Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

LotSB was the single best DLC BioWare has put out. Stolen Memory was not very good, but at least it was $7.

Since they're charging $10 (LotSB price), I expect LotSB quality. Arrival's quality was better, but still not up to LotSB. Oh, and since this about the origins of the Reapers (no idea why they'd do that, when the last thing people want to know about is the origins of the Reapers after the ending crap), it REALLY needs to be LotSB quality.
From the ME Facebook page, wow this is really cool.

Why do I feel like that's just perfect lol.
[quote name='Spybreak8']I wish we didn't have to reset an entire class, just individual characters.[/QUOTE]

I hear ya, that would be great, i basically did just to have another goal to work toward again, plus i hear your N7 rating is directly related to your E-Penis size soooo... i have compensation issues.

that is a kick ass art on the ME band too. My feelings on the DLC is this... i LOVE anything added and will buy it blindly but i hate playing stuff that takes part during the game i have already beaten... 6 times. BUT it will make the next trilogy run through that much more "complete" i guess, so bring it on.
[quote name='Spybreak8']From the ME Facebook page, wow this is really cool.

Why do I feel like that's just perfect lol.[/QUOTE]

That is pretty awesome, but what's that red headed lady doing on lead vocals? ;) Plus, WTH is Garrus doing dressed in his formal attire? My man would probably rock a Metallica t-shirt and shred something fierce 'ala Dimebag Darrel. You metal heads know what I'm talkin' about!!

That guy has some good wallpapers. Here's two with a great set of fantasy DLC characters, maybe they wouldn't work so well from a story perspective, but for MP, they'd be pretty cool.....


And, this one is just for fun. Heh.
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Separate post to touch on the Leviathan DLC....

A) I hope it has a good amount of new achievements, like an additional 250 GS.
B) I've read two reports that say it impacts or effects the ending of the game somehow. This could be taken a number of different ways.
for instance, does it give you further insight so at the end you know who/what you're dealing with so you can make a more informed decision? Or, does it literally CHANGE something? I'm an unashamed fanboy, so I'll be happy no matter what, but I have to admit that at this point they shouldn't tinker with the ending any more. For any reason.
[quote name='Freemason']I hear ya, that would be great, i basically did just to have another goal to work toward again, plus i hear your N7 rating is directly related to your E-Penis size soooo... i have compensation issues.

that is a kick ass art on the ME band too. My feelings on the DLC is this... i LOVE anything added and will buy it blindly but i hate playing stuff that takes part during the game i have already beaten... 6 times. BUT it will make the next trilogy run through that much more "complete" i guess, so bring it on.[/QUOTE]

I was ok with ME2's DLC because some of it took place after the game. Chronologically, it was like this:

Beginning -> Zaeed/Kasumi -> Overlord -> End/LotSB -> LotSB/End -> Arrival.

Of course, with Leviathan, they can't really do anything after the end (unless they change the end), so it all has to be before the end.
Got a Typhoon tonight. Dicked around with it a little. I obviously can't compare it to it's pre-nerf self, but it still seems pretty cool.

The randoms I played with ended up farming some Platinum on Glacier. Setting up in that room with a warp bubble and biotics is stupid easy.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']B) I've read two reports that say it impacts or effects the ending of the game somehow. This could be taken a number of different ways.
for instance, does it give you further insight so at the end you know who/what you're dealing with so you can make a more informed decision? Or, does it literally CHANGE something? I'm an unashamed fanboy, so I'll be happy no matter what, but I have to admit that at this point they shouldn't tinker with the ending any more. For any reason.

When the Extended Cut was datamined, it showed
that we'll likely get a few new lines of dialog with the Catalyst regarding Leviathan. That's probably the only "change" there will be. Can't wait to hear more asinine logic from everyone's favorite genocidal maniac!
[quote name='IanKazimer']Got a Typhoon tonight. Dicked around with it a little. I obviously can't compare it to it's pre-nerf self, but it still seems pretty cool.[/QUOTE]

The most recent nerf managed to reduce its base damage output by nearly 50% so those who had one before BioWare dicked it up again are rightfully pissed. It's no longer worth its UR status nor the higher risk of being exposed to enemy fire in order to spool the weapon up to maximum damage. The Revenant now succeeds it in utility and damage for less risk when supported by consumables.

