Marvel Puzzle Quest Discussion Thread

I hope you guys had some good luck on your end as well! : )
In the last hour of grindage I watched as everyone else came in and rubber banded like there was no tomorrow. I dropped from 76 to the 80's. There was a 3k difference to 75....

At least I was top 5 in my bracket for hard mode in the simulator. Walked away with 3 tokens, then spent 100 HP for the daily deal. All 2*s and Im back to getting Bullseye covers, purple this time.

In the end, this is how the simulator has made me feel.....


I don't know where I finished exactly, but I managed top 50 so I ended up with 1/1/1 for BP.  Now he's up to 3/3/2, and can be leveled to 77, but I only have enough ISO to get him to 70 for now.  Great showing by the alliance as a whole, although we had a couple under 10k.

Nothing useful from my tokens, so the luck wore off quickly.

Still placed high enough for all three BP covers. This event seems to have been generally a positive outcome.

Got my 2 BP covers and the tokens netted me the Thor and Classic Storm.  Ended up playing the lightning round and the current PVP until almost 4 today so dead tired today.

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I didn't get offered any low level seed teams when I started the BP tournament. It was all level 85 guys.

Looks like this will be a long climb. Hopefully I can get up to at least 50 and earn a Sentry.

I didn't get offered any low level seed teams when I started the BP tournament. It was all level 85 guys.

Looks like this will be a long climb. Hopefully I can get up to at least 50 and earn a Sentry.
Yeah just started last night, played some this morning. WTF has happened? Has my MMR gone completely fubar? I usually play to get into the top 50, maybe I'll get into the top 10. I am making no headway today & am already frustrated with the game.

I made it to 200 points in the panther tournament & all my 3*s are dead, I have no more healthpacks, & my 2* 85s are worthless as my opponents are all at minimum 120. If I see an 85 its obw :bs:

Decided to hop into the Maggia event, only to find the essential nodes need hulk, who's currently dead right now. I can only be butthurt after last night, so this is normal.

On the other side, pushed Psylocke to level 130, got Panther to 120. One of the few matches I won was a panther OBW Psylocke team. Usually I dont like OBW & Psylocke together but when Panther & Psy put down all those strike tiles OBW went to town on everyone's ass with espionage. With cleanup from Psylockes Black attack tiles + the strike tiles, it was a good quick match.

Can I go back to playing against the Magneto/Storm teams now? The new combination is OBW/Punisher or is that just the bracket Im in? Also seeing more IM40s, has he been secretly powered up & I dont know about it?

Mohawk storm? Least if they were going to do that could I get Bloodstorm?


Can I go back to playing against the Magneto/Storm teams now? The new combination is OBW/Punisher or is that just the bracket Im in? Also seeing more IM40s, has he been secretly powered up & I dont know about it?
IM40 is usually in there for his high health when leveled, and throwing out countdowns to mess with OBW's healing.

And yes, I'm seeing a lot more Punisher, and a lot more Magneto.

Ended up in a Maggia bracket with a couple of grinders. Tried to grind down my nodes and still not top five in either the main bracket or sub bracket. Not first place rewards for me this time. Really could use the top progression reward of a red Hulk, but I know they are just teasing.

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Yeah, I'm feeling kinda burnt after The Simulator. I did one run through of the new Maggia event and was bored. I agree with what you said in chat about the recycling/repetition. This game sorely needs more variety of gameplay.

Black Panther with Hulk and Magneto? Who wouldve ever come up with a combination like that? Thats just crazy talk!

I need to tank and I need to tank BAD, if this keeps up Im taking a tournament break until I can get all my 3*s to level 141.

Well fellas, I will be gone until Sunday night. I wish you all a wonderful weekend and dont mind my piddly score in the event over the weekend... for all intents and purposes I am dead! o_O

Though yeah I will have to play crazy catch up to get any cover. I dont think I will make it : /

Oh well!

