ミ★  Only wants listed... If you have something, LMK and maybe we can work it out! 

[quote name='dv8mad']:shock: That actually looks chewed on! Did you happen to get any notes or anything from your mail carrier or was it just left? I'd like to know if they take any responsibility for that or not.
I'll hit up the P.O. here tomorrow and find out if I have any recourse as well.[/QUOTE]

nope. and being at a dorm there's no way for me to really track it back. let me know what you find out, i'm not too personally worried about it, i just figured its something you might want to watch out for given your volume of international shipping
[quote name='thelonepig']There's an emphasis on old. ;)[/QUOTE]


[quote name='Distortiontm']Got Fable II in the mail today. FANTASTIC condition! Just in time to get pepped up for Fable III!

Thank you!!!!![/QUOTE]

Cool, go ahead and leave feedback when you are able and I will leave it in return which will create the FB link for your avatar. ;)
Something nice to do...? No way I'd help with that... XD.

That aside, If you still need help you know my e-mail. Otherwise, I'm sure you've already got it covered.
[quote name='Rave Child']I am a mean person, so I will take no part in your "nice" activities. :razz:[/QUOTE]

Luckily for all of us, it turns out you have a split personality that you didn't know about. Thanks for the help Sybil. :lol:
[quote name='dv8mad']^ I refunded him and never heard back after him saying he didn't expect to see them.[/QUOTE]

What a douche.

At least now people will know not to deal with that scammer.

Did he at least thank you for the refund?
sorry for the double post, just got it leaving feedback. ;)

And I lol'ed when I opened the box and you said what I was thinking. XD Maybe I'll save it for later for him.

[quote name='thelonepig']Apparently I'm not good enough to merit further information on the request. ;)[/QUOTE]

LOL, you are so needy!
Don't worry, if I get things together and am able to put my plans in motion, I'll keep you busy.
That aside I got KOS-MOSv1 Xeno Comi from that trading figure you sent me. That was the one I wanted REALLY Bad, lol. and I got it on the 1st try. XD

I wanted missing year KOS-MOS as well, but I lucked out I guess.
Replied to your email. :razz:

Also I bet if you list Tales of Vesperia Gashapons either here or on your site you will get some bites. ;)

Oh yeah and this:
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Bump cuz I am tard. Ignore the part in my PM where I said on the page before your post. In my browser it put your post at the top of the page on vulgar's TL. :razz:

I blame CAG!
Ohhh, NOW you show interest? I may have a potential buyer, but if not, I can't see it going anywhere and I'll personally deliver it wrapped Razor Ramon's leather hotpants.

[quote name='Vulgarism']Ohhh, NOW you show interest? I may have a potential buyer, but if not, I can't see it going anywhere and I'll personally deliver it wrapped Razor Ramon's leather hotpants. [/QUOTE]

I post SNSD in this guys thread, and the thanks I get is Hard Gay? :bomb:
[quote name='dv8mad']I post SNSD in this guys thread, and the thanks I get is Hard Gay? :bomb:[/QUOTE]

I believe you just started a war, my good friend.


*Livin' La Vida Loca*
Hey bro, if I can find it(I think I still have it) would you like a copy of the Angels & Demons 2-disc blu-ray set? (extended version and regular on the first disc and bonus stuff on the second)

LMK, and I'll git 'er dun!

EDIT: I'd just throw it in for free since I have two copies. (I got a second one at Borders for 1/2 price because I wanted the digital copy. :D )
[quote name='dabamus']Hey bro, if I can find it(I think I still have it) would you like a copy of the Angels & Demons 2-disc blu-ray set? (extended version and regular on the first disc and bonus stuff on the second)

LMK, and I'll git 'er dun!

EDIT: I'd just throw it in for free since I have two copies. (I got a second one at Borders for 1/2 price because I wanted the digital copy. :D )[/QUOTE]

If it's free, I'll give it a whirl, but, does that mean that you didn't ship that box out a couple weeks or so ago or are you going to be shipping this on it's own?
Still working on it bro. I'm trying to find my extra copy of Angels & Demons on blu to throw in for you.

Do you see anything else on my list that you'd like me to throw in for free?
[quote name='dv8mad']... bump.
Would you like to ride a wump?[/QUOTE]

You have some bad sushi or something? Honestly, I would starve to death there, I can't tolerate the taste of any seafood.
bread's done