Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

I saw that picture yesterday, but I never saw the plate. I don't think any random number plate would be fitting for it. I wonder where they are at in Missouri. I'm sure they are no where near the St. Louis area.
Haha that guy can charge $5 a head for tours of his mini in his drive way. Really though, if N7 represented a car, which one would it be, I'd put my money on something like a Mercedes SLS?:
[quote name='Anexanhume']Have they commented on price for Leviathan?[/QUOTE]

Not that I've seen. My money's on 1200. Or at least I'm hoping it's long enough to warrant said price.
I thought we knew it was 800 points? Maybe I just imagined that.

Anyway, that trailer... Not to be "that" Mass Effect fan, but it seemed pretty shooty-shooty. More Arrival than Lair of the Shadow Broker. I don't know what to think yet. I want something that's character- and lore- driven, the way LOTSB was. Not just a "We Fight or We Die"™ shooting gallery.
[quote name='The Crotch']Even the trailer shows characters using the wrong weapons?

God damn.[/QUOTE]

Hoo boy. I didn't even notice that the first time through, but now I can't unsee it. :(
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I thought we knew it was 800 points? Maybe I just imagined that.

Anyway, that trailer... Not to be "that" Mass Effect fan, but it seemed pretty shooty-shooty. More Arrival than Lair of the Shadow Broker. I don't know what to think yet. I want something that's character- and lore- driven, the way LOTSB was. Not just a "We Fight or We Die"™ shooting gallery.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I'm hoping there's more to it, but I could very easily see it being what amounts to a handful of multiplayer maps taped together by hallways. It would be Arkham City's Harley Quinn DLC all over again, which seems to be becoming a new norm.

Tangent: I'll just leave this here.
[quote name='IanKazimer']Leviathan trailer:[/QUOTE]

so Leviathon is the first, original reaper perhaps? he has the voice and tones of harbinger, which defined as "a person who goes ahead and makes known the approach of another; herald." which is fitting, leviathan in turn in described as, " Leviathan; and in Isaiah 27:1 he is called the "wriggling serpent" who will be killed at the end of time." which could be apt as it is rumored that he is the origin of the Reapers and brought the end to his cycle. The drawing and stuff shown are Egyptian, some cave man style, etc, all of which have a religion referencing Leviathan. If the end of a cycle heralds the Reapers, it seems to me that perhaps the noted Leafbug/cuttlefish look of the Reapers may have come from him, whatever it is. Perhaps the organic form of what the Reaps became embodied as?

Also, you notice all the biblical references and reapers? Sovereign (a group or body of persons or a state having sovereign authority.) calls itself Nazara which translates to "the Guarded one" or "Beautiful view" in Hindi, and taken from Nazareth, the home of Jesus or town of the creator. I am interested in playing through it for the story for sure just to get more info and stuff, and like how the cycles and overall story trends to the Christian Jesus tale from the main characters namesake, to his death and resurrection, to dying for the people, etc. Let's hope this gives us more story and not a 1 hour Brute Shoot.

NOTE: anyone catch the sphere Prothean relic at 0:27?
Encountered an interesting, although game-breaking, glitch today during a match on FB Hydra. Everyone familiar with how the screen spins while you're down/dead? I got downed, and died. Instead of going to the normal view of a teammate, the screen continued spinning from the gods' perspective while following my team.

When I revived the next wave, the view persisted though randomly zooming in/out and focused on me; I was stuck aiming at the ground and the left stick's directions rotated in accordance with the camera's degree of spin.

Anyone else ever encounter this? A brief google search didn't turn up any other instances.
[quote name='IanKazimer']Not that I've seen. My money's on 1200. Or at least I'm hoping it's long enough to warrant said price.[/QUOTE]

IF it was 1200 pts ($15, for those of you unable to divide by 80 and understand Microsoft's utterly insane insistence on using points rather than real monetary values), it had BETTER BE longer than 2-3 hours (it's been confirmed to be around this length). I mean, ME2's DLC started at 560 pts ($7) and went up to 800 pts ($10). Why should ME3's start at 1200? That'd be REALLY stupid.
[quote name='Freemason']so Leviathon is the first, original reaper perhaps? he has the voice and tones of harbinger, which defined as "a person who goes ahead and makes known the approach of another; herald." which is fitting, leviathan in turn in described as, " Leviathan; and in Isaiah 27:1 he is called the "wriggling serpent" who will be killed at the end of time." which could be apt as it is rumored that he is the origin of the Reapers and brought the end to his cycle. The drawing and stuff shown are Egyptian, some cave man style, etc, all of which have a religion referencing Leviathan. If the end of a cycle heralds the Reapers, it seems to me that perhaps the noted Leafbug/cuttlefish look of the Reapers may have come from him, whatever it is. Perhaps the organic form of what the Reaps became embodied as?

