Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

@ dualedge2 - from the buyer/vendor/designer/manu pov...sometimes ppl will buy the licensing for an IP. my guess is the toy company and the company that decided we want to put out shoes bought into the ME license possibly because it was too expensive or the profit sharing wasn't to their liking.

Not a lot of other what would consider more profitable and seemingly no brainer companies bought into the licensing. we're bias because we're fans...we don't see the numbers that they see.

As for the shoes? I'm guessing they had left over pieces to make them for less cost than it was to produce new unique pieces for something else to market. It doesn't look like much went into them, they certainly didn't team up with Reebok who's done some great cartoon classic shoes. (Voltron sneakers were hawt) Using already manufactured parts cost little to nothing when you're having it made in China, making a prototype is...and you need to consider the shipping costs of all that.

As for the lighter, I don't think EA would want to put their official stamp on something that promotes smoking or something that the younger audience wouldn't be able to buy w/out ID.

in other news: they trolled me and gave me a well as no new character unlock.
Well, in other news, the SX3 Alliance fighter is $30. Add in shipping and that should be about $36ish. And it's 5".

Anyone going to get that? I see it as a ripoff, but maybe that's just me.

And if you are considering getting it, you should see some of the horror stories people had with the Normandy SR2. Pieces, pieces everywhere! To the point where people might've been confused as to whether or not it was a model kit (DiY) or a completed kit (action figure). And that was one was 6.25".
[quote name='dualedge2']I never, ever, EVER said that Mass Effect has less global merchandise sales than Gears or Halo.

But I'll bet it has a LOT fewer game sales than either. Domestic and global. Which was my point. It has yet to go full mainstream. And after the stink of the endings in ME3, it probably never will. And again, it's also the end of the franchise for now.

Lastly, I was talking about official ME merchandise. Those lighters look, and probably are, fake. Knock-offs. Not official. On that point, a fair bit of the actual ME merchandise is badly done, so I suppose it looking like a cheap K-O isn't much of a stretch.[/QUOTE]

relax dude, i never EVER EVER ..uh, EVER said otherwise, was just stating the fact not arguing the popularity of pick up and play shooter franchises vs RPG - PRG/FPS hybrids that most marketed audiences like Gears and Halo excel at. If the majority of 12-16 year olds could appreciate the in depth game material over pwning faces and teabagging while screaming at their moms on XBL, those numbers would surely be higher. Gears has about 17.5million copies between all 3 games worldwide, Mass Effect 1-3 about 12 million, Halo about 30 million between 1,2,3, and reach (going off original 3 about 21 million)

Official ME merchandise, no, there are no lighters. The licensed stuff that looks shoddy is mostly due to EA having an international license for production of goods, so you get what THEY pay for :) and thee SR2 models for the most part.. yeah crap, i got lucky with mine.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']
And, Spy, you are so asking for a "Yo, yo, ______, I know you have a lot of fans, and I'ma let you finish, but Mass Effect 3 is the best online co-op multiplayer experience OF ALL TIME!"[/QUOTE]

Hahaha :applause:
[quote name='dualedge2']Yeah, stay far, FAR away from the models. Bleh. So much wasted potential.[/QUOTE]

whats better is that they then released the r est in bronze, silver, and gold plating in "limited release" so they don't have to have to do paint jobs lol

Think im gonna kill a few folks tonight if anyone is down before i go work out.
I like my Normandy model (Alliance SR2 version). The paint is good and it's intact. Worth the $30 I paid for it on Amazon. I don't, however, have any interest in the new Alliance fighter. It's just not that interesting, like I said before. There are so many other, iconic, ships and stations they could do. I understand that Bioware pics what vehicles, art, etc. that is produced and I think they aren't really in touch with what fans want. For instance, why there isn't a wide-format lithograph of Shepard standing out the viewport watching Earth being attacked (one of the first ME3 images) is beyond me.

