MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) Thread: UFC/Strikeforce

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[quote name='Maklershed']This guy looks like a nerd. :lol:[/QUOTE]

you see him at weigh-ins with the wolverine claw? lol dude is awesome.
[quote name='Maklershed']Wow didn't see that coming. What a huge short elbow.[/QUOTE]

that was nice. a lot of power from that distance. this card is turning out to be pretty good. id like to see some tighter fights but its been very entertaining and we havent even hit spike yet.
Let the GSP hate begin. "He's a boring fighter", "He never finishes fights", etc. I don't care. He's one of the few guys I enjoy watching fight a full 25 minutes. In most of his fights, he puts on a clinic. Against Jake Shields, the "great wrestler", he stuffed every takedown attempt, took HIM down twice, and outclassed him on the feet...all with ONE EYE.

Sure, he looked banged up after the fight, but can Shields really say he executed his gameplan in that fight? No way. I had GSP winning all five rounds, but would have accepted a 49-46 score (with Shields taking round 5). The judges who gave two rounds to Shields must have been high though. The most dangerous part of his game was non-existent and he never put any combinations together. I don't even know if he landed more than ten solid strikes the whole fight. Jake Shields is just not on GSP's level. Bring on Nick Diaz.
I had the GSP fight at a draw. Shields clearly won rounds 4 and 5. This is why when you're challenging you have to be aggressive. I'm ok with judges giving 3 of 5 rounds though. Fight was so so overall. After this fight though I think they really have to rethink throwing GSP against Anderson Silva. I'd like to see Shields GSP II.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Let the GSP hate begin. "He's a boring fighter", "He never finishes fights", etc. I don't care. He's one of the few guys I enjoy watching fight a full 25 minutes. In most of his fights, he puts on a clinic. Against Jake Shields, the "great wrestler", he stuffed every takedown attempt, took HIM down twice, and outclassed him on the feet...all with ONE EYE.

Sure, he looked banged up after the fight, but can Shields really say he executed his gameplan in that fight? No way. I had GSP winning all five rounds, but would have accepted a 49-46 score (with Shields taking round 5). The judges who gave two rounds to Shields must have been high though. The most dangerous part of his game was non-existent and he never put any combinations together. I don't even know if he landed more than ten solid strikes the whole fight. Jake Shields is just not on GSP's level. Bring on Nick Diaz.[/QUOTE]

if shields wasnt on gsps level he shouldve finished him or made a significant attempt besides throwing the overhand and that head kick.

The dude is good, its just frustrating to see him fight down to another fighters level, he shouldve finished hardy, he shouldve finished kos, and he shouldve finished shields.

I get that theyre tough guys, but when he dominates these fights and seems so content to put himself at the absolute minimum risk and coast to decisions its frustrating.

GSP is capable, hes finished very very good fighters in the past, people want to see more of that.

edit - rory macdonald looked great, who shoudl he fight next? im looking forward to seeing more of his fights.
I don't want to sound like a jerk but how the hell did Shields clearly won round 4? He got put on his back and also got dropped by a head kick. The fight should have been scored 50-45 by all three judges. I don't know why the two other judges scored it 48-47.
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[quote name='paz9x']if shields wasnt on gsps level he shouldve finished him or made a significant attempt besides throwing the overhand and that head kick.

The dude is good, its just frustrating to see him fight down to another fighters level, he shouldve finished hardy, he shouldve finished kos, and he shouldve finished shields.

I get that theyre tough guys, but when he dominates these fights and seems so content to put himself at the absolute minimum risk and coast to decisions its frustrating.

GSP is capable, hes finished very very good fighters in the past, people want to see more of that.[/QUOTE]

I get it, but GSP has said he's not going to put himself at risk to try to finish fights. Sure, you have guys like Chris Leben or Forrest Griffin who are completely ok with losing and just exchanging haymakers the entire fight. But that's not smart fighting. What GSP does is make the other fighter look like an amateur by not allowing him to execute his gameplan. I enjoy watching that. In my opinion, it's humiliating for the other fighter. Jake Shields should have been humiliated that he couldn't take GSP down. And the other thing is, when you beat someone for 25 minutes, they can't claim that you got "lucky" or whatever. Shields did better than a lot of guys GSP has faced, but he was still dominated.

