Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

So, went to start ME3 with my ParaGade Shep last night and realized I hadn't finished off the ME2 DLC for him. After playing LOTSB I found a new favorite way to kill the Broker: Blast him with the Cain :D

Mass Effect and Dragon Age valentines

Yes, the Cain. AKA "The Problem Solver" Love that weapon. I really need to go back and replay LotSB.
Honestly the best heavy weapon in ME2 (for me) was the gamestop DLC one. That thing threw out insane singularities that auto-detonated. Not that great for single bosses like the Shadow Broker, but devistating for any hordes.

Bonus: enemies yelling in German

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I pretty much never even used the Cain outside of the final mission but it was just such a fun idea taking out the Shadow Broker with it.  I finish up Arrival tomorrow morning and then its onto ME3.

Didnt the blackstorm end up getting released in some other form later?  I swear I have it and I didnt preorder at GS.  Didnt even get the game till 2 months after it came out as a birthday present lol.


Stasis & Singularity achievement obtained, Mass Effect 1 100%ed!

Down in the tunnels at Ferros there's this spot where a bunch of enemies are in the tunnels before you find the transmitter... my game glitched. All the NPCs, including my own, ran to one particular spot - and infinitely stayed stuck there. So I spent a few hours hitting the Krogan with Singularity but it wasn't until I again went to Pinnacle Station when it finally popped doing the Capture mission against those arrggh Pirates.

That decal is nice.  I got an N7 keychain from amazon and that's hanging from my mirror.  I do have an N7 decal on my work laptop and have had to explain what it is to a few people.  They usually chuckle when I say "with me.....everything leads back to videogames." 

hah that is a sweet decal.  Might have to pick one up!

I started my Insanity run of ME3 yesterday...was completely unaware of the Mars bug with slow-fire pistols.  Had to redo the entire mission...not a great start.

Ahh I believe i just used the Eagle but if I had those and would fail, yeah I'd be pissed too. I'm on my ME3 Insanity run with one SoB Renegade Sentinel Shepard this time lol.

Posted pictures and a write up on my Google+ account. Yeah this Insanity character is gonna be one big ol' jack ass lol.

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Ahh I believe i just used the Eagle but if I had those and would fail, yeah I'd be pissed too. I'm on my ME3 Insanity run with one SoB Renegade Sentinel Shepard this time lol.
yeah, I'm doing mine with my ParaGade Sentinel Shepard. I can already tell this will be an interesting playthrough since I'm doing things I wouldnt normally, like telling Allers to buzz off the first time I see her :D
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Finally started playing Citadel since it went on sale. Some of the achievements are actually more challenging than I thought they'd be. Story was enjoyably cheesy for sure.

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Just watching am old episode of Stargate....season 3 ep 14.(titled "foothold")

If you have Prime just get on amazon and watch it(around 35 minute mark for a lot of close ups). I have a feeling a LOT of inspiration for the collectors came from that episode. From character design to securing them into quasi-pods. Their armor is very similar, even the color.
PSA: Discount on Mass Effect for this week.

Just did Sur'kesh and ... I miss Mordin. Dat Cerberus Mech doh. Stand by for Titanfall haha.

That boss battle was exhilarating and I already played it like 2 times before (Insanity this time).
You know, I played Surkesh tonight and I really think it's one of the best missions in ME3. There are so many different variations of dialogue you can have at the beginning (Wrex/Wreav, Kirrahe, Mordin/Padok, Tolan, etc) that really make what you did in ME and ME2 feel like it made a difference. And the level itself is really fun to play through, although the atlas didn't give me me any trouble on Insanity haha. I know Tuchanka and Rannkch get all the mission praise but I really think Surkesh belongs in the discussion.
That part of the game is so perfect with Mordin.....I can't imagine playing it without him.  I know not of this Padok Wiks which you speak of.   Besides, I bet he gets it wrong.  :speaktothehand:

Achievement of the Week for February 21stThe galaxy is at war

The Unwavering achievement in Mass Effect 3 worth 109 pointsFinish all multiplayer maps on Gold or all single-player missions on Insanity.

Today, on February 21st, 14,643 gamers (out of 69,341 on site) have unlocked the achievement.
"Unwavering" has a base score of 50, a ratio of 2.18, and a TA Score of 109.

With two ways to possibly unlock the achievement, I would suggest working together in the (highly underrated) multiplayer portion of Mass Effect 3, as it will probably take less time than crushing through every single-player mission.
Nice, my Insanity run was put on hold with all these sales going on but doesn't look like it stopped others. As for why to go through every single-player mission instead of Gold the multiplayer maps, ahh I guess just don't get it do you lol.

Finished the Citadel DLC which means I have to say goodbye again :( Only have the gun level 10 and overload 25 times achievements left and can't decide if a new game+ playthrough is worth it.

You could always create an engineer in multi and get the Overloads pretty quickly that way.

And the gun upgrading can be done very early in a playthrough as long as you're coming in with a good amount of money.

You could always create an engineer in multi and get the Overloads pretty quickly that way.

And the gun upgrading can be done very early in a playthrough as long as you're coming in with a good amount of money.
My gold just lapsed and I don't intend to renew since I'm PS4 primary now so I'll just have to plod through the story a bit again at least.

yeah the 18" Normandy is pretty awesome too.  The jacket's nice but nowhere near worth $475!  Now if my girlfriend got it for me thats another story.... ;)

I also caved and ordered the Garrus bust, such a sucker for it!

yeah the 18" Normandy is pretty awesome too. The jacket's nice but nowhere near worth $475! Now if my girlfriend got it for me thats another story.... ;)

I also caved and ordered the Garrus bust, such a sucker for it!
Seriously, think about getting a Jacket or a Xbox One for that price.

I saw a dude out in the wild with a N7 leather jacket and I was like what's your name you're my friend immediately haha. I said that in my head of course.

Yeah I mean I'm pretty sure if they remastered Mass Effect 1 they would do it with a different engine right? No more pop-ins, muddy textures, glitches and long ass elevator rides?  :D/

It's Mass Effect Trilogy "the Definitive Edition" lol.

Yeah I mean I'm pretty sure if they remastered Mass Effect 1 they would do it with a different engine right? No more pop-ins, muddy textures, glitches and long ass elevator rides? :D/

It's Mass Effect Trilogy "the Definitive Edition" lol.
Maybe for a remastered ME, they would add even more elevator content. More quips! More banter! More futuristic light jazz!

bread's done