And, they'll put out this alliance fighter before a Reaper, Destiny Ascension or the Citadel. Crap! Crap I say!
I recall somewhere that there was a Reaper statue (figure?) coming from Dark Horse. Pretty large, from what I recall. In fact, I think it was posted in this forum.
Yeah, I found a pic from some toy show last year (I think) that had a Reaper statue from dark horse. It was smaller, as in, not in scale with the Normandy. But looked ominous and damn cool.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Yeah, I found a pic from some toy show last year (I think) that had a Reaper statue from dark horse. It was smaller, as in, not in scale with the Normandy. But looked ominous and damn cool.[/QUOTE]

Come on, Chubbs. You and I both know, it could NEVER be in scale with the Normandy (average Dreadnaught Reaper size being 2km and all). If the Normandy SR2 is 6.25", the Reaper would have to be closer to 6' to be in scale. It'd be nice to have that, but cost prohibitive :cry:
Yeah, pretty much. But it CANNOT be done by LEGO's official designers. They cut too many corners (and hike prices too high) for it to be a worthwhile set. The best bet would be to release some of the schematics people have come up with. From there, we can just go buy the pieces (or salvage) and build it ourselves.
[quote name='100xp']I'd like everytime I call customer service I get someone who speaks like Tali or Admiral Shala'raan.[/QUOTE]
I'll take Daro'Xen, aka Space Morrigan.
[quote name='100xp']the answer to all our ME3 wants and dreams?


Holy crap, I know! You just hit my nerd-button with a sledgehammer!!! LOL! I've been following the Lego Cuuso website a lot lately as I'm a bit of a lego fan (doesn't hurt the kids are really into them) and I'm understanding their policies. While Lego doesn't seem to shy away from a licensed property, and they are getting way better in their designs, they won't touch Mass Effect because of it's rating and the controversial content. I remember they rejected something that I thought was cool because they felt it was outside of their core brand which caters to them being a childrens toy, which I honestly have to respect. They're not willing to compromise their value system.

For us, that "controversial content" is a non-issue, but when you step back and think about it, there are a lot of elements of Mass Effect that aren't "kids stuff". It's a shame because I would do anything for an official lego Mako, or Normandy. I even ordered minifig decals off of ebay, which looked like crap once cut out and applied.

In the end, DualEdge had it yourself or find one of the really well done fan-made instructions and order the pieces. Here are some cool fan-made sets:

Fan made R/C Mako:
And another Mako, non R/C:
Firebase White in Lego (I shit you not!):
[quote name='100xp']I'd like everytime I call customer service I get someone who speaks like Tali or Admiral Shala'raan.[/QUOTE]

I work with a girl from Romania and she sounds like Tali. I imagine her in Tali's suit and it cracks me up.
[quote name='dualedge2']It's pretty cool that someone attempted to make a LEGO Firebase White, but it's rather inaccurate. Still, good potential.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I noticed a lot that was off. But I give an A for effort. It's a really cool idea.
i seriously work with a girl who has an ass like Miranda... beat that. The statement, not her ass. Although that would be fun too.. and of course, the first thing through my head during her interview was... "Dat Ass!!" One day i may ask her to hop in the shower with her underwear on and tell her to select my Renegade option.
[quote name='dualedge2']It's pretty cool that someone attempted to make a LEGO Firebase White, but it's rather inaccurate. Still, good potential.[/QUOTE]

Haha, I was thinking it, didn't want to admit it and write that. NERD POST! haha
[quote name='Freemason']i seriously work with a girl who has an ass like Miranda... beat that. The statement, not her ass. Although that would be fun too.. and of course, the first thing through my head during her interview was... "Dat Ass!!" One day i may ask her to hop in the shower with her underwear on and tell her to select my Renegade option.[/QUOTE]

I like your style, but a real renegade would just push her through a window after her interview.
Uh, sure. Make the Kroguard better. I'll take it.

August 21, 2012

Locust SMG
- Damage increased from [34.3-42.8] to [37.7-47.1]

Crusader Shotgun
- Damage increased from [486.6-608.3] to [530.9-663.6]

Kishock Sniper Rifle
- Damage multiplier for full charge increased from 150% to 175%

Biotic Charge Power (all kits excluding the Krogan)
- Base damage increased from 250 to 400
- Base force increased from 500 to 600

Biotic Charge Power (Krogan only)
- Base damage increased from 400 to 500
- Evolve 4 melee damage bonus increased from 25% to 40% and duration increased from 4 to 5 seconds