It's not even like an Anderson Silva thing when Silva would just sit back and wait on the other fighter, dancing around like an idiot. GSP was constantly active, constantly landing punches, just not taking any huge risks. Meanwhile, Shields looked uncomfortable and slow for most of that fight. What gets me is that Shields didn't fight with any desperation toward the end. Did he actually think he was winning? In my opinion, Shields never tried to win the fight at all. He did the exact same thing GSP did, but was much crappier at it. All I meant by Shields not being on GSP's level is that GSP was never not in control of the fight or in any real danger. If you want to beat him, those things need to change.

EDIT - You also have to remember GSP couldn't see out of his left eye from Rd 2 on. He'd have to be out of his mind to do anything but play it safe and outpoint him after that happened.
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[quote name='n8rockerasu']I get it, but GSP has said he's not going to put himself at risk to try to finish fights. Sure, you have guys like Chris Leben or Forrest Griffin who are completely ok with losing and just exchanging haymakers the entire fight. But that's not smart fighting. What GSP does is make the other fighter look like an amateur by not allowing him to execute his gameplan. I enjoy watching that. In my opinion, it's humiliating for the other fighter. Jake Shields should have been humiliated that he couldn't take GSP down. And the other thing is, when you beat someone for 25 minutes, they can't claim that you got "lucky" or whatever. Shields did better than a lot of guys GSP has faced, but he was still dominated.

It's not even like an Anderson Silva thing when Silva would just sit back and wait on the other fighter, dancing around like an idiot. GSP was constantly active, constantly landing punches, just not taking any huge risks. Meanwhile, Shields looked uncomfortable and slow for most of that fight. What gets me is that Shields didn't fight with any desperation toward the end. Did he actually think he was winning? In my opinion, Shields never tried to win the fight at all. He did the exact same thing GSP did, but was much crappier at it. All I meant by Shields not being on GSP's level is that GSP was never not in control of the fight or in any real danger. If you want to beat him, those things need to change.

EDIT - You also have to remember GSP couldn't see out of his left eye from Rd 2 on. He'd have to be out of his mind to do anything but play it safe and outpoint him after that happened.[/QUOTE]

I get what youre saying, I dont even really disagree. I havent been one to criticize him in the past nor am I one that thinks hes boring or a lnp fighter.
its like seeing ryan howard content to bunt and hit grounders while playing against a college team. You know the guy has more in him, but youre only seeing just enough to win.

Im not comparing him to guys like leben, thats silly. He is a legitimate top fighter in the world with more skills than nearly every other fighter out there. fans dont want to see him go out and throw haymakers until someone hits the mat, they want to see him try and put guys away. The hardy fight seemed like he couldve done it a couple times, but whatever hardy is tough, he was trying, now kos had his damn eye shut for 4 rounds and he wouldnt engage with anything beyond his jab. GSP can strike, on kos best day gsp should be able to soundly put him away standing. but he didnt, he was content to ride out the sure decision while his opponent couldnt see.

In my opinion he is a good enough fighter to be more aggressive in pursuit of putting guys away without being in constant danger.

I understand he had the eye deal, and if it was a one-time thing you wouldnt hear stuff like this but its disappointing. I really understand the eye issue, and I think Im being overly critical of this single performance.

It may be that the rest of the card was SO good that the disappointment of the main event was even greater.
[quote name='paz9x']its like seeing ryan howard content to bunt and hit grounders while playing against a college team. You know the guy has more in him, but youre only seeing just enough to win.[/QUOTE]

That's not really a fair comparison because Shields is supposedly one of the top WW fighters in the world. A better comparison is Ryan Howard getting a single against Roy Halladay as opposed to hitting a home run. He's still successful. It's just not as flashy. GSP is swinging for contact...not for power.

