Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread


Ha ha!  Nice work boys.  Nice work. 


To add to the party, but not to derail it too much....I give you

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Yeah much likely UE3 would be used for the Trilogy release and UE4 would be used for Mass Effect 4. Have you seen the tech demos that Epic Games has shown for UE4!?

On a rabid Mass Effect fan sidenote, anyone else watch Almost Human and picture Karl Urban as Commander Shepard?  =P~

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I'm pretty sure EA had announced that their studios would only be using Frostbite from here on out.

And a quick google search has many articles confirming ME4 as a Frostbite game.

So maybe it's just me, but my ME3 run so far has been quite buggy. At least 3 glitches that caused me to re-load missions.
It happened to me a lot on my insanity run. I don't remember a whole lot on my other playthroughs. This time I had to reload the last fight with Kai Leng several times because the cutscene wouldn't trigger after I killed him. In between those reloads I had to retry a bunch of times because he kept killing me phantom style. So many reloads during that part.

Well hard to believe Mass Effect 3 came out 2 years ago and I finally came across Grunt's replacement. Using my Ren import Ren ME3 character atm.


I still have never actually come across him either except for Youtube videos lol.

Made some progress in my Insanity run this weekend.  Started off with Grissom Academy which was...intense haha.  Definitely had to adjust my strategy on that one.

Then tonight I did the Victus Tuchanka missions, poor Tarquin at the end (even if I wanted to kick his ass at first).  Now gonna wrap up all the loose ends before curing the genophage and doing the Rachni mission.

Grissom Academy was very tough. I would say Priority: Earth was the roughest spot in the game though. And yeah, I've said it before but ME3 Insanity was way easier than ME2 overall. And I really thought it was going to be harder at first because the enemy AI is so much more aggressive and prone to rushing you than they were in ME2. On the other hand, there's so much less emphasis on stripping defenses than there was in ME2.

I don't think ME1 can be properly compared to the other two because so much depends on your character level and build. I cheesed through Insanity with a level 60 Soldier but I know it can be an enormous challenge in other circumstances. In ME2 and ME3, you can grind as much as you want and fine-tune your character to perfection, but without a certain level of actual skill you're just not going to get through it.

In ME2 and ME3, you can grind as much as you want and fine-tune your character to perfection, but without a certain level of actual skill you're just not going to get through it.
Unless you play through ME2 as a soldier with dlc weapons like I did. Adrenaline rush +Mattock=easy mode. I honestly had to keep checking my difficulty in the settings to make sure it was set correctly, because it was way easier than what people had talked about. Guess I just stumbled on the perfect build, because I only died like 3 times during my entire playthrough. ME3 was way harder for me on insanity. I died like 10 times each on Priority: Earth and the fight with Kai Leng alone.


Sidenote: has Narida's class builder moved? Or is it just gone. I haven't been able to access the site in a while and I still used it for planning out my builds. I'll be a sad panda if it's gone, that thing was so useful.

ME1 and ME2 were pretty easy for me though. ME1 Insanity I was a level 60 Adept using biotics to dominate, ME2 Insanity I was a maxed out soldier spamming Adreanaline Rush with my Revenant :D
ME1 and ME2 were pretty easy for me though. ME1 Insanity I was a level 60 Adept using biotics to dominate, ME2 Insanity I was a maxed out soldier spamming Adreanaline Rush with my Revenant :D
I've got an Insanity playthrough on ME1 which I started as a new character and to be honest I was holding my own. :razz:

I would have not attempted this a few years ago though.

From ME3's FB page:

The same team that brought us Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic the (RPG) not the MMO are the ones that have been working tirelessly on Mass Effect 4. Despite popular belief the majority of the people involved with the project are still at Bioware. This is old news, however I've been seeing "convos" in the comments that lead me to believe some may not know this tidbit of information or may have misinformation. KOTOR is one of the greatest RPGS of all time if not the best some would argue so if this is news you have or haven't heard it's still cause to be very excited about the next installment of the Mass Effect franchise. Note: Mass Effect "4" has been in development for a while now, almost immediately after the release of the "Extended Cut DLC" ...Bioware has dedicated teams for both ME4 and Dragon Age : Inquisition, however once work is completed on DAI that team will also be lending their resources to team Edmonton.
I hope at E3 we'll get a Dragon Age information blowout, and at the very least an official announcement and title for ME4. Hopefully more!

Welp, guess I'm going to have to break down and get a XBone or PS4 when that happens
It's Mass Effect 4 or Final Fantasy XV for me. And I'm thinking Mass Effect 4 is probably going to be the first one out.

Unless of course by some odd twist Mass Effect 4 is cross-gen.

It's Mass Effect 4 or Final Fantasy XV for me. And I'm thinking Mass Effect 4 is probably going to be the first one out.

Unless of course by some odd twist Mass Effect 4 is cross-gen.
According to the information from Rocket Chainsaw, ME4 is "next" gen only. Lucky for me I already have the PS4, so now I just have to wait for the games to come to me. Dragon Age and Mass Effect with remote play in bed. Oh yes.

