Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

the problem though is that I actually do have solid weapons, and 2 of the other players in the lobby were also had under level 15 characters.

On an unrelated note, did some Silver last night afterwards and unlocked an N7 Slayer, time to have some fun with him
[quote name='koalak']Anyone gonna buy these?[/QUOTE]

I thought about it. I am a certified ME whore, but there have to be limits. Ill stick with my trademark shelltoe Adidas.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']You think that's bullshit, just wait to get kicked from a Silver match for the heinous act of being level 1. Because Silver is SO hard.[/QUOTE]

you know, even i'd kick you as a lvl 8 soldier for FWG as well as lvl 1 for silver. not because im an elitist but because I don't trust a lvl 8 or lvl 1 random...esp a lvl 8 soldier in a gold match. not saying the player is bad but w/only 8 levels of points to allocate, the soldier has very little to offer outside of grabbing and providing bonus xp for being revive bait.

nothing personal...just my experience.

getting kicked as a lvl 1 in bronze is laughable, which I have been. I laughed and said, idiots...check the level of my wpns and mods.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']I thought about it. I am a certified ME whore, but there have to be limits. Ill stick with my trademark shelltoe Adidas.[/QUOTE]

wow...these look like a knock off pair of Vans. I think if tooled around w/these for a day on my plank it'd look like a chew toy after.

get smart bioware, N7 boy shorts for girls w/the bodies to flaunt then. yes...yes please. I'm commander shepard and d's are my favorite boy shorts on girls in the citadel.
[quote name='100xp']get smart bioware, N7 boy shorts for girls w/the bodies to flaunt then. yes...yes please. I'm commander shepard and d's are my favorite boy shorts on girls in the citadel.[/QUOTE]

I might just have to make these myself.
[quote name='IanKazimer']I might just have to make these myself.[/QUOTE]

...all of a sudden the N7 patch that came in the CE has a use. remember to post pictures. just make sure they are modelled on a girl of legal age and body to model them.
[quote name='100xp']
get smart bioware, N7 boy shorts for girls w/the bodies to flaunt then. yes...yes please. I'm commander shepard and d's are my favorite boy shorts on girls in the citadel.[/QUOTE]

That's what I'm talkin about! I actually suggested something similar in the bioware store forum. :)
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']I thought about it. I am a certified ME whore, but there have to be limits. Ill stick with my trademark shelltoe Adidas.[/QUOTE]

I was curious as to who'd buy them (their rather expensive for cheap looking shoes and the Mass Effect placement is tacky), but I was quickly disappointed in humanity when someone on the BSN mentioned they were buying them.

Sometimes (more recent than past), I just don't understand how they choose to release certain merchandise. Shoes? I wonder when the underwear is coming. And then they keep releasing crappy looking tees. No wonder stuff doesn't sell.

BioWare must use RNG to decide what bit of merchandise they'll release.
they probably say, " know what would be cool?" and depending who hears gets made.

at least bioware was cool re: dat girl who designed a bunch of Mass Effect hoodies on her deviant art site.

subtle stuff would sell to fans for reasonable prices. I think at least one of us would buy an N7 toothbrush, iphone case (if it looked like the armor), and/or Garrus voice changer toy.
[quote name='100xp']they probably say, " know what would be cool?" and depending who hears gets made.

at least bioware was cool re: dat girl who designed a bunch of Mass Effect hoodies on her deviant art site.

subtle stuff would sell to fans for reasonable prices. I think at least one of us would buy an N7 toothbrush, iphone case (if it looked like the armor), and/or Garrus voice changer toy.[/QUOTE]

:facepalm: I'd buy the N7 toothbrush, Garrus voicechanger and all the plushies they produce. I'll just admit it.
[quote name='koalak']Anyone gonna buy these?[/QUOTE]

hell no. *clicks add to cart* those are so stupid and nerdy *enters billing info* whoever buys that must be such a dork. *overnights them* I know i'd never buy a random N7 labeled piece of merchandise just because it is Mass Effect. *goes waits by the door with tongue out*
and on the Predator in silver/gold... man after using it i LOVE the predator. even though it shows a same fire rate as the Phalanx it is waaaaaay faster if you can fire it quick. I use extended mags for 22 rounds and armor piercing as nothing more than a sidearm to my main gun, and can quickly blast down dudes. I dunno i just feel gunslinger using it over the slower pistols, its weight is awesome, and its the staple ME iconic pistol. To each their own, but i like when i sometimes get votes to kick, i tell them give me one game, if i finish higher than you, i'll stay and you can leave in shame.
Just to clarify, I meant if you ONLY bring a Predator. Or an Eagle.

