ミ★  Only wants listed... If you have something, LMK and maybe we can work it out! 

[quote name='dv8mad']All according to plan... :cool:[/QUOTE]

If you take too many lumps they'll need to be hauled to the dump;
where they'll meet every writer in a slump
with their hair, in hands, in clumps.
They'll discuss every part-time opportunity
from chains, to winches, to grinding stumps
until you begin to wonder on the origin of moroseness
whether it starts with doors and thumps
or gold watches and crumbs,
and whether there's any tea to take you home
from a headache that rises and assumes prominence
all from this, solitary mortuary
dv8, just download Steam and wait for the crazy ridiculous sales. You can even subscribe to steamgamesales.com's RSS if you don't want to actively monitor it. In particular, the winter and summer week-long sales are MADNESS. And who knows... People tend to be pretty generous when those things are going on and they know someone who doesn't have the awesome game that's up for $2. ;)
Thanks Vegan. I am on there now. Looks like pricing isn't so hot though. I only looked at Fallout 3 since I never had the chance to play it, and I think it may be more expensive than a console version. I'll have to look out for those sales as you said.

chickenbutt - I'm leaning more toward single player games because I don't have the time to invest in grouping with people ATM.
dv8. The new SNSD cd is soooo good. :D

I just ordered one online that comes with some bonus stuffs. Well with the help of my aunt as my vocab in Korean isn't exactly so good.

Also just read up on a Bento, I had no idea WTF it was. Seems like Korea has something similar called a Dosirak. Anywho, if you want the SNSD tracks just shoot me a PM.

Also wondering how far this biggest Pokemon center in the world is from you. The one I just read about on joystiq. That could be trouble.... :razz:
I don't know if it's in your budget, but I had a lot of good times playing Silent Hill 3 and 4 on PC with a USB controller. There's superior graphics, the ability to save anywhere, etc.
pc games is teh shit. ive only bought 4 or 5 pc games but i download the rest, so its much cheaper to be playing pc than xbox or ps3 hahaha
any of the rpgs like fallout are always better on pc, fps are big on pc too
If you're going to play with a controller on PC, I suggest you stick to consoles. Keyboard and mouse is the only way to play on PC. The only games I use a controller for are racing games; only because it's a pain switching from a controller to a racing wheel.

Nearly all PC games have DRM and likely won't work online if purchased used. Most new releases are available on Steam and are non-transferable.

Last, PC gaming is expensive. A cheap gaming PC starts at $500 and is obsolete after 6 months. You will get hooked on the upgrading bug and PC gaming will become an expensive hobby/luxury. If you get PO'd when new consoles are released and they cost $400-$600, then you'll hate keeping up with PC Gaming hardware. You'll spend $400-$600 Yearly after you get hooked.

- Mauro, maurinho_10
[quote name='maurinho_10']If you're going to play with a controller on PC, I suggest you stick to consoles. Keyboard and mouse is the only way to play on PC. The only games I use a controller for are racing games; only because it's a pain switching from a controller to a racing wheel.

Nearly all PC games have DRM and likely won't work online if purchased used. Most new releases are available on Steam and are non-transferable.

Last, PC gaming is expensive. A cheap gaming PC starts at $500 and is obsolete after 6 months. You will get hooked on the upgrading bug and PC gaming will become an expensive hobby/luxury. If you get PO'd when new consoles are released and they cost $400-$600, then you'll hate keeping up with PC Gaming hardware. You'll spend $400-$600 Yearly after you get hooked.

- Mauro, maurinho_10[/QUOTE]

That's what they say, but I'm just not proficient enough with kb/m to make a go of it and don't really feel like trying to master it.
I've heard that the games themselves are cheaper than console versions typically, which is why I would like to check some out.
As for the cost of upgrading, I don't think it will be a problem as I built this not too long ago and it should be able to run the majority of what is out there now and, I don't really need to keep up with the games as they are released as I have a ton to choose from right now and not much time to play them. I'll be keeping an eye out for the Steam sale that was recommended earlier and hopefully I'll have a little spare cash when the time comes.
Also gog.com if you don't mind older games. There's some great ones on there for dirt cheap, and they do crazy holiday sales too. They're all cheap normally, though.
for PC gaming just wait for Steam's holiday sale

before you know it you'll have more PC games than you know what to do with

honestly all you need is Steam and GOG.com

Great deals during those holiday or some weekend sale.

For example. In April I picked up codemaster racing pack, which includes Dirt 2, Dirt, Fuel and Grid, all for $17.50

I agree, steam + gog, PC Gaming goodness for cheap!

I have like 14 games on gog and 130 games (atleast half is good/v.good games, rest came in bundle or those I have no interest in)

I would seriously consider using mouse+keyboard... I was originally a PC gamer, and most of the best games were better with mouse+keyboard, except for console ports and fighters.

There are some great (albeit old) games like Pharoah+Cleopatra, Homeworld, etc that you really can't do anything using a controller. Open yourself up to everything, not just like FPSes.
Happy Holidays promotion will begin on dv8CAG in just a couple days. Keep an eye out for it! I have a feeling that some of you may be very interested! ;)
He will? That's fine, I'll coat it in a nice layer of fecal-matter and then send it to him. I think I'd be okay with losing out on a few dollars to know in my heart that TLP would open up the envelope and spray vomit everywhere.