[quote name='paz9x']The hardy fight seemed like he couldve done it a couple times, but whatever hardy is tough, he was trying, now kos had his damn eye shut for 4 rounds and he wouldnt engage with anything beyond his jab. GSP can strike, on kos best day gsp should be able to soundly put him away standing. but he didnt, he was content to ride out the sure decision while his opponent couldnt see.[/QUOTE]

The Hardy fight, I agree, he SHOULD have ended that one. But to do it, he would have literally had to break Hardy's arm. I really think it caught GSP by surprise that Hardy didn't tap, and then he just let him get out of it. That was a mistake, and it shouldn't have happened, but at the end of the day, GSP is a nice guy.

As for Kos, he couldn't see, but he was still dangerous. Remember that saying about wounded animals? For that matter, you could turn the tables and ask Shields why he didn't put GSP away when HE couldn't see. Neither of them was willing to put themselves out there enough to risk getting stopped. It was basically a fencing match. But Shields had far more to prove. If he wanted the belt, he should have put it all out there and taken it. He didn't.

Like Dana White said, he's fighting top competition. If he was demolishing all of them, you'd have to wonder if they were really that good. I mean, Randy Couture is a great example. He'll finish with a record of 19-11, which in itself doesn't look that impressive (as dumb ass James Toney pointed out). But when you look at the guys he fought and how many title fights he was involved in, it makes for a damn impressive resume. GSP is doing the same thing...but with a better record! He's facing top notch guys and doing whatever he needs to do to win. It's not flashy, but it's effective. Would I like to see him KO guys or make them tap? Of course. But it would bother me more if he tried that and ended up getting KO'd himself. For that matter, why is GSP the one deciding how the fight will go? If another fighter wants his belt, they need to step up and dictate the pace.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']That's not really a fair comparison because Shields is supposedly one of the top WW fighters in the world. A better comparison is Ryan Howard getting a single against Roy Halladay as opposed to hitting a home run. He's still successful. It's just not as flashy. GSP is swinging for contact...not for power.

The Hardy fight, I agree, he SHOULD have ended that one. But to do it, he would have literally had to break Hardy's arm. I really think it caught GSP by surprise that Hardy didn't tap, and then he just let him get out of it. That was a mistake, and it shouldn't have happened, but at the end of the day, GSP is a nice guy.

As for Kos, he couldn't see, but he was still dangerous. Remember that saying about wounded animals? For that matter, you could turn the tables and ask Shields why he didn't put GSP away when HE couldn't see. Neither of them was willing to put themselves out there enough to risk getting stopped. It was basically a fencing match. But Shields had far more to prove. If he wanted the belt, he should have put it all out there and taken it. He didn't.

Like Dana White said, he's fighting top competition. If he was demolishing all of them, you'd have to wonder if they were really that good. I mean, Randy Couture is a great example. He'll finish with a record of 19-11, which in itself doesn't look that impressive (as dumb ass James Toney pointed out). But when you look at the guys he fought and how many title fights he was involved in, it makes for a damn impressive resume. GSP is doing the same thing...but with a better record! He's facing top notch guys and doing whatever he needs to do to win. It's not flashy, but it's effective. Would I like to see him KO guys or make them tap? Of course. But it would bother me more if he tried that and ended up getting KO'd himself. For that matter, why is GSP the one deciding how the fight will go? If another fighter wants his belt, they need to step up and dictate the pace.[/QUOTE]

I agree with almost all of that.

GSP did not fight to his ability against kos. he wouldnt even throw combos, he literally just jabbed his face into a basketball. Kos was beat in the first round, I didnt think it was boring seeing a jab dominate that fight, I just thought there was a gaping opportunity for more.

The alves and fitch fights were good examples of GSP fighting to his ability in my opinion. He outstruck alves soundly, he beat the shit out of fitch standing. Both of those guys are as dangerous as kos is, alves more so imo, but GSP took it to both of them.