If the Predator is a sidearm and you have something better as your primary, I wouldn't kick. I'd just question why you're bringing a Predator and not a better gun. But you're free to stay, kick-less.

Bring ONLY a Predator I-X and you get the kick without being able to explain to yourself. Gold/Platinum requires a decent loadout and a Predator (alone, emphasis ALONE) isn't going to cut it. Neither will an Eagle.
[quote name='dualedge2']Just to clarify, I meant if you ONLY bring a Predator. Or an Eagle.

If the Predator is a sidearm and you have something better as your primary, I wouldn't kick. I'd just question why you're bringing a Predator and not a better gun. But you're free to stay, kick-less.

Bring ONLY a Predator I-X and you get the kick without being able to explain to yourself. Gold/Platinum requires a decent loadout and a Predator (alone, emphasis ALONE) isn't going to cut it. Neither will an Eagle.[/QUOTE]

It really doesn't require a decent loadout assuming you have good players. Now in a pick up game on the other hand it is both common courtesy and usually necessary because almost all players pick up players at least that I run into are generally Silver players at best.

That said, all Batarian Soldier Eagle run vs Reapers on Gold is very entertaining.
Well, yea, obviously. If you're a friend, I'm not gonna kick you because you're using a Predator/Eagle. You maybe crazy, but you've got a plan.

I'm almost always referring to PuG groups unless I specify. I thought it was fairly common sense that most of us complain about PuG groups, but I guess common sense isn't all that common. Just getting really tired of clarifying all the time.
I have the N7 black polo shirt because you know that's classy. Those shoes on the other hand, I'm not a little kid (all they need is some Velcro) lol.

AHAHAHAHA, F Doors! ^^
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im soooo gonna start shouting COME AT ME BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! during MP, just FYI for any that play with me. I am gonna do it a lot too. A lot.
[quote name='Freemason']im soooo gonna start shouting COME AT ME BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! during MP, just FYI for any that play with me. I am gonna do it a lot too. A lot.[/QUOTE]

Perfectly acceptable. Long as you don't mind me yelling "WE LEAVE" every time I have to retreat with the Vorcha.
[quote name='Freemason']just ran a few silvers with randoms, i tried it out a few times... most were not amused lol[/QUOTE]

Submit player review. 33% said you wouldn't come at them.
[quote name='Freemason']just ran a few silvers with randoms, i tried it out a few times... most were not amused lol[/QUOTE]

Ha! That's funny. I still like the idea of CAG flash mobs where 3 people all go in as vorcha or all geth and just do stupid stuff.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Ha! That's funny. I still like the idea of CAG flash mobs where 3 people all go in as vorcha or all geth and just do stupid stuff.[/QUOTE]

try 12 ppl in an XBL party playing multi teams in Halo Reach, and everyone goes for the 4 ppl who aren't in the party.

...the amount of hate mail was incredible, esp from 4 ppl.
[quote name='100xp']try 12 ppl in an XBL party playing multi teams in Halo Reach, and everyone goes for the 4 ppl who aren't in the party.

...the amount of hate mail was incredible, esp from 4 ppl.[/QUOTE]

ahhhh when video games were taken in good spirit and not such serious business and all about numbers and epeens. I'm in.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Ha! That's funny. I still like the idea of CAG flash mobs where 3 people all go in as vorcha or all geth and just do stupid stuff.[/QUOTE]

super Geth melee builds and just run and spam melee with a couple engineers for shield restores?
[quote name='100xp']try 12 ppl in an XBL party playing multi teams in Halo Reach, and everyone goes for the 4 ppl who aren't in the party.

...the amount of hate mail was incredible, esp from 4 ppl.[/QUOTE]

Man I woulda loved that, maybe that can be re-enacted when Halo 4 comes out
[quote name='Freemason']ahhhh when video games were taken in good spirit and not such serious business and all about numbers and epeens. I'm in.[/QUOTE]

we were boosting some daily or weekly iirc, and then someone had the funny idea we join multi teams and wreck some havok. personally I would have liked to stick w/invasion but...I must admit it was pretty funny on top of having that many ppl coordinated to one goal.

