Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

I can't deny that playing ME3 MP is crazy fun....still is very very entertaining, especially with buddies. BUT, there are so many cool things they could do to take it to the next level, and maybe they're holding those for another game....who knows. DualEdge hit it right on...there's nothing to work towards besides unlocking and upgrading characters and weapons. That's fine and all, but it's not that engaging for me and I'm starting to find playing online becoming less interesting. The fuck sacks that seem to be infiltrating our beloved haven of civility (i.e. the ME community) just make me want to pack it up even more.

What Spy suggested is a great start, for individual rewards. And, I keep going back to how Gears 3 used fortifications and how perfect that could be for ME3. I'd think that after this operation fails simply because people weren't playing that much.....that has to send Bioware the message that the audience is moving on. Once September comes, with Borderlands 2, then Oct/Nov with the other big titles, it's over for ME3 MP.
The worst thing is that BioWare and DICE are owned by EA. Asking them for suggestions/advice would be extremely easy. And yet, BioWare has shown no inclination to do anything like that.
Another way to do it is letting people buy what they want with credits. There could be a major premium in cost, but you'd be sure to get what you want instead of relying on RNG.
yeah ive thought about that since i started.. i am currently sitting on about 200 medi gel, 180 ammo packs, 170 missles, and... 47 health/shield recharges. Not because i use them any more or less... i just don't get very many. i played with 2 buds tonight, we played silver, and i was trying to level my infiltrators. they are still very new to the mechanics and their equipment is moderate. we got to wave 10 and they were both down very shortly. I was using my N& Shadow and had (of course) indoctrination devices. I tell you what, taking a level 14 Infil and trying to stave off, sneak, and run my ass through 3 Primes plus entourage while hitting the marks then finishing the wave solo... was quite a rush. This is why I play, any game for that matter, is fighting and outsmarting your way to the goal even when everyone says we're screwed. Every game i play on ME3 MP has that potential and is what keeps me coming back.

But i will be playing the SHIT out of Borderlands 2 lol.
How's it going CAG members? It has been a LONG time since I have visited the site and just viewing some of the post in this topic I can see more than a few of you seem to play a lot of games with randoms. If any of you are interested in joining a group from the Bioware Social Network that does Gold and Platinum speed runs as well as just random fun games (search "Too Hot To Handle" for a Vorcha run on Gold/Reapers/Glacier using only Flamer), feel free to send me a pm on here (though I don't often check it) or a message on Xbox Live.

My gamertag is the same as my username on here, please only a message and tell me where you are from since I get a fair amount of messages as the group has about 150 members. The group currently has the record for fastest Gold and Platinum speed runs (9:57 on Gold, 10:09 on Platinum). I am also happy to play with you as well though I am often in games, I do try to avoid Geth games at least on Gold due to feeling they are annoying with stunlocks. Hope to hear from some of you!
I have so many god damn special ops because every time I hit the right d-pad nothing happens or I get out my missile launcher! :wall:

Got the London objective done, man holy crap the extraction on that map is nuts. So many Banshees, each team had to use up 2 or 3 missiles at the end (possibly more than usual to secure the weekend op) lol.
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[quote name='chubbyninja1319']I can't deny that playing ME3 MP is crazy fun....still is very very entertaining, especially with buddies. BUT, there are so many cool things they could do to take it to the next level, and maybe they're holding those for another game....who knows. DualEdge hit it right on...there's nothing to work towards besides unlocking and upgrading characters and weapons. That's fine and all, but it's not that engaging for me and I'm starting to find playing online becoming less interesting. The fuck sacks that seem to be infiltrating our beloved haven of civility (i.e. the ME community) just make me want to pack it up even more.

What Spy suggested is a great start, for individual rewards. And, I keep going back to how Gears 3 used fortifications and how perfect that could be for ME3. I'd think that after this operation fails simply because people weren't playing that much.....that has to send Bioware the message that the audience is moving on. Once September comes, with Borderlands 2, then Oct/Nov with the other big titles, it's over for ME3 MP.[/QUOTE]

if they were smart they'd just make a new game using ME3 MP as a base and just upping all the graphics, gameplay etc. This is probably why they aren't investing too much time into making the game better vs. just adding to an already great game mode.