I have no issue with those fights going to decision because he went after them. Its when It looks like he is trying to play it as safe as possible and coast to the decision.

edit - with regards to the howard comparison, its not like him hitting grounders off halladay, halladay is a badass, theyre equals. GSP and kos or shields or hardy are not equals, he is significantly better than them.
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Shields didn't show any desperation at the end, but I attribute that to GSP completely neutralizing his bread and butter takedown and ground game. If GSP can stop that and in turn take you down, what are you really going to do?

I let GSP off the hook constantly because he's at least respectfully engaging opponents. I've lived through Anderson Silva's shenanigans and Tim Sylvia's smother "offense"; championship reigns that have at times been really exasperating to watch. He's executing a game plan and nobody has stopped him since the Serra debacle (probably the epicenter for the shift to his "safe" style). Until somebody plays Sonnen to his Silva and really pushes him out of his comfort zone, does he really have to prove anything?

If technique was valued by the majority, sports like Olympic wrestling and judo would be hot ticket pro events as well. 7 or 8 out of 10 paying people expect to watch two guys punching the every living daylights out of each other. It's a hard truth.
[quote name='ced']Until somebody plays Sonnen to his Silva and really pushes him out of his comfort zone, does he really have to prove anything[/QUOTE]

That's what I thought too. If you want the belt, come take it. When Jon Jones beat Shogun, he didn't lay back and let Shogun dictate the pace of the fight. He went out and took what he believed was his. Any other challenger who doesn't have that mentality might as well not show up.
GSP quite honestly disappointed me yet again. His face was busted up by a poor striker with no punching power and he got hit too often considering he is known to be a much better striker then Shields. Although, GSP fought like I expected and that didn't surprise me, but why did Shields refuse to start shooting? Even after getting knocked down with a HEAD KICK, he still didn't begin to shoot aggressively; Shields let a very win-able fight go, and if Jake would have gotten GSP down I have little doubt he would have dominated and won the fight.

I think we all know what the higher tier middleweight guys would do to GSP. I would like to think even Jon Fitch would have a shot this time around, but I think he would just get humped to death this time. In any case, GSP won't move up to middleweight anyway, he does not want to fight Anderson (I think we all know what the result of that fight would be).

Aldo/Hominick was interesting. Aldo looked OK considering he cut the weight badly and was coming off a pretty serious injury to his spine. He gassed out, but his takedowns and striking still looked quite good, although I was severely disappointed with his lack of action in the 5th round (on his back). I do suspect he was just waiting the fight out though, because he knew he had the fight won on the cards.

Ellenberger looked very good, and I am still a big fan of his. Rory MacDonald put on a freakin' boring fight, but looked solid. His wrestling and striking are OK, but I still don't trust his chin and overall submission defense. I expect to see him turn into a GSP-like fighter who is safe everytime he steps into the cage.

P.S. On a sidenote, if the UFC signs Nick Diaz (and I expect it), I think Diaz will beat GSP. Diaz will walk through whatever GSP can dish out and throw 3 times the punches. More then likely GSP would attempt to lay and pray on Diaz, but Nick is quite good off of his back these days and could very well pull out a submission. I wouldn't be surprised to see Diaz get signed and get an immediate title shot, everyone knows he deserves it.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']
Rory MacDonald put on a freakin' boring fight, but looked solid. His wrestling and striking are OK, but I still don't trust his chin and overall submission defense. I expect to see him turn into a GSP-like fighter who is safe everytime he steps into the cage.

How was his fight with Diaz boring? He suplexed him THREE times in the 3rd round! How often have you ever seen that?
[quote name='cgarb84']How was his fight with Diaz boring? He suplexed him THREE times in the 3rd round! How often have you ever seen that?[/QUOTE]

I enjoyed that fight, no idea how it could be boring.
[quote name='ced'] Until somebody plays Sonnen to his Silva and really pushes him out of his comfort zone, does he really have to prove anything?