Here's the link:

  1. Mass Effect 4 is not called “Mass Effect 4″, but Mass Effect: Subtitle. Representatives at BioWare have implied as much, but we’ve been told that indeed Montreal’s Mass Effect does not use the title Mass Effect 4. It is currently operating under a subtitle name, which intends to carry across to the commercial build. The subtitle will embody the game’s major themes.
  2. Mass Effect 4 is third person. This might seem obvious, but we’ve included it more as an interesting titbit on the development process. BioWare has, in the past, experimented with different camera perspectives for all three of the mainline Mass Effect trilogy games, not always locking in “third person” from the very beginning. While they’ve too experimented with Mass Effect 4, the decision has been made to play in third person similarly to the original trilogy.
  3. Multiplayer returns. A no brainer. We’ve been told that Mass Effect 3‘s multiplayer was a surprising success for EA, internal buzz very positive. Multiplayer is locked in to return for Mass Effect 4. We’re unable to verify if the mode has changed, or if it’s a similar co-op arena mode to Mass Effect 3.
  4. Exploration is a major theme. Here’s a good one: Mass Effect 4 will focus on many things, but “exploration” is apparently the core focus of both the gameplay and the narrative. This is a core theme that is driving the overall design and direction of the new series at Montreal.
  5. New races will appear. Yep, we’ve got confirmation that this game will not be restricted to the usual Human, Asari, Turian, and so on. Tied in with the prior point, Mass Effect 4 will introduce new species (multiple!) that play major roles in narrative and overall direction. Other species do return, though we’re unable to confirm if any have been removed or downscaled in significance.
  6. Sequel to the trilogy is likely. Unfortunately our sources would not confirm exactly when Mass Effect 4 takes place in the canon. That being said, we were stressed that all signs point to this being a forward moving continuation of the franchise. As BioWare has said many times before, we’ve also been told that all things “Commander Shepard trilogy” will not be continued in this game; the trilogy is over, and this is something new. That being said, the implication is that this narrative is set canonically post-Mass Effect 3. What does this mean for the multiple endings? We don’t know. Oddly, we’ve been told that “flashback” like sequences to franchise/lore canonical events are not out of the question.
  7. Nextgen focus. Some are worried that like Dragon Age: Inquisition Montreal’s Mass Effect 4 would be a cross generation title. This is untrue. At time of writing, Mass Effect 4 is being built on Frostbite 3 exclusively for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. This is being done in order for the core design to flourish on next generation hardware, and not be held back by previous generation limitations. While this does not rule out a rough last generation downport later on, we’ve been told there is currently no intention to do so. Mass Effect 4 is fully “nextgen”.
  8. PAX leak unconfirmed, but likely. We couldn’t help ourselves. Talking with sources, we had to ask about the reputed PAX leak, which claimed Mass Effect 4 would feature a focus on exploring new worlds, two new species, deep customisation, and so on, was the words of a madman or a legitimate leak. Our sources were coy and refused to commit one way or the other, but did emphasise that the leak seemed “believable”. Take that however you wish.
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Wow, hadn't seen that infodump. No real surprises though. I would flip a table if ME4 somehow became a first-person game. :lol:
I hadn't posted it before since it's not really a lot of new info when you consider the PAX leak. But the "next" gen only focus should calm some fears. Knowing they can rely on 8GB of RAM should really free up their artists and open up their environments.

I hadn't posted it before since it's not really a lot of new info when you consider the PAX leak. But the "next" gen only focus should calm some fears. Knowing they can rely on 8GB of RAM should really free up their artists and open up their environments.
Actually, it should irritate wallets for those of us that have been passing on the XB1/PS4 scenario until now. :bomb:

Though, in the long run, it'll be a good thing with the better working environment the XB1 and PS4 offer on the console. What I am wondering is if the XB1 will be the "inferior" version this time around, from what's been mentioned about a number of games running on both and the PS4 having the resolution edge. Not that resolution matters anything if the game runs like ass.

Actually, it should irritate wallets for those of us that have been passing on the XB1/PS4 scenario until now. :bomb:

Though, in the long run, it'll be a good thing with the better working environment the XB1 and PS4 offer on the console. What I am wondering is if the XB1 will be the "inferior" version this time around, from what's been mentioned about a number of games running on both and the PS4 having the resolution edge. Not that resolution matters anything if the game runs like ass.
It should be interested to see what happens as there's talk that Microsoft will talk DirectX 12 at GDC next month and I'd guess by the time ME4 launches they'd implement those tweaks.

That's a great and promising info dump!  I love everything I hear there.  Especially that it's post-ME3 focused.  I hope we get a teaser soon. 

It should be interested to see what happens as there's talk that Microsoft will talk DirectX 12 at GDC next month and I'd guess by the time ME4 launches they'd implement those tweaks.
They would have to slipstream that into the XB1 as an update, which would give newer games extra things to play with versus earlier games.

Since the XB1 is running on a modified Win 8.1 core, it's possible they could slip in DX12 updates to the XB1. All I know is that there's been lots of items that have come up that the PS4 versions of multiple games have been running or will run on higher resolutions than the XB1 versions of the same titles, mainly due to the PS4 having faster GDDR5 RAM and a better GPU.

I might have to go PS4 this time around for a ME title. :shock:

I really think Destroy will be the canon ending. It leaves the postwar galaxy in pretty much the same state as before, minus Reapers. The slate is clean to tell a new, non-Reaper-focused story.

I really think Destroy will be the canon ending. It leaves the postwar galaxy in pretty much the same state as before, minus Reapers. The slate is clean to tell a new, non-Reaper-focused story.
Oh, I have no doubt it would, but just imagine having that Sheaper hook for a boss fight later on down the line.

My guess is that it will be a non-commital thing.  It will be far enough in the future (500 years?  1000 years?  5,000 years?) where that battle is history and it hasn't mattered for a long time.  If anything, your save state will carry over (Citadel Keep?) and it will dictate if people are green glowey or not.  But, I don't expect Bioware to dictate a definitive canon.  It's not their style and can you imagine the poop storm of controversy they'd receive if they "totally negated player choice AGAIN?" 

Yeah but it does kind of matter, because the fate of the geth (and all synthetic life) is hugely different among the endings. It would be hard to explain why there are or aren't geth around without covering what happened.

bread's done