unlocking new stuff is the same as treasure hunting in action RPG's basically. look at the draw w/Reach. ppl idle boosted so they could rank up just for new pieces of armor to dress up their barbie spartans w/.
[quote name='Spybreak8']I have so many god damn special ops because every time I hit the right d-pad nothing happens or I get out my missile launcher! :wall:

Got the London objective done, man holy crap the extraction on that map is nuts. So many Banshees, each team had to use up 2 or 3 missiles at the end (possibly more than usual to secure the weekend op) lol.[/QUOTE]

dude i said that too, they seemed to flood the right spawn point by the crate BIG TIME yesterday. My buds and I were commenting on the pile of Cannibals that kept stopping to munch their buds. We went through Bronze and there were like 30 of them, and we got 4 brutes and 2 banshees on one wave... the numbers are weird lately.

Slimjim, are you teamed up with Jumpin and Lacosta? i see they got their site running and last i heard had a just over 9:30 platinum run.
another Paladin side note i don't know if everyone knows is common knowledge and i have not seen ti mentioned here yet. Your melee starts at Krogan strength, and when you heavy melee to slam down your shield, it does a short range area damage of heavy melee power, which you can then immediately slap them with the shield melee for another great damage attack, if you get used to slamming them slapping, you not only block anything they toss at you up close, including melee, but then get a double fast melee in for much more damage.

PS slapping things off ledges never gets old. I outfitted with a Viper Rifle to give him more long range power and with Pirahna, think i have found a happy balance that makes me effective at all ranges. I left off the level 6 Paladin training and put 3 ranks into incinerate so i can have another tool to hit and knock corner hiders out from their hole and add that extra ability to function at range. I think i finally found a build and set up that really fits him and my playstyle. He is now up to my favorite Sentinel role besides the Krogan with grenade spam.
[quote name='dualedge2']I don't doubt that the post-EC ending kept people away as well.[/QUOTE]I'm sure if they didn't do the EC ending, it probably would have been a higher number.

It wasn't a perfect ending fix, though compared to what was there previously, it was leaps and bounds better IMO.
Actually I think 40-50% is fairly standard as completion rates go, and if anything long RPGs probably it worse than your typical 8-hour shooter or whatever. Mass Effect 2 at 56% is probably uncommonly high. I was surprised to see that less people completed Dragon Age 1 than Dragon Age 2, given the conventional wisdom that most people were disappointed by DA2.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Actually I think 40-50% is fairly standard as completion rates go, and if anything long RPGs probably it worse than your typical 8-hour shooter or whatever. Mass Effect 2 at 56% is probably uncommonly high. I was surprised to see that less people completed Dragon Age 1 than Dragon Age 2, given the conventional wisdom that most people were disappointed by DA2.[/QUOTE]

DA2 can be completed quite a bit faster than DA1 if you ignore sidequests.
I haven't finished the campaign yet myself, but I think I'm close. My readiness rating is awful because I keep going days without playing, so I need to win some more multiplayer matches before proceeding.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Actually I think 40-50% is fairly standard as completion rates go, and if anything long RPGs probably it worse than your typical 8-hour shooter or whatever. Mass Effect 2 at 56% is probably uncommonly high. I was surprised to see that less people completed Dragon Age 1 than Dragon Age 2, given the conventional wisdom that most people were disappointed by DA2.[/QUOTE]Though, I'm wondering how it compares to other RPG-class games like it, which weigh in at 20+ hours. I wonder how Fallout 3 or Fallout: New Vegas compares in completion rates, just as some examples, or maybe Red Dead Redemption.

I know that a lot of the ME2 completes were people carrying their ME1 completes into ME2 to see what happened. Perhaps some of the info about the lack of "diversity" in the ME3 ending(s) added to it when people thought about their choices not making much direct change.

[quote name='JasonTerminator']DA2 can be completed quite a bit faster than DA1 if you ignore sidequests.[/QUOTE]I'd have to agree with that statement, as DA2 did have a bit more streamlined main story arc than DA1 did, though doing all of the sidequests and the like in either game nets you a 40+ hour game. DA1 + Awakening + DLC + all the sidequests was in the middle 60+ hours for me, DA2 + DLC + all side quests was in the low 50+ hours for me.