[quote name='GamerDude316']Man I woulda loved that, maybe that can be re-enacted when Halo 4 comes out[/QUOTE]

the rogue team had a k/d/r about 12/64 each. They almost won which is funny because they had 12 ppl as targets we had 4. It was that horrible map for spawning in mp, the one with the 2 bases, the center thing that looks like a dish. horrible map for spawn camping.

back on topic: did the packs drop? I haven't checked.
[quote name='100xp']we were boosting some daily or weekly iirc, and then someone had the funny idea we join multi teams and wreck some havok. personally I would have liked to stick w/invasion but...I must admit it was pretty funny on top of having that many ppl coordinated to one goal.

the rogue team had a k/d/r about 12/64 each. They almost won which is funny because they had 12 ppl as targets we had 4. It was that horrible map for spawning in mp, the one with the 2 bases, the center thing that looks like a dish. horrible map for spawn camping.

back on topic: did the packs drop? I haven't checked.[/QUOTE]

They have. Crusader IV, yaaaaay.
[quote name='Freemason']ahhh never underestimate the power of fanboys and their creations.

The Garrus Transformer![/QUOTE]

Need. That. Like, now. Seriously bioware keeps putting out shitty lithographs when they could be helping to develop cool mass effect toys like this.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Need. That. Like, now. Seriously bioware keeps putting out shitty lithographs when they could be helping to develop cool mass effect toys like this.[/QUOTE]

It has potential, but the paint job was sloppy and all he really did was customize the head (slightly).

But for the mere fact that it has potential, I agree that BioWare should be looking into other things than putting out a cheap quality N7 shoe for around $85.

And I don't mind the lithographs, as a long as they put out better ones. The one we've seen recently have been in art books and are uninspired.
it's possible they aren't willing to invest in the design and manufacturing of new products. they probably use cheaper vendors and hope the want for anything mass effect related will outweigh the quality of their products. I used to design fashion accessories, there's a long process in making the prototypes, getting approval, and then getting it all done in China. toys I imagine take longer and cost more because there's more unique parts that need modeling and painting. i.e. less universal componants. (why He-man toys all had virtually the same bodies just different heads...except teela of course. Meow)
[quote name='100xp']it's possible they aren't willing to invest in the design and manufacturing of new products. they probably use cheaper vendors and hope the want for anything mass effect related will outweigh the quality of their products. I used to design fashion accessories, there's a long process in making the prototypes, getting approval, and then getting it all done in China. toys I imagine take longer and cost more because there's more unique parts that need modeling and painting. i.e. less universal componants. (why He-man toys all had virtually the same bodies just different heads...except teela of course. Meow)[/QUOTE]I think we'll be seeing N7 condoms before too long.

"I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite rubber on the Citadel!"

[quote name='100xp']it's possible they aren't willing to invest in the design and manufacturing of new products. they probably use cheaper vendors and hope the want for anything mass effect related will outweigh the quality of their products. I used to design fashion accessories, there's a long process in making the prototypes, getting approval, and then getting it all done in China. toys I imagine take longer and cost more because there's more unique parts that need modeling and painting. i.e. less universal componants. (why He-man toys all had virtually the same bodies just different heads...except teela of course. Meow)[/QUOTE]

While I understand what you're saying (I have little knowledge about how manufacturing works), what's the point of putting out pieces that 1, maybe 10 at most, will buy? Mass Effect shoes? Come on, give me a break. There are a couple of reasons why it'll be on the store a long, LONG time: 1) There was no announcement on the BSN (for big ticket items, they'll announce it), 2) After they put it up for pre-sale, no one's talking about it (and no one, save for a few people, is looking to buy it), and 3) as much as BioWare would like for their stuff to be sold-out the instant they put it up, the truth is that there aren't enough hardcore Mass Effect fans to justify it. This truth is compounded when you look at past lithograph sales. When the number of lithographs produced was 300, they sold out quickly. However, when BioWare decided they wanted ALL customers to get what they want (read $$$), they increased the number to 800. What started happening is that those lithos didn't sell out. In fact, they topped out at around 400-600. This is why BioWare has decided to produce only 500 lithos now. They simply don't have the number of hardcore fans to justify producing 800. And that is REALLY telling.