The difference is like night and day for pre-nerf owners. As usual I have to wonder what specific difficulty and exact number of classes they use while testing before they roll these weekly "balance" changes out.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']
And, this one is just for fun. Heh.

Haha, I just noticed Legion. Yeah let's just say he was he last one I noticed. ;)
Leviathan DLC looks okay. The article mentioned that it would impact the ending, does anybody know details of that? Please PM if you do, I've made the decision that after the ME3 ending (even with EC) I won't buy any SP DLC unless it has a noticeable impact on the ending sequences.
[quote name='GamerDude316']Leviathan DLC looks okay. The article mentioned that it would impact the ending, does anybody know details of that? Please PM if you do, I've made the decision that after the ME3 ending (even with EC) I won't buy any SP DLC unless it has a noticeable impact on the ending sequences.[/QUOTE] about five posts above, same page. ;)
[quote name='chubbyninja1319'] about five posts above, same page. ;)[/QUOTE]

Lol yeah I saw that my defense I was out way too late lastnight so waking up was a bit of a tough start. Seeing that though I will YouTube this first I believe.
I'm excited for Leviathan. BW's track record on dlc has shown steady improvement. LOTSB was the best they have done, but Arrival was also a great story. I don't really care how it may or may not affect the conclusion (it won't), but I'm looking forward to some fresh SP action.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Chris Priestley confirmed via twitter that Leviathan will have new achievements. Not a big surprise, but still good to have confirmed.[/QUOTE]

The only thing N7's need to achieve is victory.

and bacon.
Kinda loving the Paladin. Heavy melee freeze tossing Phantoms is super gratifying. Snap Freeze is deserving of the hype. Blocking turrets and rockets on reflex is too. Glad the two of us could finally find some harmony.

Trying to get in more games with the Piranha tonight out of fear for tomorrow's balance patch. No way they're leaving this gun alone.
Yeah, really been enjoying the Paladin. Blocking Banshee balls and shield slapping Phantoms.

Slapped a Phantom into the air, shot her with the Piranha, and shattered her before she even touched the ground. Really satisfying.

Also, shield slapping cannon fodder enemies into bottomless pits. I'm pretty sure there's nothing more satisfying than that.

On a related note, I slapped Marauder Shields (who still had health) over the edge in Goddess and the kill box said "DualEdge2 [Shield Mastery]". Weird.
Contents of the upcoming Firefight Pack for 180 MSP ($2):

It's their new "hand of denial". Just showing a visual effect since people couldn't really understand that the Phantom can block powers. It simply means that it is time to snipe her head off her shoulders.
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[quote name='dualedge2']Contents of the upcoming Firefight Pack for 180 MSP ($2):

It's their new "hand of denial". Just showing a visual effect since people couldn't really understand that the Phantom can block powers. It simply means that it is time to snipe her head off her shoulders.[/QUOTE]

lol i thought the hand of denial and face palm were widely known annoyances of the Phantom. i am glad they put her "bubble" on now to show it better. that is why i always take the head off, stagger, or melee their faces off.

The Pally is still the bane of my favorite characters. I love shield slapping with Krogan force but the power compliments are just off all around, cooldowns dont allow staggering or stacking abilities and i hate that he is pigeon-holed into one build type to be truly efficient. fun to play though but gotta say the Krogan Vanguard, N7 Destroyer, and Demolisher/Shadow are my most played.. a lot of the original toons are still holding my interest for a change up but the new abilities overshadow the old by quite a bit.

I still think the Harrier is far more powerful than the Pirahna minus the ammo store, it is just beeftastic. I called it on the screeny of the Blood Pack weapon, i would be interested in seeing that move to MP along with the Geth Slayer Rifle.
[quote name='dualedge2']Contents of the upcoming Firefight Pack for 180 MSP ($2):

It's their new "hand of denial". Just showing a visual effect since people couldn't really understand that the Phantom can block powers. It simply means that it is time to snipe her head off her shoulders.[/QUOTE]

Aw yeah! That Reager Carbine is gonna be sick in the single player! That blood pack SMG just looks cool, too. I'll have to pick this up in preparation for Leviathan.