Also, you notice all the biblical references and reapers? Sovereign (a group or body of persons or a state having sovereign authority.) calls itself Nazara which translates to "the Guarded one" or "Beautiful view" in Hindi, and taken from Nazareth, the home of Jesus or town of the creator. I am interested in playing through it for the story for sure just to get more info and stuff, and like how the cycles and overall story trends to the Christian Jesus tale from the main characters namesake, to his death and resurrection, to dying for the people, etc. Let's hope this gives us more story and not a 1 hour Brute Shoot.

NOTE: anyone catch the sphere Prothean relic at 0:27?[/QUOTE]

This is the kind of stuff that has me so excited for Leviathan. I love the depth (no pun intended) of the story and all the biblical references. Some may think it overkill, and prefer to not know some things, but I love it.
and anyone else see the water planet when it pans in and think... AHA!! it is the Kamino cloning planet!!!

me neither cuz that would be wrong making a bastard cross reference of Star Wars in my Mass Effect game. When i saw his custom Atlas too i thought it looked like a Mass Effect Bioshock Big Daddy suit :)

Chubby - if you want a lot of stuff referencing the hidden and religious material, spend a few hours in the mass effect Wiki and look up some of the names and events in there, there is some interesting stuff.
Heh. I have spent some time on the wiki, 'Mason. I'm that big an ME nerd. I eat that crap up because I'm a bit of a history and comparative religion buff.

Whenever I see the water planet, which I'm assuming is Dis (??) I always think of the battle on the Shadow Brokers ship. Not sure why, maybe the thought of fighting on that ship, with the weather effects beating on you just reminds me of the environmental effects in LotSB. I like in the trailer how they seem to give a legit reason for Shep to go on that leg of the quest alone vs. "this is a favor for me, this is a friend, you gotta go solo" like in Arrival.

And lastly: One doesn't simply refer to anything Mass Effect to the atrocity that was SW Episode 2. (even if they kinda do have a point.....). ;)
[quote name='dualedge2']IF it was 1200 pts ($15, for those of you unable to divide by 80 and understand Microsoft's utterly insane insistence on using points rather than real monetary values), it had BETTER BE longer than 2-3 hours (it's been confirmed to be around this length). I mean, ME2's DLC started at 560 pts ($7) and went up to 800 pts ($10). Why should ME3's start at 1200? That'd be REALLY stupid.[/QUOTE]

I put nothing past EA. It was just a guess anyway.

I totally can't get into promoting characters again. For some reason I dread leveling back up to 20. Think I might just sit this weekend's event out.
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Sad to hear about Armstrong's death today, copied from Mass Effect's Facebook post;
Mass Effect
‎"Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man's desire to understand." - Neil Armstrong (1930 - 2012)

Thank you, Neil. RIP.

I think I might choke up a bit next time I hear him
after the end sequence talking about maybe we'll go to space someday, someday.
[quote name='Spybreak8']Sad to hear about Armstrong's death today, copied from Mass Effect's Facebook post;

I think I might choke up a bit next time I hear him
after the end sequence talking about maybe we'll go to space someday, someday.

I agree. To me, he's one of the last great American heroes. It's a sad day for those who understand and appreciate the sense of wonder and adventure that the space programs and Neil Armstrong's contributions to human-kind represent. Hearing him as
the Stargazer
and hearing those words kind of choked me up to begin with. Now when I go through the ending of the game after Leviathan its gonna be kind of emotional.

Shut up! You guys probably cry over Phineas and Ferb on your kids DSi!!! :baby:
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[quote name='The Crotch']...

That was Buzz Aldrin.[/QUOTE]

LOL i thought the same thing and was like, "oh shit did i miss something?!!" but yeah it was Buzz. Not to take away from Neil's death as it is in fact a loss of a true american hero, an icon of the age of dreams where we sought to push our limits of discovery instead of looking at videos of Hubble on YouTube.

Chubby - i hear ya man, i delve into the Wiki hard on some nights when i am not sleeping (Insomnia) and like to go visit the spots in game. THEN, i google some locations and names and look up mythological and religious comparitives and see where it takes me. I like that kind of depth in my games, to make me look deeper and farther into the mythos of the world presented to me on my little disc of happiness and no there is more there if I care to look.

A side note on future MP DLC - I want a Volus Biotic. On a serious side note, when do we get our Protheans DLC? since on the topic, what are some (serious or otherwise) MP ideas of characters, locations, enemies, or anything you would like to see implemented?