As for you, mister, one day, I swear we will trade. If shipping to Japan was cheaper, I'd send you boxes that would remind you of home, including partial animal corpses and sharp objects. That's why everybody loves America... We have dead animals and sharp objects everywhere.
[quote name='wasabi5858']Steam!

Great deals during those holiday or some weekend sale.

For example. In April I picked up codemaster racing pack, which includes Dirt 2, Dirt, Fuel and Grid, all for $17.50

I agree, steam + gog, PC Gaming goodness for cheap!

I have like 14 games on gog and 130 games (atleast half is good/v.good games, rest came in bundle or those I have no interest in)


What's "gog"?
hey i have some interest in the ligntning ps3 as its something different. Not exactly sure what it is tho, lol. i just like different things :)
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[quote name='ZxT Vendetta']Final verdict on the video? :D

So-so. I still prefer Oh! or Run, Devil, Run.

[quote name='gameguy1001']hey i have some interest in the ligntning ps3 as its something different. Not exactly sure what it is tho, lol. i just like different things :)[/QUOTE]

This is it.
ohhhh very pretty :D :D does it only run jap games? or can i run american on it also? and any price in mind? and is it brand new or used? thanks!
blu-ray isn't region free. PS3 games are.

HOWEVER. The U.S., Japan, and Korea are all the same region, in terms of Blu-ray encoding.
I've wanted the last few Lightning PS3s you've had, but I'm sure this one is way out of my price range... Oh why couldn't have SCEA released one of those things here? It would have gone so well with my Lightning Xbox 360 faceplate. :cry:

[quote name='ZxT Vendetta']Also on topic:
Someone buy that PS3. Myself being an owner... it is so fucking amazing. I love the Lightning PS3. :)[/QUOTE]

I'm very unfamiliar with import consoles... Does it still have access to the North American PSN?
[quote name='KillerRamen']I'm very unfamiliar with import consoles... Does it still have access to the North American PSN?[/QUOTE]

Yes, just like a NA PS3 has access to any other region PSN. You can also switch menus over to English. I think the biggest difference you'll find is that the x and the o button functionality is swapped (like it is when playing Metal Gear).
Best price I can find on Ebay $720ish shipped. If anyone sees any better, LMK. Remember that this is a JP system and will run out of the box in North America. Sometimes they have slightly cheaper listings for Korean units, but they require you to purchase a power transformer to work in the U.S.
Based on that, I'd like to ask for $600 shipped or, at worst $550 shipped and the rest in trade.

The posts above by Rasen and tlp are correct.
To confirm and add a little more info though...

The system is Japanese, but has selectable English language support from the crossbar. As tlp noted, here O is confirm and X is cancel, you know, they way it should be. ;)
Blu-ray region is shared as Rasen noted between the U.S. Korea and Japan, so all of your blu-rays will work without a hitch. And, of course, blus that would be region blocked on a U.S. PS3 will also be blocked on this system.

The system itself is in great condition and is very lightly used as it's mostly for blu-ray viewing. The JP version of FFXIII has absolutely no English support, so I have not included it in the price. If you want it for some reason, please add $15 more. The controller is also not used much as I typically use the blu-ray remote.
I'll be packing it up as safely as possible and ensuring that it makes it there totally functional with EMS insured mail included in the price above.

As stated in the OP (and since I have been asked via PM) yes, I will accept a payment plan, but there are two stipulations.
I would need at least $200 up front and I would need the system paid off before the end of the year.
Of course, I would not be shipping until the system was paid in full, but I believe my feedback speaks for itself and you can feel secure in the fact you will be receiving the system.
I have read of people using Netflix here on a U.S. account by setting up a masked network, so it doesn't block due to region. I have to assume that in the U.S. it would work just fine, but I can't guarantee that 100% without doing some research. I'll ask my friend Google right now... Please hold!

EDIT: OK, apparently it worked with the disc, but the newest application download does not work. However, based on this info from engadget, they plan to have an update so the Netflix app will work based on your IP and not the system region, so it will work very soon!
wow! i really want this! but can i really afford 600 bucks? definately not in 1 shot..but over the next 1.5 months...hmm....its possible!

i seen 1 in completed listing that sold for 535 with bonuses :) you said you would like to know of cheaper :)

but i am quite interested. maybe after i have my loball, in which i hope most of it sells, so far not so many bids but only first day. and then i may have another. and i may just start selling stuff. And if my ps3 games will work on it fine, i may even sell my ps3...hmmm....
[quote name='gameguy1001']wow! i really want this! but can i really afford 600 bucks? definately not in 1 shot..but over the next 1.5 months...hmm....its possible!

i seen 1 in completed listing that sold for 535 with bonuses :) you said you would like to know of cheaper :)

but i am quite interested. maybe after i have my loball, in which i hope most of it sells, so far not so many bids but only first day. and then i may have another. and i may just start selling stuff. And if my ps3 games will work on it fine, i may even sell my ps3...hmmm....[/QUOTE]

^ I did see that, but it didn't seem legit to me. A seller with 0 feedback and a buyer with 0 feedback that is no longer a registered user.
I have never seen one go for under $600-$650 shipped. And believe me up until May I was checking almost daily. And those were the non-Japanese voltage units. The lowest I saw a Japanese unit go for was like around $700ish for a new one.

The X & O buttons being swapped took about 2 weeks of getting used to but as everyone else has already stated that is the only difference. Well and the fact that the thing is quite sexy.

bread's done