your lives, or for power ups, which allow you to play to try and advance to the next level. There's no guarantee you'll get there, but by buying the right power-up, your chances have improved immensely.

In MPQ, if you pay real money, there's not even a slight chance to guarantee that you'll be advancing in the game. If you buy HP, you could get a bunch of cover packs, with no guarantee you'll get something you need. You could get health packs, which could give you a few more rounds before you have to wait again anyway. You could get shields, which don't stop people from outright scoring more points than you. You could also buy some Iso, which levels up your characters... ultimately just making the level of the matches you play more difficult.

And even with all of those opportunities, you still have to play for hours and hours on end, at certain times of the day, to try and finish high enough to earn rewards that you can actually use. With those rewards becoming increasingly more rare, when they do appear, everyone and their twice-removed stepcousin's mother are trying to get them, all but eliminating everyone that can't play as much as they would like. 

It's fun using a level 205 Hulk to beat up on a level 112 Ares for 2000 points, but sitting ranked in the mid-600's isn't making D3 any friends.

It's fun using a level 205 Hulk to beat up on a level 112 Ares for 2000 points, but sitting ranked in the mid-600's isn't making D3 any friends.
I'm actually doing rather well in Thick As Thieves, but that's because I've been grinding a little more than I probably should, and my Hulk is a beast. I'm hovering between 20 and 200, depending on where in the cycle I'm playing. But yeah, this event sucks in comparison to Prodigal Sun, where I felt like I was actually having fun in PvE.

What's driving me crazy is the PvP with featured characters I don't have leveled. I really should not be matched against 212 Magnetos, when I don't even have his purple power, nevermind the levels. Based on the rewards, the next one is probably Patch, yet another character I don't have leveled. And when you face a 212 Patch and a 141 Daken, you can't bring green to the party and you have to figure out how to get it off the board.

I'm actually hoping for a 1* tournament just to get away from being in MMR hell against teams I can't beat.

Maybe the solution is some new single player content? The original Puzzle Quests were great as single player games, and make the rewards irrelevant to tournament play somehow. I don't know.
Maybe the solution is some new single player content? The original Puzzle Quests were great as single player games, and make the rewards irrelevant to tournament play somehow. I don't know.
I actually just started playing the first one again. I started playing it on the DS back in the day, but have it on my phone now so I can maybe finish it this time. And PQ2 was a game that I got my wife hooked on before she even knew what Bejeweled was. She actually made it farther in that game than I did (although she did use my assistance to beat the Green Dragon).

Based on the rewards, the next one is probably Patch, yet another character I don't have leveled.
I'm psychic. Oh, and the rewards are LazyThor, another character I'm undercovered? Well, that's five days of PvP I can't compete in, nor earn the rewards from one to improve my odds in the next. *grumble*

Now my goal is to find enough points in SHIELD Training to get the 10-pack, then just roster wipe during the PvP events whenever I'm watching TV or something in hopes of getting my MMR down.

I actually just started playing the first one again. I started playing it on the DS back in the day, but have it on my phone now so I can maybe finish it this time. And PQ2 was a game that I got my wife hooked on before she even knew what Bejeweled was. She actually made it farther in that game than I did (although she did use my assistance to beat the Green Dragon).
I spent way too much time in all three PQ games. I have a fuzzy memory, but I think I finished the first one on both DS and XBLA. I even liked Galactrix, which not everyone agrees with me about.
It was nice while it lasted. Knocking down those level 20 guys over and over for an easy 2000 points.

But to play devil's advocate it was making the game a little -too- easy.

Now the Maggia guys are up to level 70 and Mags and Hood are in the 120s I think. I havent faced them yet, but think I might be able to take them down with enough boosts and a little bit of luck.

I've already placed high enough for at least one Storm Mohwak cover so I'm happy.

(I'd really like to see them stop recycling characters from 3-star to 1-star versions. Or at least give you a way to upgrade or evolve your 1-star characters to their "Ultimate Form!"

The thing that separates the other F2P games from MPQ is the simple matter of progression. Let's take Candy Crush for example. In CC, you pay to replenish your lives, or for power ups, which allow you to play to try and advance to the next level. There's no guarantee you'll get there, but by buying the right power-up, your chances have improved immensely.
Now this is interesting and its both point and counterpoint.

Fact is, if you had progression would you continue to play MPQ? Probably not as much, the lack of progression and more emphasis on PvP is what draws you back to the game. I played CC, sure it was addicting, but I never spent any money on it. After a while I got to a level and just got bored. People that finished all the levels were left with nothing to do. Which is why they had to add the whole night mode.

By lack of progression and the team dynamic keeps players more engaged. Which is why its so hard to leave the game. Its also the collection aspect which caters to a base level pokemaniac desire. How long was it before you got rid of all your 1*s? At first you had all the covers because you had to catch them all didnt you? But its not only that, once you get a cover you want to level them up, use them, make them stronger. To be able to use them competitively.

So yes there's lack of progression which would seem to hurt most games, but this games distinctive lack of progression helps it move forward. Also if you look at turnover we see the same recycled characters and events. The new people coming in this is new to them, fresh, they dont know the nerfs or tweaks. But thats what the game is now, caters to the new not the core players from day 1.

For a match 3 game, progression can be the end all of it. I have PQ2 on my xbox, played it, got to the end. No reason for me to play the story over, so I deleted it from my HD. So in this aspect they really were smart not to use that as compared to candy crush.

My ten pack just told me to quit my bitching.

Got five 3*s out of the ten, only one of them I didn't want (black Hulk, which would put me at the self-damaging 5). Considering I'm at 12/13 on Hulk, debating on whether I should use it anyway, and see how bad the damage really is.

What I got, in order:
2* Bullseye purple
2* MN Mags purple
3* LazyThor yellow
3* Black Panther black
3* Punisher red (already maxed, but wanted to respec to 5 in red, debating 5/3/5 or 4/4/5)
3* Hulk black
3* Black Panther yellow
2* Cap red
2* Bag-Man yellow
2* Thor green

Gets my Panther to 3/3/3 - guess that Hood plan may have gone out the window.

I will say GSBW, Hulk and Doom make a pretty good team, even at the levels I have. Picked up a bunch of points in Training. It also pointed out there is an AP cap - you can't have more than 30 of a color at a time, apparently. Or at least, not in green.
bread's done