Yeah, I'm feeling kinda burnt after The Simulator. I did one run through of the new Maggia event and was bored. I agree with what you said in chat about the recycling/repetition. This game sorely needs more variety of gameplay.
Seriously, Im even looking at the leaderboards, I just broke 1k. Im ranked 400+, the top guys have 3K. First how the hell? 2nd you got that much time to waste? Seriously, I have no life & I like the game, but damn even I have limits!

Next point



FIGMENT!!!!!! This is real, its happening, Marvel and Disney Magic! I cannot wait to see how they spin this.

And for those of you who are Who the F is Figment, educate yourself! El Linko

Im honestly starting to think this will be the first event Im actively playing where I wont get a 3* cover.  How many people are in each bracket?  Im surprised we managed to squeeze in a heroic token in the Alliance ranks.  I had to do a last minute push to get an event token. 

That on top of being in the 40's on the panther tournament.  Koju, I now envy you for having your GSBW powered up.  I just tried a hulk/BP/OBW team, I was just thinking who has purple & then it hit me.  Mines only in the 70s & not as useful as my C Mags, but I gave her a go.  It was actually a decent rainbow team & I was shocked.

GSBW- She shares red & green with Hulk, so it depends who you want to do what with.  I used her red more than hulks just because of not having to worry about how many green tiles are on board & because it causes cascades.  Naturally her purple feeds greens.

Hulk- Green for board clearing and of course his high health & black passive for defense.

Black Panther- Black high damage team attack, when paired with yellows increases for strike tiles, and of course blue for the protect tiles.

I know your Panther isnt as powered up, but try that team, it may work for you too.  Although I keep having to swap in OBW for the healing every other round. 

As for token pulls, my Event token got me a....Blue Spiderman. Now if I could only get 1 yellow, Id have at least 1 in all the powers.

I know your Panther isnt as powered up, but try that team, it may work for you too. Although I keep having to swap in OBW for the healing every other round.
Hmm. I have BP leveled as high as I can get him at the moment (53), but I have enough HP to buy a cover. Don't really have the ISO to level him afterwards. I'll give them a spin and see.

Don't discount GSBW's green, though. At full covers it does team damage as well as targeted board clearing. Costs more AP, but green isn't in short supply on a team with Hulk. My goal for her is 5/3/5, currently 2/4/5.

Picked up another Invisible Woman cover with my Thieves token. I now have five covers. To level her to 71 from 34 would take me 22k ISO. Yeah... no.
Don't discount GSBW's green, though. At full covers it does team damage as well as targeted board clearing. Costs more AP, but green isn't in short supply on a team with Hulk. My goal for her is 5/3/5, currently 2/4/5.
Since I dont have her green at 5, I dont have the team damage. At the level I have her at her green and hulks green do roughly the same damage. As of right now its just the relative cost that holds me back from using her more. If I need the board cleared on a more concentrated area Id save up GSBW green and take care of what I need to. For example a perfect counter attack to Human Torches black power, since he clusters those in the middle of the screen.

She would be more effective if her powers werent so expensive. Right now my GSBW is at 3/3/2 So she's just mid level for me.

Nice pull. Both my tokens gave me Moonstone. And if you look at the rewards, top 200 get a Mohawk Storm. I think you'll be okay.
Maybe, I havent played todays sub bracket but my overall score is 589 in the event. I know as rubber banding occurs I'll catch up easier but thats quite a jump. After the simulator I have lost some of my confidence while playing.

I don't have a Hulk so not going to doing well.  Trying to push for 600 on Predator and Prey for the Storm cover I need but keep on falling short.  Is it me or are they giving out original Black Window like it's going out of style?

Is it me or are they giving out original Black Window like it's going out of style?
Probably because they're about to tweak her. But you're right, theyve been giving her out left and right. I win her after some pvp battles, lots from heroic tokens, and she's been a prize for the past couple events I think. They've also been buffing her up, so I think its one big last hurrah for her before the inevitable nerf. I mean honestly, she is kinda over powered for what she is.

