ミ★  Only wants listed... If you have something, LMK and maybe we can work it out! 

[quote name='dv8mad']Missed a package from Porky while we were out. (T_T)

Hopefully they will redeliver tonight.[/QUOTE]

Serves you right for leaving the kitchen.
[quote name='thelonepig']Serves you right for leaving the kitchen.[/QUOTE]

No choice.
Had to make a pork run.

It's here now though! Thanks for Xmas gifts for Ai and Ryu.
Thanks to you and bd, I am officially set on taco seasoning through 2011!

Also, can't wait to try out Sakura Wars since everyone hates it, I figure I will dig it! ;)
[quote name='dv8mad']Good news!
(kind of)

We found that we don't have the money to pay both credit cards tomorrow, so we'll pay the second one a little late on the 15th after Ai gets paid.

Why is this good news? Because we took some of that money that would have gone toward the card payment and shipped your package! Now it will most definitely make it there by Christmas!

EG070186284JP ;)[/QUOTE]

That's not good news, because now I feel bad. :(
[quote name='thelonepig']That's not good news, because now I feel bad. :([/QUOTE]

No reason to. We needed $700 total, but had about $550. We are taking $400 to pay one card and paying the other on the 15th. Sending your package now didn't change anything. ;)
[quote name='dv8mad']No reason to. We needed $700 total, but had about $550. We are taking $400 to pay one card and paying the other on the 15th. Sending your package now didn't change anything. ;)[/QUOTE]

If someone buys $150 of stuff from you now, would it make it on time for the second card?
[quote name='elessar123']If someone buys $150 of stuff from you now, would it make it on time for the second card?[/QUOTE]

No, but appreciate the thought!

Everything we get from now until the 28th will go toward the rent! :bomb:
[quote name='dv8mad']No, but appreciate the thought!

Everything we get from now until the 28th will go toward the rent! :bomb:[/QUOTE]

What kind of range are we taking about for Ar Tonelico 3 and Deathsmiles arnold btw? I think the latter are like up to $100 a piece? Never paid more than about $50 for an artbook yet, so....
[quote name='elessar123']Never paid more than about $50 for an artbook yet, so....[/QUOTE]

And I ask you. my fellow CAGs, would there be a better place for him to start? ;)
elessar dont' wait to long on those deathsmiles books, hardback artbooks are usually very pricy and if they do get reprinted never in HB again.:cold:

now if I could get some more sailor moon HBs again, I would be a happy camper....:drool: those sell like gold bars at a discount bin.

and no, dv8 do not go looking for them...:booty:

you already stole all my Christmas money
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Just a quick note. I haven't packaged anything the past few days as Ai has been working a lot because we have yet to hear back from anyone on anything job related.
She is off tomorrow and I will be working to get some more items packaged up when Ryu will have his grabby hands occupied. ;)

Also, I will be making a blog post later tonight about our interesting experience in trying to get government assistance... :roll:
[quote name='dv8mad']Just a quick note. I haven't packaged anything the past few days as Ai has been working a lot because we have yet to hear back from anyone on anything job related.
She is off tomorrow and I will be working to get some more items packaged up when Ryu will have his grabby hands occupied. ;)

Also, I will be making a blog post later tonight about our interesting experience in trying to get government assistance... :roll:[/QUOTE]

If only there was an emoticon that would have eyes that roll far back enough....
[quote name='Tsukinikawatte']If only there was an emoticon that would have eyes that roll far back enough....[/QUOTE]

Maybe it's cause of my trip to Book-Off (GF wanted to go, and we bought bento at Mitsuwa), but my mind is in the gutter with the quoted statement...

Bought these, which might be the reason why...


I will be stealings portions of your lowball rules. I thank yee kindly for providing them to the general public here on CAG. :D
I finish finals this week and I should also have my accounts in some kind of order by the end of the week, so I'll see what I can do.

[quote name='dv8mad']

Also, can't wait to try out Sakura Wars since everyone hates it, I figure I will dig it! ;)[/QUOTE]

I loved it, so that must mean everyone else is wrong! :cool:
Be sure to post who you end up with at the end. I got the Gemini Sunrise ending! :bouncy:
Please use xe.com to change from yen to dollars if necessary.
Those that say pending shipment will go out on the 15th after Ai gets paid unless you have yet to pay, then... Well, I'm not shipping it yet! ;)
Others will go out soon after payment is received.

Packed - Pending - 212 grams
Shipping options:
EMS - 1200yen
SAL - 380yen
AIR - 510yen

Packed - Pending shipment

Packed - Pending - 416 grams
Shipping options: Already PM'd - Awaiting Reply

Packed - Pending - 853 grams
Shipping options:
EMS - 2220yen
SAL - 2700yen (What?)
AIR - 3350yen (Huh?)

If you aren't looking to go EMS, it is possible that I can trim down the packaging enough to get it in the small packet range which would save A LOT on shipping, however, you would have to understand that it would be a figure in a box for the most part with not much extra in there to pad it or anything as there is now.

Packed - Pending shipment

Pending 40
Packed - Pending shipment

Pending 75
Packed - Pending shipment
For those of you with dv8CAg sigs (thank you!) or those of you that would like to add them (Thank you too!) I am adding the newer streamlined versions that you can grab if you would like for the relaunch in January.

Just go ahead and save image as then link it to http://dv8CAG.com in your sig!
Your site is fine too!;)



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Remove Super Princess Peach if you would; Audrey picked it up yesterday and decided to give it a try. After beating the first two levels, she proclaimed it's her favorite game in the world, "'cause it's about a princess, just like me."

She's now also completed the first few levels on New Super Mario Bros. DS.

My four-year-old is starting to get into platformers. I'm so proud.

EDIT: I sent you the money from 999. Everyone else should have paid you directly. All packages will be shipped tomorrow morning.
bread's done