[quote name='Pirate331']I haven't finished the campaign yet myself, but I think I'm close. My readiness rating is awful because I keep going days without playing, so I need to win some more multiplayer matches before proceeding.[/QUOTE]Just get the EMS up above 3100 and you're golden with EC downloaded/installed. Which you can certainly get in-game without any multiplayer, though if you've had that percentage dropping, you'd need to do MP to bring it back up again.
Lol or the people who traded it back in when they didn't like it. True I bet the disappointing ending didn't help those numbers, esp not enough variety based on previous game decisions.

I think DA:O was incredibly hard initially, then patched to still be hard yet doable. DA2 seemed to be easier and thus probably why more people beat it.
[quote name='shrike4242']Though, I'm wondering how it compares to other RPG-class games like it, which weigh in at 20+ hours. I wonder how Fallout 3 or Fallout: New Vegas compares in completion rates, just as some examples, or maybe Red Dead Redemption.[/QUOTE]

From TrueAchievements, the number of players who have completed the campaign:

Mass Effect 2 - 83%

Mass Effect 3 - 75%

Dragon Age II - 61%

Fallout 3 - 60%

Dragon Age Origins and Fallout NV can't be determined this way since there's no single achievement in either game that indicates campaign completion.

Obviously that's from a self-selected subset of gamers who are motivated to complete games, so the percentages are going to be higher than the true number, but I wonder to what degree the relationships between different games hold up.
a game really has to grab me to get me rolling with it, i actually tried ME1 and didnt like its slow pace and numbers based aiming even though i was aiming right at them. I actually went to ME2, beat it, then went back to ME1. I am very up and down on games, i'll get a mood to play them weeks, months, or even years after release, some of which i bought, resold, traded, etc... then have to get them back. Like right now i am ready for Arkham City and teh Transformers games... just because.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']From what I understand, those completion #'s aren't that shocking. I remember reading a report about a year ago that really surprised me. Like, 75% of people who play games, don't finish them, or something like that. Wish I could remember where I read that. I think it was in an issue of OXM.

Here's a relevant article from [/QUOTE]

Yeah we touched on that with my game design classes (bite sized chunks, like TV microwavable dinners) but man does that article really hit home. I'm not gonna lie, I got a little misty in the eyes since I know the hard work that goes into a game and having someone go and play a differnt game - not coming back to it - or say ah I'm going to play this multiplayer game or watch the ending on youtube almost makes me,

For example just the other day a friend and co-worker and I were talking. I noticed he was playing Skyrim on my friend's list so I asked him how he was liking the game. "I don't know man it's a bit daunting." Yeah there was too much for him to want to play it. I too have not started the campaign for Battlefield 3 as after hearing negative reviews (let's face it their strength has always been in multiplayer and put in a single player due to CoD) I've only stuck with the solid multiplayer (only diverted for co-op). I used to be a mainly single player gamer, now reversed due to a good internet connection. Technology is changing the game.

However with that said I think if devs do what like Bioware did, having dynamic occurrences based on previous player decisions from the past games in the series, then I think a lot of people will feel the drive and motivation to play through the game (heck, maybe even 2 or 3 times). Unfortunately this solution is extremely complex and pricey (look at how many studios Bioware has now). It's not surprising, Epic Games (currently working on Fortnite) says the AAA titles are on the way out (I'm tending to favor more XBLA titles more and more these days too). Unfortunately companies don't make anything when their game is in pre-production and production (a reason why Kickstarter is so popular atm). Just look at the ludicrous situation 38 Studios had with their failed MMO project, which crumbled to ashes before it could really get worked on.

I also have a huuuge backlog and yes as you get older there are fewer hours of the day to get your game on sadly. Work sucks but it pays the bills lol.
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[quote name='Spybreak8']Lol or the people who traded it back in when they didn't like it. True I bet the disappointing ending didn't help those numbers, esp not enough variety based on previous game decisions.

I think DA:O was incredibly hard initially, then patched to still be hard yet doable. DA2 seemed to be easier and thus probably why more people beat it.[/QUOTE]

I know this is especially true because if you look at trade-in values on various websites (Amazon, Gazelle, etc.), you'll see that ME3's trade-in value is dirt cheap. Even on something that should command a $30 trade-in value, like the ME3 CE, it goes for around $15.

It's funny that developers keep track of completion rates and how many copies their game sells, but they don't bother trying to track gamer satisfaction. Sure, it'd be difficult but I think it's a fairly important factor as well.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']DA2 can be completed quite a bit faster than DA1 if you ignore sidequests.[/QUOTE]
DA2's normal difficulty is also way the fuck easier than DAO's.

