Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

Yeah I just don't see how they can be noncommittal about Synthesis. Control maybe, because they could say that the Reapers all left the galaxy, and make up some other reason why there are no geth around, and then it's basically the same as Destroy. But either organic and synthetic life are merged together or they aren't, it's a pretty big deal. It would be extremely lame if they tried to allow for both and just made it totally superficial by giving everyone glowy green eyes or not.

I really think Destroy will be the canon ending. It leaves the postwar galaxy in pretty much the same state as before, minus Reapers. The slate is clean to tell a new, non-Reaper-focused story.
What if they had a setup similar to the Dragon Age Nexus where you go in on PC and put in your choices from the 3 games?
I choose destroy because I saw through the indoctrination. If you choose the other options you were just another pawn of the reaper. Yup, I went there...
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Yeah, it'd easy to enough to write the Geth going back beyond the Veil, Quarians sticking to the flotilla/Rannoch, what have you. We don't necessarily need to see every race or every planet encountered the first time around. Would be interesting to see the world recovering from life with out the relays, but at least blue showed indication of them being repaired.

Not really fighting for one or the other though, honestly. I think they could easily enough justify picking and choosing what works for them.

I choice destroy because I saw through the indoctrination. If you choose the other options you were just another pawn of the reaper. Yup, I went there...
No, I AM the Reaper.

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What if they had a setup similar to the Dragon Age Nexus where you go in on PC and put in your choices from the 3 games?
But again they will be forced to specify a canon, as not every player will do that. So they will have to pick one default to start with. I'd actually be ok with them adding something to the beginning of the game similar to the genesis comics or something. Or at the very least like KOTOR 2 where another character just asks you what happened (lol).

The next Mass Effect might be werid for me. Been playing the whole series on the Xbox now I have to make the choice to either pick it up on the Xbox One or PS4.
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What if they had a setup similar to the Dragon Age Nexus where you go in on PC and put in your choices from the 3 games?
That would be like if there was a choice at the end of Dragon Age 2 to exterminate all mages or not. You can't really even tell the same story about that universe without resolving that question one way or the other. And I doubt they're going to have two or three completely different campaigns to account for ME3's ending choices.

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I just want to see Ranoch after a few hundred years all built up and how Quarians live life, culture/politics/etc.

Krogans amassing huge empires due to the cure allowing them to produce a large population is inevitable though.

Wouldn't they just be able to get around any issues by saying that it's been 100s of years later, so of course machines have been rebuilt?  Regardless of your choice, different species would have created and crafted machines after a few years.  You could even recreate Geth, as they're a programmed grouping. 

As for the green glow, that seems to be something that could easily be a modified choice.  It might even be like Mass Effect 2 asking what you chose at the end of Mass Effect.  Either it flips every characters eyes green or not.  I don't think they'll be too deep with the previous game choices, only slight influence. 

Though wouldn't it be impossible to have a Synthesis ending and then have a problem or conflict in a later game?  Wouldn't everyone be aware, and almost shared in mind (including machines, meaning they couldn't even go rogue)?  Wouldn't it be paradoxical to have choices outside the synthesized group?  Doesn't that mean that destroy is the only possible canonical choice, as it allows everyone to celebrate the victory over the Reapers, while slowly beginning to distrust and attack other species over time, in a quest for universal domination, as the Reapers warned Shepard that would occur. 

Maybe that's the twist.  Control is the true ending, and at the end of this new series Reaper Shepard comes back with the other Reapers and kills everybody because peace didn't last and no one was worth saving.

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Unsure about purchasing our new Garrus Body Pillow? This "hands on" review will tell you what you're getting into: …


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Oh I forgot to share this.

It's sooo glorious! I may or may not be indoctrinated haha.

Callibur 11 Mass Effect Vault: finally went down to a good price, $30, on Amazon.


Added Dark Horse "Deluxe" Mass Effect playing cards to get free shipping! :D/

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That's a good looking vault, though I'm wary of sticking anything like that on a 360 for fear it might overheat. 

The Garrus body pillow is a little disturbing, though thankfully, he's still in his armor.

That's a good looking vault, though I'm wary of sticking anything like that on a 360 for fear it might overheat.
It actually increases airflow because with the base it lifts the system off the ground and air can come in from the bottom.

Just saw this posted over on Raptr, badass yet subtle:


That vault is sweet but I keep my 360 horizontal and no way would it work in my tv stand vertical.

In actual game talk, I finally got back to my Insanity playthrough that I left off at the Citadel coup in order to play Second Son, Titanfall, and general work craziness and oh man was I rusty when I played last night....I was dying left and right on some not too difficult missions (Noveria, Jacob's mission)
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so, I spent the weekend at PAX East and a good chunk of time at the Bioware panels, one of which provided a BIG spoiler for the next Mass Effect game.  The panels were great and the panelists did signings afterwards (got my ME artbook signed by the lead cinematic animator, lead art director, one of the ME3 writers and a senior QA tester) and I also got to hang out with the voice actors of Thane and Ashley.  All in all a great experience.  I also spent way too much on ME merch...BUT I finally got my crown jewel, a Garrus Play Arts figure!  Paid $120 for it sealed in box from one of the vendors which is much cheaper then the $180+ its going for on Amazon now.


