ミ★  Only wants listed... If you have something, LMK and maybe we can work it out! 

dude sorry to hear about the problems man. I pray things turn out for the better. Ill try to contribute as much as i can.

That EMS thing really scares me. I have two figures i won off ebay coming from Japan..and this is not good.
Bummed about your dire financial situation from reading your blog. I will spread the word about your upcoming big import sale and hope you surpass your goals for the months ahead.
Since I am one of those with a package in Limbo right now... I guess it gives me reason to buy more from you when you have a sale list up :D

I shouldn't have had you wait to ship that Saber Figure. Oh wells no biggie. Sorry to hear about your financial situation though :whistle2:(

I will try to contribute as much as I can :D
glem - The items themselves don't matter, they just have to be under the weight restriction or shipped via surface if over.

Just added some pics I took tonight. The majority of it is gashapon. I'll be updating with more items sometime tomorrow if Ryu lets me. :D
Dibs on the Fate/Stay Night Nendoroid Petit. Is that a full box of them I am assuming? I don't really want a full box so if you can split em up I shall take 2 of them. :D
^ I will have some listed individually. More than likely tomorrow. Please toss me a fair offer here or via PM and I am sure a couple will be yours.
[quote name='dv8mad']^ I will have some listed individually. More than likely tomorrow. Please toss me a fair offer here or via PM and I am sure a couple will be yours.[/QUOTE]

Ah ok. I will get you an offer sometime tomorrow. I am about to go to bed cuz I have to go to school in the morning. Thank god it is finally the weekend :)
I'm awake bump. I'll be taking some pics of games in just a little while. I imagine that some (or most) of them will actually sell better here as many are Japanese NTSC-J titles, but let's see what happens!
Sweet, a Clarence sale!

*Feels Stupid*

Does Heroes Paradise require Kinect?

Internets being crappy right now, I'll check back in 11 hours.

Wanting ~
No More Heroes: Heroes Paradise (If it doesn't use Kinect.)
Transformers: War For Cybertron
Deathsmiles ll ( What does the LE come with?)
Disgaea DS

Will Look Up Because Interested ~
Senko No Ronde
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[quote name='Amblix']*Feels Stupid*

Does Heroes Paradise require Kinect?

Internets being crappy right now, I'll check back in 11 hours.

Wanting ~
No More Heroes: Heroes Paradise (If it doesn't use Kinect.)
Transformers: War For Cybertron
Deathsmiles ll ( What does the LE come with?)
Disgaea DS

Will Look Up Because Interested ~
Senko No Ronde[/QUOTE]

Absolutely does NOT use Kinect. :lol:
DS II X LE comes with a soundtrack (still sealed) and the DLC card has artwork on it and is CC sized, not just a big insert sheet.
Hey ya! I'm a bit confused what is the offer thing? Of course I'm interested in all those Xenosaga figures, but I didn't get what the offer system was... Didn't you say everything was going to remain the same prices?

Also I'm more so interested in the sealed boxes.

Xenosaga Legend Ep 1/Ep 2 BEST Gashapon Case of 8 boxes (2)

Cause I want the outter box too, lol. but interested in any really just want to figure out the previous before I make up my mind about what I want.
[quote name='Tsukinikawatte']Hey ya! I'm a bit confused what is the offer thing? Of course I'm interested in all those Xenosaga figures, but I didn't get what the offer system was... Didn't you say everything was going to remain the same prices?[/QUOTE]

Just offer him a fair price. what you think is fair, and he will work it out with you from there.

Hey DV8-
hold on to atleast 2 of the Xenosaga Legends gasaphons. Im debating on the games.
Thanks for the offers so far everyone. Please remember that more items will be added each day until I get it all up. I am still about $600 from where I need to be by the end of the month, so everything helps.

I have received a few PMs from people asking how much for _____ and, I really want to say, $600 ought to do it! LOL
Really though, it would take too long for me to research everything and add prices as I am already having a hard enough time getting things pulled out for pics with Ryu always wanting to touch stuff, so offering should get you stuff at a price you are willing to pay and should save me time as well.

Thanks to everyone that has helped out so far. We are very grateful.

Now I need to get to sleep as I have one more day of Ryu on my own before Ai gets a day off on Sunday. Then, I should be able to get a lot more listed I hope. Most of the remaining items are anime or Japan related, not gaming, as I have already sold off much of my collection aside from what's still on the shelves... And that's already up!
All games are complete and in fantastic condition (or sealed); all payments will go directly to dv8. Once an item has been paid for, he will PM or email me your address and I'll PM you a tracking number when shipped. I'll be happy to provide pictures upon request.

:ps3: Dead Space (GH) $13 shipped
:ps3: Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition (sealed w/ slipcover) $38 shipped (yes, near retail - but it's for a good cause, right?)
:ps3: Sacred 2 $13 shipped

:ds: Glory of Heracles $8 shipped
:ds: Infinite Space $30 shipped
:ds: Super Princess Peach $30 shipped

:gba: Golden Sun (cart only)
:gba: Golden Sun: The Lost Age (cart only) $30 shipped for the pair

:dvd: Here is Greenwood (sealed) $10 shipped

:misc: Final Fantasy XIII trading arts figures complete set $45 shipped
:misc: Metroid Other M Art Folio (sealed) $8 shipped

I also have some miscellaneous Iron Man 2 Dr. Pepper, Final Fantasy XIII Elixir and a Dissidia Potion if anyone is interested.
hey man, i will have a lil something for you in the next week or so. once my lowball is done, and everything is straight. shouldn't be long my man.
Bump with a new addition:

:ds: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors (complete) $25 shipped

I've also got the preorder watch if anyone is interested. It's quite heavy though.
[quote name='thelonepig']Bump with a new addition:

:ds: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors (complete) $25 shipped

I've also got the preorder watch if anyone is interested. It's quite heavy though.[/QUOTE]

So, how was the game?
[quote name='Nate Nanjo']So, how was that game?[/QUOTE]

I thought it was great. Essentially it's a mature choose-your-own adventure novel. The first play through was roughly four hours. The second took about the same. I've got four more endings that I should have finished up by the end of the weekend. :)
[quote name='integralsmatic']sent a pm.

Yeah guys lets try not to make blackdog look like an " ~A$$~" buy this man's stuff pronto![/QUOTE]

If the avatar fits...
I have more stuff going up in a little bit once I get done editing all the pics I just took.

If anyone has any interest in JP lady cards such as autos, LE, SP, clothing cards or sets just let me know. I don't plan to retake pics and stuff of all of them as I imagine there isn't too much interest in a gaming forum. Everyone knows we like games better than girls. :rofl:
[quote name='dv8mad']I have more stuff going up in a little bit once I get done editing all the pics I just took.

If anyone has any interest in JP lady cards such as autos, LE, SP, clothing cards or sets just let me know. I don't plan to retake pics and stuff of all of them as I imagine there isn't too much interest in a gaming forum. Everyone knows we like games better than girls. :rofl:[/QUOTE]

I've been meaning to ask, what is that Mihiro Love blu ray.

Just a bit curious. x:
^ First off, NMH is already sold. Secondly, taking offers, so if it's fair enough, I'll sell it to you! ;)
If I think I can possibly do better, I may ask for a day to consider it, but not much longer as I need this money ASAP!
As another added clarification, any of the items purchased from the front page with my name on them are not part of the shipping restriction and are usually shipped out within a day.
bread's done