Biotic Charge Power (all kits including the Krogan)
- Rank 3 damage and force bonus increased from 20% to 30%
- Evolve 1 damage and force bonus increased from 30% to 40%
- Evolve 3 weapon damage bonus increased from 15% to 25% and duration increased from 3 to 5 seconds
- Evolve 4 power damage bonus increased from 25% to 40% but duration decreased from 15 to 10 seconds
- Evolve 5 chance to cause no cooldown increased from 25% to 33%

Electric Slash Power
- Base cooldown increased from 5 to 8 seconds

Biotic Slash Power
- Base cooldown increased from 5 to 8 seconds

Sticky Grenade Power
- Base damage increased from 750 to 900
holy crap, vanguards, especially Krogan, was beefy enough i thought, and raising the power damage bonus after charges is gonna make the biotic slash like a post tac cloak electric slash every time now. i like the changes, slashes were too OP, but i was running harrier and pirahna on mine with still only a 2.3sec cooldown which is too OP IMO. I'll adapt weaponry again and may play the slayer more now. and now if they could adjust the crusader shotguns weight id be using it more.
[quote name='Freemason']i seriously work with a girl who has an ass like Miranda... beat that. The statement, not her ass. Although that would be fun too.. and of course, the first thing through my head during her interview was... "Dat Ass!!" One day i may ask her to hop in the shower with her underwear on and tell her to select my Renegade option.[/QUOTE]

I believe it was Billy Madison that said "That's assault, brotha!"

Seriously, 'Mason, you are an HR guys worst nightmare!! LOL! :shame:
Know what the funny thing is about the Vanguard buff? It won't really matter unless you're the host. Otherwise, you'll be happy that things die faster and then wonder why you were happy because you just fell through the map.

Biotic Charge getting buffed means you'll be tempted to use it more often, resulting in your "hover pack" malfunctioning more often.
[quote name='dualedge2']Know what the funny thing is about the Vanguard buff? It won't really matter unless you're the host. Otherwise, you'll be happy that things die faster and then wonder why you were happy because you just fell through the map.

Biotic Charge getting buffed means you'll be tempted to use it more often, resulting in your "hover pack" malfunctioning more often.[/QUOTE]
I don't know if I always host but whenever I use a Vanguard I biotic charge like it's going out of style and I've only had the Glitch happen a handful of times....
Anyway I may just run some Kroguard later today "For Tchunka!"
It still happens a TON, trust me. Or trust the people on the BSN. Or trust the YouTube videos of it.

The sad truth is this: Biotic Charge at your own risk (unless you're the host, in which case, feel free). One caveat though: it still happens when you host, so be aware.
I only play my Krogaurd in gold and higher and honestly have had it happen maybe 5 times in the last couple months. he is still glitchy in getting him to actually charge sometimes and a few issues with using packs or getting stuck for a few seconds after charging, but it happens very seldom to me.

Squad Goal: Achieve an escort mission with three Asari (any kit) and one Human male (any kit) on Firebase Goddess.
Allied Goal: 2'000 Full extractions on Firebase Goddess on Platinum difficulty

Defenders of the Milky Way:
Reaper forces have targeted the Athena Nebula and activity on Thessia has been increased significantly. Alliance experts deduce that there is an artifact of untold origin somewhere on the Asari homeworld that has attracted the attention of the enemy. While there are no signs of indoctrination, which is a well documented tool our enemy employs, the Asari exhibit unparalleled influence over other species and the Reapers may be searching for a means to commandeer these abilities. Be it in the economic arena, the battlefield or as they writhe on the dance floors of the galaxies finest establishments, the Asari have proven to be a formidable ally as well as easy on the eyes. Our unified forces have initiated a full frontal assault which have staggered the Reapers, and the Asari continue to hold the line at strategic Thessian locations including the holy grounds at the Chamber of the Goddess, their Element Zero refinement centers and entertainment district nightclubs. I, for one, would welcome a full frontal assualt by an Asari commando, if you know what I mean.

As we have in all previous operations: Prepare for the jump across the Milky Way as we heed to call to arms! We will strategically pull out N7 battalions to support the defense of Thessia while I pull out my omni tool and go to town. The Asari are too important an ally to turn our backs on. We should always have our fronts pointed towards them. Always.