And yet I still don't know how I beat that god damn game without resorting to `runscript killallhostiles.
[quote name='The Crotch']DA2's normal difficulty is also way the fuck easier than DAO's.

And yet I still don't know how I beat that god damn game without resorting to `runscript killallhostiles.[/QUOTE]

Play mage. It's easymode.
[quote name='IanKazimer']Just pulled a Particle Rifle. Any opinions on this thing?[/QUOTE]

It is a fairly solid weapon, I would say it comes in right behind the Harrier for best AR since the Particle Rifle has had 2 buffs in 2 weeks and the Typhoon had 2 nerfs (used to be #1-2 depending on character). I mainly use Particle Rifle on the N7 Destroyer since his magazine upgrades help with the "warm up" phase before it starts doing good damage.

Keep your eye on your ammo count so you don't have it overheat, the reload is pretty bad when you do. It is nice that you don't have to hit an ammo box with it though, saves a little bit of hassle which is a big reason it can compare to the Harrier.

Edit: Not sure how it is at level I anymore though. Mine was at level VIII post buff and is now level X (my first UR to 10). I know magazine size scales to its level, but I am unsure what it starts with at 1 since the second buff to it was for that.
games that have multiple classes w/ability trees tend to be played over several times from the beginning...even without completing it. I know I went back 3 times to create a new class/combo in Skyrim and then played several dozen hours. Same w/DA and ME2. Almost like playing 2-3 games at the same time, doing a few quests/missions in an area then going to another profile and doing it again w/different options. I never beat Skyrim but I have 3 or 4 saves that are beefy and well fleshed out.
Anyone get their pack yet? I completed a bronze challenge Saturday so I should get the one correct? Also is anyone having issues with the game today. I got on and around wave six it didn't respond to well. I would hit buttons and it was hit or miss on anything happening. After that it was nothing but graphical glitches then on hit kills from Phantoms that were no where near me. On wave 10 I was hit by a rocket and the game locked up. I had to shut the 360 down at that point.
[quote name='SlimJim0725']It is a fairly solid weapon, I would say it comes in right behind the Harrier for best AR since the Particle Rifle has had 2 buffs in 2 weeks and the Typhoon had 2 nerfs (used to be #1-2 depending on character). I mainly use Particle Rifle on the N7 Destroyer since his magazine upgrades help with the "warm up" phase before it starts doing good damage.

Keep your eye on your ammo count so you don't have it overheat, the reload is pretty bad when you do. It is nice that you don't have to hit an ammo box with it though, saves a little bit of hassle which is a big reason it can compare to the Harrier.

Edit: Not sure how it is at level I anymore though. Mine was at level VIII post buff and is now level X (my first UR to 10). I know magazine size scales to its level, but I am unsure what it starts with at 1 since the second buff to it was for that.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the breakdown, man. I took it into gold on my Destroyer to try it out, and I think I can get into it. Clip clocks in at 135 with Devastator Mode on, I believe.

I tend to run Saber/Piranha X on the guy, but PPR definitely seems like a cool alternative. I've got the AR Armor Piercing Mod and Extended Barrel on it for now. Hear good things about running ammo powers with it. Does it benefit from the Extended Ammo Cap mod? Even more time to spool it up would be sick.
[quote name='IanKazimer']Thanks for the breakdown, man. I took it into gold on my Destroyer to try it out, and I think I can get into it. Clip clocks in at 135 with Devastator Mode on, I believe.

I tend to run Saber/Piranha X on the guy, but PPR definitely seems like a cool alternative. I've got the AR Armor Piercing Mod and Extended Barrel on it for now. Hear good things about running ammo powers with it. Does it benefit from the Extended Ammo Cap mod? Even more time to spool it up would be sick.[/QUOTE]

I usually ammo and barrel on it and I think I clock in around 230's or so with Devastator Mode. Even without armor piercing I have had no issues killing Guardians without it, so it may have a built in armor piercing like the Typhoon does (though not as high).

Edit: Looked at it again, I have 260's for an ammo count.
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[quote name='JasonTerminator']Play mage. It's easymode.[/QUOTE]
Like I said, DA2's default difficulty was balls-easy. The real challenge was not dropping it due to the sheer fucking tedium of combat.
Haters gonna hate but I fucking love everything about DA2. Great game.