Volus - Adept, Engineer
Protheans - Soldier, Sentinel, Vanguard
Yahg - Soldier, Sentinel
Ardat Yakshi - Adept
VI/Unshackled VI - Engineer, Sentinel


Gangs - Blood Pack, Blue Suns, Eclipse - would be a fun combo of enemies and mechs.

More enemies from the factions we have, Swarms, Geth Hoppers, Phoenix Cerberus, or Reaper Tech'd Cerberus, and BOSSES.


Grissom Academy - the multi tiered level would be interesting.
Citadel - During the Cerberus attacks
Omega - C'mon, been wanting this since MP was announced.
The Crypts on Tuchanka - Ancient Pyramid like area on the way to release the Thresher. maybe the area around the Shroud so we can see the elevator... where... Mordin.. *cries*


more of the heavy weapons , there are several that could fit into MP without being OP.
More Sniper Rifle Mods


Slam - where is it?
Dominate - Organic Sabotage anyone?

Theres more, but these things stuck out to me. anyways, off to play a few, discuss!
I agree more classes would be nice. Even nicer would be new enemies and I think mercenaries would be perfect. That should be low-hanging fruit for the ME3 MP team. I think we're far enough away from release that they could start sprinkling in the goofy stuff like a Biotic Volus and stuff like that. For me, it's all about variety in what we have to do. More than anything, I want new objectives. I was disappointed with the escort objective. I had visions of biotics casting shields to cover everyone or seeing a person run with their hands over their head while you provide cover....just like in the campaign.

And the big one would be boss waves. Not three banshees + three brutes in one wave...I'm talking about what we touched on a hundred pages ago. A harvester for the reapers, a Geth Armature, and maybe freaking starfighter for Cerberus. Add in the Mercs and you can fight against one of those helicopter things from ME2.

As for locations, I'd like to see something on the Citadel (Presidium) and something in a nightclub, I'd also like to see "throwback" maps that would be in one of those cookie cutter merc warehouses or an Ilos map from ME1. From ME2 I'd like to see an Omega slums map or a map on the Shadow Brokers ship/base, which leads me to...

Environmental waves. Just like boss waves, they could have waves on some maps where there is a sandstorm (and snipers get bonus visibility) or thunderstorms (biotics have the edge) and stuff like that.

Lots of potential and I wonder if they're waiting for the fall for a bit MP boost or if they'll save those ideas for a future release.
Doh, sorry did a quick in and back into Guild Wars 2. :whistle2:?

Seems the Skritt are like Vorcha, everyone hates em lol.

I don't think I'm gonna make this weekend's operation, nope too damn busy with something new lol.
[quote name='Spybreak8']Doh, sorry did a quick in and back into Guild Wars 2. :whistle2:?

Seems the Skritt are like Vorcha, everyone hates em lol.

I don't think I'm gonna make this weekend's operation, nope too damn busy with something new lol.[/QUOTE]

just promote and like it, i made it back to 17 in 2 hours, c'mon man, its Commander Shepard here we are talking about, and it IS the fate of the galaxy, you know nothing big. PLUS its fun making all the level 20's cry and kick you when you outscore them as a level 1... least I enjoy it.
Freemason, I love the new map suggestions. Omega is overdue and the Citadel seems like a glaring omission when you think about it.

Sadly, I don't expect we'll ever get our Volus Adept, but I don't think your other character class suggestions were that out of line.
[quote name='simosaurus']Freemason, I love the new map suggestions. Omega is overdue and the Citadel seems like a glaring omission when you think about it.

Sadly, I don't expect we'll ever get our Volus Adept, but I don't think your other character class suggestions were that out of line.[/QUOTE]

Yeah sadly i dont think well get our Biotic God. OH! and sorry about the other night, i tried rejoining the party but it wouldnt connect, or let me send messages, was a pain in my ass overall. Almost got my Sentinel back up to 20 to play with my Krogan and Pally again. Trying out a Melee focus on both of them, i dunno, might be promoting them again at 20 lol. Although Shield whacking everything is humorous.