Hackett out.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']OPERATION: FLASHDANCE

Squad Goal: Achieve an escort mission with three Asari (any kit) and one Human male (any kit) on Firebase Goddess.
Allied Goal: 2'000 Full extractions on Firebase Goddess on Platinum difficulty

Defenders of the Milky Way:
Reaper forces have targeted the Athena Nebula and activity on Thessia has been increased significantly. Alliance experts deduce that there is an artifact of untold origin somewhere on the Asari homeworld that has attracted the attention of the enemy. While there are no signs of indoctrination, which is a well documented tool our enemy employs, the Asari exhibit unparalleled influence over other species and the Reapers may be searching for a means to commandeer these abilities. Be it in the economic arena, the battlefield or as they writhe on the dance floors of the galaxies finest establishments, the Asari have proven to be a formidable ally as well as easy on the eyes. Our unified forces have initiated a full frontal assault which have staggered the Reapers, and the Asari continue to hold the line at strategic Thessian locations including the holy grounds at the Chamber of the Goddess, their Element Zero refinement centers and entertainment district nightclubs. I, for one, would welcome a full frontal assualt by an Asari commando, if you know what I mean.

As we have in all previous operations: Prepare for the jump across the Milky Way as we heed to call to arms! We will strategically pull out N7 battalions to support the defense of Thessia while I pull out my omni tool and go to town. The Asari are too important an ally to turn our backs on. We should always have our fronts pointed towards them. Always.

Hackett out.[/QUOTE]

I wish.

Operation ALLOY (August 24th 11AM MDT – August 26th 5AM MDT)
A training center will only take a recruit so far. Our recruits need field experience, so it’s time to integrate them with seasoned squads during our next series of sweeps.
Individual Goal: Promote 2 characters
Allied Goal: Promote 50,000 characters
Special Circumstance: None
Individual Goal Success: All players awarded a Commendation Pack
Allied Goal Success: All players awarded a Victory Pack and an increase to medi-gel capacity
[quote name='simosaurus']5:00 a.m. MDT? So we only get two nights for this one? Hmm.[/QUOTE]

Shouldn't be too hard, I will be promoting a few myself just for the medi-gel capacity since it isn't that hard to level back up.
[quote name='IanKazimer']Yeah, I guess I'll bullet-bite and promote a few. Weirdly enough, I'm actually wishing I could have my Hurricane getting streak back. Gun's kinda sick.[/QUOTE]

gah...promoting again? I'll trade you my hurricane I got last week for a valiant.
[quote name='Freemason']I only play my Krogaurd in gold and higher and honestly have had it happen maybe 5 times in the last couple months. he is still glitchy in getting him to actually charge sometimes and a few issues with using packs or getting stuck for a few seconds after charging, but it happens very seldom to me.[/QUOTE]

That's the problem with isolated cases. People who don't get the glitch are the exception to the norm, not the norm. Also, hilarious in that thread is someone said "oh, it only happens 1 in 4 matches". I don't know if he realizes its, but that's REALLY BAD :lol:
[quote name='dualedge2']

That's the problem with isolated cases. People who don't get the glitch are the exception to the norm, not the norm. Also, hilarious in that thread is someone said "oh, it only happens 1 in 4 matches". I don't know if he realizes its, but that's REALLY BAD :lol:[/QUOTE]

yeah i have had good luck, honestly i ran into the glitch waaaay more with my Manguard and ..uh.. WoMangaurd, very very seldom with the Krogan, don't know why.

and SOB on the operation, i just promoted again lol. ah well, still have my sentinels i can do, just didnt wanna rebuild my Paladin, and my adepts are at 16 so should be able to play them up to 20 and promote them as well.
[quote name='simosaurus']5:00 a.m. MDT? So we only get two nights for this one? Hmm.[/QUOTE]

Haha they know there'll be a bunch of people deep in Guild Wars 2! :cool:

Yeah saw this today, lol nice.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']I saw that earlier, but didn't noticed the license plate. That's awesome! Nerd pride FTW!![/QUOTE]Now I need to be on the lookout for that Mini because it's in my state. :D

Probably on the other side of the state, if I had to make a guess.
[quote name='shrike4242']Now I need to be on the lookout for that Mini because it's in my state. :D

Probably on the other side of the state, if I had to make a guess.[/QUOTE]

The Alliance side.
bread's done