During one of the panels a question was asked about character writing in the trilogy and one of the ME3 writers who is also helping write the next Mass Effect said at one point "And in certain cases, we have to write entirely new characters."  This is very telling because she said in CERTAIN cases only, meaning we will be seeing characters from the current universe in the next game.  I think this eliminates the theory that the next ME will take place in the distant future.  Still not sure if it will be a prequel (First Contact War) or a direct sequel to ME3 but we will be seeing some of our favorite characters again!

During one of the panels a question was asked about character writing in the trilogy and one of the ME3 writers who is also helping write the next Mass Effect said at one point "And in certain cases, we have to write entirely new characters." This is very telling because she said in CERTAIN cases only, meaning we will be seeing characters from the current universe in the next game. I think this eliminates the theory that the next ME will take place in the distant future. Still not sure if it will be a prequel (First Contact War) or a direct sequel to ME3 but we will be seeing some of our favorite characters again!
Kind of reaching.

Halo: Reach.


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Some of the asari characters reappearing is not mutually exclusive with ME4 being set in the distant future, depending on exactly what distant means. Liara still has 900 years to live.

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Exactly, Ryuu. Wrex and Grunt have a few years on them too. We could be 500 years past ME3 and still have characters known squad and non squad characters around.

While I would prefer this isn't a prequel, like the first contact wars, really? Who would complain? :D
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If the Destroy is the canon outcome I think the synthetics will still exist. I don't trust that bastard star child. He's just manipulating you into feeling guilt if you choose the Destroy option. Don't fall for the indoctrination, fight the indoctrination!

Yeah, I think that's probably it-- they'll go with Destroy but say that a a few decades later humans discovered how to create a new different kind of synthetic or somesuch. I can't imagine an ME universe where synthetic/AI characters aren't part of it.

Yeah, I think that's probably it-- they'll go with Destroy but say that a a few decades later humans discovered how to create a new different kind of synthetic or somesuch. I can't imagine an ME universe where synthetic/AI characters aren't part of it.
Yeah, it's such a strong over-arching theme in the first Mass Effect trilogy, it'd be like real life without cars.

Counter-point: But that's Shepard's story.  The next ME will be something different.  I think it's reasonable to consider that Bioware will leave behind all traces of the big synthetic vs organic battle and focus on something new. 

Still, I have to agree with you guys.  The ME universe without some kind of AI will be hard to swallow.

Where you been, bro?! I hate to say it, but I think I'm finally over ME3 MP. Titanfall and Garden Warfare have filled that spot in my gaming rotation.
Oh, I wasn't posting here looking for games. It's been forever, I expected everyone to be gone. There are actually way more people online and playing than I ever would have expected.

If you dudes ever do get the itch though, you just let me know.

so, I spent the weekend at PAX East and a good chunk of time at the Bioware panels, one of which provided a BIG spoiler for the next Mass Effect game. The panels were great and the panelists did signings afterwards (got my ME artbook signed by the lead cinematic animator, lead art director, one of the ME3 writers and a senior QA tester) and I also got to hang out with the voice actors of Thane and Ashley. All in all a great experience. I also spent way too much on ME merch...BUT I finally got my crown jewel, a Garrus Play Arts figure! Paid $120 for it sealed in box from one of the vendors which is much cheaper then the $180+ its going for on Amazon now.


During one of the panels a question was asked about character writing in the trilogy and one of the ME3 writers who is also helping write the next Mass Effect said at one point "And in certain cases, we have to write entirely new characters." This is very telling because she said in CERTAIN cases only, meaning we will be seeing characters from the current universe in the next game. I think this eliminates the theory that the next ME will take place in the distant future. Still not sure if it will be a prequel (First Contact War) or a direct sequel to ME3 but we will be seeing some of our favorite characters again!
Which Bioware panel was that at? I was at the Happy Birthday Shepard on Friday & the last one on Sunday. (And the first Dragon Age one on Friday.)
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Thanks for the heads up! There are a few Foundations issues that I don't have. The series is crap, but it's new ME content, therefore in must buy it.
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Unfortunately that Vega comic didn't come before ME3 came out, it would have cleared up a lot of things like who the f is this guy?


Seeing his backstory it makes a lot of sense on why he was so driven but it wasn't until I read this character excerpt at the end when things clicked:

James was a southern charmer and somewhat similar (in my mind at least) to the Sawyer character from Lost. A guy who didn't care much for authority. Someone with a bit of a self-destructive streak. Extremely likable, despite all his obvious flaws.
Oh btw, use newsletter promo code
while you checkout to get another 10% off.

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Would you guys buy a trilogy remake with all included DLC's for the PS4 and Xbox One if they make it? I would but just curious the interest level on it.

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I would buy the PS4 version in a heartbeat.  Only other games I would buy again on PS4/XB1 are Skyrim, TLOU, and maybe a Halo collection (I know Halo 2 is coming but if they did the others I would buy at release)

Would you guys buy a trilogy remake with all included DLC's for the PS4 and Xbox One if they make it? I would but just curious the interest level on it.
Yes if the The Last of Us gets a "Remastered" version for current hardware I believe the Mass Effect Trilogy is a big yes in that department. This could potentially eliminate the previous decisions that were carried out on another platform. Of course they could just have a Genesis 3 but a playable version would be a win win for everyone (that is if the developers can pull it off). Personally I think it's a perfect tie in for when Bioware would release Mass Effect 4.

I would totally rebuy the trilogy again for Xbone. The games are fun to play over and over again anyway; better graphics/smoother frame rate/bonus content would just be icing. I very much expect this to happen.

bread's done