I made it to 5k for season 2, I got my heroic 10 pack.

I went to open it and not 1 3* out of 10....not one...

Game trolled me so hard, all I could think was this


fuckin whammies.....

That really sucks, man.

I'm about 100 points away from mine. I'll keep the results to myself if they're good. ;)
Nah post away, its good to hear someone have some luck. Plus lightning cant strike twice, I had a great mix with my season 1 heroic 10 pack. Maybe I'll have some more luck today when the sub event ends.

At least I finally got  a Sentry. 49th place in the BP tournament. Had to ignore the Hood event to do so.

Well, now to concentrate on that.

(Which means I probably can't do the Sentry tournament in order to nab another Magneto cover) 

Decisions, Decisions.

@Matt - IMO, play the event that best serves your roster.

@downsouthtigger - Pulled 3 three stars like last time:

1 Red Psylocke

1 Black Hulk

1 Yellow Hood

Also, 2 usable 2* covers I won't use and 5 to sell.

I made it to 5k for season 2, I got my heroic 10 pack.
I went to open it and not 1 3* out of 10....not one...
I've come to conclusion that multipacks need to guarantee at least one 3*. Considering they are now considered one item, and not ten single items, it shouldn't be so hard to program it to randomly select a 3*, then use the existing heroic logic for the other 9 (or 41, if you're crazy). I would feel a lot better getting a 3* I don't need and a bunch of 2*s over ten 2*s in a row.

I've run a few matches with GSBW and Hulk and have been happy with the results. Worked well with BP in his event or Doom in SHIELD Training. With a yellow-less Sentry, not so much. But man do I need that purple Magneto.

I also found my new auto-skip defense team. 141 Daken with 141 Patch is crazy powerful. I got wiped out quick, thinking the 45 points was worth the risk. Nope!
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The point totals in the Scotland Yard sub event are way too low. Even the required character events are only giving me 450 or so. In the previous event I could nab at least 900 from those.  Maybe I'll let this one pass and start concentrating on the Sentry tournament. 

Hopefully even having a late start means I can catch up.

The point totals in the Scotland Yard sub event are way too low. Even the required character events are only giving me 450 or so. In the previous event I could nab at least 900 from those. Maybe I'll let this one pass and start concentrating on the Sentry tournament.

Hopefully even having a late start means I can catch up.
Nodes in scottland yard just opened up and giving out 1k points on a bunch of nodes

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Yeah, thought this event was going to be a grindfest start to finish. But these new nodes shot me up to the red Hulk level just now with only a few matches. I'm happy.
Got Red hulk which is great, now I can max level him to 12X. However its still a grindfest, now that points are falling like rain Im never going to catch up. I keep barely missing the 200 mark by a rank of 20. Unless I play every node to 1, its just getting ridiculous.

I got my Red Hulk too, which gives me 5/2/2, and lets me get Hulk to 89.  I had to pick up my brother from the airport yesterday, which conincided with the sub event ending yesterday.  Now I'm looking at one Storm cover if I'm lucky.

If you guys dont see me playing for a while that means my phone is bricked.  Im constantly having to reset my phone to clear its memory.  I'll notice it when MPQ starts lagging & wont render correctly.  Giving me the odd ghosting effect.

Tried force closing all the apps I didnt need, didnt work. Decided to root my phone. 

Im running 4.0.3, ice cream sandwich, so I got bored and thought, why not put a custom rom in?

Just installed Negalite BlueRom (I like blue!), which Wifi didnt work, so I had to install another kernal. Works, but Im still on 4.0.3.

Didnt realize the rom was based on stock, so the decision is to go straight to Kit Kat or just go jelly bean?

Kit Kat is too new & most roms dont have full support for my phone. I have an HTC Evo 3D, which not too many things take advantage of the 3D anyways.  So I'll be playing around before I fully install all my apps back on.  In case Im not playing, well something went bad.

Wish me luck!