If technique was valued by the majority, sports like Olympic wrestling and judo would be hot ticket pro events as well. 7 or 8 out of 10 paying people expect to watch two guys punching the every living daylights out of each other. It's a hard truth.[/QUOTE]

Hes already proved hes capable of more than hes shown recently. Theres no question hes an extremely talented fighter. Hes so much better I cant figure out why he feels he has to be so safe that he cant throw even a 3 strike combo.

Thats why leonard garcia has a job, for some reason swinging your arms around wildly excites people.
I think it sucks. I want to see technique.
I was dreaming wed see shields and gsp roll, that wouldve been awesome (i understand why gsp avoided that, im not saying he shouldve).

That was a great card, I cant believe how good every fight but the last one were. I cant think of a card that turned out so entertaining from the first prelim on.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']GSP quite honestly disappointed me yet again. His face was busted up by a poor striker with no punching power and he got hit too often considering he is known to be a much better striker then Shields.[/QUOTE]

Only because he lost vision in his left eye. Even with impaired vision GSP managed to drop and outstriked Shields. The guy went four rounds without full vision and still manage to get the job done.
[quote name='cgarb84']How was his fight with Diaz boring? He suplexed him THREE times in the 3rd round! How often have you ever seen that?[/QUOTE]

Agreed. No idea what krakrabbit was smoking during this fight...oh, wait. :)

[quote name='blueweltall']Only because he lost vision in his left eye. Even with impaired vision GSP managed to drop and outstriked Shields. The guy went four rounds without full vision and still manage to get the job done.[/QUOTE]

Again, I feel people are undervaluing this issue. Try closing one eye and see how your depth perception is. You could tell the eye was really bothering GSP as he was almost panicking between rounds 2 and 3 (Greg Jackson had to tell him to calm down and "find your center"). If Shields were a better fighter, he would have capitalized on that and brought the fight to him.
[quote name='n8rockerasu'] If Shields were a better fighter, he would have capitalized on that and brought the fight to him.[/QUOTE]

Needs to be changed from "fighter" to "stand up fighter." Shields is still a solid ground based fighter. First lost in almost 7 years says something about your legacy. If you ever watch his previous fights, Shields is always losing in points. He tries to let the person make their own mistake, too bad for him, GSP didn't make any.

GSP and Shields had too much respect for each other's ground game. Then we learned that without GSP's takedown's he is just an standard striker, no where near the level of Anderson Silva.

I enjoyed the fight, maybe not as exciting as people wanted it to be, but we found out that GSP is human, mutant brains give you more will power, spinning backfists are still awesome and karate crane kicks actually work.
[quote name='j-cart'] Then we learned that without GSP's takedown's he is just an standard striker, no where near the level of Anderson Silva.

While he may not be near the striker silva is, I disagree with him being a standard striker. he may have only shown his jab in his last two fights, but he is a very very good striker.

watch the hieron fight, the alves fight, the fitch fight, the 2nd serra fight, the 2nd bj fight, the 2nd hughes fight. The guy is a solid solid striker.

His ability in that aspect was severly limited by the eye, that and hes gun shy. the skill is definitely there.
[quote name='paz9x']Hes already proved hes capable of more than hes shown recently. Theres no question hes an extremely talented fighter. Hes so much better I cant figure out why he feels he has to be so safe that he cant throw even a 3 strike combo.[/QUOTE]

