Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

I think we'll be ok, Edge. Piranha's slightly under pre-buff, but who knows if they'll leave it alone.
Curious to see how these shield regen rates feel.


Enemy Shields and Barriers
- (Platinum) The delay before enemy shields/barriers start regenerating increased from 4 to 6 seconds

Cerberus Atlas and Geth Prime
- (Platinum) Max amount of shields regenerated increased from 65% to 75%
- (Platinum) Rate of shield regeneration increased from 16.5% to 20% per second

Cerberus Phantom
- (Platinum) Max amount of shields regenerated increased from 75% to 85%
- (Platinum) Rate of shield regeneration increased from 25% to 30% per second
- (Platinum) The force threshold to cause Phantoms to stagger lowered to Gold levels

Reaper Marauder and Cerberus Engineer, Turret, Nemesis, and Centurion
- (Platinum) Max amount of shields regenerated increased from 85% to 90%
- (Platinum) Rate of shield regeneration increased from 33% to 40% per second

Reaper Banshee
- (Platinum) Rate of shield regeneration increased from 16.5% to 20% per second

Geth Rocket Trooper, Hunter and Pyro
- (Platinum) Max amount of shields regenerated increased from 85% to 90%
- (Platinum) Rate of shield regeneration increased from 33% to 40% per second

Arc Grenade Power (Male Quarian)
- Base damage decreased from 450 to 400 to match the N7 Demolisher

Ballistic Blades Power
- Base damage increased from 800 to 900

N7 Piranha Shotgun
- Damage decreased from [70.9-88.7] to [61.7-77.1]
Slightly worse than it originally was (63.6-79.6 vs 61.1-77.1). Guess it's not terrible. Still hurts though. Would've rather they rolled it back to original stats than to nerf it harder. Have to see how the Paladin feels with it now.

Also, I've been noticing that people complain about a weapon when it's in the hands of a Geth Infiltrator. If it's that OP in the GI's hands, why not nerf the GI? It doesn't really make sense to "balance" a weapon that's OP in ONE classes' hands.

That's like saying "People don't shoot people; guns shoot people" (blame the tool) rather than "Guns don't shoot people; people shoot people" (blame the wielder).
[quote name='dualedge2']Slightly worse than it originally was (63.6-79.6 vs 61.1-77.1). Guess it's not terrible. Still hurts though. Would've rather they rolled it back to original stats than to nerf it harder. Have to see how the Paladin feels with it now.[/QUOTE]

If nothing else, I can dip into the nigh infinite amount of Shotgun Rail Amps that I never touch to make up the difference :D
I've actually been using the Shotgun Rail amps since I've been PUGging Gold. Don't really have anyone else to run with, but it's been working out decently.
I don't really understand this zeal BioWare has for nerfing guns to within an inch of their lives in a non-competitive game. Who does it hurt if one gun is a little better than another.
So first high res pictures from the Mars rover Curiosity came through, anyone else initially think what I thought?

Haha damn Thresher Maws and your flat surfaces, I am forever scarred with my multiple Mako adventures from ME1 haha.
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[quote name='IanKazimer']Ballistic Blades Power
- Base damage increased from 800 to 900[/QUOTE]

I don't know why they thought this was needed, but it's awesome. Love playing Batarian soldier.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Ha! Nice one, Spy! Whurz mah dam Mako??!!??

Lol, one might say the controls are ... floaty. :lol:
I think that if I weren't privy to the Piranha nerf, I honestly wouldn't have noticed. Both the Fury and Paladin still murder families with it.

Also, I didn't realize until last night that you could block Banshee Balls and Atlas Missiles on reaction with the Paladin. I thought the shield had to be down already. I kinda look forward to hack objectives with this guy now.
[quote name='IanKazimer']Also, I didn't realize until last night that you could block Banshee Balls and Atlas Missiles on reaction with the Paladin. I thought the shield had to be down already. I kinda look forward to hack objectives with this guy now.[/QUOTE]

I did not know that! That Paladin is showing some real usefulness that I didn't expect when first announced.
Yeah, you can. If you watch that video JasonTerminator posted, the guy attempts to do it (fails because she doesn't send a banshee ball his way) but it can be done. Same with Brute charges. It shatters the shield and staggers you, but you survive intact.

