ミ★  Only wants listed... If you have something, LMK and maybe we can work it out! 

[quote name='gameguy1001']would you take 50 shipped for 999 and infinite space? a friend of mine wants them and all he ahs is 50, i'll pay through my paypal.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='gameguy1001']oh i should mention even tho most knw i am in canada, but shipping should still be cheap for 2 ds games :)[/QUOTE]

I'm waiting to hear back from two folks on 999, but if both fall through, I wouldn't have any problems with that amount (subject to dv8's approval, I guess?).
k, lmk asap i would paypal him the money right now. My buddy REALLY wants these, and i told him i could get them, so i really hope the 2 others fall through lol.
[quote name='thelonepig']I'm waiting to hear back from two folks on 999, but if both fall through, I wouldn't have any problems with that amount (subject to dv8's approval, I guess?).[/QUOTE]

They're your games. You can do what you want with them. :)
well, if TLP will sell them to me, i would paypal the money as soon as he says ok they are yours :) just need confirm,ation, then i will send it :)
[quote name='elessar123']Think Infinite Space is out of print nowadays too. Shame, it was a good game.[/QUOTE]

It is in fact OOP. I rushed back in late summer and bought one at MSRP. :bomb: Value seems to have tailed off a bit though. Now I kind of wish I had waited but I wasn't going to pay >$50 down the line for a DS game.

Also dv8. I will be in touch after I return home. I see a few things that have my interest but not for sure yet. If not I will get the Saber Figure taken care of immediately.
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It's Ryu's birthday today, so I won't be here making updates or anything. I will get a couple things shipped tomorrow that are going to Canada and also that are under the weight restrictions to the US.
[quote name='Tsukinikawatte']Dv8's avatar is so giving me the stare creeps. It's like this happy intent stare. All of you give into it and buy more.[/QUOTE]

Yes, I agree. Particularly, people should take a gander at figure #31. What a beaut. :drool:

Someone needs to jump on it before its gone.
Ryu says thank you for his gifts from CAGs bump!


Thanks to blackdog60, one credit card payment will already be taken care of. Still working on the 2nd and hope to have the money by the 5th so I have time to get it through Paypal into the bank before it's due.
by the 5th?? i will see what i can do dv8! i got 45 in my pp account now, if i can make some quick sales tonight i'll get you what i owe you, it may not be enuf, but it'll be a help man!
oh is:

Love, Love Kiss w/Mihiro ps3
Suzumiya Haruhi no Heiretsu LE Package

full Japanese? or is it english at all? a friend of mine is wondering about them, thanks!
any idea on a price for them?? i looked on ebay, and play asia, and google, and couldn't find anything. buddy said he paid 2000 yen for his
[quote name='dv8mad']I somehow doubt it.[/QUOTE]

Touche. Ok not the avatar. We can agree though on the sig right? ;)

Taeyeon & Jessica check

Now we need Yuri, Yoona, and Seohyun. :D

EDIT: I guess only a sig from the Run Devil Run promotion could top the Hoot Promotion... :razz:
bread's done