Anyway......operation Olympia was a success!! Wow, after the news of slow progress on Saturday, I didn't think we'd make it. They say they have something special inI store since it was such a great rally at the end.
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[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Haters gonna hate but I fucking love everything about DA2. Great game.

Anyway......operation Olympia was a success!! Wow, after the news of slow progress on Saturday, I didn't think we'd make it. They say they have something special inI store since it was such a great rally at the end.[/QUOTE]

Guaranteed Ultra Rare. Bioware, make it happen.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']Haters gonna hate but I fucking love everything about DA2. Great game.
Lol yeah I was already burnt at the stake for saying that on another gaming community site.

Sweet! I'll check out the store, wasn't planning on booting up the game but now I will!

btw Facebook post
Mass Effect
Please note that our servers will be temporarily offline on Wednesday, August 15th due to scheduled maintenance. This downtime will take place between the hours of 2:00am PDT and 4:00am PDT. You will not be able to access online multiplayer features during that time.
They gave us a slightly longer grace period to stop stomps now. That's good.

August 14, 2012

Enemy Stomping Behavior
- (Silver) Delay before enemies will move to your body to stomp you increased from 1.5 to 2 seconds
- (Silver) Delay before enemies stomp you once they reach your body increased from 0.75 to 1 second
- (Gold) Delay before enemies will move to your body to stomp you increased from 0.75 to 1 second
- (Gold) Delay before enemies stomp you once they reach your body increased from 0.25 to 1 second
- (Platinum) Delay before enemies will move to your body to stomp you remains at 0
- (Platinum) Delay before enemies stomp you once they reach your body increased from 0 to 1 second

Cerberus Phantom
- (Platinum) The force threshold to cause Phantoms to stagger lowered to Gold levels
so, when did the MP get so elitist? Trying to take my level 8 Soldier into some Geth Gold to farm credits and I get kicked out of every lobby I enter. I know my overall N7 rating is low (less than 100, I pretty much stopped playing after the original endings) but it still seems a little ridiculous.
[quote name='GamerDude316']so, when did the MP get so elitist? Trying to take my level 8 Soldier into some Geth Gold to farm credits and I get kicked out of every lobby I enter. I know my overall N7 rating is low (less than 100, I pretty much stopped playing after the original endings) but it still seems a little ridiculous.[/QUOTE]

Not to be rude, but when objective waves come up a level 8 soldier with low level weapons against IMO the most difficult faction (I don't FBW though) the level 8 is going to be nearly useless. I don't see how it is elitest to want to ensure a better chance of victory in a higher difficulty and honestly can't stand players who complain about this sort of thing. It would be one thing if you had a very good loadout using level 3 or 4 equipment, level 5 or higher weapons, and at least level 15 to where you have most of your powers, but you honestly have no reason to complain about being kicked wanting players to carry you.

Play a few bronze or silver matches and get your level higher, buy some veteran packs to make sure you have equipment and decent weapons and suck it up. I know I paid my dues in bronze and silver when I first started, I never once had to rely on anyone to carry me and personally it gets frustrating having to carry someone because they want to "farm credits" in a difficulty they are not prepared for.
[quote name='GamerDude316']so, when did the MP get so elitist? Trying to take my level 8 Soldier into some Geth Gold to farm credits and I get kicked out of every lobby I enter. I know my overall N7 rating is low (less than 100, I pretty much stopped playing after the original endings) but it still seems a little ridiculous.[/QUOTE]

You think that's bullshit, just wait to get kicked from a Silver match for the heinous act of being level 1. Because Silver is SO hard.
[quote name='dualedge2']Bad loadout, low N7 rating, and/or low level will get you kicked VERY quickly.

No one wants to carry anyone else.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I understand people kicking for sub-level 10 in Gold, but Silver is perfectly doable by level 1's. Especially if they have good guns. Bronze is far too boring to do once you're any good at the game.

And "bad loadout" is subjective. I've been kicked for using Batarian Soldier before, and I usually top score with that class.
yeah it all depends on the player, i tend to not kick anyone, we are all here for fun, if we get a weaker link its time to step up your game more. If i play silver, usually 3 man with my lower level buds, i go Krogan Vanguard and tank everything or distract it while they run through objectives.