I also want a Hanar and Elcor Blasto character class. c'mon they pretty much asked for it with ME3.
Leviathan achievements:

- No Stone Unturned (25 GS): Investigate a sinister conspiracy.
- Under Pressure (50 GS): Uncover an ancient secret.
- Conspiracy Theorist (25 GS): Use clues to pinpoint the exact location of an objective.
- Family Matters (25 GS): Rescue a civilian from Reaper forces

No difficulty-specific achievement. It kind of seems like they're all unmissable story milestones.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Leviathan achievements:

- No Stone Unturned (25 GS): Investigate a sinister conspiracy.
- Under Pressure (50 GS): Uncover an ancient secret.
- Conspiracy Theorist (25 GS): Use clues to pinpoint the exact location of an objective.
- Family Matters (25 GS): Rescue a civilian from Reaper forces

No difficulty-specific achievement. It kind of seems like they're all unmissable story milestones.[/QUOTE]So I guess it's 1125 GS for full game + Leviathan, with 575 more GS to come in other DLC.
[quote name='shrike4242']So I guess it's 1125 GS for full game + Leviathan, with 575 more GS to come in other DLC.[/QUOTE]

Currently 1175 (base game + Javik + Leviathan). Knowing BioWare it'll probably finish out on some weird number like 1355. :p
I'll prolly just stick with Hardcore for my first playthrough. I'd love for there to be a satisfying moment like the fight with
Tela in LotSB. Beating her on Insanity felt awesome,
but I'm anticipating mostly waves in this one.
[quote name='IanKazimer']I'll prolly just stick with Hardcore for my first playthrough. I'd love for there to be a satisfying moment like the fight with
Tela in LotSB. Beating her on Insanity felt awesome,
but I'm anticipating mostly waves in this one.[/QUOTE]

LoTSB was tough. I'm currently doing Insanity on the main campaign in ME3 and it feels easier than Insanity in ME2. Maybe Leviathan will change my mind.
[quote name='IanKazimer']I'll prolly just stick with Hardcore for my first playthrough. I'd love for there to be a satisfying moment like the fight with
Tela in LotSB. Beating her on Insanity felt awesome,
but I'm anticipating mostly waves in this one.[/QUOTE]
Was that
the Asari SPECTRE

I hated that fight.
The Tela Vasir fight in LOTSB was really thrilling. I thought the Shadow Broker fight was even better though.

ME3 Insanity is waaay easier than ME2 Insanity. Not even close.
Eh. Both those bosses rubbed me the wrong way.
Vasir felt... really easy. She never really did any damage to me, just charged around like a moron, and the reinforcements got their shit wrecked by Liara pretty quickly.

The fight with the Broker himself was full of awkward cutscenes. That aside, though, it was a better fight.
Vasir is a cakewalk on any difficulty if you use Stasis. Hit her with it, unload on her when it wears off and she's getting up, and then Stasis her again. Hit the drones she summons with Stasis, too, and they'll blow up after it wears off. Rinse and repeat.
LotSB on Hardcore was a lot of fun. I haven't gotten that far in an Insanity run to comment.

The Leviathan achievements are up. Nothing too crazy from the descriptions, but another 125 gamerscore.
DLC: Leviathan
Cost: 800 MSP Achievements: 4 Points: 125

No Stone Unturned 25 - Investigate a sinister conspiracy.
Under Pressure 50 - Uncover an ancient secret.
Conspiracy Theorist 25 - Use clues to pinpoint the exact location of an objective.
Family Matters 25 - Rescue a civilian from Reaper forces.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']LotSB on Hardcore was a lot of fun. I haven't gotten that far in an Insanity run to comment.

The Leviathan achievements are up. Nothing too crazy from the descriptions, but another 125 gamerscore.
DLC: Leviathan
Cost: 800 MSP Achievements: 4 Points: 125

No Stone Unturned 25 - Investigate a sinister conspiracy.
Under Pressure 50 - Uncover an ancient secret.
Conspiracy Theorist 25 - Use clues to pinpoint the exact location of an objective.
Family Matters 25 - Rescue a civilian from Reaper forces.

You might want to look at this earlier post. ;)

[quote name='Ryuukishi']Leviathan achievements:

- No Stone Unturned (25 GS): Investigate a sinister conspiracy.
- Under Pressure (50 GS): Uncover an ancient secret.
- Conspiracy Theorist (25 GS): Use clues to pinpoint the exact location of an objective.
- Family Matters (25 GS): Rescue a civilian from Reaper forces

No difficulty-specific achievement. It kind of seems like they're all unmissable story milestones.[/QUOTE]
are a lot of you planning on buying Leviathan tomorrow? I think I might wait for
youtube footage of the different dialgoue with Starbrat to pop up
[quote name='GamerDude316']are a lot of you planning on buying Leviathan tomorrow? I think I might wait for
youtube footage of the different dialgoue with Starbrat to pop up
I'm definitely picking it up tomorrow, probably the weapons pack too just for kicks.

I'm not too concerned about how (or whether) it affects the ending. The ending is what it is. I just hope the new mission itself is fun.
bread's done