The jump from million seller game to buying merchandise related to the game is huge for the average person. Also, as popular as the Mass Effect franchise is, I doubt it's on the same level as Gears of War or Halo. Don't get me wrong, Mass Effect is a multi-million seller; it's just not a multi-million seller at Gears' or Halo's level. It hasn't broken though to the mainstream enough. It's still fairly stuck at the "hardcore" level.

Which is why it doesn't make much sense to me to put out unconventional items. Toys, books, and apparel (read t-shirts and the like) are fine because those are fairly normal for a lot of videogames. Shoes don't make much sense.

I have to agree with shrike4242: it won't be long before we see stranger and stranger items branded with the N7 logo. Surprised we haven't seen an N7 Zippo lighter (or I haven't heard of it), since almost everything has one of those.
[quote name='dualedge2']
The jump from million seller game to buying merchandise related to the game is huge for the average person. Also, as popular as the Mass Effect franchise is, I doubt it's on the same level as Gears of War or Halo. Don't get me wrong, Mass Effect is a multi-million seller; it's just not a multi-million seller at Gears' or Halo's level. It hasn't broken though to the mainstream enough. It's still fairly stuck at the "hardcore" level.

Which is why it doesn't make much sense to me to put out unconventional items. Toys, books, and apparel (read t-shirts and the like) are fine because those are fairly normal for a lot of videogames. Shoes don't make much sense.[/QUOTE]

Yeah the one thing is since Mass Effect is an RPG it'll never get the millions of idiot shooter fans out there (hey I still play Gears and Halo, in fact I love em both, I'm talking about the people that just play the popular stuff and think it's the second coming). I'll stick with the books, that's as hardcore as I am lol. Ok ok, I did pick up a N7 polo.

Slapping N7 onto anything:
Yeah, you can already find ME branded lighters on ebay. They're knock off's, but still. I don't have a lot of money to spend on game-related merch so I'm very selective. One of my favorite N7 things I picked up is the vinyl sticker (again, ebay) for the back of my Jeep. I've had a couple comments and met cool people who approach me and ask if I'm a big Mass Effect fan.

And, Spy, you are so asking for a "Yo, yo, ______, I know you have a lot of fans, and I'ma let you finish, but Mass Effect 3 is the best online co-op multiplayer experience OF ALL TIME!"
mine has to be my wall art


or my custom made N7 PC


ok that one isnt mine, but i did make a custom ME themed system from the Thermaltake Scout


I just need to do the decal work and finish the lights.
[quote name='Freemason']Mass Effect Lighter

ME actually has more merchandise (and sales) than Gears by a loooooooot. Globally, ME is far more popular than the gears series. I have always been a shooter fan and an RPG fan but a game or series with an engrossing story and characters wins with me every time, ME has that in spades over the competition by far IMO.[/QUOTE]

I never, ever, EVER said that Mass Effect has less global merchandise sales than Gears or Halo.

But I'll bet it has a LOT fewer game sales than either. Domestic and global. Which was my point. It has yet to go full mainstream. And after the stink of the endings in ME3, it probably never will. And again, it's also the end of the franchise for now.

Lastly, I was talking about official ME merchandise. Those lighters look, and probably are, fake. Knock-offs. Not official. On that point, a fair bit of the actual ME merchandise is badly done, so I suppose it looking like a cheap K-O isn't much of a stretch.
Okay, Lord Odin knows I have goofed around a lot and carried the wrong weapons into a MP match, but last night a guy showed up in Platinum with a Salarian Engineer equipped with a SR and he didn't throw a decoy once....and we all died at wave 4. Failing wasn't my issue (I make a habit of it), but to have that dude standing in the back of FBW trying to line up headshots on Primes the whole time was irritating.

Okay, back to my real-life problems now....
[quote name='simosaurus']Okay, Lord Odin knows I have goofed around a lot and carried the wrong weapons into a MP match, but last night a guy showed up in Platinum with a Salarian Engineer equipped with a SR and he didn't throw a decoy once....and we all died at wave 4. Failing wasn't my issue (I make a habit of it), but to have that dude standing in the back of FBW trying to line up headshots on Primes the whole time was irritating.

Okay, back to my real-life problems now....[/QUOTE]

I'm not an elitist douche, but that guy was an idiot. I am 9/10 suck and 1/10 lucky bastard, but at least I know to use the powers for the character. Sure, we were just screwing around, but that guy was either extremely niave ( he gets a pass) or a leech. I was bummed that we only got to wave 4, but with three people, that wasn't too bad.
bread's done