Like I said earlier, I think the Serra knockout loss for the belt truly altered his mindset. Getting KO'ed by a journeyman fighter in your first title defense probably would fuck with most fighters heads. Since that happened as he was breaking through into elite fighter status, I would say that would explain why he fights so "zero room for error" safe nowadays.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']
P.S. On a sidenote, if the UFC signs Nick Diaz (and I expect it), I think Diaz will beat GSP. Diaz will walk through whatever GSP can dish out and throw 3 times the punches. More then likely GSP would attempt to lay and pray on Diaz, but Nick is quite good off of his back these days and could very well pull out a submission. I wouldn't be surprised to see Diaz get signed and get an immediate title shot, everyone knows he deserves it.[/QUOTE]
I'd still go with GSP.The Diaz's always have had trouble with elite wrestlers with good submission defense and to be quite frank Diaz just hasn't been facing them.GSP via 5 round unanimous decision.That said I wouldn't mind seeing Nick back in the UFC.The welterweight division is pretty much cleared out at the moment except for rematches and over at Strikeforce its starting to be in a similar situation with the only contender I can think of is Tyron Woodley.
[quote name='Magiblaze']I'd still go with GSP.The Diaz's always have had trouble with elite wrestlers with good submission defense and to be quite frank Diaz just hasn't been facing them.GSP via 5 round unanimous decision.That said I wouldn't mind seeing Nick back in the UFC.The welterweight division is pretty much cleared out at the moment except for rematches and over at Strikeforce its starting to be in a similar situation with the only contender I can think of is Tyron Woodley.[/QUOTE]

You sir are dead on. Diaz's achille's heel is elite wrestlers.
[quote name='paz9x']I enjoyed that fight, no idea how it could be boring.[/QUOTE]

MacDonald did very little more then play it super safe on the feet and when he wrestled Diaz, not even go into his guard because he was so scared of the ground. Now, like I said he fought smart and that's a good thing, but that doesn't mean it was exciting.

P.S. The suplexes alone did not make the fight for me. Awesome suplexes in the third, but other then that a lackluster bout IMO.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Again, I feel people are undervaluing this issue. Try closing one eye and see how your depth perception is. You could tell the eye was really bothering GSP as he was almost panicking between rounds 2 and 3 (Greg Jackson had to tell him to calm down and "find your center"). If Shields were a better fighter, he would have capitalized on that and brought the fight to him.[/QUOTE]

The eye injury was a problem, but GSP really panicked when he got injured. I question his heart honestly, considering he was having a heart attack about his groin injury too (although that one is more serious). I agree about Shields not taking advantage of GSP slowing down because of the injury, but I don't know why he was striking for 5 rounds in the first place. Obviously his head wasn't right for the fight and he wasn't following any kind of gameplan.
[quote name='paz9x']While he may not be near the striker silva is, I disagree with him being a standard striker. he may have only shown his jab in his last two fights, but he is a very very good striker.

watch the hieron fight, the alves fight, the fitch fight, the 2nd serra fight, the 2nd bj fight, the 2nd hughes fight. The guy is a solid solid striker.

His ability in that aspect was severly limited by the eye, that and hes gun shy. the skill is definitely there.[/QUOTE]

The skill is there indeed, I agree. GSP is fast and his kicks can be devastating, but he is always worried about getting put on his back or hit on the chin because of his iffy BJJ off his back and poor chin. Its clear why he fights the way he does. Effective, but he loses fans everytime he fights because he keeps putting the arena to sleep.
GSP again makes his opponent look completely outclassed, no surprises there. Someone shoulda told Jake Shields you can't out-wrestle the best wrestler in MMA.

GSP would smother Diaz to death so I don't see that being a great fight.
GSP has a good chance to do the same to Anderson as well though the size difference makes this more interesting.

I'm glad to see Menjivar back in the octagon and in good form. I'm hoping we'll see more awesome from him in the future.

Aldo just didn't seem himself and even then was clearly way too much for Hominick. My guess is several people bowed out of the fight giving Hominick the chance to step up so props to his courage.

Fight I wants:

GSP Anderson
Bones Anderson
Bones Rashad
Okami Anderson
Melendez Edgar
Diaz Koschek
Barnett Overeem
Barnett Fedor
[quote name='Kuroi Kaze']GSP again makes his opponent look completely outclassed, no surprises there. Someone shoulda told Jake Shields you can't out-wrestle the best wrestler in MMA.

GSP would smother Diaz to death so I don't see that being a great fight.
GSP has a good chance to do the same to Anderson as well though the size difference makes this more interesting.

I'm glad to see Menjivar back in the octagon and in good form. I'm hoping we'll see more awesome from him in the future.