And, they're doing some server calibration tonight, so don't expect to be online playing from 10 PDT to midnight. The servers were f'd up last night too. I was getting all kinds of glitches and kicks.
I'm interested in knowing what the Adas Anti-Synthetic Assault Rifle is like. Sounds like a mid-long range Reegar, which is admittedly weird. Still though, I'm curious if they'll improve/nerf the Harrier and Krysae for SP. Since the Harrier is really only going to be used against the A.I. (like it is in the MP. oh shap! paradox!), maybe they'll give it a buff to spare ammo.

Gonna play a few more matches with my Piranha before BioWare decides to piss all over it.
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I know it has been asked but I don't remember what the answers were and don't want to search the 350 pages. When you spec the characters do you fill up every slot and leave one skill blank or do you have all 3 skills and don't max? I have been maxing everything and not using shockwave or grenades on the toons that have them. I can't stand them but I see they work for some.
[quote name='sendme']I know it has been asked but I don't remember what the answers were and don't want to search the 350 pages. When you spec the characters do you fill up every slot and leave one skill blank or do you have all 3 skills and don't max? I have been maxing everything and not using shockwave or grenades on the toons that have them. I can't stand them but I see they work for some.[/QUOTE]

There's multiple builds that are viable for each character. Some involve grabbing every skill, and some involve dumping points into selected skills that synergize well.

Shockwave post-buff isn't as bad as it was. Goes through walls, and detonates biotic explosions, so with certain classes it's a good detonator.

Cluster and Arc Grenades are pretty damn good, but it's hard to recommend grenades unless you play premades and don't have to worry about competition for them.
Yeah, to my understanding, Shockwave is actually the strongest Biotic detonator in the game now. Makes me wants to take another look at the Batarian Sentinel.
[quote name='IanKazimer']Yeah, to my understanding, Shockwave is actually the strongest Biotic detonator in the game now. Makes me wants to take another look at the Batarian Sentinel.[/QUOTE]

i've been playing the human adept for a long time...hidding in the corner at FWG and just spamming shockwave. hahahaha...this isn't news to me.

...but, he can't punch the ugliest off the faces of the elite.
I was kind of hoping that when Major Nelson posted the deals and releases for the next two weeks that Leviathan would be listed for next week but no dice. Anyone try the firefight pack yet? I like the idea but I don't see myself replaying the campaign much more than I already have for the time being.
Grenades can get you out of a bind and you can carry a lot if you have the build plus gear for em. Also you can keep an Atlas busy with shockwave lol.
Well, it's been confirmed that the Piranha is about to take one in the ass:

We will not be releasing balance updates today but we hope to have them out as soon as possible.

Here is a preview of some of the changes this week:

  • Enemy shield regeneration mechanics on Platinum are being tweaked to increase the delay before shields/barriers start regenerating. Once they start regenerating, however, they will regenerate at a faster rate and up to a higher maximum. This is to give slow firing weapons more time to prevent the regeneration.
  • Piranha damage reduction.
Enjoy it now before it becomes the new Nerf gun. And yes, it will become a Nerf gun because when BioWare nerfs a gun, they nerf it to the extreme.

Also, I got the M-90 Indra and I just have to say that it is a piece of junk. It being fully automatic and having a large spare ammo is kind of interesting, but it wouldn't kill a fly with less than 10 shots.
[quote name='dualedge2']Well, it's been confirmed that the Piranha is about to take one in the ass:

Enjoy it now before it becomes the new Nerf gun. And yes, it will become a Nerf gun because when BioWare nerfs a gun, they nerf it to the extreme.

Also, I got the M-90 Indra and I just have to say that it is a piece of junk. It being fully automatic and having a large spare ammo is kind of interesting, but it wouldn't kill a fly with less than 10 shots.[/QUOTE]

Honestly, if the weight stays the same with the ammo reserve, i still thinks its a great weapon. having 8 spare clips, i run armor piercing and precision mod on my Krogan Vanguard with AP4 ammo. This is about my only Gold or Plainum guy I run just because the weight lets me keep it and a Hurricane and still run 200% powers. I basically outlive the enemies and can keep a huge group busy and on me while others walk right by with escorts, packages, etc. Being up in their grill the whole time just having the large ammo pool to ping away with is awesome. Being able to still regen barriers to full in 4 seconds with it makes it THE go to gun for this build regardless of damage. Destroyer I can see still making use of it, and anyone that needs a suppressing fire close range gun. The key to this gun for me is weight and capacity.