Also, I don't know if it was a glitch of what, but I managed to swat a banshee ball with just the light melee. It was pretty cool.
First of all, great article on ME2 at Gamesradar. I'm glad this series gets it's recognition amongst the big Sci Fi greats, because it deserves it. Seriously, we may gripe from time to time, but I think Bioware's team of writers on ME and DA are truly great.

Next, $350 for that Shepard statue? Ouch. Sideshow puts out nice stuff, but I was not blown away by that statue. I'd get the playarts Shep for $65 over that any day without question. If that is a fixed statue, they should have put him mid-swing with the omni-blade swinging out with a fire trail like in the trailers or something. Weak effort regardless and a downright shame when you consider the price tag.

Lastly, Biowarestore also has up the next vehicle, the SX3 Alliance Fighter. It's "neat" I suppose, but there are a few other iconic ships from the series that I'd like to have seen first, like the Destiny Ascension, or hell, even the Citadel. At the very least, they could put out that Reaper that they teased over a year ago. This one, I think I have to pass on.
If the quality on the SX3 Alliance fighter is anywhere NEAR the Normandy SR2's, then it'll be on clearance soon enough. The Normandy SR2 they put out was a big, flaming piece of CRAP. It literally had the word "sucker" written all over it. I sense the SX3 will be yet another cash grab.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Lastly, Biowarestore also has up the next vehicle, the SX3 Alliance Fighter. It's "neat" I suppose, but there are a few other iconic ships from the series that I'd like to have seen first, like the Destiny Ascension, or hell, even the Citadel. At the very least, they could put out that Reaper that they teased over a year ago. This one, I think I have to pass on.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I think most people would like to have Sovereign or Harbinger replicas over ships that had far lesser impact on the series, like the fighter.

Just make all the figures they have in the actual game.
[quote name='dualedge2']If the quality on the SX3 Alliance fighter is anywhere NEAR the Normandy SR2's, then it'll be on clearance soon enough. The Normandy SR2 they put out was a big, flaming piece of CRAP. It literally had the word "sucker" written all over it. I sense the SX3 will be yet another cash grab.[/QUOTE]

I guess I can't argue with you, especially with the initial run of the Normandy replicas because they were utter crap. But, I'm happy with mine. The paint is perfect and it doesn't seem fragile or anything. I'm just a huge fan of that ship so I suppose I'm willing to overlook some things (like the size) because, well, it's our only option.
Sure there's another option: Find the guy who made the LEGO Normandy and build that one :D

Think someone else built a LEGO Kodiak shuttle.

And someone built a LEGO Mako.
Just for fun, here's a couple things I did at work this week while bored out of my mind. I played a little prank on a friend and sent him what I told him was the N7 Operation for this weekend. Heh, heh. :cool:

Operation: Backwater

Squad Goal: Full extraction, any map, any difficulty, with team consisting of entirely Batarian, Vorcha or Drell
Allied Goal: 14 Million extractions, any difficulty, any map

Defenders of the Milky Way:
We stand on the precipice of a major turning point in the battle for the galaxy. We have the ability to turn the tide of war as a result to the recent insurgence from the non-council races including the initial addition of the occasionally competent Drell forces, followed by the unlikely alliances with Batarian and the Vorcha. The brilliance of the Batarian strategists along with the ferocity of the Vorcha have given us a strategic edge that has proven monumental in the battle against the Reapers. The Drell are just there like some second rate Asari. If Operation: Backwater is to be successful we must harness all that we have, with teams led entirely by our new brothers in arms. If successful, we can resume talks with the Volus, Elcor and Hannar with the hopes that they'll join our ranks in an effort to save what's left of the galaxy for all species, even those loser Drells who loiter on the Hannar homeworld like shiftless deadbeats. There may even be an opportunity to recruit Blasto into this Galactic Alliance as an advanced weapons and tactics specialist to train our new recruits.

To all soldiers: Suit up and stand your ground! To our N7 Ranks: Use your military experience and advanced augmentations to strike fear into the synthetic heart of our enemy! To our ugliest of allies: Strap on your diapers and shoulder blades and blaze a trail to victory! To you loser Drells, go stand out in the middle of the battlefield and sit on an omni blade.

Hackett out.

Next, since I work in HR, we get these training seminar notices all the time. So, I thought it would be funny to consider what it would be like to be in human resources or recruiting if you worked for Cerberus or the Reapersr. Here's what I came up with.....