Aldo just didn't seem himself and even then was clearly way too much for Hominick. My guess is several people bowed out of the fight giving Hominick the chance to step up so props to his courage.

Fight I wants:

GSP Anderson
Bones Anderson
Bones Rashad
Okami Anderson
Melendez Edgar
Diaz Koschek
Barnett Overeem
Barnett Fedor[/QUOTE]

If GSP would "smother" Diaz, which I'm not certain he could do for 5 rounds without getting caught in something, then why couldn't Josh Koscheck? He is arguably more of a lay and prayer then GSP is.

In any case, I just wanted to mention that Shields was not "outclassed". The scores were close and GSP took solid damage in the fight and on the feet for 5 rounds. Shields was unimpressive, but GSP even more so IMO.
jake shields looked like a complete amateur in there with gsp. outclassed is the only word i have for the terrible display that these two put on. gsp unfortunately really didn't seem interested in finishing the fight early and coasted to a decision with a poked eye and lazy overhand rights. safe gsp wins but it lacks any excitement or drama.

i don't think kos is as good of a wrestler and doesn't quite have the sub defense of gsp so i think him vs. diaz is a more interesting fight cause diaz has a much better chance. plus i just hate kos and want to see him lose.

i think cain vs. brock and bones vs. shogun were the last championship fights in the ufc that weren't 25 minute decisions. hell if you look at jones and cain's records they hardly have any decisions. these are the champions the ufc needs to stay exciting.
[quote name='Kuroi Kaze']jake shields looked like a complete amateur in there with gsp. outclassed is the only word i have for the terrible display that these two put on. gsp unfortunately really didn't seem interested in finishing the fight early and coasted to a decision with a poked eye and lazy overhand rights. safe gsp wins but it lacks any excitement or drama.

i don't think kos is as good of a wrestler and doesn't quite have the sub defense of gsp so i think him vs. diaz is a more interesting fight cause diaz has a much better chance. plus i just hate kos and want to see him lose.

i think cain vs. brock and bones vs. shogun were the last championship fights in the ufc that weren't 25 minute decisions. hell if you look at jones and cain's records they hardly have any decisions. these are the champions the ufc needs to stay exciting.[/QUOTE]

I agree with this entire post.
[quote name='Kuroi Kaze']jake shields looked like a complete amateur in there with gsp. outclassed is the only word i have for the terrible display that these two put on. gsp unfortunately really didn't seem interested in finishing the fight early and coasted to a decision with a poked eye and lazy overhand rights. safe gsp wins but it lacks any excitement or drama.

i don't think kos is as good of a wrestler and doesn't quite have the sub defense of gsp so i think him vs. diaz is a more interesting fight cause diaz has a much better chance. plus i just hate kos and want to see him lose.

i think cain vs. brock and bones vs. shogun were the last championship fights in the ufc that weren't 25 minute decisions. hell if you look at jones and cain's records they hardly have any decisions. these are the champions the ufc needs to stay exciting.[/QUOTE]

Don't forget Aldo. Before Hominick he didn't just beat, he savagely brutalized all the contenders. The only other person that went to decision was Faber but he was completely broken by the end.
[quote name='paz9x']id like to see condit fight diaz..[/QUOTE]
I've wanted to see this fight for some time.Has FOTN all over it.In a lot of ways they're very similar.

  1. Good strikers.
  2. Great cardio
  3. Great jit jutsu
  4. Great chins
These two seem content they'd just let it go in a boxing match,would be fun to watch.

Aldo has 2 25-min decisions under his belt so the jury is out on his legacy as a finishing champ. If you fight Cain Velasquez SPOILER ALERT you are probably gonna get TKO(Punches) since he finishes that way 90% of the time. We'll see how he handles opponents as a champion, though. The same goes for Bones though he hasn't been to a decision in two years.