I have yet to try the SP DLC but was bummed and saying WTH is my leviathan this morning.. ah well.. time to break in some dawnguard for a bit.
Between the server issues of Sunday and Monday night, then my luck getting into round after round of dropping random hosts....I'm starting to get really annoyed. But, I'm having fun with the upgraded Reager. I'd love to get this thing up to X.
[quote name='Freemason']Honestly, if the weight stays the same with the ammo reserve, i still thinks its a great weapon. having 8 spare clips, i run armor piercing and precision mod on my Krogan Vanguard with AP4 ammo. This is about my only Gold or Plainum guy I run just because the weight lets me keep it and a Hurricane and still run 200% powers. I basically outlive the enemies and can keep a huge group busy and on me while others walk right by with escorts, packages, etc. Being up in their grill the whole time just having the large ammo pool to ping away with is awesome. Being able to still regen barriers to full in 4 seconds with it makes it THE go to gun for this build regardless of damage. Destroyer I can see still making use of it, and anyone that needs a suppressing fire close range gun. The key to this gun for me is weight and capacity.

I have yet to try the SP DLC but was bummed and saying WTH is my leviathan this morning.. ah well.. time to break in some dawnguard for a bit.[/QUOTE]

At this point, I'm curious how badly they'll nerf it. If they nerf it back to it's original damage, then I'm fine. Beyond that, I'll have to see how hard it gets hit.

Also, I got Grenade Capacity IV & V in a PSP. It's gonna be fun on the bun!
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[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Between the server issues of Sunday and Monday night, then my luck getting into round after round of dropping random hosts....I'm starting to get really annoyed. But, I'm having fun with the upgraded Reager. I'd love to get this thing up to X.[/QUOTE]

its pretty awesome, its like putting an egg in a microwave.
My Reager is only at IV and I'm loving it. If I could get through more than one rund before some kind of server drop or glitch, maybe I'd get some credits to buy some packs. Ok, I need to stop whining now.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']My Reager is only at IV and I'm loving it. If I could get through more than one rund before some kind of server drop or glitch, maybe I'd get some credits to buy some packs. Ok, I need to stop whining now.[/QUOTE]

Yeah its been acting up a lot, i been trying to get my level 1-5's in bronze matches to get a couple levels and about 10 times in a row went straight into gold or platinum... rude awakening getting into the game dead lol.

Depending on the nefs to Pirahna, i may be switching up to the Reegar X for my go to shotty.
New London based Operation, Nice, topical. I like that lol!

Operation OLYMPUS (August 10th-12th)

Increased Reaper activity has been reported around London. Operation OLYMPUS will focus large-scale strikes on the Reapers to buy the Resistance time to investigate.

Squad Goal: Full extraction from Firebase London using any Kit on any difficulty

Allied Goal: Using any Kit/ Map combination against any enemy, complete wave 10 on a combined community total of 200,000 Bronze missions, 175,000 Silver missions and 70,000 Gold missions.

Special Circumstance: None

Squad Goal Success: All squad members awarded a Commendation Pack
Allied Goal Success: All players awarded a Victory Pack

Requirement: Mass Effect: Earth must be installed
[quote name='Spybreak8']New London based Operation, Nice, topical. I like that lol!

Operation OLYMPUS (August 10th-12th)

Increased Reaper activity has been reported around London. Operation OLYMPUS will focus large-scale strikes on the Reapers to buy the Resistance time to investigate.

Squad Goal: Full extraction from Firebase London using any Kit on any difficulty

Allied Goal: Using any Kit/ Map combination against any enemy, complete wave 10 on a combined community total of 200,000 Bronze missions, 175,000 Silver missions and 70,000 Gold missions.

Special Circumstance: None

Squad Goal Success: All squad members awarded a Commendation Pack
Allied Goal Success: All players awarded a Victory Pack

Requirement: Mass Effect: Earth must be installed

Firebase London is SO BAD though. Way too big. Can't even get close with my Reegar, stupid Phantoms snipe you to death across the map.

EDIT: Any difficutly. Nevermind.
any kit means any class/race right? i find it odd they would say "kit" vs any class/race.

should be easy enough. thanks for the heads up.
Yea, Chris clarified and said it meant "any class, race, loadout, etc."

Sounds like another easy weekend challenge. I'm fine with that.
Notice how it said "survive thru wave 10"? So you don't have to get to extraction? Odd. But whatever. They're throwing us softballs here!
bread's done