Topic: Understanding the dynamics of Banshee behavior in the workplace
Location: Firebase Hydra, Control Room (seating limited)
Fee: $135 for Members, $225 for non-Members
Description: As the skillset possessed Banshee, and to a lesser extent, Husks and Brutes, becomes more highly desired and the number of Banshee in the workforce increase, there are many aspects of Banshee behavior that must be understood if the integration into the workplace will be a smooth one. Concerning and off-putting behavior commonly exhibited include sneaking up on coworkers, screeching loudly, throwing "glowy" balls of destructive light, and inadequate/inappropriate work attire. The goal of this module is to ensure you are setting up the environment, and your new Reaper tech infused employee, for success in the near term.

Yes, I think about Mass Effect too much. :joystick:
Haha nice Chubby, I was called obssed when I said people should play ME3 before watching The Dark Knight Rises. :cool: lol Hackett out

I also felt that new SX3 statue was like ohhh ok what else you got?! lol

Also in relation to ME2 greatness:
How to Save or Kill Your Party in ME2
ME2's ending, more different than ME3 and that was the end point.

Too bad importing dead party profile really doesn't do much with the ending.
With the exception of the human form Reaper at the end of ME2, ME2's endgame kicks all kinds of ass. No question there.

Though, it brings up an interesting point. What's the best way to start an Insanity run on ME3? Import a character that finished the game as a New Game+ or import a ME2 character from the beginning? I know I can't re-spec on a New Game+ like you could on ME2, so I'm stuck with doing Insanity with an Adept or a Vanguard if I do New Game+.
[quote name='shrike4242']With the exception of the human form Reaper at the end of ME2, ME2's endgame kicks all kinds of ass. No question there.

Though, it brings up an interesting point. What's the best way to start an Insanity run on ME3? Import a character that finished the game as a New Game+ or import a ME2 character from the beginning? I know I can't re-spec on a New Game+ like you could on ME2, so I'm stuck with doing Insanity with an Adept or a Vanguard if I do New Game+.[/QUOTE]

ME3 new game + definitely, since you get the ability to upgrade weapons to X.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']ME3 new game + definitely, since you get the ability to upgrade weapons to X.[/QUOTE]Which brings up the other question, which would be a better option, Adept (which I did on Hard) or Vanguard (which I did on Normal)?
[quote name='shrike4242']Which brings up the other question, which would be a better option, Adept (which I did on Hard) or Vanguard (which I did on Normal)?[/QUOTE]
Adept probably. Biotic combos are pretty easy to do and very powerful in ME3. Roll with Liara and you'll be set.

I kind of think the Vanguard is the most finicky and difficult class to play, maybe that's just me.

Anybody have an opinion as to whether the single player weapon pack is worth the $2?
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Adept probably. Biotic combos are pretty easy to do and very powerful in ME3. Roll with Liara and you'll be set.

I kind of think the Vanguard is the most finicky and difficult class to play, maybe that's just me.

Anybody have an opinion as to whether the single player weapon pack is worth the $2?[/QUOTE]

I bought it and so far, I like it. The new weapons are fun additions and it's nice to have the Harrier, Krysae, and Reegar in SP.
That statue is crap, i still prefer my original.


i'll have to get a pic of my SR1 wood model, theres only about 70 known to exist now. The new stuff seems so "deep rich vibrant machine cranked out" done, little art.
Did the operation challenge earlier tonight with some randoms on Bronze with my N7 Demolisher. Been a while since I played the MP, any good Gold farming strategies out there still?
[quote name='Freemason']That statue is crap, i still prefer my original.


i'll have to get a pic of my SR1 wood model, theres only about 70 known to exist now. The new stuff seems so "deep rich vibrant machine cranked out" done, little art.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, please post pics of your SR1! I'd love to see that and hear a little about how you came across that. I still like that original statue, as well. I almost had one for
long story short, started making ship replicas and moved into sci fi ships and gaming. They are based in the Phillipines and custom made each one to test the demand for the line. They got a license from Bioware International to do the SR1. Before they could go to market they were pulled from production as ME2 was in the works and the ship was changing style. The contract was sent to the Dark Horse teams to go with the comics and move production to mass assembly. Since few were actually made, and since they could not use the full SR1 model under penalty, they took the underside cockpit "fins" off, painted it the creme and grey, and shipped them through their eBay store.