PS. T-mobile offers unlimited txt & talk with 500 MB 4G for only $40/month, they have a payment plan of $27 added on a month for a Galaxy S5, so hmmm..... :whistle2:k lol, it wont come to that, I'll mod my phone no prob... :pray:

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If you guys dont see me playing for a while that means my phone is bricked. Im constantly having to reset my phone to clear its memory. I'll notice it when MPQ starts lagging & wont render correctly. Giving me the odd ghosting effect.

Tried force closing all the apps I didnt need, didnt work. Decided to root my phone.

Im running 4.0.3, ice cream sandwich, so I got bored and thought, why not put a custom rom in?

Just installed Negalite BlueRom (I like blue!), which Wifi didnt work, so I had to install another kernal. Works, but Im still on 4.0.3.

Didnt realize the rom was based on stock, so the decision is to go straight to Kit Kat or just go jelly bean?

Kit Kat is too new & most roms dont have full support for my phone. I have an HTC Evo 3D, which not too many things take advantage of the 3D anyways. So I'll be playing around before I fully install all my apps back on. In case Im not playing, well something went bad.

Wish me luck!

PS. T-mobile offers unlimited txt & talk with 500 MB 4G for only $40/month, they have a payment plan of $27 added on a month for a Galaxy S5, so hmmm..... :whistle2:k lol, it wont come to that, I'll mod my phone no prob... :pray:
Crossing my fingers for you

Seriously, Im even looking at the leaderboards, I just broke 1k. Im ranked 400+, the top guys have 3K. First how the hell? 2nd you got that much time to waste? Seriously, I have no life & I like the game, but damn even I have limits!

Next point



FIGMENT!!!!!! This is real, its happening, Marvel and Disney Magic! I cannot wait to see how they spin this.

And for those of you who are Who the F is Figment, educate yourself! El Linko


His ride was one of my favorites when I was little and had to have everything Figment. After they redid the ride in Orlando it was still good but not NEARLY as good as it used to be. But yeah I could go on forever about my childhood Figment obsession and am actually pretty damn stoked to read that comic.

Also hi. I am back : D

I am SO FAR BEHIND in this set of events that I almost dont even want to try ahah ugh. (I of course will but seriously there is no way I am going to get anything seeing as I am just now going to dive even remotely seriously into it!)

@downsouthtigger - Good luck, my friend. FWIW, I don't have ghosting, but I do have to reboot my phone frequently due to slowness in the game. The game used to run good, not great, until 3 or 4 updates ago.

@Broly - Welcome back. Hope you enjoyed your weekend.

I just used my first shield. I feel dirty.

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@downsouthtigger - Good luck, my friend. FWIW, I don't have ghosting, but I do have to reboot my phone frequently due to slowness in the game. The game used to run good, not great, until 3 or 4 updates ago.

I just used my first shield. I feel dirty.
Yeah not going so well, Damn roms install but I keep getting stuck on the boot animations. Going back to the BlueRom that worked the first time & then starting over. I hate to think I have to go back to stock.

As for using a shield, welcome to the dark side. :twisted:

If I dont get this thing fixed quick Im going to miss out on the sentry tourney and those magneto covers....

*Edit* Ive got a working Rom now, crappy one but it will do. But now I have to update the damn thing, sync my google account & update MPQ. I hope I can get this done within an hour so I can do something in this tournament.

UGH I have to reflash the kernal again to get WiFi....this is what I get for DL this, I thought it would be ok, serves me right.....


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I reached 5,000 for the heroic 10 pack.  A three star Thor and a three star Ragnarok.  I also got my first three star cover I can't use the other day, a green Hulk.  I was so excited when I saw the gold cover, and even more excited when I saw it was Hulk.  :wall:

I reached 5,000 for the heroic 10 pack. A three star Thor and a three star Ragnarok. I also got my first three star cover I can't use the other day, a green Hulk. I was so excited when I saw the gold cover, and even more excited when I saw it was Hulk. :wall:
Hey, that Thor will serve you VERY well my friend haha. Do not worry about the Hulk : P


Speaking of Hulk I did get mine to 121 now with my saved up ISO from the past week.