The particle Rifle 1, with ammo and destroyer gave me 235 ammo. I am just not sold on it at all. I can rip through 5 guys or more with the Harrier before it becomes valuable and kills a couple. It is nice to drop shields but the damn thing weighs as much as a Claymore making it a hard sell for more balanced weapons in the AR bank. I think it has class specific uses, but overall i am not a huge fan over harder hitting and "subtle" guns.

Still waiting for my Typhoon.. sigh. I think I am gonna try some Platinum runs on thurs and friday on my days off... i want to make some bank and get 100 more PSP's with ammo 4's in them lol.
[quote name='Freemason']yeah it all depends on the player, i tend to not kick anyone, we are all here for fun, if we get a weaker link its time to step up your game more. If i play silver, usually 3 man with my lower level buds, i go Krogan Vanguard and tank everything or distract it while they run through objectives.

The particle Rifle 1, with ammo and destroyer gave me 235 ammo. I am just not sold on it at all. I can rip through 5 guys or more with the Harrier before it becomes valuable and kills a couple. It is nice to drop shields but the damn thing weighs as much as a Claymore making it a hard sell for more balanced weapons in the AR bank. I think it has class specific uses, but overall i am not a huge fan over harder hitting and "subtle" guns.

Still waiting for my Typhoon.. sigh. I think I am gonna try some Platinum runs on thurs and friday on my days off... i want to make some bank and get 100 more PSP's with ammo 4's in them lol.[/QUOTE]

I usually don't kick either at least until after 1 match with someone, but I understand the reasoning behind kicking someone that is a level 8 with low level weapons if you don't feel you have a solid squad which is very likely in pick-ups.

Particle Rifle is very class specific IMO, but the only one that can even remotely use the Typhoon is the Destroyer as well. It has a long wind up before it does the 1.5x damage, it is extremely heavy, and it needs a stability mod (I use the equipment one). Particle Rifle is really nice (mine is X though), I can drop 3 mobs and do some damage to another enemy before letting it recharge and assuming I don't go into the overheating it recharges very quickly so I don't need to constantly hit ammo boxes like with the Harrier.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']And "bad loadout" is subjective. I've been kicked for using Batarian Soldier before, and I usually top score with that class.[/QUOTE]

By "bad loadout", I meant weapon-wise. And let's say you bring an Eagle or a Predator into a Gold/Platinum match. That's not really subjective, now is it? Because there are much better weapons you can bring into a Gold/Platinum match that still give you 200% recharge.

Unless you're a friend that's a guaranteed kick from me.
[quote name='dualedge2']By "bad loadout", I meant weapon-wise. And let's say you bring an Eagle or a Predator into a Gold/Platinum match. That's not really subjective, now is it? Because there are much better weapons you can bring into a Gold/Platinum match that still give you 200% recharge.

Unless you're a friend that's a guaranteed kick from me.[/QUOTE]

You could be trying to challenge yourself. Game has been out for 5 months, gotta spice things up. It's boring to always use the good guns.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']You could be trying to challenge yourself. Game has been out for 5 months, gotta spice things up. It's boring to always use the good guns.[/QUOTE]

In a gold or platinum pick-up you are already usually challenging yourself. I was just with a terrible group that were constantly down to low tier Cerberus troops. I was taking on nearly every Phantom and Atlas during the match and still had them constantly downed or even dead. They burned a total of 7 missiles combined on wave 11 while they sat in extraction, yet wouldn't use one when I was on the 4th objective hack in the top center on Firebase Giant with 3 Phantoms and 2 Atlases (not sure of plural pronunciation on them) and they let me go down while they fought the lone combat engineer (and 1 still went down).

If I were to have brought an Eagle or Predator I would have been screwed. I think I forgot to mention that all 3 were Infiltrators as well which forced me to switch off my Demolisher since I have no fitness on it and couldn't take the constant aggro. Needless to say after outscoring second by 30k, having over 5 revives, and doing all the objectives that weren't the circle hack I bailed after it.

tl;dr: With friends I don't mind doing something to challenge myself. We did an all Batarian Soldier run on Firebase White/Reapers/Gold using Eagle and Ballistic Blades, all Vorcha using only Flamer on Glacier/Reapers/Gold, etc. However, with pick-ups you should bring your A game as you don't know how well the others will do.
bread's done