When i found one from a collector i suspected it was one of the later release SR2 colored ones like this


but it is not, it was one of the original production line grey ones, with no fins, and the proper markings. not the new "fan made" versions they have to sell now. I made a few emails and calls til i got ahold of a sales and marketing guy for their site and was eventually given most of the above story and was informed that the closest number of the originals that even made it through production was 100, most of them staying in country or close by due to shipping and sales cost ($180 - $225 each). From what he could gather, he guessed no more than 25 in the states, and many went home with employees, were repainted and reused, or scrapped.

for the games, i think the Russian Steelbook or black label Japanese one are my fave, the steelbook uses the same art but man that gold case blazes like the sun and it truly is a stunner. For Rarity though, the Promo copy from the Australian journalist is awesome, and i love the white discs.




[quote name='JasonTerminator']Man, that artwork is way nicer than the American version. Damn.[/QUOTE]

reminds me of the movie enemy mine...

my friend is going to japan for a few, is there anything I should tell him to look out for? I get about a shoe box size of space worth of stuff.
Lol watched a youtube video of a guy deleting all but the DLC that he wants to unlock. Yeah I guess you could do it that way but after a few matches and 3 PSPs for me I got another N7, the Krogan Vanguard and the Piranha. Man that thing chews up Brutes, accompanied by Carnage as well.^^

It's hilarious when you can strip the Phantom down to just health and pull her cloaked body in the air, then shoot and kill and see her imaginary corpse fall to the ground. Like a boss!

Yeah nice, thanks for sharing the ship statue story, that would make sense why they're so crappy.
There hasn't been much talk about it but the Homeworlds run of ME comics is really good. I got the Tali and agarrus issues for $2 each, which is half off. The Garrus one, especially, is great for long time fans. Great stuff and it really adds to the characters.

Also, is it just me or is ME3 MP starting to get overrun by potty mouth douchebags? In months past, it seemed like a bastion away from the stereotypical, asswipe, "I only play CoD and pown newbs", juvenile "gamers". Don't get me wrong, I can and do swear like a pissed off sailor and salty language doesn't bother me, but it seems that I can't get into a gold lobby without either getting turned off because somebody sounds like they're dry-humping a couch pillow (and describing it) or I'm getting kicked because I don't have the load-out that someone else wants. I'm not the best player in the world, but I can hold my own pretty damn well. This shit's getting old. I think I may have to take a break from ME3 MP and just dig into something else.
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[quote name='chubbyninja1319']There hasn't been much talk about it but the Homeworlds run of ME comics is really good. I got the Tali and agarrus issues for $2 each, which is half off. The Garrus one, especially, is great for long time fans. Great stuff and it really adds to the characters.

Also, is it just me or is ME3 MP starting to get overrun by potty mouth douchebags? In months past, it seemed like a bastion away from the stereotypical, asswipe, "I only play CoD and pown newbs", juvenile "gamers". Don't get me wrong, I can and do swear like a pissed off sailor and salty language doesn't bother me, but it seems that I can't get into a gold lobby without either getting turned off because somebody sounds like they're dry-humping a couch pillow (and describing it) or I'm getting kicked because I don't have the load-out that someone else wants. I'm not the best player in the world, but I can hold my own pretty damn well. This shit's getting old. I think I may have to take a break from ME3 MP and just dig into something else.[/QUOTE]

its the ones that want to prove they are the best. they play the higher difficulties to be a badass in their eyes, and most of them are no or half talent losers that ride the real players backs to victory then gloat about it. They are in every game, but ME3 has been clear of a lot of it. If I do get one, if they say anything to me directly or are really laying on the douchebag ill say something or leave after the game. I got a few games i am rotating out now because there is too much or a good thing and you do not want to spoil it for ya.
on a side note, i went and saw the new Total Recall last night. Man, the art designers had a hard on for Blade Runner and Mass Effect. Anyone that has seen it notice the many similarities in art style from the synthetic cops, to the wardrobes, set pieces, and did anyone notice in the Rekall shop when they are hooking him up and punching info into their omni tool looking computers, there are a series of letters and numbers on the display and low and behold, right in the middle is a big ol N7. i chuckled a bit but thought to myself, man a Mass Effect movie could be done well visually, and that made my inner geek smile.
Simosaurus and I noticed how much the enemy soldiers in Total Recall seemed to resemble Cerberus troops. Looks like a decent movie, but that N7 thing is pretty great.
they actually look a ton like the mech units in ME2 to a scary degree when you see them in motion. there are a lot of visuals and even some building design with a Mass Effect feel to them. The Colony is totally ripped from the super cities of Blade Runner, yet a lot of the weapons used were current day weapons (albeit more of the futuristic looking ones). The cars resemble a lot of design from the air cars in ME as well. There are a lot of nods to the original Recall and i went in hearing a lot of the meh reviews but i actually thought it was quite good with a much smarter dialogue and incorporation of the effects to where they didn't seem out of place for the settings. Jessica Biel and Kate Beckinsale never hurt a flim either.
Yeah oh man have I started getting whinny douchebags in games now. I think it's when you cross a threshold of hardcore player, (your N7 rating pairs you up with the people that are super serious or have no life). Granted I have no life either but I go to work and play other games. ;)