I think I'd rather see Condit and Diaz mix it up with the guys who are "above" them on the contenders list rather than fight each other and not move up at all.
[quote name='Kuroi Kaze']
I think I'd rather see Condit and Diaz mix it up with the guys who are "above" them on the contenders list rather than fight each other and not move up at all.[/QUOTE]

sometimes I just want to see a good fight regardless of how it reflects on the rankings. Though id imagien the winner of that fight would move up, I cant see how theyd be stagnant fighting each other, theyre both very good fighters and would be a quality win. You could argue beating condit would be diaz's biggest win since gomi.
[quote name='Kuroi Kaze']Aldo has 2 25-min decisions under his belt so the jury is out on his legacy as a finishing champ. If you fight Cain Velasquez SPOILER ALERT you are probably gonna get TKO(Punches) since he finishes that way 90% of the time. We'll see how he handles opponents as a champion, though. The same goes for Bones though he hasn't been to a decision in two years.

I think I'd rather see Condit and Diaz mix it up with the guys who are "above" them on the contenders list rather than fight each other and not move up at all.[/QUOTE]

I know you're not saying Aldo could be a decision guy because he was sick for the Hominick fight and before that only had one decision to the super tough Faber (who Aldo carried the 5 round distance anyway).

Also, I don't think Diaz should fight Condit. I think both are deserving of title shots (maybe Condit after one more decent win, Diaz right now) but I wouldn't have them fight each other.

P.S. Velasquez is a big hitter on the feet, but his ground and pound is pitiful. Look at the Kongo fight, where he pitty-pat Kongo for 3 rounds on the mat. Soon after, Frank Mir basically KO'd Kongo with one punch.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']I know you're not saying Aldo could be a decision guy because he was sick for the Hominick fight and before that only had one decision to the super tough Faber (who Aldo carried the 5 round distance anyway).

Also, I don't think Diaz should fight Condit. I think both are deserving of title shots (maybe Condit after one more decent win, Diaz right now) but I wouldn't have them fight each other.

P.S. Velasquez is a big hitter on the feet, but his ground and pound is pitiful. Look at the Kongo fight, where he pitty-pat Kongo for 3 rounds on the mat. Soon after, Frank Mir basically KO'd Kongo with one punch.[/QUOTE]

I thought people were done with this Velasquez punching power trash after he destroyed Brock. Once he rocked Brock on the feet his ground and pound didn't look too bad to me. :whistle2:k
I'd look past the Kongo fight.Kongo himself has a pretty good chin and even though he got dropped by Mir he was getting back up until Mir pounced and slapped on a guillotine.Mir himself has improved his striking tons from where it use to be.Velasquez also has some pretty good knees on the ground so watch out for those.
[quote name='bg88']I thought people were done with this Velasquez punching power trash after he destroyed Brock. Once he rocked Brock on the feet his ground and pound didn't look too bad to me. :whistle2:k[/QUOTE]

My opinion is that Velasquez has improved tremendously since the Kongo fight. At his age, there's no reason to think he hasn't gotten better. He was an up and comer then. He's the real deal champion now. If he fought Kongo again, he'd kill him.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']My opinion is that Velasquez has improved tremendously since the Kongo fight. At his age, there's no reason to think he hasn't gotten better. He was an up and comer then. He's the real deal champion now. If he fought Kongo again, he'd kill him.[/QUOTE]

I agree. I think it was a mechanical adjustment. realistically a guy that like that has power, he wasnt throwing to land that power in earlier fights.

As a fighter the guy is awesome, i appreciate his style, drive to improve, and his willingness to fight.
[quote name='paz9x']I agree. I think it was a mechanical adjustment. realistically a guy that like that has power, he wasnt throwing to land that power in earlier fights.

As a fighter the guy is awesome, i appreciate his style, drive to improve, and his willingness to fight.[/QUOTE]

Velasquez's is American Top Team's best fighter by far, and I have been seeing solid improvements. Good chin, good conditioning, great wrestling and devastating punching power.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']Velasquez's is American Top Team's best fighter by far, and I have been seeing solid improvements. Good chin, good conditioning, great wrestling and devastating punching power.[/QUOTE]


No question he is their best fighter.
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