The more I play the more I want Classic Magneto on my team. I keep staring at my near maxed Black Panther at only level 51 and I know I should level him up but I just dont want him compared to Hood or Magneto.

I have about 1850 HP saved up so in a couple weeks that will be enough to buy 2 covers outright. My biggest problem is that I do not have Magento's purple move at all at 3/2/0. Hood on the other hand is at 1/1/3 and so I could soon make him 1/2/4 but that still isnt usable yet. I really want to just rely heavily on my Thor and Hulk for now and focus on the characters I REALLY WANT instead of just leveling up what I have currently that would work okay.


*double edit*

But BP does have such a high health pool and that Black is so strong...

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Got the red cover from the rewards from the Hood/Maggia event as well. Don't see how I could earn enough points to place anywhere close to 100 though.

Shame the rewards stop at 25,000. Maybe they just didnt plan ahead for people getting point totals this high?

The more I play the more I want Classic Magneto on my team. I keep staring at my near maxed Black Panther at only level 51 and I know I should level him up but I just dont want him compared to Hood or Magneto.
I am in the same boat - a couple of covers for Magneto, but no purple. Couldn't do squat in the Sentry PvP to earn one either - I'm officially in MMR hell and cannot make any headway without skipping a ton or using boosts. If I see an 85, it's always OBW, and I don't have a single character at 141.

The problem is that Magento is one of the next on the chopping block for balancing. According to the d3p forums, they are trying to get every power to cost at least 5 per use at a minimum - which is why Spidey got hit. No more powers that can be set off after one match three unless you use boosts. Not sure if that kills Magneto as the powerhouse he is now, but probably not as dramatically unless they adjust the actual powers beyond AP cost.

Trying to get to the 10-pack before spending any HP on covers. I just know if I buy a cover to finish someone off, I'll get that cover in the 10-pack. Rather just accept the ten 2*s, first.

Also up on the chopping block is prequel healing. If they fix that before MMR (I did see this was a known issue on the forums), I'll be completely out of PvP contention until I get covers and a ton of ISO.
I am in the same boat - a couple of covers for Magneto, but no purple. Couldn't do squat in the Sentry PvP to earn one either - I'm officially in MMR hell and cannot make any headway without skipping a ton or using boosts. If I see an 85, it's always OBW, and I don't have a single character at 141.

The problem is that Magento is one of the next on the chopping block for balancing. According to the d3p forums, they are trying to get every power to cost at least 5 per use at a minimum - which is why Spidey got hit. No more powers that can be set off after one match three unless you use boosts. Not sure if that kills Magneto as the powerhouse he is now, but probably not as dramatically unless they adjust the actual powers beyond AP cost.

Trying to get to the 10-pack before spending any HP on covers. I just know if I buy a cover to finish someone off, I'll get that cover in the 10-pack. Rather just accept the ten 2*s, first.

Also up on the chopping block is prequel healing. If they fix that before MMR (I did see this was a known issue on the forums), I'll be completely out of PvP contention until I get covers and a ton of ISO.
What is prequel healing? I assume it has to do with OBW. I never look at the official forums unless I am curious how to build someone.

I am far off from the 10-pack and wouldnt be surprised if I don't even get it this time around; what with my time away and my general priority to Simulator events my Season 2 ranking is among our Alliance's worst!

What is prequel healing? I assume it has to do with OBW. I never look at the official forums unless I am curious how to build someone.
Go out to the prequel, use OBW and whoever you want healed, and play a battle with the sole purpose of getting everyone to max health. My personal favorite is the Venom and Yelena node in the final prequel section. They are both in the mid-50's for level, so they don't go down too fast, there are no countdowns to hinder OBW's blue, and neither can do a HUGE amount of damage with one attack.

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bread's done