Oh and that N7 reference is badass!

Also from Mass Effect's Facebok page, we're falling behind!
Mass Effect
Operation: OLYMPUS status report - These numbers are through Saturday. We're falling behind, but there's still time to push toward the finish line! To arms, soldiers!

A) The objective has been met 72,272 times in bronze (36% of the way to goal)
B) The objective has been met 55,463 times in silver (31.7% of the way to goal)
C) The objective has been met 21,742 times in gold (31.1% of the way to goal)

Well at least I'll get my individual reward and I'm loving the Krogan Vanguard and N7 Demolisher (haha sooo many grenades!).
Yeah, I greatly doubt the Operation will be successful. 1/3 of the way there for all three difficulties by the 2nd day? Not going to happen.

Also, I think RNG is really killing this game. Maybe it's just me, but it sure feels that way nowadays. I guess it's just because I'm not really working towards anything in the game. There's no ultimate reward. No "carrot on the stick", so to speak. For BioWare, it's the acquisition of Ultra Rares. And even if I do suddenly max out all the URs (or at least the URs I want), what then? Ooh, look how powerful it is. Beyond that, what do I look forward to? The next MP DLC? With yet another UR to max? Grinding for URs, which you may get in 1 PSP or 1000 PSPs, can only take the MP so far. I really do think BioWare needs to seriously consider putting in an UR pack that costs like 1,000,000 credits. Or something like that. I'm just tossing it out there as an example. Point is, there needs to be an "greater goal" for people to work towards. And I'm not sure the acquisition of URs is cutting it.

I just wanted to get that out there. /rantover
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[quote name='dualedge2']Yeah, I greatly doubt the Operation will be successful. 1/3 of the way there for all three difficulties by the 2nd day? Not going to happen.

Also, I think RNG is really killing this game. Maybe it's just me, but it sure feels that way nowadays. I guess it's just because I'm not really working towards anything in the game. There's no ultimate reward. No "carrot on the stick", so to speak. For BioWare, it's the acquisition of Ultra Rares. And even if I do suddenly max out all the URs (or at least the URs I want), what then? Ooh, look how powerful it is. Beyond that, what do I look forward to? The next MP DLC? With yet another UR to max? Grinding for URs, which you may get in 1 PSP or 1000 PSPs, can only take the MP so far. I really do think BioWare needs to seriously consider putting in an UR pack that costs like 1,000,000 credits. Or something like that. I'm just tossing it out there as an example. Point is, there needs to be an "greater goal" for people to work towards. And I'm not sure the acquisition of URs is cutting it.

I just wanted to get that out there. /rantover[/QUOTE]

I hear ya dude, i have not gotten a single upgrade or new UR in about 60 packs SERIOUSLY. my 5 over the last couple play sessions have netted me nothing but gear and ammo 4's. However on the other point, i just love playing ME. I am a giant ME nerd. It is my security blanket of games and using all the different builds, class combos, weapon tweaks, etc keeps me coming back and happy just to play and push myself to try harder and new tactics every time i play it. if i get paired with douches i ignore them and outscore them, i talk with my game and skills and let them suck it to the next lobby where their epeen may mean something to someone there.

I am actually surprised on the mission status i thought wed be farther than that along and with this much time left highly doubt itll make it at all. I wanna see a platinum challenge.
Yeah I think if they did something like what DICE is doing with Battlefield, having specific objectives to get rewards (ie 45 assault rifle kills, 10 melee kills yields UR) than it would give you a good long term goal. Call them N7 assignments.
bread's done